Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States - 4th Edition - by Carol Porth RN  MSN  PhD - ISBN 9781451190809

Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts...
4th Edition
Carol Porth RN MSN PhD
ISBN: 9781451190809

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Chapter 11 - Disorders Of White Blood Cells And Lymphoid TissuesChapter 12 - Disorders Of HemostasisChapter 13 - Disorders Of Red Blood CellsChapter 14 - Mechanisms Of Infectious DiseaseChapter 15 - Innate And Adaptive ImmunityChapter 16 - Disorders Of The Immune ResponseChapter 17 - Control Of Cardiovascular FunctionChapter 18 - Disorders Of Blood Flow And Blood PressureChapter 19 - Disorders Of Cardiac FunctionChapter 20 - Heart Failure And Circulatory ShockChapter 21 - Control Of Respiratory FunctionChapter 22 - Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, And Childhood DisordersChapter 23 - Disorders Of Ventilation And Gas ExchangeChapter 24 - Structure And Function Of The KidneyChapter 25 - Disorders Of Renal FunctionChapter 26 - Acute Kidney Injury And Chronic Kidney DiseaseChapter 27 - Disorders Of The Bladder And Lower Urinary TractChapter 28 - Structure And Function Of The Gastrointestinal SystemChapter 29 - Disorders Of Gastrointestinal FunctionChapter 30 - Disorders Of Hepatobiliary And Exocrine Pancreas FunctionChapter 31 - Mechanisms Of Endocrine ControlChapter 32 - Disorders Of Endocrine Control Of Growth And MetabolismChapter 33 - Diabetes Mellitus And The Metabolic SyndromeChapter 34 - Organization And Control Of Neural FunctionChapter 35 - Somatosensory Function, Pain, And HeadacheChapter 36 - Disorders Of Neuromuscular FunctionChapter 37 - Disorders Of Brain FunctionChapter 38 - Disorders Of Special Sensory Function: Vision, Hearing, And Vestibular FunctionChapter 39 - Disorders Of The Male Genitourinary SystemChapter 40 - Disorders Of The Female Genitourinary SystemChapter 41 - Sexually Transmitted InfectionsChapter 42 - Structure And Function Of The Skeletal SystemChapter 43 - Disorders Of The Skeletal System: Trauma, Infections, Neoplasms, And Childhood DisordersChapter 44 - Disorders Of The Skeletal System: Metabolic And Rheumatic DisordersChapter 45 - Structure And Function Of The IntegumentumChapter 46 - Disorders Of Skin Integrity And Function

Book Details

Prepare your students for their future careers with Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4/e. This clear, readable, and student-friendly text  delivers "need to know" disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science, and medical students need to succeed in  their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works.
The Fourth Edition builds on the book's extremely successful art program and the "Understanding" feature and incorporates summary concept boxes after each section. In addition, an expanded, robust, and flexible suite of supplements, including a Study Guide, over 40 advanced 3-D animations, prepU, and Lippincott’s CoursePoint, provide students with all the tools they need to succeed.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States homework problems. See examples below:

Hunger is the sensation that represents the physiological need to eat food for the body. Stomach...Infectious mononucleosis is the primary immunodeficiency disorder caused by the Epstein-Barr virus...Aspirin is the medication that is used to prevent the risk of heart stroke and attack. The action of...The women with low blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and serum ferritin level, then the...Mutualism is the phenomenon of interaction in which host cells and pathogens get benefits from the...Cytokines are the regulatory protein that have low molecular weight. This protein is produced by...An individual having the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and hay fever means an individual has type I...The Poiseuille law depicts that the change in pressure, viscosity, and length of the tube directly...The high-density lipoprotein elevated levels leads to reverse cholesterol transport. The HDL has...The chest pain is generally considered as a first sign of an underlying heart condition. The other...The presence of uncontrolled hypertension and coronary artery disease can result in the progression...As a person ages the work required for breathing increases as the muscles will have to put more...The symptoms of flu include fever, running nose, headache, bodyache, burning eyes, and sore throat....Respiratory and cardiovascular function after the knife wound in an individual can indicate the...The renal corpuscle or glomerulus is the main blood filtering unit of the nephron present in the...Two immune mechanisms may lead to glomerular injuries: injuring due to antibody and antigens planted...Acute renal failure is often seen in elderly persons, which have already been diagnosed with other...The autonomous nervous system consists of two components that coordinate the activity of urination...Thechemotherapeutic drugs cause mouth sores or ulcerations in the oral cavity. The drugs kill the...As the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux has been made, the heartburn can be explained because of...The health care professional will initially inquire about your indications and review for high...Vitamin D is a hormone preferably than a vitamin; it is needed to consume calcium from the duodenum...A diagnosis of a pituitary tumor is quite evident from the MRI and the laboratory findings. As the...Ketonuria is most prevalent in people who have diabetes, primarily type 1 diabetes mellitus. It can...The nervous system is observed primarily as a heterogeneous network of interconnected nerve cells...The pain in appendicitis begins around the umbilicus (belly button), which may come and go. This...Myasthenia gravis is caused by the antibody-mediated loss of the acetylcholine receptors in the...Coma may be caused due to traumatic brain injuries, which are caused by traffic collisions,...The conjunctiva is responsible for lining the anterior surface of eyelids and covers the white...The additional information that should be obtained about the patient apart from the physical...The ovulation is the process during which a mature egg is released from an ovary. The increased...HPV 16 is the most usual high-risk type of HPV; furthermore, it regularly does not appear in any...Knee arthritis is a complicated situation of degeneration of the hyaline cartilage at the edges of...The hip joint comprises of the articulation of the femoral head or the femur and the acetabulum of...Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which the amount of bone density starts decreasing. This disease...Bullous pemphigoid is the most common form of the autoimmune disease that causes the formation of...Tinea capititis, ringworm of scalp that is a fungal infection that presents with circular marks on...

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