Biology - 5th Edition - by BROOKER - ISBN 9781260487947

5th Edition
Publisher: MCG
ISBN: 9781260487947

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Chapter 2.4 - Ph And BuffersChapter 3 - The Chemical Basis Of Life Ii: Organic MoleculesChapter 3.4 - CarbohydratesChapter 3.5 - LipidsChapter 3.6 - ProteinsChapter 3.7 - Nucleic AcidsChapter 4 - Evolutionary Origin Of Cells And Their General FeaturesChapter 4.1 - Origin Of Living Cells On EarthChapter 4.2 - MicroscopyChapter 4.3 - Overview Of Cell Structure And FunctionChapter 4.4 - The CytosolChapter 4.5 - The Nucleus And Endomembrane SystemChapter 4.6 - Semiautonomous OrganellesChapter 4.7 - Protein Sorting To OrganellesChapter 5 - Membrane Structure, Synthesis, And TransportChapter 5.1 - Membrane StructureChapter 5.2 - Fluidity Of MembranesChapter 5.3 - Synthesis Of Membrane Components In Eukaryotic CellsChapter 5.4 - Overview Of Membrane TransportChapter 5.5 - Transport ProteinsChapter 5.6 - Exocytosis And EndocytosisChapter 6 - An Introduction To Energy, Enzymes, And MetabolismChapter 6.1 - Energy And Chemical ReactionsChapter 6.2 - Enzymes And RibozymesChapter 6.3 - Overview Of MetabolismChapter 6.4 - Recycling Of Organic MoleculesChapter 7 - Cellular Respiration And FermentationChapter 7.2 - GlycolysisChapter 7.4 - Citric Acid CycleChapter 7.5 - Overview Of Oxidative PhosphorylationChapter 7.6 - A Closer Look At Atp SynthaseChapter 7.7 - Connections Among Carbohydrate, Protein, And Fat MetabolismChapter 8 - PhotosynthesisChapter 8.1 - Overview Of PhotosynthesisChapter 8.2 - Reactions That Harness Light EnergyChapter 8.3 - Molecular Features Of PhotosystemsChapter 8.4 - Synthesizing Carbohydrates Via The Calvin CycleChapter 8.5 - Variations In PhotosynthesisChapter 9 - Cell CommunicationChapter 9.1 - General Features Of Cell CommunicationChapter 9.2 - Cellular Receptors And Their ActivationChapter 9.3 - Signal Transduction And The Cellular ResponseChapter 9.5 - Apoptosis: Programmed Cell DeathChapter 10 - MulticellularityChapter 10.1 - Extracellular Matrix And Cell WallsChapter 10.2 - Cell JunctionsChapter 10.3 - TissuesChapter 11 - Nucleic Acid Structure, Dna Replication, And Chromosome StructureChapter 11.1 - Biochemical Identification Of The Genetic MaterialChapter 11.2 - Nucleic Acid StructureChapter 11.3 - Overview Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.4 - Molecular Mechanism Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.5 - Molecular Structure Of Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 12 - Gene Expression At The Molecular Level I: Production Of Mrna And ProteinsChapter 12.1 - Overview Of Gene ExpressionChapter 12.2 - TranscriptionChapter 12.3 - Rna Modification In EukaryotesChapter 12.4 - Translation And The Genetic CodeChapter 12.5 - The Machinery Of TranslationChapter 12.6 - The Stages Of TranslationChapter 13 - Gene Expression At The Molecular Level Ii: Non-coding RnasChapter 13.1 - Overview Of Non-coding RnasChapter 13.2 - Effects Of Non-coding Rnas On Chromatin Structure And TranscriptionChapter 13.3 - Effects Of Non-coding Rnas On Translation And Mrna DegradationChapter 13.4 - Non-coding Rnas And Protein SortingChapter 13.5 - Non-coding Rnas And Genome DefenseChapter 14 - Gene Expression At The Molecular Level Iii: Gene RegulationChapter 14.1 - Overview Of Gene RegulationChapter 14.2 - Regulation Of Transcription In BacteriaChapter 14.3 - Regulation Of Transcription In Eukaryotes I: Roles Of Transcription Factors And MediatorChapter 14.4 - Regulation Of Transcription In Eukaryotes Ii: Changes In Chromatin Structure And Dna MethylationChapter 14.5 - Regulation Of Rna Modification And Translation In EukaryotesChapter 15 - Mutation, Dna Repair, And CancerChapter 15.1 - Consequences Of MutationsChapter 15.2 - Causes Of MutationsChapter 15.3 - Dna RepairChapter 15.4 - CancerChapter 16 - The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Mitosis, And MeiosisChapter 16.1 - The Eukaryotic Cell CycleChapter 16.2 - Mitotic Cell DivisionChapter 16.3 - MeiosisChapter 16.4 - Sexual ReproductionChapter 16.5 - Variation In Chromosome Structure And NumberChapter 17 - Mendelian Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 17.1 - Mendel’s Laws Of InheritanceChapter 17.2 - The Chromosome Theory Of InheritanceChapter 17.3 - Pedigree Analysis Of Human TraitsChapter 17.4 - Sex Chromosomes And X-linked Inheritance PatternsChapter 17.5 - Variations In Inheritance Patterns And Their Molecular BasisChapter 17.6 - Gene InteractionChapter 18 - Epigenetics, Linkage, And Extranuclear InheritanceChapter 18.2 - Epigenetics I: Genomic ImprintingChapter 18.3 - Epigenetics Ii: X-chromosome InactivationChapter 18.5 - Extranuclear Inheritance: Organelle GenomesChapter 18.6 - Genes On The Same Chromosome: Linkage And RecombinationChapter 19 - Genetics Of Viruses And BacteriaChapter 19.1 - General Properties Of VirusesChapter 19.2 - Viral Reproductive CyclesChapter 19.4 - Genetic Properties Of BacteriaChapter 19.5 - Gene Transfer Between BacteriaChapter 20 - Developmental GeneticsChapter 20.1 - General Themes In DevelopmentChapter 20.2 - Development In Animals I: Pattern FormationChapter 20.3 - Development In Animals Ii: Cell DifferentiationChapter 20.4 - Development In PlantsChapter 21 - Genetic Technologies And GenomicsChapter 21.1 - Gene CloningChapter 21.2 - Genomics: Techniques For Studying And Altering GenomesChapter 21.3 - Bacterial And Archaeal GenomesChapter 21.4 - Eukaryotic GenomesChapter 21.5 - Repetitive Sequences And Transposable ElementsChapter 22 - An Introduction To EvolutionChapter 22.1 - Overview Of EvolutionChapter 22.2 - Evidence Of Evolutionary ChangeChapter 22.3 - The Molecular Processes That Underlie EvolutionChapter 23 - Population GeneticsChapter 23.1 - Genes In PopulationsChapter 23.2 - Natural SelectionChapter 23.3 - Sexual SelectionChapter 23.4 - Genetic DriftChapter 23.5 - Migration And Nonrandom MatingChapter 24 - Origin Of Species And MacroevolutionChapter 24.1 - Identification Of SpeciesChapter 24.2 - Mechanisms Of SpeciationChapter 24.4 - Evo-devo: Evolutionary Developmental BiologyChapter 25 - Taxonomy And SystematicsChapter 25.1 - TaxonomyChapter 25.2 - Phylogenetic TreesChapter 25.3 - CladisticsChapter 25.4 - Molecular ClocksChapter 25.5 - Horizontal Gene TransferChapter 26 - History Of Life On Earth And Human EvolutionChapter 26.1 - The Fossil RecordChapter 26.2 - History Of Life On EarthChapter 26.3 - Human EvolutionChapter 27 - Archaea And BacteriaChapter 27.2 - Structure And MovementChapter 27.3 - ReproductionChapter 27.5 - Ecological Roles And Biotechnology ApplicationsChapter 28 - ProtistsChapter 28.1 - An Introduction To ProtistsChapter 28.2 - Evolution And RelationshipsChapter 28.3 - Nutritional And Defensive AdaptationsChapter 28.4 - Reproductive AdaptationsChapter 29 - FungiChapter 29.1 - Evolution And Distinctive Features Of FungiChapter 29.2 - Overview Of Asexual And Sexual Reproduction In FungiChapter 29.3 - Diversity Of FungiChapter 29.4 - Fungal Ecology And BiotechnologyChapter 30 - Microbiomes: Microbial Systems On And Around UsChapter 30.3 - Host-associated MicrobiomesChapter 31 - Plants And The Conquest Of LandChapter 31.1 - Ancestry And Diversity Of Modern PlantsChapter 31.2 - How Land Plants Have Changed The EarthChapter 31.3 - Evolution Of Reproductive Features In Land PlantsChapter 31.4 - Evolutionary Importance Of The Plant EmbryoChapter 31.5 - The Origin And Evolutionary Importance Of Leaves And SeedsChapter 32 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern Gymnosperms And AngiospermsChapter 32.2 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern GymnospermsChapter 32.3 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern AngiospermsChapter 32.4 - The Role Of Coevolution In Angiosperm DiversificationChapter 33 - An Introduction To Animal DiversityChapter 33.2 - Animal ClassificationChapter 33.3 - The Use Of Molecular Data In Constructing Phylogenetic Trees For AnimalsChapter 34 - The InvertebratesChapter 34.2 - Porifera: The SpongesChapter 34.3 - Cnidaria: Jellyfish And Other Radially Symmetric AnimalsChapter 34.4 - Lophotrochozoa: The Flatworms, Rotifers, Bryozoans, Brachiopods, Mollusks, And AnnelidsChapter 34.5 - Ecdysozoa: The Nematodes And ArthropodsChapter 34.6 - Deuterostomia: The Echinoderms And ChordatesChapter 35 - The VertebratesChapter 35.1 - Vertebrates: Chordates With A BackboneChapter 35.3 - Gnathostomes: Jawed VertebratesChapter 35.4 - Tetrapods: Gnathostomes With Four LimbsChapter 35.5 - Amniotes: Tetrapods With A Desiccation-resistant EggChapter 35.6 - Mammals: Milk-producing AmniotesChapter 36 - An Introduction To Flowering Plant Form And FunctionChapter 36.1 - From Seed To Seed—the Life Of A Flowering PlantChapter 36.2 - How Plants Grow And DevelopChapter 36.3 - The Shoot System: Stem And Leaf AdaptationsChapter 36.4 - Root System AdaptationsChapter 37 - Flowering Plants: BehaviorChapter 37.1 - Overview Of Plant Behavioral ResponsesChapter 37.2 - Plant HormonesChapter 37.3 - Plant Responses To Environmental StimuliChapter 38 - Flowering Plants: NutritionChapter 38.1 - Plant Nutritional RequirementsChapter 38.2 - The Role Of Soil In Plant NutritionChapter 38.3 - Biological Sources Of Plant NutrientsChapter 39 - Flowering Plants: TransportChapter 39.2 - Uptake And Movement Of Materials At The Cellular LevelChapter 39.3 - Tissue-level TransportChapter 39.4 - Long-distance TransportChapter 40 - Flowering Plants: ReproductionChapter 40.1 - An Overview Of Flowering Plant ReproductionChapter 40.2 - Flower Production, Structure, And DevelopmentChapter 40.3 - Male And Female Gametophytes And Double FertilizationChapter 40.4 - Embryo, Seed, Fruit, And Seedling DevelopmentChapter 41 - Animal Bodies And HomeostasisChapter 41.1 - Organization Of Animal BodiesChapter 41.2 - The Relationship Between Structure And FunctionChapter 41.3 - General Principles Of HomeostasisChapter 41.4 - Homeostatic Control Of Internal FluidsChapter 42 - Neuroscience I: Cells Of The Nervous SystemChapter 42.1 - Cellular Components Of Nervous SystemsChapter 42.2 - Electrical Properties Of Neurons And The Resting Membrane PotentialChapter 42.3 - Generation And Transmission Of Electrical Signals Along NeuronsChapter 42.4 - Electrical And Chemical Communication At SynapsesChapter 43 - Neuroscience Ii: Evolution, Structure, And Function Of The Nervous SystemChapter 43.1 - The Evolution And Development Of Nervous SystemsChapter 43.2 - Structure And Function Of The Nervous Systems Of Humans And Other VertebratesChapter 43.3 - Cellular Basis Of Learning And MemoryChapter 44 - Neuroscience Iii: Sensory SystemsChapter 44.1 - An Introduction To SensationChapter 44.2 - MechanoreceptionChapter 44.4 - Electromagnetic ReceptionChapter 44.5 - PhotoreceptionChapter 44.6 - ChemoreceptionChapter 45 - Muscular-skeletal Systems And LocomotionChapter 45.1 - Types Of Animal SkeletonsChapter 45.2 - Skeletal Muscle Structure And The Mechanism Of Force GenerationChapter 45.3 - Types Of Skeletal Muscle Fibers And Their FunctionsChapter 46 - Nutrition And Animal Digestive SystemsChapter 46.3 - Overview Of Vertebrate Digestive SystemsChapter 46.4 - Mechanisms Of Digestion And Absorption In VertebratesChapter 46.5 - Neural And Endocrine Control Of DigestionChapter 46.6 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 47 - Control Of Energy Balance, Metabolic Rate, And Body TemperatureChapter 47.2 - Regulation Of The Absorptive And Postabsorptive StatesChapter 47.3 - Energy Balance And Metabolic RateChapter 47.4 - Regulation Of Body TemperatureChapter 48 - Circulatory And Respiratory SystemsChapter 48.1 - Types Of Circulatory SystemsChapter 48.2 - The Composition Of BloodChapter 48.3 - The Vertebrate Heart And Its FunctionChapter 48.4 - Blood VesselsChapter 48.7 - Types Of Respiratory SystemsChapter 48.8 - Structure And Function Of The Mammalian Respiratory SystemChapter 48.9 - Mechanisms Of Gas Transport In BloodChapter 48.10 - Control Of VentilationChapter 49 - Excretory SystemsChapter 49.1 - Excretory Systems In Different Animal GroupsChapter 49.2 - Structure And Function Of The Mammalian KidneyChapter 49.3 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 50 - Endocrine SystemsChapter 50.2 - Links Between The Endocrine And Nervous SystemsChapter 50.3 - Hormonal Control Of Metabolism And Energy BalanceChapter 50.4 - Hormonal Control Of Mineral BalanceChapter 50.5 - Hormonal Control Of Growth And DevelopmentChapter 51 - Animal Reproduction And DevelopmentChapter 51.1 - Overview Of Sexual And Asexual ReproductionChapter 51.3 - Human Reproductive Structure And FunctionChapter 51.4 - Pregnancy And Birth In MammalsChapter 52 - Immune SystemsChapter 52.2 - Innate ImmunityChapter 52.3 - Adaptive ImmunityChapter 53 - Integrated Responses Of Animal Organ Systems To A Challenge To HomeostasisChapter 53.2 - The Rapid Phase Of The Homeostatic Response To HemorrhageChapter 53.3 - The Secondary Phase Of The Homeostatic Response To HemorrhageChapter 53.4 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 54 - An Introduction To Ecology And BiomesChapter 54.1 - The Scale Of EcologyChapter 54.2 - Ecological MethodsChapter 54.3 - The Environment’s Effect On The Distribution Of OrganismsChapter 54.4 - Climate And Its Relationship To Biological CommunitiesChapter 54.5 - Major BiomesChapter 55 - Behavioral EcologyChapter 55.1 - The Influence Of Genetics And Learning On BehaviorChapter 55.2 - Local Movement And Long-range MigrationChapter 55.5 - Living In GroupsChapter 55.6 - AltruismChapter 55.7 - Mating SystemsChapter 56 - Population EcologyChapter 56.1 - Understanding PopulationsChapter 56.2 - DemographyChapter 56.3 - How Populations GrowChapter 57 - Species InteractionsChapter 57.1 - CompetitionChapter 57.2 - Predation, Herbivory, And ParasitismChapter 57.3 - Mutualism And CommensalismChapter 57.4 - Bottom-up And Top-down ControlChapter 58 - Communities And Ecosystems: Ecological Organization At Large ScalesChapter 58.1 - Patterns Of Species Richness And Species DiversityChapter 58.3 - Succession: Community ChangeChapter 58.4 - Island BiogeographyChapter 58.5 - Food Webs And Energy FlowChapter 59 - The Age Of HumansChapter 59.1 - Human Population GrowthChapter 59.2 - Global Warming And Climate ChangeChapter 59.3 - Pollution And Human Influences On Biogeochemical CyclesChapter 60 - Biodiversity And Conservation BiologyChapter 60.2 - Biodiversity And Ecosystem FunctionChapter 60.4 - Conservation Strategies

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Chapter 10, Problem 1TYChapter 11, Problem 1TYChapter 12, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Many different functions are carried out by ncRNAs because they have the...Reason for correct answer: Constitutive genes are those genes which express at constant levels at...Reason for correct answer: The addition and deletion of a single base pair in DNA results in...Reason for correct answer: Interphase of the eukaryotic cell cycle is composed of many phases. The...Reason for correct answer: According to Mendel’s experiment, when two heterozygous plants are...Chapter 18, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Option c. is given as “capsid”. The capsid is the protein structure...Chapter 20, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Restriction enzymes were discovered around 1960. They are used in gene...Reason for the correct answer: Evolution refers to the changes in one or more characteristics of a...Chapter 23, Problem 1TYChapter 24, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: The concept of systematics is based on the categorization of the...Reason for correct answer: Over the course of billions of years, the major landmasses shifted their...Chapter 27, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Choanoflagellates, also known as Choanomonada, are eukaryotic organisms....Reason for correct answer: Fungal cells have a rigid layer external to the plasma membrane called...Reason for correct answer: A microbiome refers to many species of microbes with their genes...Chapter 31, Problem 1TYChapter 32, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Animals can be defined as multicellular heterotrophs with cells that lack...Chapter 34, Problem 1TYChapter 35, Problem 1TYChapter 36, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Some of the examples of plant hormones are auxins, cytokinins,...Chapter 38, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Aquaporins are a part of major intrinsic proteins that result in the pore...Chapter 40, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Nervous tissues are made up of nerve cells which are known as neurons....Reason for correct answer: The central nervous system is the nervous system that includes the brain...Chapter 43, Problem 1TYChapter 44, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Exoskeletons provide support for the body and protection from the...Reason for correct answer: Breaking down of food into smaller particles so that it can be absorbed...Reason for correct answer: The absorptive stage includes the ingestion of various nutrients into the...Reason for correct answer: In an open circulatory system, the combination of interstitial fluid that...Reason for correct answer: On drinking excess water, there will be an increase in the glomerular...Chapter 50, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Parthenogenesis is the property of lower plants and invertebrates, such...Chapter 52, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: The respiratory system helps in increasing the alveolar volume. It...Chapter 54, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Proximate causes are the genetic and physiological factors that influence...Reason for correct answer: Total population size(N)=Number of marked individuals in first...Reason for correct answer: Commensalism is the type of species interaction in which one is...Reason for correct answer: The number of species in an ecological community is called species...The Shannon diversity index of Community 1 may be calculated as follows: The formula to be used is...Reason for correct answer: For the determination of an average number of children produced by a...Reason for correct answer: Endangered species are the species that are at the verge of extinction...

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