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Chapter 1 - A View Of LifeChapter 1.1 - Major Themes Of BiologyChapter 1.2 - Characteristics Of LifeChapter 1.3 - Levels Of Biological OrganizationChapter 1.4 - Information TransferChapter 1.5 - The Energy Of LifeChapter 1.6 - Evolution: The Basic Unifying Concept Of BiologyChapter 1.7 - The Process Of ScienceChapter 2 - Atoms And Molecules: The Chemical Basis Of LifeChapter 2.1 - Elements And Atoms
Chapter 2.2 - Chemical ReactionsChapter 2.3 - Chemical BondsChapter 2.4 - Redox ReactionsChapter 2.5 - WaterChapter 2.6 - Acids, Bases, And SaltsChapter 3 - The Chemistry Of Life: Organic CompoundsChapter 3.1 - Carbon Atoms And Organic MoleculesChapter 3.2 - CarbohydratesChapter 3.3 - LipidsChapter 3.4 - ProteinsChapter 3.5 - Nucleic AcidsChapter 3.6 - Identifying Biological MoleculesChapter 4 - Organization Of The CellChapter 4.1 - The Cell: Basic Unit Of LifeChapter 4.2 - Methods For Studying CellsChapter 4.3 - Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic CellsChapter 4.4 - The Cell NucleusChapter 4.5 - Membranous Organelles In The CytoplasmChapter 4.6 - The CytoskeletonChapter 4.7 - Cell CoveringsChapter 5 - Biological MembranesChapter 5.1 - The Structure Of Biological MembranesChapter 5.2 - Overview Of Membrane Protein FunctionsChapter 5.3 - Cell Membrane Structure And PermeabilityChapter 5.4 - Passive TransportChapter 5.5 - Active TransportChapter 5.6 - Exocytosis And EndocytosisChapter 5.7 - Cell JunctionsChapter 6 - Cell CommunicationChapter 6.1 - Cell Communication: An OverviewChapter 6.2 - Sending SignalsChapter 6.3 - ReceptionChapter 6.4 - Signal TransductionChapter 6.5 - Responses To SignalsChapter 6.6 - Evolution Of Cell CommunicationChapter 7 - Energy And MetabolismChapter 7.1 - Biological WorkChapter 7.2 - The Laws Of ThermodynamicsChapter 7.3 - Energy And MetabolismChapter 7.4 - Atp, The Energy Currency Of The CellChapter 7.5 - Energy Transfer In Redox ReactionsChapter 7.6 - EnzymesChapter 8 - How Cells Make Atp: Energy-releasing PathwaysChapter 8.1 - Redox ReactionsChapter 8.2 - The Four Stages Of Aerobic RespirationChapter 8.3 - Energy Yield Of Nutrients Other Than GlucoseChapter 8.4 - Anaerobic Respiration And FermentationChapter 9 - Photosynthesis: Capturing Light EnergyChapter 9.1 - Light And PhotosynthesisChapter 9.2 - ChloroplastsChapter 9.3 - Overview Of PhotosynthesisChapter 9.4 - The Light-dependent ReactionsChapter 9.5 - The Carbon Fixation ReactionsChapter 9.6 - Metabolic DiversityChapter 9.7 - Photosynthesis In Plants And In The EnvironmentChapter 10 - Chromosomes, Mitosis, And MeiosisChapter 10.1 - Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 10.2 - The Cell Cycle And MitosisChapter 10.3 - Regulation Of The Cell CycleChapter 10.4 - Sexual Reproduction And MeiosisChapter 10.5 - Sexual Life CyclesChapter 11 - The Basic Principles Of HeredityChapter 11.1 - Mendel’s Principles Of InheritanceChapter 11.2 - Using Probability To Predict Mendelian InheritanceChapter 11.3 - Inheritance And ChromosomesChapter 11.4 - Extensions Of Mendelian GeneticsChapter 12 - Dna: The Carrier Of Genetic InformationChapter 12.1 - Evidence Of Dna As The Hereditary MaterialChapter 12.2 - The Structure Of DnaChapter 12.3 - Dna ReplicationChapter 13 - Gene ExpressionChapter 13.1 - Discovery Of The Gene–protein RelationshipChapter 13.2 - Information Flow From Dna To Protein: An OverviewChapter 13.3 - TranscriptionChapter 13.4 - TranslationChapter 13.5 - MutationsChapter 13.6 - Variations In Gene ExpressionChapter 14 - Gene RegulationChapter 14.1 - Gene Regulation In Bacteria And Eukaryotes: An OverviewChapter 14.2 - Gene Regulation In BacteriaChapter 14.3 - Gene Regulation In Eukaryotic CellsChapter 15 - Dna Technology And GenomicsChapter 15.1 - Dna CloningChapter 15.2 - Tools For Studying DnaChapter 15.3 - GenomicsChapter 15.4 - Applications Of Dna TechnologiesChapter 15.5 - Dna Technology And Safety ConcernsChapter 16 - Human Genetics And The Human GenomeChapter 16.1 - Studying Human GeneticsChapter 16.2 - Abnormalities In Chromosome Number And StructureChapter 16.3 - Genetic Diseases Caused By Single-gene MutationsChapter 16.4 - Gene TherapyChapter 16.5 - Genetic Testing And CounselingChapter 16.6 - Human Genetics, Society, And EthicsChapter 17 - Developmental GeneticsChapter 17.1 - Cell Differentiation And Nuclear EquivalenceChapter 17.2 - The Genetic Control Of DevelopmentChapter 17.3 - Cancer And Cell DevelopmentChapter 18 - Introduction To Darwinian EvolutionChapter 18.1 - What Is Evolution?Chapter 18.2 - Pre-darwinian Ideas About EvolutionChapter 18.3 - Darwin And EvolutionChapter 18.4 - Evidence For EvolutionChapter 19 - Evolutionary Change In PopulationsChapter 19.1 - Genotype, Phenotype, And Allele FrequenciesChapter 19.2 - The Hardy–weinberg PrincipleChapter 19.3 - MicroevolutionChapter 19.4 - Genetic Variation In PopulationsChapter 20 - Speciation And MacroevolutionChapter 20.1 - What Is A Species?Chapter 20.2 - Reproductive IsolationChapter 20.3 - SpeciationChapter 20.4 - The Rate Of Evolutionary ChangeChapter 20.5 - MacroevolutionChapter 21 - The Origin And Evolutionary History Of LifeChapter 21.1 - Chemical Evolution On Early EarthChapter 21.2 - The First CellsChapter 21.3 - The History Of LifeChapter 22 - The Evolution Of PrimatesChapter 22.1 - Primate AdaptationsChapter 22.2 - Primate ClassificationChapter 22.3 - Hominin EvolutionChapter 22.4 - Cultural ChangeChapter 23 - Understanding Diversity: SystematicsChapter 23.1 - Classifying OrganismsChapter 23.2 - Determining The Major Branches In The Tree Of LifeChapter 23.3 - Reconstructing Evolutionary HistoryChapter 23.4 - Constructing Phylogenetic TreesChapter 23.5 - Applying Phylogenetic InformationChapter 24 - Viruses And Subviral AgentsChapter 24.1 - The Status And Structure Of VirusesChapter 24.2 - Classification Of VirusesChapter 24.3 - Viral ReplicationChapter 24.4 - Viral DiseasesChapter 24.5 - Evolution Of VirusesChapter 24.6 - Subviral AgentsChapter 25 - Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 25.1 - The Structure Of Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 25.2 - Prokaryote Reproduction And EvolutionChapter 25.3 - Nutritional And Metabolic AdaptationsChapter 25.4 - The Phylogeny Of The Two Prokaryote DomainsChapter 25.5 - Impact On Ecology, Technology, And CommerceChapter 25.6 - Bacteria And DiseaseChapter 26 - ProtistsChapter 26.1 - Diversity In The ProtistsChapter 26.2 - How Did Eukaryotes Evolve?Chapter 26.3 - ExcavatesChapter 26.4 - ChromalveolatesChapter 26.5 - RhizariansChapter 26.6 - ArchaeplastidsChapter 26.7 - UnikontsChapter 27 - Seedless PlantsChapter 27.1 - Adaptations Of Plants To Life On LandChapter 27.2 - BryophytesChapter 27.3 - Seedless Vascular PlantsChapter 28 - Seed PlantsChapter 28.1 - An Introduction To Seed PlantsChapter 28.2 - GymnospermsChapter 28.3 - Flowering PlantsChapter 28.4 - The Evolution Of Seed PlantsChapter 29 - The FungiChapter 29.1 - Characteristics Of FungiChapter 29.2 - Fungal ReproductionChapter 29.3 - Fungal DiversityChapter 29.4 - Ecological Importance Of FungiChapter 29.5 - Economic, Biological, And Medical Impact Of FungiChapter 30 - An Introduction To Animal DiversityChapter 30.1 - Animal CharacteristicsChapter 30.2 - Adaptations To Ocean, Freshwater, And Terrestrial HabitatsChapter 30.3 - Animal EvolutionChapter 30.4 - Reconstructing Animal PhylogenyChapter 31 - Sponges, Cnidarians, Ctenophores, And ProtostomesChapter 31.1 - Sponges, Cnidarians, And CtenophoresChapter 31.2 - The LophotrochozoaChapter 31.3 - The EcdysozoaChapter 32 - The DeuterostomesChapter 32.1 - What Are Deuterostomes?Chapter 32.2 - EchinodermsChapter 32.3 - The Chordates: Major CharacteristicsChapter 32.4 - Invertebrate ChordatesChapter 32.5 - Introducing The VertebratesChapter 32.6 - Jawless FishesChapter 32.7 - Evolution Of Jaws And Limbs: Jawed Fishes And TetrapodsChapter 32.8 - Amniotes: Terrestrial VertebratesChapter 33 - Plant Structure, Growth, And DevelopmentChapter 33.1 - The Plant BodyChapter 33.2 - Plant MeristemsChapter 33.3 - Development Of FormChapter 34 - Leaf Structure And FunctionChapter 34.1 - Leaf Form And StructureChapter 34.2 - Stomatal Opening And ClosingChapter 34.3 - Transpiration And GuttationChapter 34.4 - Leaf AbscissionChapter 34.5 - Modified LeavesChapter 35 - Stem Structure And TransportChapter 35.1 - Stem Growth And StructureChapter 35.2 - Water TransportChapter 35.3 - Translocation Of Sugar In SolutionChapter 36 - Roots And Mineral NutritionChapter 36.1 - Root Structure And FunctionChapter 36.2 - Root Associations And InteractionsChapter 36.3 - The Soil EnvironmentChapter 37 - Reproduction In Flowering PlantsChapter 37.1 - The Flowering Plant Life CycleChapter 37.2 - PollinationChapter 37.3 - Fertilization And Seed And Fruit DevelopmentChapter 37.4 - Germination And Early GrowthChapter 37.5 - Asexual Reproduction In Flowering PlantsChapter 37.6 - A Comparison Of Sexual And Asexual ReproductionChapter 38 - Plant Developmental Responses To External And Internal SignalsChapter 38.1 - TropismsChapter 38.2 - Plant Hormones And DevelopmentChapter 38.3 - Light Signals And Plant DevelopmentChapter 38.4 - Responses To Herbivores And PathogensChapter 39 - Animal Structure And Function: An IntroductionChapter 39.1 - Tissues, Organs, And Organ SystemsChapter 39.2 - Regulating The Internal EnvironmentChapter 39.3 - Regulating Body TemperatureChapter 40 - Protection, Support, And MovementChapter 40.1 - Epithelial CoveringsChapter 40.2 - Skeletal SystemsChapter 40.3 - Muscle ContractionChapter 41 - Neural SignalingChapter 41.1 - Neural Signaling: An OverviewChapter 41.2 - Neurons And Glial CellsChapter 41.3 - Transmitting Information Along The NeuronChapter 41.4 - Transmitting Information Across SynapsesChapter 41.5 - Neural IntegrationChapter 41.6 - Neural Circuits: Complex Information SignalingChapter 42 - Neural RegulationChapter 42.1 - Invertebrate Nervous Systems: Trends In EvolutionChapter 42.2 - Overview Of The Vertebrate Nervous SystemChapter 42.3 - Evolution Of The Vertebrate BrainChapter 42.4 - The Human Central Nervous SystemChapter 42.5 - The Peripheral Nervous SystemChapter 42.6 - Effects Of Drugs On The Nervous SystemChapter 43 - Sensory SystemsChapter 43.1 - How Sensory Systems WorkChapter 43.2 - ThermoreceptorsChapter 43.3 - Electroreceptors And Magnetic ReceptionChapter 43.4 - NociceptorsChapter 43.5 - MechanoreceptorsChapter 43.6 - ChemoreceptorsChapter 43.7 - PhotoreceptorsChapter 44 - Internal TransportChapter 44.1 - Types Of Circulatory SystemsChapter 44.2 - Vertebrate BloodChapter 44.3 - Vertebrate Blood VesselsChapter 44.4 - Evolution Of The Vertebrate Circulatory SystemChapter 44.5 - The Human HeartChapter 44.6 - Blood PressureChapter 44.7 - The Pattern Of CirculationChapter 44.8 - The Lymphatic SystemChapter 44.9 - Cardiovascular DiseaseChapter 45 - The Immune System: Internal DefenseChapter 45.1 - Evolution Of Immune ResponsesChapter 45.2 - Innate Immune Responses In VertebratesChapter 45.3 - Adaptive Immune Responses In VertebratesChapter 45.4 - Cell-mediated ImmunityChapter 45.5 - Antibody-mediated ImmunityChapter 45.6 - Response To Disease, Immune Failures, And Harmful ReactionsChapter 46 - Gas ExchangeChapter 46.1 - Adaptations For Gas Exchange In Air Or WaterChapter 46.2 - Types Of Respiratory SurfacesChapter 46.3 - The Mammalian Respiratory SystemChapter 46.4 - Breathing Polluted AirChapter 47 - Processing Food And NutritionChapter 47.1 - Nutritional Styles And AdaptationsChapter 47.2 - The Vertebrate Digestive SystemChapter 47.3 - Required NutrientsChapter 47.4 - Energy MetabolismChapter 48 - Osmoregulation And Disposal Of Metabolic WastesChapter 48.1 - Maintaining Fluid And Electrolyte BalanceChapter 48.2 - Metabolic Waste ProductsChapter 48.3 - Osmoregulation And Excretion In InvertebratesChapter 48.4 - Osmoregulation And Excretion In VertebratesChapter 48.5 - The Urinary System Of MammalsChapter 49 - Endocrine RegulationChapter 49.1 - An Overview Of Endocrine RegulationChapter 49.2 - Types Of Endocrine SignalingChapter 49.3 - Mechanisms Of Hormone ActionChapter 49.4 - Neuroendocrine Regulation In InvertebratesChapter 49.5 - Endocrine Regulation In VertebratesChapter 50 - ReproductionChapter 50.1 - Asexual And Sexual ReproductionChapter 50.2 - Human Reproduction: The MaleChapter 50.3 - Human Reproduction: The FemaleChapter 50.4 - Fertilization, Pregnancy, And BirthChapter 50.5 - Human Sexual ResponseChapter 50.6 - Birth Control Methods And AbortionChapter 50.7 - Sexually Transmitted InfectionsChapter 51 - Animal DevelopmentChapter 51.1 - Development Of FormChapter 51.2 - FertilizationChapter 51.3 - CleavageChapter 51.4 - GastrulationChapter 51.5 - OrganogenesisChapter 51.6 - Extraembryonic MembranesChapter 51.7 - Human DevelopmentChapter 52 - Animal BehaviorChapter 52.1 - Behavior And AdaptationChapter 52.2 - Learning: Changing Behavior As A Result Of ExperienceChapter 52.3 - Behavioral Responses To Environmental StimuliChapter 52.4 - Foraging BehaviorChapter 52.5 - Costs And Benefits Of Social BehaviorChapter 52.6 - Sexual SelectionChapter 52.7 - Helping BehaviorChapter 52.8 - Culture In Vertebrate SocietiesChapter 53 - Introduction To Ecology: Population EcologyChapter 53.1 - Features Of PopulationsChapter 53.2 - Changes In Population SizeChapter 53.3 - Factors Influencing Population SizeChapter 53.4 - Life History TraitsChapter 53.5 - MetapopulationsChapter 53.6 - Human PopulationsChapter 54 - Community EcologyChapter 54.1 - Community Structure And FunctioningChapter 54.2 - Strength And Direction Of Community InteractionsChapter 54.3 - Community BiodiversityChapter 54.4 - Community DevelopmentChapter 55 - Ecosystems And The BiosphereChapter 55.1 - Energy Flow Through EcosystemsChapter 55.2 - Cycles Of Matter In EcosystemsChapter 55.3 - Abiotic Factors In EcosystemsChapter 55.4 - Studying Ecosystem ProcessesChapter 56 - Ecology And The Geography Of LifeChapter 56.1 - BiomesChapter 56.2 - Aquatic EcosystemsChapter 56.3 - EcotonesChapter 56.4 - BiogeographyChapter 57 - Biological Diversity And Conservation BiologyChapter 57.1 - The Biodiversity CrisisChapter 57.2 - Conservation BiologyChapter 57.3 - DeforestationChapter 57.4 - Climate Change
Book Details
Solomon/Martin/Martin/Berg, BIOLOGY is often described as the best majors text for LEARNING biology. Working like a built-in study guide, the superbly integrated, inquiry-based learning system guides you through every chapter. Key concepts appear clearly
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Reason for correct answer: The biological organization of organisms starts from atoms that are the...Chapter 2, Problem 1TYUReasons for the correct answer: Option (d) is given as “it can bond to atoms of a large number of...Chapter 4, Problem 1TYUChapter 5, Problem 1TYUChapter 6, Problem 1TYUChapter 7, Problem 1TYUChapter 8, Problem 1TYUChapter 9, Problem 1TYU
Chapter 10, Problem 1TYUChapter 11, Problem 1TYUChapter 12, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer. Option (e) is given as “studied the relationship between genes and...Chapter 14, Problem 1TYUChapter 15, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: Option (e) is given as “the expression of genetic traits in the...Reason for the correct answer: Over many steps, an intricate pattern is created by the tissues to...Chapter 18, Problem 1TYUChapter 19, Problem 1TYUChapter 20, Problem 1TYUChapter 21, Problem 1TYUReasons for the correct answer: Evolution of animals is often explained with the help of fossil...Chapter 23, Problem 1TYUChapter 24, Problem 1TYUChapter 25, Problem 1TYUChapter 26, Problem 1TYUChapter 27, Problem 1TYUChapter 28, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: Opisthokonts are eukaryotes that include fungi as well as animals....Chapter 30, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: Option (a) is given as “poriferans”. The interior space of the body...Chapter 32, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: The majority of the plant body consists of the ground tissue system...Reason for the correct answer: Leaf arrangement on stem There are three possible arrangements of...Reason for the correct answer: The axillary buds, also called lateral buds, are embryonic shoots...Reason for the correct answer: Option (c) is given as “a taproot system”. The root system that...Chapter 37, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: General mechanism of action of auxin hormone: Auxins are a group of...Chapter 39, Problem 1TYUReason for correct answer: Echinoderms and vertebrates have their skeleton inside their body thus...Chapter 41, Problem 1TYUChapter 42, Problem 1TYUChapter 43, Problem 1TYUChapter 44, Problem 1TYUChapter 45, Problem 1TYUChapter 46, Problem 1TYUChapter 47, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: Osmoregulation is a biological process in which an organism regulates...Chapter 49, Problem 1TYUChapter 50, Problem 1TYUChapter 51, Problem 1TYUReason for the correct answer: Behavior is the action of an animal and the way of the action in...Chapter 53, Problem 1TYUChapter 54, Problem 1TYUChapter 55, Problem 1TYUChapter 56, Problem 1TYUChapter 57, Problem 1TYU
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