Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics - 11th Edition - by Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston  Jr., David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell, Brian Self - ISBN 9780073398242

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics...
11th Edition
Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell, Brian Self
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780073398242

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Chapter 3.4 - Simplifying Systems Of ForcesChapter 4 - Equilibrium Of Rigid BodiesChapter 4.1 - Equilibrium In Two DimensionsChapter 4.2 - Two Special CasesChapter 4.3 - Equillibrium In Three DimensionsChapter 5 - Distributed Forces: Centroids Abd Centers Of GravityChapter 5.1 - Planar Centers Of Gravity And CentroidsChapter 5.2 - Further Considerations Of CentroidsChapter 5.3 - Additional Applications Of CentroidsChapter 5.4 - Centers Of Gravity And Centroids Of VolumesChapter 6 - Analysis Of StructuresChapter 6.1 - Analysis Of TrussesChapter 6.2 - Other Truss AnalysesChapter 6.3 - FramesChapter 6.4 - MachinesChapter 7 - Internal Forces And MomentsChapter 7.1 - Internal Forces In MembersChapter 7.2 - BeamsChapter 7.3 - Relations Among Load, Shear, And Bending MomentChapter 7.4 - CablesChapter 7.5 - Catenary CablesChapter 8 - FrictionChapter 8.1 - The Laws Of Dry FrictionChapter 8.2 - Wedges And ScrewsChapter 8.3 - Friction On Axles, Disks, And WheelsChapter 8.4 - Belt FrictionChapter 9 - Distributed Forces: Moments Of InertiaChapter 9.1 - Moments Of Inertia Of AreasChapter 9.2 - Parallel-axis Theorem And Composite AreasChapter 9.3 - Transformation Of Moments Of InertiaChapter 9.4 - Mohr's Circle For Moments Of InertiaChapter 9.5 - Mass Moments Of InertiaChapter 9.6 - Additional Concepts Of Mass Moments Of InertiaChapter 10 - Method Of Virtual WorkChapter 10.1 - The Basic MethodChapter 10.2 - Work, Potential Energy, And StabilityChapter 11 - Kinematics Of ParticlesChapter 11.1 - Rectilinear Motion Of ParticlesChapter 11.2 - Special Cases And Relative MotionChapter 11.3 - Graphical SolutionsChapter 11.4 - Curvilinear Motion Of ParticlesChapter 11.5 - Non-rectangular ComponentsChapter 12 - Kinetics Of Particles: Newton’s Second LawChapter 12.1 - Newton’s Second Law And Linear MomentumChapter 12.2 - Angular Momentum And Orbital MotionChapter 12.3 - Applications Of Central-force MotionChapter 13 - Kinetics Of Particles: Energy And Momentum MethodsChapter 13.1 - Work And EnergyChapter 13.2 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 13.3 - Impulse And MomentumChapter 13.4 - ImpactsChapter 14 - Systems Of ParticlesChapter 14.1 - Applying Newton’s Second Law And Momentum Principles To Systems Of ParticlesChapter 14.2 - Energy And Momentum Methods For A System Of ParticlesChapter 14.3 - Variable Systems Of ParticlesChapter 15 - Kinematics Of Rigid BodiesChapter 15.1 - Translation And Fixed-axis RotationChapter 15.2 - General Plane Motion: VelocityChapter 15.3 - Instantaneous Center Of RotationChapter 15.4 - General Plane Motion: AccelerationChapter 15.5 - Analyzing Motion With Respect To A Rotating FrameChapter 15.6 - Motion Of A Rigid Body In SpaceChapter 15.7 - Motion Relative To A Moving Reference FrameChapter 16 - Plane Motion Of Rigid Bodies: Forces And AccelerationsChapter 16.1 - Kinetics Of A Rigid BodyChapter 16.2 - Constrained Plane MotionChapter 17 - Plane Motion Of Rigid Bodies: Energy And Momentum MethodsChapter 17.1 - Energy Methods For A Rigid BodyChapter 17.2 - Momentum Methods For A Rigid BodyChapter 17.3 - Eccentric ImpactChapter 18 - Kinetics Of Rigid Bodies In Three DimensionsChapter 18.1 - Energy And Momentum Of A Rigid BodyChapter 18.2 - Motion Of A Rigid Body In Three DimensionsChapter 18.3 - Motion Of A GyroscopeChapter 19 - Mechanical VibrationsChapter 19.1 - Vibrations Without DampingChapter 19.2 - Free Vibrations Of Rigid BodiesChapter 19.3 - Applying The Principle Of Conservation Of EnergyChapter 19.4 - Forced VibrationsChapter 19.5 - Damped Vibrations

Book Details

Continuing in the spirit of its successful previous editions, the eleventh edition of Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, and Cornwell's Vector Mechanics for Engineers provides conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a significant refreshment of the exercise sets and online delivery of homework problems to your students. Nearly forty percent of the problems in the text are changed from the previous edition. The Beer/Johnston textbooks introduced significant pedagogical innovations into engineering mechanics teaching. The consistent, accurate problem-solving methodology gives your students the best opportunity to learn statics and dynamics. At the same time, the careful presentation of content, unmatched levels of accuracy, and attention to detail have made these texts the standard for excellence.

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Chapter 2.5, Problem 2.107PChapter 2.5, Problem 2.112PChapter 2.5, Problem 2.115PGiven information: The force (FA) in member A is 15 kN at an angle (φ) is 40° with the vertical...Given information: The weight (W) is 376 N. Calculation: Draw the free body diagram of point A as in...Chapter 3.1, Problem 3.5PChapter 3.1, Problem 3.9PGiven information: The tension in the wire (F) is 435 N. The distance between corner D to corner E...Given information: The length of the vertical rod CD (lCD) is 23 inch. The length of the rod AB...Given information: The length of the vertical rod CD (lCD) is 23 inch. The length of the rod AB...Given information: The length of the vertical rod CD (lCD) is 23 inch. The length of the rod AB...Given information: The applied force at point B (FB) is 40 N. The applied force at point C (FC) is...Given information: The two vertical forces (M3) is 10 N. The inclined force acting at point B (FB)...Chapter 3.3, Problem 3.85P(a) Draw the free body diagram of the beam (a) as Figure (1). Refer Figure (1). Calculate the...Chapter 3.4, Problem 3.104PChapter 3.4, Problem 3.120PWrite the equation of the distance between AC. dAC=r12+r22+r32 (I) Here, the distance between AC is...Chapter 3, Problem 3.147RPThe z-component of the replaced equivalent couple M2z is zero, magnitude of F1 is 77 N and moment M1...Chapter 4.1, Problem 4.20PChapter 4.1, Problem 4.23PTake vectors along positive x and y axis are positive. Let A is the reaction at the point A , B is...Given information: The value of angle is α=0. Assumption: Apply the sign convention for calculating...Given information: The size of the identical plates is 500 mm×750 mm. Number of plates is 8. The...Given information: The magnitude of the force P=100 lb. Calculation: Assumption: Apply the sign...Chapter 4.2, Problem 4.69PChapter 4.2, Problem 4.71PChapter 4.2, Problem 4.90PChapter 4.3, Problem 4.105PChapter 4.3, Problem 4.106PChapter 4.3, Problem 4.107PGiven information: The length of the flag pole AC is 10 ft. The inclination of the flag pole AC is...The tension in the cable DCE can be represented as TCD and TCE respectively. The total tension on...The free-body diagram is shown in figure 1. The weight of the truck is 3200 lb and it is lifting...The free-body diagram is shown in figure 1. Write the expression for the tension in the cable....Chapter 5.1, Problem 5.16PChapter 5.1, Problem 5.17PChapter 5.1, Problem 5.29PChapter 5.2, Problem 5.43PChapter 5.2, Problem 5.44PChapter 5.2, Problem 5.48PChapter 5.3, Problem 5.80PGiven that the width of the dam section w is 1 ft. The height of the dam at the point C is h=18 ft....Sketch the free body diagram of the dam as shown in the Figure 1. Write the equation for the...Refer Fig. P5.21 and Fig. 1. Let the element of volume of the disk be of radius r and thickness dx....Chapter 5.4, Problem 5.132PChapter 5.4, Problem 5.133PRefer Figure 1 and Figure 2. Consider an elemental section of the given section. Write an expression...Chapter 5, Problem 5.137RPChapter 5, Problem 5.138RPThe free-body diagram of the entire truss is shown in figure 1. Refer to figure 1 and use symmetry....The free-body diagram of the entire truss is shown in figure 1. Refer to figure 1 and use symmetry....Chapter 6.1, Problem 6.38PChapter 6.1, Problem 6.39PChapter 6.2, Problem 6.57PChapter 6.2, Problem 6.70PChapter 6.2, Problem 6.74PChapter 6.3, Problem 6.88PChapter 6.3, Problem 6.89PGiven information: Consider the diameter of the pipe is d=3 ft. Then, The radius of the pipe is...Chapter 6.3, Problem 6.120PChapter 6.3, Problem 6.121PChapter 6.4, Problem 6.157PTake all vectors along the x axis and y axis as positive. Let P is the force exerted on the bucket...Chapter 6.4, Problem 6.161PChapter 6.4, Problem 6.162PChapter 6, Problem 6.164RPChapter 6, Problem 6.165RPSketch the free body diagram for the 10 ft section of the pipe as shown in the Figure 1. Write the...Chapter 7.1, Problem 7.18PAssumptions: Apply the sign convention for calculating the equations of equilibrium as below. For...Assumption: Apply the sign convention for calculating the equations of equilibrium as below: For the...Assumption: Apply the sign convention for calculating the equations of equilibrium as below. For the...Assumption: Apply the sign convention for calculating the equations of equilibrium as below: For the...Given information: The bending moment at point D is MD=+6.10 kip-ft. The bending moment at point E...Given information: The bending moment at point D is MD=+5.96 kip-ft. The bending moment at point E...The free body diagram for the portion AC is depicted below: Refer fig 1, Write the equation of net...Given information: The value of distance is dC=3 m. Assumption: Apply the sign convention for...The figure 1 below shows the cable and which makes the curve due the load w. Write the expression...Given information: The length of the cable AB is L=10 ft. The value of angle θ is 30°. The collar at...Given information: The length of the cable AB is L=10 ft. The value of angle θ is 45°. The collar at...Chapter 7, Problem 7.154RPGiven information: The moment applied at A is M=0. Calculation: Show the free-body diagram of the...Chapter 8.1, Problem 8.13PGiven information: The mass of the package A, B, and C is mA=mB=mC=4 kg. The static coefficient of...Chapter 8.1, Problem 8.37PChapter 8.1, Problem 8.42PChapter 8.1, Problem 8.43PChapter 8.2, Problem 8.64PChapter 8.2, Problem 8.65PWrite the equation of the magnitude of the couple as follows; M=23μkPsinθR23−R13R22−R12 Here, the...Chapter 8.3, Problem 8.97PChapter 8.4, Problem 8.118PGiven information: The mass of the block C is mC=100 kg. The coefficient of static friction is...Chapter 8.4, Problem 8.121PChapter 8, Problem 8.134RPGiven information: The weight of the cabinet is W=120 lb. The coefficient of static friction between...Given information: The equation of the upper segment is y=mx+b. The equation of the lower curve is...Given information: The equation of the curve is y2=c+k2x2 The equation of the curve is y1=k1x2...Chapter 9.1, Problem 9.24PShow the centroidal location of the given section as Figure 1. Consider x axis. Consider the section...Calculation: Show the area with parts of the section as Figure 1. Calculate the centroid of the area...Chapter 9.2, Problem 9.48PChapter 9.3, Problem 9.79PChapter 9.3, Problem 9.82PSketch the cross section as shown in Figure 1. Express the product of inertia as shown below:...Calculation: Sketch the cross section shown in Figure 1. Refer to Figure 1. Find the area (A1) of...Given information: The height of the section is 1.5a. The width of the section is a. The length of...Given information: The thickness (t) of the anchor is 0.05 in. The specific weight (γ) of the...Chapter 9.5, Problem 9.145PGiven information: The mass of the cylinder is denoted by m. The length of the circular cylinder is...Calculation: Refer to problem 9.145 and 9.149. Ix=26.4325×10−3 kg⋅m2Iy=31.1726×10−3...Given information: Refer Problem 9.168. Show the moment of inertia as follows:...Chapter 9, Problem 9.185RPSketch the cross section as shown in Figure 1. Refer to Figure 9.13. The moment of inertia I¯x about...Given information: The spring constant is k=15 kN/m. Calculation: Show the free-body diagram of the...Chapter 10.1, Problem 10.6PGiven information: The magnitude of the force P is 4 kN. The distance between the point A and B is...Chapter 10.1, Problem 10.22PFind the force at A; Show the free-body diagram of the continuous beam as in Figure 1. Consider the...Given information: The weight of the slender rod AB is W=300 lb. The length of the slender rod AB is...Chapter 10.2, Problem 10.97PGiven information: The system is in equilibrium when θ1=θ2=0. The length of the bars AB and BC is...Given information: The system is in equilibrium when θ1=θ2=0. The value of spring constant is k=20...Chapter 10, Problem 10.101RPChapter 11.1, Problem 11.4PChapter 11.1, Problem 11.25PChapter 11.1, Problem 11.29PChapter 11.2, Problem 11.57PGiven information: The relative change in position of block C with respect to block A (yC/A) is 280...Chapter 11.3, Problem 11.61PChapter 11.3, Problem 11.64PGiven information: The given position vector of vibrating particle (r) is...Chapter 11.4, Problem 11.96PChapter 11.4, Problem 11.121PGiven Information: The small boat travel north at the speed (vB)y of 5 km/h at an angle (θ) of 50°...Chapter 11.5, Problem 11.141PGiven Information: The three dimensional motion of a particle is defined by the position vector is...Chapter 11.5, Problem 11.163PChapter 11.5, Problem 11.164PChapter 11.5, Problem 11.180PGiven information: The motion of the particle is defined by the relation x=2t3−15t2+24t+4....Chapter 11, Problem 11.192RPCalculation: Sketch the general diagram of systems as shown in Figure (1). Write total length of...Chapter 12.1, Problem 12.18PChapter 12.1, Problem 12.19PChapter 12.1, Problem 12.22PChapter 12.1, Problem 12.28PChapter 12.1, Problem 12.31PGiven information: The radius of semicircular slot is 10 in.. The angular velocity (ϕABCD) of flat...Chapter 12.1, Problem 12.65PChapter 12.2, Problem 12.85PGiven information: The altitude of circular orbit of the satellite from the surface of the earth (r)...Given information: The mass of the Venus is 0.82 times the mass of the earth. The radius of...Chapter 12, Problem 12.122RPChapter 12, Problem 12.133RPGiven information: The initial speed of the train (v1) is 30mi/h. The coefficient of kinetic...Given information: The mass of the block A (mA) is 30 kg. The mass of the block B (mB) is 25 kg. The...Chapter 13.1, Problem 13.26PChapter 13.1, Problem 13.29PChapter 13.1, Problem 13.30PChapter 13.2, Problem 13.73PGiven information: The potential function associated with force P is V(x,y,z)=−(x2+y2+z2)1/2....Chapter 13.2, Problem 13.101PGiven information: The altitude between the earth to point A (h1) is 200mi. The altitude between the...Given information: The altitude of the space vehicle in a circular orbit (hA) is 225mi. The altitude...Chapter 13.2, Problem 13.116PChapter 13.3, Problem 13.137PGiven information: The weight of the hammer (W) is 1.5lb. The velocity of the hammer (vH) is 20ft/s....Chapter 13.3, Problem 13.149PChapter 13.3, Problem 13.150PChapter 13.4, Problem 13.162PGiven information: The weight of the block A (WA) is 0.8lb. The weight of the block B (WB) is 0.8lb....Chapter 13.4, Problem 13.184PChapter 13.4, Problem 13.188PGiven information: The weight of the airplane (W) is 32,000 lb. The distance traveled by the...Chapter 13, Problem 13.201RPChapter 14.1, Problem 14.11PChapter 14.1, Problem 14.12PChapter 14.1, Problem 14.14PChapter 14.2, Problem 14.48PChapter 14.2, Problem 14.53PGiven information: The mass (dmdt) flow rate is 200 lb/s. The initial velocity (uA) is 300 mi/h. The...Chapter 14.3, Problem 14.99PChapter 14.3, Problem 14.100PGiven information: Consider the initial mass of the rocket is denoted by m0. The rate of consumption...Chapter 14, Problem 14.105RPGiven information: The nozzle discharges (Q) water at the rate of 200 gal/min. The stream of the...Chapter 15.1, Problem 15.3PGiven information: The inner radius of left pulley (r1) is 2 in.. The outer radius of left pulley...Chapter 15.1, Problem 15.35PChapter 15.2, Problem 15.45PChapter 15.2, Problem 15.57PGiven information: The constant angular velocity of the bar DE ωDE is 10 rad/s. The value of h is...Chapter 15.3, Problem 15.80PGiven information: The angular velocity of the arm DE is ωDE=3 rad/s(Clockwise). Calculation: Show...Chapter 15.3, Problem 15.93PGiven information: The radius of inner drum (r) is 3 in.. The radius of outer drum (R) is 5 in.. The...Chapter 15.4, Problem 15.128PGiven information: The constant angular velocity of the bar DE (ωDE) is 18 rad/s. Calculation: Draw...Given information: The angular velocity of the bar AB (ωAB) is 4 rad/s. The angular acceleration of...Chapter 15.5, Problem 15.154PChapter 15.5, Problem 15.176PGiven information: The constant angular velocity of the bar AD is ωAD=4 rad/s. The angular velocity...Given information: The constant angular velocities of gears C and D is 30 rad/s and 20 rad/s...Chapter 15.6, Problem 15.202PGiven information: The collar B moves towards D at a constant speed of vB=50 mm/s. The length of rod...Given information: The side length of the square plate is 2r. The shaft rotates with a constant...Given information: The radius of disk is r=130 mm. The length of rod CD is lCD=500 mm. The constant...Chapter 15, Problem 15.248RPGiven information: The constant angular acceleration of gear C (αC) is 4 rad/s2. The given time t is...Chapter 16.1, Problem 16.34PThe mass of the gear A and B (mA and mB) is 9 kg. The radius of gyration (kA,B) is 200 mm. The mas...Chapter 16.1, Problem 16.37PChapter 16.1, Problem 16.39PThe force pulled between cylinders A and B (P) is 2.00 lb. The weight of the cylinder A (WA) is 5...Chapter 16.1, Problem 16.43PChapter 16.1, Problem 16.44PThe weight of the cylinder A (WA) is 5 lb. The weight of the cylinder B (WB) is 5 lb. The weight of...Given information: The weight of the ladder is W=40 lb. The length of the ladder is l=30 ft. The...Chapter 16.2, Problem 16.127PChapter 16.2, Problem 16.134PChapter 16.2, Problem 16.135PGiven information: The mass of the rod BC is mBC=6 kg. The mass of the disk is md=10 kg. The mass of...Chapter 16.2, Problem 16.138PChapter 16.2, Problem 16.141PChapter 16.2, Problem 16.142PChapter 16, Problem 16.153RPChapter 16, Problem 16.161RPGiven information: The mass (mA) of gear A is 2.4 kg. The mass (mB) of gear B is 2.4 kg. The mass...Given information: The mass (mA) of gear A is 2.4 kg. The mass (mB) of gear B is 2.4 kg. The mass...Chapter 17.1, Problem 17.14PGiven information: The weight (W) of the gymnast is 160 lb. The centroidal radius of gyration (k¯)...Given information: The mass of the turbine disk is mturbine=30 kg. The centroidal radius of gyration...Given information: The mass (m) of the tube AB is 1.6 kg. The initial angular velocity (ω1) of the...Chapter 17.2, Problem 17.89PChapter 17.2, Problem 17.91PGiven information: The mass (mAB) of tube AB is 1.6 kg. The initial angular velocity (ω1) of the...Chapter 17.3, Problem 17.111PChapter 17.3, Problem 17.115PGiven information: The weight (WS) of the sphere is 3 lb. The radius (r) of the sphere is 3 in.. The...Chapter 17.3, Problem 17.133PChapter 17, Problem 17.135RPChapter 18.1, Problem 18.32PGiven information: The weight of the space probe (w′) is 3,000 lb. The radius of gyration along x...Given information: The mass of the square plate is m. The side of a square plate is a. The angular...Chapter 18.1, Problem 18.54PGiven information: The weight (W) of the disk is 6 lb. The radius (r) of the disk is 3 in.. The...Given information: The weight (W) of the disk is 6 lb. The radius (r) of the disk is 3 in.. The...Chapter 18.2, Problem 18.103PChapter 18.2, Problem 18.104PGiven information: The weight of geostationary satellite (W) is 800 lb. The angular velocity of the...Given information: The position of the sphere β is zero. The rate of precession ϕ˙0=17g/11a....Given information: The position of the sphere β is zero. The largest value of β in the ensuing...Chapter 18, Problem 18.147RPGiven Information: The weight of the disk (W) is 6 lb. The constant angular velocity (ω1) with...Given Information: The mass (m1) of the electromagnet is 150 kg. The mass (m2) of the scrap steel is...Chapter 19.1, Problem 19.15PGiven Information: The cord length (lAB) of the bob is 1.2 m. At rest the angle (θA) is 5°. The...Chapter 19.2, Problem 19.47PChapter 19.2, Problem 19.50PGiven information: A thin homogeneous wire is bent into the shape of an isosceles triangle of sides...Given information: The weight (WA) of the sphere A is 14 oz. The weight (WC) of the sphere C is 10...Given information: The length of rod AB and CD is l. The mass of the gear C is m. The mass of the...Given information: The length of rod AB and CD is l. The mass of the gear C is m. The mass of the...Chapter 19.4, Problem 19.108PGiven information: The weight of the bob (WB) is 2.75 lb. The weight of the collar (WC) is 3 lb. The...Calculation: Since (c>cc) which is over damped, the wavelength λ1 and λ2 is less than zero. The...Given information: The magnitude of periodic force (P) is P=Pmsinωft. Calculation: The expression...Chapter 19.5, Problem 19.151PChapter 19, Problem 19.159RPChapter 19, Problem 19.165RP

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