Solutions for General Chemistry
Problem 1.7QP:
1.7 Do these statements describe chemical or physical properties? (a) Oxygen gas supports...Problem 1.8QP:
1.8 Does each of these describe a physical change or a chemical change? (a) The helium gas inside a...Problem 1.11QP:
1.11 Classify each of these substances as an element or a compound: (a) hydrogen, (b) water, (c)...Problem 1.33QP:
1.33 The price of gold on a certain day in 2009 was $932 per troy ounce. How much did 1.00 g of gold...Problem 1.66QP:
1.66 A sheet of aluminum (Al) foil has a total area of 1.000 ft2 and a mass of 3.636 g. What is the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 1.2 - The Scientific MethodChapter 1.3 - Classification Of MatterChapter 1.4 - Physical And Chemical Properties Of MatterChapter 1.5 - MeasurementChapter 1.6 - Handling NumbersChapter 1.7 - Dimensional Analysis In Solving ProblemsChapter 2 - Aroms, Molecules, And IonsChapter 2.1 - The Atomic TheoryChapter 2.2 - The Structure Of The Atom
Chapter 2.3 - Atomlc Number, Mass Number, And IsotopesChapter 2.4 - The Periodic TableChapter 2.5 - Molecules And IonsChapter 2.6 - Chemical FormulasChapter 2.7 - Naming CompoundsChapter 2.8 - Introduction To Organic CompoundsChapter 3 - StoichiometryChapter 3.1 - Atomic MassChapter 3.2 - Avogadro's Number And The Molar Mass Of An ElementChapter 3.3 - Molecular MassChapter 3.4 - The Mass SpectrometerChapter 3.5 - Percent Composition Of CompoundsChapter 3.6 - Experimental Determination Of Empirical FormulasChapter 3.7 - Chemical Reactions And Chemical EquationsChapter 3.8 - Amount Of Reactants And ProductsChapter 3.9 - Limiting ReagentsChapter 3.10 - Reaction YieldChapter 4 - Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 4.1 - General Properties Of Aqueous SolutionsChapter 4.2 - Precipitation ReactionsChapter 4.3 - Acid-base ReactionsChapter 4.4 - Oxidation-reduction ReactionsChapter 4.5 - Concentration Of SolutionsChapter 4.6 - Solution StoichiometryChapter 5 - GasesChapter 5.2 - Pressure Of A GasChapter 5.3 - The Gas LawsChapter 5.4 - The Ideal Gas EquationChapter 5.5 - Dalton's Law Of Partial PressuresChapter 5.6 - The Kinetic Molecular Theory Of GasesChapter 5.7 - Deviation From Ideal BehaviourChapter 6 - Energy Relationships In Chemical ReactionsChapter 6.2 - Energy Changes In Chemical ReactionsChapter 6.3 - Introduction To ThermodynamicsChapter 6.4 - Enthalpy Of Chemical ReactionsChapter 6.5 - CalorimetryChapter 6.6 - Standard Enthalpy Of Formation And ReactionChapter 7 - The Electronic Structure Of AtomsChapter 7.1 - From Classical Physics To Quantum TheoryChapter 7.2 - The Photoelectric EffectChapter 7.3 - Bohr's Theory Of The Hydrogen AtomChapter 7.4 - The Dual Nature Of The ElectronChapter 7.5 - Quantum MechanicsChapter 7.6 - Quantum NumbersChapter 7.7 - Atomic OrbitalsChapter 7.8 - Electron ConfigurationChapter 7.9 - The Building-up PrincipleChapter 8 - The Periodic TableChapter 8.2 - Periodic Classification Of The ElementsChapter 8.3 - Periodic Variation In Physical PropertiesChapter 8.4 - Ionization EnergyChapter 8.5 - Electron AffinityChapter 8.6 - Variation In Chemical Properties Of The Representative ElementsChapter 9 - Chemical Bonding I: Basic ConceptsChapter 9.1 - Lewis Dot SymbolsChapter 9.2 - The Ionic BondChapter 9.3 - Lattice Energy Of Ionic CompoundsChapter 9.4 - The Covalent BondChapter 9.5 - ElectronegativityChapter 9.6 - Writing Lewis StructuresChapter 9.7 - Formal Charge And Lewis StructuresChapter 9.8 - The Concept Of ResonanceChapter 9.9 - Exceptions To The Octet RuleChapter 9.10 - Bond EnthalpyChapter 10 - Chemical Bonding Ii: Molecular Geometry And Hybridization Of Atomic OrbitalsChapter 10.1 - Molecular GeometryChapter 10.2 - Dipole MomentsChapter 10.3 - Valence Bond TheoryChapter 10.4 - Hybridization Of Atomic OrbitalsChapter 10.5 - Hybridization In Molecules Containing Double And Triple BondsChapter 10.6 - Molecular Orbital TheoryChapter 11 - Introduction To Organic CompoundsChapter 11.2 - Aliphatic HydrocarbonsChapter 11.3 - Atomatic HydrocarbonsChapter 11.4 - Chemistry Of Functional GroupsChapter 11.5 - Chirality-the Handedness Of MoleculesChapter 12 - Intermolecular Forces And Liquids And SolidsChapter 12.2 - Intermolecular ForcesChapter 12.3 - Properties Of LiquidsChapter 12.4 - Crystal StructureChapter 12.5 - Bonding In SolidsChapter 12.6 - Phase ChangesChapter 12.7 - Phase DiagramsChapter 13 - Physical Properties Of SolutionsChapter 13.2 - A Molecular View Of The Solution ProcessChapter 13.3 - Concentration UnitsChapter 13.4 - The Effect Of Temperature On SolubilityChapter 13.5 - The Effect Of Pressure On The Solubility Of GasesChapter 13.6 - Colligative PropertiesChapter 14 - Chemical KineticsChapter 14.1 - The Rate Of A ReactionChapter 14.2 - The Rate LawChapter 14.3 - Relation Between Reactant Concentration And TimeChapter 14.4 - Activation Energy And Temperature Dependence Of Rate ConstantsChapter 14.5 - Reaction MechanismsChapter 14.6 - CatalysisChapter 15 - Chemical EquilibriumChapter 15.1 - The Concept Of EquilibriumChapter 15.2 - Ways Of Expressing Equilibrium ConstantsChapter 15.3 - What Does The Equilibrium Constant Tell Us?Chapter 15.4 - Factors That Affect Chemical EquilibriumChapter 16 - Acids And BasesChapter 16.1 - Bronsted Acids And BasesChapter 16.2 - The Acid-base Properties Of WaterChapter 16.3 - Ph-a Measure Of AcidityChapter 16.4 - Strength Of Acids And BasesChapter 16.5 - Weak Acids And Acid Ionization ConstantsChapter 16.6 - Weak Bases And Base Ionization ConstantsChapter 16.7 - The Relationship Between The Conjugate Acid-base Ionization ConstantsChapter 16.8 - Molecular Structure And The Strength Of AcidsChapter 16.9 - Acid-base Properties Of SaltsChapter 16.10 - Acidic, Basic, And Amphoteric OxidesChapter 16.11 - Lewis Acids And BasesChapter 17 - Acid-base Equilibria And Solubility EquilibriaChapter 17.2 - Buffer SolutionsChapter 17.3 - A Closer Look At Acid-base TitrationsChapter 17.4 - Acid-base IndicatorsChapter 17.5 - Solubility EquilibriaChapter 17.6 - The Common Ion Effect And SolubilityChapter 17.7 - Complex Ion Equilibria And SolubilityChapter 18 - ThermodynamicsChapter 18.3 - EntropyChapter 18.4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 18.5 - Gibbs Free EnergyChapter 18.6 - Free Energy And Chemical EquilibriumChapter 19 - Redox Reactions And ElectrochemistryChapter 19.1 - Redox ReactionsChapter 19.2 - Galvanic CellsChapter 19.3 - Standard Reduction PotentialsChapter 19.4 - Thermodynamics Of Redox ReactionsChapter 19.5 - The Effect Of Concentration Of Cell EmfChapter 19.7 - CorrosionChapter 19.8 - ElectrolysisChapter 20 - The Chemistry Of Coordination CompoundsChapter 20.1 - Properties Of The Transition MetalsChapter 20.2 - Coordination CompoundsChapter 20.3 - Geometry Of Coordination CompoundsChapter 20.4 - Bonding To Coordination Compounds: Crystal Field TheoryChapter 21 - Nuclear ChemistryChapter 21.1 - The Nature Of Nuclear ReactionsChapter 21.2 - Nuclear StabilityChapter 21.3 - Natural RadioactivityChapter 21.4 - Nuclear TransmutationChapter 21.5 - Nuclear FissionChapter 22 - Organic Polymers - Synthetic And NaturalChapter 22.2 - Synthetic Organic PolymersChapter 22.3 - ProteinsChapter 22.4 - Nucleic Acids
Book Details
The seventh edition of General Chemistry continues the tradition of presenting only the material that is essential for a one-year general chemistry course. It strikes a balance between theory and application by incorporating real-world examples; helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity; and developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Although the seventh edition incorporates many impressive features, such as conceptual idea review, animations correlated to the text, and hand-sketched worked examples, General Chemistry is still 200 to 300 pages shorter and much less expensive than other two-semester textbooks. Dr. Chang and Dr. Goldsby' concise-but-thorough approach will appeal to efficiency-minded instructors and value-conscious students.
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for General Chemistry homework problems. See examples below:
Definition for Matter: Anything that has mass and volume (which means it takes up space) is...The number for the prefix mega is 1 × 106 The number for the prefix mega is 1000000.Convert the given temperature into degree Celsius unit Given temperature is 105 oF Conversion of oF...Given, 5.6792 m + 0.6 m + 4.33 m = ? All the given terms are in same unit so conversions of units...Given, 7.310 km ÷ 5.70 km = ? All the given terms are in same unit so conversions of units are not...Height of the person is 6.0 ft Weight of the given person is 183 lb General unit conversions 1 m =...1.42 light years can be converted into miles as follows, 1.42 year× 365 days1 year × 24 h1 day ×...Different units are there to represent temperature scales. Conversion of temperature units in...Given data: concentration = 8.00×102 ppmlength = 17.6 mwidth= 8.80 mheight = 2.64 m Volume can be...
α particles Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation by a substance. When substances...For He23, the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons is calculated as follows, ZAX = 23HeZ...For N715, the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons is calculated as follows, ZAX =N715Z...With reference to table 2.3 in the text book, anions and cations formed by various elements are...KClO has potassium K, chlorine Cl and oxygen O atoms. Cation of the compound is K+ and anion of the...With reference to table 2.3 in the text book, anions and cations formed by various elements are...With reference to table 2.3 in the text book, anions and cations formed by various elements are...SO2 is a heteronuclear diatomic molecule made up of Sulfur and Oxygen atoms. Many such SO2 molecules...Predict the neutron numbers in the 40Mg. The element symbol : ZAX,where, A (mass number) = no.of...Atomic mass unit is defined as a mass exactly equal to one-twelfth the mass of one carbon-12 atom....The given molecular formulas are recorded as shown above. Record the given data (a) LiCO3 (b) CS2...Let’s calculate the number of carbon atoms in 7.14×103 g of dimethyl sulfoxide. First we convert...Percent composition by mass: percent composition by mass of each element present in a compound is...To determine: The percent composition by mass of Sn and O in SnO2 Percent composition by mass:...Percent composition by mass: percent composition by mass of each element present in a compound is...Molecular mass of urea is calculated as follows: Molecular formula of urea is(NH2)2CO Molecular mass...Percent composition by mass: percent composition by mass of each element present in a compound is...The given unbalanced chemical equation is,C + O2 → CO Balanced chemical equation of a reaction is...To write balanced equation for N2O5→N2O4+O2 List the atoms of given equation and the number of each...The mass of produced HNO3 is given as, 1 ton = 2000 lb1 ton = 2000 lb × 453.6g1 lb = 907200g...In given reaction, Mixture of CH4 and C2H6 are burned in O2. Therefore, The chemical equation for...The solute is a substance, which is present in the small quantity in solution. The solvent is a...The ionic compounds are dissolved in water to produced ions these ions are combined to give new...Te oxidation number of Cl inClF According to the rules, the Inter halogen compounds the Fluorine is...The oxidation number of Cs in Cs2O According to the rules, the sum of oxidation numbers of all the...The oxidation number of N2 in Mg3N2 According to the rules, the alkaline earth metals always having...Given, The concentration of solution is 0.100M The volume of solution is 2.50×102mL The number of...Equation for the reaction is NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O Initial concentration of the HCl solution Mc =...Given reaction is Cl2+2OH-→Cl-+ClO-+H2O On the left side, the oxidation number of chlorine in Cl2 is...Record the given data, Mass of NaCl and KCl mixture = 0.8870 g Mass of produced AgCl precipitate =...To record the given data, Taken mass KMnO4 of in first dilution = 0.8214 g Final Volume of KMnO4 in...The given volume and masses of NaOH and Mg(NO3)2 their solutions are recorded as shown above. To...If the conductance unit will be twice its concentration (molarity), when compound is completely...Diffusion and Effusion. Diffusion is the dispersal of molecules of a substance throughout a space...Record the Given data P1 V1 = P2 V2 Initial Conditions P1 = 1.2 atmV1 = 3.8 L Final ConditionsP2 =...Concept introduction: Ideal gas: A hypothetical gas whose molecules occupy negligible space and have...The moles of the metal consumed in the reaction mol M = 0.225 g M × 1 mol M 27.0 g M = 8.33 × 10-3...The moles of the compound. n =PVRTn = (97.3 mmHg × 1 atm760 mmHg)(0.378 L)(0.0821L . atmK . mol)...First, we calculate the mole fraction Methane from the mixture. Then, we can calculate the partial...Dalton’s law states that the total pressure of the mixture is the sum of the partial pressures....χN2 = 0.7808 χO2 = 0.2094 χAr = 0.0093χCO2 = 0.0005 PN2= 0.781 atm, PO2 = 0.209 atm, PAr =9.3 × 10-3...The moles Nitro-glycerine You can map out the following strategy to solve for the total volume of...To calculate the initial number of moles of O2 and NO nNO = PNOVRT = (0.500 atm) (4.00 L)(0.08206L ....To find the given reaction of equation CaO(s) +CO2(g) → CaCO3(s)BaO(s) +CO2(g)→BaCO3(s) Calcium...Unbalance equation C2H5OH(l) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(l) Carbon is balanced by multiplying 2 in...Bulb (b) contains the same number of particles as (a), but is half the volume. The pressure will be...System: System can be defined as portion of universe. The physical and chemical changes of substance...Standard enthalpy of formation of C2H4=52.3 kJ mol-1 Standard enthalpy of formation of O2=0 kJ mol-1...The standard enthalpy change for the given transformation is given as, From the given equation, the...Calculate the ΔH°reaction for the first equation Two moles of Graphite are needed; hence the first...Some changes in the reactions and their enthalpies are made to get the enthalpy of formation of...Standard enthalpy of formation of NH3=-46.3 kJ mol-1 Standard enthalpy of formation of N2=0 kJ mol-1...Given, A 1.00 - mole sample of ammonia at 14.0 atm and 250C in a cylinder fitted with a movable...The combustion reaction is given as, C2H6(l)+72O2(g)→2CO2(g)+3H2O(l) The heat released during the...To calculate the moles of H2O Mass of Water = 500 g Moles of Water = 500 g×1 mol H2O18.02 g H2O...Given, Diameter of balloon is 16 m Temperature of inflation is 18°C The volume of balloon is...Standard enthalpy of formation of CO2= -393.5 kJ mol-1 Standard enthalpy of formation of Water =...Calcium carbide upon reaction with Water gives Calcium hydroxide and Acetylene. The chemical...The wave can be in any forms which are shown in the below diagram. Figure.1 The wavelength is the...The speed, wavelength and frequency of a wave are related by c = λν where λ and ν are expressed in...To find: Calculate the wavelength of the photon needed to excite an electron from the given energy...An electron in the hydrogen atom makes a transition from an energy state of principal quantum number...There is an s subshell in every shell and each s subshell contains just one orbital. In one orbital,...If l = 0, the number of possible magnetic quantum number (ml) values are calculated using the...Boron (B) is placed in IIIA group of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 5. Therefore, boron...Ge is placed in IVA group of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 32. Therefore, Ge has 32...For a given value of n, the possible number of orbitals involved is n2. When n = 2, 4 (22) orbitals...The energy difference (ΔE) between ni = 2 and nf = 1 associated with the Lyman series is calculated...When one of helium’s electrons is removed, the resulting species is the helium ion, He+. The He+ ion...Ionization energy is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom. It is usually...The given lines are corresponding to n = 2. Line A has longest wavelength or lowest energy...In Mendeleev’s periodic table the elements were arranged by increasing order of atomic mass, group...They are group I elements. The outer shell of alkali metals contains one valence electron. Lithium,...Since only the valence electrons involve in bonding, electrons present in the outermost shell of an...Since only the valence electrons involve in bonding, electrons present in the outermost shell of an...The orbitals are filled according to Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule....The orbitals are filled according to Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule....The orbitals are filled according to Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule....The orbitals are filled according to Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule....The number of electrons and protons in the given set of species (a) is, SpeciesTotal number of...The reaction is given below: Mg(g) + 2 F(g) → Mg2+(g) + 2 F −(g) Here, two electrons are removed...The graph that shows the ionization energies for the given elements is drawn considering the given...Determine the ionization energy for lithium. Energy required to ionize one Li atom :First ionization...Lewis dot symbol represents the number of valence electrons of an atom or constituent atoms bonded...Electronic configuration of I is 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p5. It shows there are seven...Given data: heat of sublimation of Na = 108 kJ/molΔHf°(NaCl) = −411 kJ/molenergy needed to...Given data: heat of sublimation of Ca = 121 kJ/molΔHf°(NaCl) = −795 kJ/molenergy needed to...To find: The correct Lewis structure for the given molecule. The given structure of the molecule is...Determine the resonance structure for HCO2-. In the case of chlorate ion, the chemical bonding of a...Total electrons in OCS is, (valence e− on O )+(valence e− on C)+ (valence e− on S) = 6+4+6 = 16...The molecule of BCl3 has incomplete octet around B. The resonance structures of molecule where B and...Calculation of ΔH° The given reaction is, 2 C2H6(g)+ 7 O2(g) → 4 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(g) Reactants O2 has...The given reaction is, Li(g)+ I(g) → Li(g)++ I(g)− With reference to table 8.2 and 8.3, electron...Total valence electrons in CH3OH is, (valence e- on C )+ (valence e- on H)+(valence e- on O) =...Given data: heat of sublimation of Mg = 148 kJ/mol The first step of Born-Haber cycle involves...Molecular geometry is the spatial arrangement of atoms on a molecule and/ or ions. It is the three...The shape of a linear triatomic molecule is drawn. According to VSEPR theory, the geometry of the...To predict: The geometry for the given molecule. Draw the Lewis structure for the molecule (a) First...To predict: The geometry for the given molecule. Draw the Lewis structure for the molecule (a) First...Draw the Lewis structure for the molecule (a) First the skeletal structure for the given molecule is...In the given molecule, the hybrid orbitals of each carbon atom are shown below:To find: The bond angle of the given molecule Given molecule is BeCl2. Lewis structure of the given...It is known that sigma bond is formed by end-to-end overlap. So, rotation about 180o cannot break...In molecular orbital theory, when the bonding takes place the atomic orbitals that take part combine...Comparison of N23- and O2- based on the molecular orbital diagram: Isoelectric nature: From the...Given: The order of molecular orbitals of NO is similar to that of O2. The molecular orbitals of O2:...Carbon forms more compound than the other element Catenation of the carbon atom. Carbon forms the...C6H12: The given formula satisfies CnH2n can belong to both cycloalkane (a six-membered ring) and...To find: The structure of the given organic molecule. Name of the given organic compounds is...Given structure: Predict the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms: The longest continuous carbon...Net overall reaction is as follows, In order to obtain ethene as product reversing first equation...Calculate moles of each given elements: C: (37.5 g C)1 mol C12.01 g C = 3.12 mol C H: (3.2g H)1 mol...Calculate moles of each given elements: C: (9.708×10-3g CO2)1 mol CO244.01 g CO2× 1 mol C1 mol CO2...The hydroxyl group act as nucleophile and the carboxylic group act as electrophile in presence of...An example for Dipole-Dipole interaction is between LiF molecules. The intermolecular force existing...To determine: intermolecular forces presented inbenzene (C6H6).. Dispersion forces are present...Xe and Ne are mono-atomic gases, so they are nonpolar molecules. Therefore, only dispersion forces...Record the given data: edge length of unit cell = 287 pmdensity of Iron = 7.87 g/cm3 The unit cell...One mole of Barium has mass of 137.3 g. Density of Barium is given. Volume of one mole of Barium is...Record the given data. density of Eu = 5.26 g/cm3 Density of Europium is given which is related to...Record the given data: edge length of unit cell = 543 pmdensity of Silicon = 2.33 g/cm3 The unit...The amount of heat needed to convert ice to steam can be calculated as shown here: 1st phase...Solid Argon has cubic close packing structure with face-centered cubic unit cells. The atomic radius...Calculating the packing efficiency for a simple cubic unit cell: Edge length is a = 2r The relation...Given information follows as: Molar heat of vaporization,ΔHvap = 28.8 kJ/mol Vapor pressure of...One mole of Iron has mass of 55.84 g. Density of Iron is given. Volume of one mole of Iron is...Given data: Vapor pressure (P) : 19.2 mmHg Temperature (T):1235K Volume (V): 0.843L It is known that...To explain Solid process at molecular level Figure 1 In solid and liquids, intermolecular forces...Given data: Strength of NaCl solution = 2.50M Density of NaCl solution = 1.08 g /mL Calculate mass...Given data: Strength of sugar solution =1.22 M Density of sugar solution =1.12g /mL Calculation of...Given data follows as: Vapor pressure of ethanol at 20°C is 44 mmHg Vapor pressure of methanol at...Given data: Mass of H2O=450g Vapor pressure = 2.50mmHg Temperature = 30oC Vapor pressure of H2O at...Explanation ofCaCl2solution has higher boiling point than urea CaCl2 is an ionic compound and thus...To record the given data Amount of water in which NaCl present = 135mL Amount of Sodium chloride =...Given data Molar mass of egg white = 13,930g Amount of enzyme which is dissolved in water = 0.100g...Given data: Molar mass of liquid A = 100g/mol Molar mass of liquid B = 110g/mol Vapour pressure of A...Given data are recorded as shown. To calculate mole fraction of total solution...Equilibrium of a reaction where both reactant and products has completely different chemical...The given reaction is : H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g) The stoichiometric coefficients are considered in the...The reaction to be considered is: F2(g) + 2ClO2(g) → 2FClO2(g) Figure 1 In this table: The data...The given experiments show that when the concentration of While holding [ X] as constant, if [ Y] is...Given, rate = k[NO2]2 Order of this reaction is the sum of the powers to which all reactant...The given reaction is 2NaOBr(g)→2NO(g)+Br2(g) The reaction follows second order kinetics. Rate...Given data: The second order reaction is 2NO2(g)→2NO(g)+O2(g) The second order rate constant is k =...The given first order reaction is, X→ Y For first order reaction, Rate = k[X] X molecules are placed...Given: t12 of A is 50.0min t12 of B is 18.0min Calculating the rate constants from the given...We can easily determine the rate constant of a reaction if half-life value is given by using...From the given information, the units of rate constant denotes a second-order reaction and the rate...Given, Gas mixture containing CH3 fragments, C2H6 molecules, and an inert gas (He) was prepared at...The term applied to reversible chemical reactions. It is the point at which the rate of the forward...To find: The each reactant product equilibrium concentration should be identified given the gas...To find: Calculate the (Kc) values for given the statement of equilibrium reaction (a). Calculate...For the given reaction, N2O4 (g) ⇌ 2NO2 (g) Given: Initially 1.0 mole of N2O4; at equilibrium α mole...To find: The equilibrium reaction should be identified given the statement. Analyze the chemical...To find: The equilibrium reaction should be identified given the statement. Analyze the chemical...Given data: Kc = 54.3nH2 = 0.714 molnI2 = 0.984 molnHI = 0.886 molV = 2.40 L The reaction is given...Given data: ΔH1° = 260 kJ/molΔH2° = 35.7 kJ/mol The reactions at primary stage and at the secondary...To find: Calculate the each partial pressure (Kc) values for given the statement of NO2 and N2O4...Given data: Molar mass of the reacting mixture = 70.6 g/mol The reaction is given below: N2O4(g) ⇌ 2...Let’s write the Van’t Hoff equation at two different temperatures: At T1: lnK1= −ΔH∘RT1 + C ------...Bronsted concepts of acid and base are one of the important concepts used to explain about an acid...To classify: H2O as Bronsted acid or base, or both. To identify the species as Bronsted acid. H2O →...The conjugate acid of HS- To identify the conjugate acid HS- + H+ → H2S Conjugate acid is formed...The conjugate base of CH2ClCOOH To identify the conjugate base CH2ClCOOH → CH2ClCOO- + H+ The...Calculation of hydrogen ion concentration: HCl is a strong acid, so the concentration of hydrogen...From the given concentrations of hydrofluoric acid solution and its Ka value, the hydrogen ion...From the given concentrations of acetylsalicylic acid solution and its Ka value, the hydrogen ion...A simple relationship between the ionization constant of a weak acid (Ka) and the ionization...Record the given data A 0.10-M solution of ammonia at 25 oC. From the concentration and Kb of the...The given oxide CO2 is acidic CO2 is an oxide of non-metal with higher oxidation number. Therefore,...Record the given datas CH3COOH(aq)+NO2- → CH3COO-(aq)+HNO2(aq) From the given data, we know that the...Given data: The concentration of Na2CO3 solution is 0.100 M Ionization of Na2CO3 Na2CO3 is a weak...Given data: The concentration of H3PO4 solution is 0.100 M Species of H3PO4 H3PO4 is a triprotic...Buffer: A buffer is solution containing a mixture of two substances. A buffer solution is...To calculate the pH of buffer solution using the concentrations of components at equilibrium...The given concentrations of CH3NH2 and CH3NH3Cl are 1.00M The number of moles of NaOH is 0.070 The...The given concentrations of acetic acid and sodium acetate are 1.00M The number of moles of NaOH is...Concentration of HCl is 0.10 M Concentration of NH3 is 0.10 M Find the concentration of sodium...Amount of monoprotic acid is 0.1276 g Concentration of NaOH is 0.0633 M Calculate the number of...SrF2 = 7.3 × 10-2g/L Calculate the molar solubility = 7.3 × 10-2g SrF2 1L× 1 mol SrF2 125.6 g SrF2=...Given, The Ksp of PbBr2 is 8.9 × 10-6 Strength of KBr is 0.20M Strength of Pb(NO3)2 is 0.20M...The given data is recorded as such. 0.100 M HCl0.100 M CH3NH2 HCl(aq) + CH3NH2(aq) → CH3NH3Cl(aq)...Given, Strength of HNO2 is 2.00M HNO2(aq) → H+(aq) + NO2-(aq) Initial concentration(M): 2.00 0 0...The dissociation of Na2CO3Na2CO3(s) →H2O2Na+(aq) + CO32-(aq) 2(0.050M) 0.050MConsider s be the molar...When 100mL of0.1 M CuSO4 and 100mL of0.1 M Ba(OH)2 are mixed, Cu(OH)2 and BaSO4 are precipitated out...To define spontaneous process Spontaneous process can be defined as any process that is occurring...The given reaction is: PCl5 (g) ⇌ PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) Given: ΔGfo for Cl2 (g) is 0. ΔGfo for PCl3 (g)...The calcium carbonate decomposition equilibrium expression given by, CaCO3(s) ⇌ CaO(s) + CO2(g)Kp =...In each part of this problem we can use the following equation to calculate ΔG ΔG= ΔG0+...To record the given data ΔΗvap of benzene =31000Jmol-1Tbp of benzene = 80.1°C =...The atmospheric equilibrium reaction of given the different terms of process (a) is shown below. a)....Derive the equilibrium constants and different temperature for give standard state conditions (ΔHο...Calculate the Gibbs free (ΔG0) and partial pressure (Kp) values for given reaction (a). (a). H2(g) +...The equilibrium constant is related to the to the standard free energy change by the given equation...First calculate the free energy (ΔG°) value for given reaction Fe(s) + 2H+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) +...We calculate the equilibrium constant (Kp) from the ΔG° value A2(g) + B2(g) ⇌ 2AB(g) ΔG° =-RTln...The given equation in acidic condition is shown below with oxidation states: H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3+ +...The given equation in basic condition is shown below with oxidation states: Mn2++ H2O2 → MnO2 + H2O...The given reaction is, Pb2+(aq)+Mg (s)⇌ Pb(s) + Mg2+ (aq) Lead ion is reduced and Magnesium is...For the anode reaction (Oxidation) 2H2(g)+4OH-(aq)→ 4H2O(l)+4e- Number of charges passing through...Ideal gas equation can be used to calculate the number of moles of oxygen produced PV =nRTn =PVRTn...Calculation of standard emf Eocell value: A Daniel (Galvanic cell) cell consists of Zinc electrode...To calculate the standard electrode potential of the cell (E°cell) The standard electrode potential...The standard reduction potential of Mg (+2) as follows, Mg(s) → Mg2+(aq)+2e− E0anode = −2.37 V The...To explain the how cell potential (Ecell) of Daniel cell changes when the cell equation is...Figure.1 A galvanic concentration cell, each compartment consists of Co electrode in Co(NO3)2...To record the given data Gf°(ZnO)=-318.2KJmol-1ΔGf°(Zn)=0ΔGf°(O2)=0 To write the half cell reactions...Figure.1 For the given redox reactions, In the galvanic cell, Oxidation occurs at anode and...The transition metals have various oxidation states (range from +3 to +7), whereas the main group...Given species is [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+ The Ligands are arranged in an alphabetical order, followed by the...The given compound is [cis-Co(en)2Cl2]+. cis - means that the compound is in the cis-isomeric form...Predict the color of the complex [Co(NH3)6]3+. Given information: Wavelength of the incident light...Predict the complex which absorbs the longer wavelength. In the given complex ions, the ligand H2O...Interpret the reason. Orbital Splitting diagram of linear complex: In the linear structure, the...Interpret the given information. The Cu3+ ion is unstable because of the high charge density on the...Nuclear reactions are differing from ordinary chemical reaction by the following way. It’s briefly...The binding energy is the energy required for the process He24→2p11+2n01 There are two proton and 2...Nuclear reaction can be written in the shorthand notation with the parentheses. Bombarding particle,...Nuclear reaction can be written in the shorthand notation with the parentheses. Bombarding particle,...For the given 10B, there are5 protons and 5 neutrons. Mass of protons = 1.00728amuMass of 5 protons...Nuclear reaction can be written in the shorthand notation with the parentheses. Bombarding particle,...To find: for the balanced equation write Suitable abbreviation. Nuclear reaction can be written in...In case of Sr90 decay, the mass defect is Δm=(massY90+mass e-)-massSr90 =[...Given: Half-life of Bismuth −214 is t1/2= 19.7 min by emitting alpha particle (Helium nuclei)....Given diagram for the decay is, Figure 1 From the diagram the isotope can be identified, As is the...Monomer is a molecule that can be bonded to other repeated subunits to form a polymer. Example of...Given data: pKa of carboxyl group, COO− = 2.3pKa of ammonium group, NH3+ = 9.6 At pH = 1,...Given that pKa of −+NH3 and −COOH groups of valine are 9.62 and 2.32 respectively. Since −COOH has...Given information, Five molecules with molar masses 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0 and 6.0 kg/mol. Calculate the...
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