Solutions for Fluid Mechanics
Problem 3.2P:
Consider the angular momentum relation in the form M0=ddtsystem(rV)dV What does r mean in this...Problem 3.3P:
For steady low-Reynolds-number (laminar) flow through a long tube (see Prob. 1.12), the axial...Problem 3.4P:
Water at 20°C flows through a long elliptical duct 30 cm wide and 22 cm high. What average velocity,...Problem 3.5P:
Water at 20°C flows through a 5-in-diameter smooth pipe at a high Reynolds number, For which the...Problem 3.6P:
Water fills a cylindrical tank to depth h. The tank has diameter D. The water flows out at average...Problem 3.7P:
A spherical tank, of diameter 35 cm, is leaking air through a 5-mm-diameter hole in its side. The...Problem 3.8P:
Three pipes steadily deliver water at 20°C to a large exit pipe in Fig. F3.8. The velocity V2= 5...Problem 3.9P:
A laboratory test tank contains seawater of salinity S and density . Water enters the tank at...Problem 3.10P:
Water flowing through an 8-cm-diameter pipe enters a porous section, as in Fig. P3.10, which allows...Problem 3.11P:
Water flows from a faucet into a sink at 3 U.S. gallons per minute. The stopper is closed, and the...Problem 3.12P:
The pipe flow in Fig, P3.12 fills a cylindrical surge tank as shown. At time t = 0, the water depth...Problem 3.13P:
The cylindrical container in Fig. P3.13 is 20 cm in diameter and has a conical contraction at the...Problem 3.14P:
The open tank in Fig. F3.14 contains water at 20°C and is being filled through section 1. Assume...Problem 3.15P:
Water, assumed incompressible, flows steadily through the round pipe in Fig. P3.15. The entrance...Problem 3.16P:
P3.16 An incompressible fluid flows past an impermeable flat plate, as in Fig. P3.16, with a uniform...Problem 3.17P:
Incompressible steady flow in the inlet between parallel plates in Fig. P3.17 is uniform, u = U0= 8...Problem 3.18P:
Gasoline enters section 1 in Fig, P3.18 at 0.5 m3/s. It leaves section 2 at an average velocity of...Problem 3.19P:
Water from a storm drain flows over an outfall onto a porous bed that absorbs the water at a uniform...Problem 3.20P:
Oil (SG = 0.89) enters at section 1 in Fig, P3.20 at a weight flow of 250 N/h to lubricate a thrust...Problem 3.26P:
A thin layer of liquid, draining from an inclined plane, as in Fig. P3.26, will have a laminar...Problem 3.33P:
In some wind tunnels the test section is perforated to suck out fluid and provide a thin, viscous...Problem 3.34P:
A rocket motor is operati ng steadily, as shown in Fig. P3.34. The products of combustion flowing...Problem 3.35P:
In contrast to the liquid rocket in Fig. P3.34, the solid-propellant racket in Fig. P3.35 is...Problem 3.36P:
The jet pump in Fig. P3.36 injects water at U1 = 40 m/s through a 3-in pipe and entrains a secondary...Problem 3.39P:
A wedge splits a sheet of 20°C water, as shown in Fig. P3.39- Both wedge and sheet are very long...Problem 3.40P:
The water jet in Fig, P3,40 strikes normal to a fixed plate. Neglect gravity and friction, and...Problem 3.41P:
P3.41 In Fig. P3.41 the vane turns the water jet completely around. Find an expression for the...Problem 3.43P:
P3.43 Water at 20°C flows through a 5-cm-diameter pipe that has a 180° vertical bend, as in Fig....Problem 3.44P:
P3.44 When a uniform stream flows past an immersed thick cylinder, a broad low-velocity wake is...Problem 3.45P:
Water enters and leaves the 6-cm-diameter pipe bend in Fig. P3.45 at an average velocity of 8.5 m/s....Problem 3.46P:
When a jet strikes an inclined fixed plate, as in Fig. P3.46, it breaks into two jets at 2 and 3 of...Problem 3.47P:
A liquid jet of velocity Vjand diameter Djstrikes a fixed hollow cone, as in Fig. P3.47, and...Problem 3.48P:
The small boat in Fig. P3.48 is driven at a steady speed V0 by a jet of compressed air issuing from...Problem 3.49P:
The horizontal nozzle in Fig. P3.49 has D1 = 12 in and D2= 6 in, with inlet pressure p1= 38 lbf/in2...Problem 3.51P:
P3.51 A liquid jet of velocity Vj and area Aj strikes a single 180° bucket on a turbine wheel...Problem 3.52P:
A large commercial power washer delivers 21 gal/min of water through a nozzle of exit diameter...Problem 3.54P:
For the pipe-flow-reducing section of Fig. P3.54, D1 = 8 cm, D2= 5 cm, and p2 = 1 atm. All fluids...Problem 3.55P:
In Fig. P3.55 the jet strikes a vane that moves to the right at constant velocity Vcon a...Problem 3.62P:
P3.62 Water at 20°C exits to the standard sea-level atmosphere through the split nozzle in Fig....Problem 3.63P:
Water flows steadily through the box in Fig. P3.63. Average velocity at all ports is 7 m/s. The...Problem 3.64P:
The 6-cm-diameter 20°C water jet in Fig. P3.64 strikes a plate containing a hole of 4-cm diameter....Problem 3.69P:
P3.69 A uniform rectangular plate, 40 cm long and 30 cm deep into the paper, hangs in air from a....Problem 3.72P:
When immersed in a uniform stream, a thick elliptical cylinder creates a broad downstream wake, as...Problem 3.73P:
P3.73 A pump in a tank of water at 20°C directs a jet at 45 ft/s and 200 gal/min against a vane, as...Problem 3.74P:
P3.74 Water at 20°C flows down through a vertical, 6-cm-diameter tube at 300 gal/min, as in Fig....Problem 3.79P:
P3.79 The Saturn V rocket in the chapter opener photo was powered by five F-l engines, each of which...Problem 3.84P:
Air at 20°C and 1 atm flows in a 25-cm-diameter duct at 15 m/s, as in Fig. P3.84. The exit is choked...Problem 3.94P:
A water jet 3 in in diameter strikes a concrete (SG = 23) slab which rests freely on a level floor....Problem 3.95P:
P3.95 A tall water tank discharges through a well-rounded orifice, as in Fig. P3.95. Use the...Problem 3.103P:
Suppose that the solid-propellant rocket of Prob. P3.35 is mounted on a 1000-kg car to propel it up...Problem 3.104P:
A rocket is attached to a rigid horizontal rod hinged at the origin as in Fig. P3.104. Its initial...Problem 3.105P:
Extend Prob. P3.104 to the case where the rocket has a linear air drag force F = cV, where c is a...Problem 3.106P:
Actual airflow past a parachute creates a variable distribution of velocities and directions. Let us...Problem 3.112P:
A jet of alcohol strikes the vertical plate in Fig. P3.112. A force F425 N is required to hold the...Problem 3.116P:
P3.116 For the container of Fig. P3.116 use Bernoulli's equation to derive a formula for the...Problem 3.117P:
Water at 20°C, in the pressurized tank of Fig. P3.117, flows out and creates a vertical jet as...Problem 3.118P:
P3.118 Bernoulli's 1738 treatise Hydrodynamica contains many excellent sketches of flow patterns...Problem 3.123P:
The air-cushion vehicle in Fig, P3.123 brings in sea-level standard air through a fan and discharges...Problem 3.130P:
P3.130 In Fig. P3.130 the fluid is gasoline at 20°C at a weight flow of 120 N/s. Assuming no...Problem 3.136P:
Air, assumed frictionless, flows through a tube, exiting to sea-level atmosphere. Diameters at 1 and...Problem 3.137P:
In Fig. P3.137 the piston drives water at 20°C. Neglecting losses, estimate the exit velocity...Problem 3.146P:
The pump in Fig. P3.146 draws gasoline at 20°C from a reservoir. Pumps are in big trouble if the...Problem 3.147P:
The very large water tank in Fig. P3.147 is discharging through a 4-in-diameter pipe. The pump is...Problem 3.149P:
P3.149 The horizontal lawn sprinkler in Fig. P3.149 has a water flow rate of 4.0 gal/min introduced...Problem 3.162P:
The waterwheel in Fig. P3.162 is being driven at 200 r/min by a 150-ft/s jet of water at 20°C The...Problem 3.166P:
A power plant on a river, as in Fig. P3.166, must eliminate 55 MW of waste heat to the river. The...Problem 3.169P:
P3.169 When the pump in Fig. P3.169 draws 220 m3/h of water at 20°C from the reservoir, the total...Problem 3.171P:
P3.171 Consider a turbine extracting energy from a penstock in a dam, as in Fig. P3.171. For...Problem 3.184P:
The large turbine in Fig. P3.184 diverts the river flow under a dam as shown. System friction losses...Problem 3.5WP:
W3.5 Consider a long sewer pipe, half full of water, sloping downward at angle . Antoine Chézy in...Problem 3.6WP:
Put a table tennis ball in a funnel, and attach the small end of the funnel to an air supply. You...Problem 3.7WP:
How does a siphon work? Are there any limitations (such as how high or how low can you siphon water...Problem 3.3FEEP:
In Fig, FE3.1 water exits from a nozzle into atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa. If the exit velocity...Problem 3.6FEEP:
FE3.6 A fireboat pump delivers water to a vertical nozzle with a 3:1 diameter ratio, as in Fig....Problem 3.7FEEP:
A fireboat pump delivers water to a vertical nozzle with a 3:1 diameter ratio, as in Fig. FE3.6. If...Problem 3.9FEEP:
Water flowing in a smooth 6-cm-diameter pipe enters a venturi contraction with a throat diameter of...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Pressure Distribution In A FluidChapter 3 - Integral Relations For A Control VolumeChapter 4 - Differential Relations For Fluid FlowChapter 5 - Dimensional Analysis And SimilarityChapter 6 - Viscous Flow In DuctsChapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed BodiesChapter 8 - Potential Flow And Computational Fluid DynamicsChapter 9 - Compressible FlowChapter 10 - Open-channel Flow
Book Details
The eighth edition of White’s
Fluid Mechanics offers students a clear and comprehensive presentation of the material that demonstrates the progression from physical concepts to engineering applications and helps students quickly see the practical importance of fluid mechanics fundamentals. The wide variety of topics gives instructors many options for their course and is a useful resource to students long after graduation.
The book’s unique problem-solving approach is presented at the start of the book and carefully integrated in all examples. Students can progress from general ones to those involving design, multiple steps and computer usage.
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Fluid Mechanics homework problems. See examples below:
Given Information: Temperature of gas is 20 ° C Number of molecules is 1012 per cubic millimeter....Given: Initial temperature = 10℃ Initial Pressure = 1atm ⇒ 101.350 kPa New Pressure = 600kPa Concept...Given: μ≈1.80E−5 Pa·s for air at 20 °C Concept Used: Formula used μ=μo(T/To)n Calculation: First...Given: The fluid viscosity μ is then given by μ={Wnett(3π)DL} if t≥2ρDLμ Concept Used: Formulas are...Given: An approximation for the boundary layer shape u(y)≈Usin(πy2δ), 0≤y≤δ Where U=stream velocity...Given Information: We have below mentioned data, Slope as, 1R=d2ηdx2, The height as, h Surface...Torricelli (1608−1647) was a famous mathematician and born in Faenza, Italy. He completed his...Given: The pressure drop is held constant at Δp=5 kPa Tube Diameter =2 mm Length of pipe =1 m...Given: θ=15°, h=1 mm, m=6 kg, A=35 cm2 Dynamic viscosity of SAE 30 oil at 20°C, μ=0.2394 pa.s...
Given: The cylinder weight and buoyancy is negligible and slides upward by a film of heavy oil of...Given information: σ xx = 3000 lbf/ft2 σ yy = 2000lbf/ft2 σ xy = 500 lbf/ft2 angle Θ = 300 We know...Calculation: Write the hydrostatic formula for tube B....Write the expression of hydrostatic relation from oil surface to water surface....Write the expression for specific weight of the liquid. γliquid=(SG)liquid(γwater) …… (I) Here, the...Calculation: Write the expression for density of the oil. ρoil=(SG)oil(ρwater) …… (I) Here, the...Concept Used: Write the hydrostatic formula from gage B to gage C....Write the expression for the volume of the right end leg of U-tube. Vr=π4d2h …… (I) Here, the volume...Given information: The approximate magnitude of acceleration due to gravity is 3.71 m/s2 . The...Write the expression for the constantn. n=gRB... (I) Here, the acceleration due to gravity isg, the...The following figure shows the two containers with water and oil. Figure-(1) The height of oil in...Write the expression for horizontal hydrostatic force. FH=P1A …… (I) Here, the pressure is P1 and...Write the expression for horizontal component of hydrostatic force. FH=γAhCG …… (I) Here, the...Given information: The maximum point of parabola AB is point A. The width of the panel is 150cm. The...Given information: The quarter circle BC is hinged at point C. The weight of the gate is neglected....Given information: The width of uniform body is b. It’s in static equilibrium, when pivoted about...Given Information: Let diameter of the sphere be D Dimensions of the box − length-L, breadth − b,...Given Information: Diameter of the log = 24 inches = 0.61 m Density of the log = 710 kg/m3 Density...Given information: The depth of water is 20 cm, the angular velocity is 120 r/min. Write the...Given: Concept Used: Force acting on the panel is given by F=p.A Where, p is the pressure in N/m2...Given information: Height of levee is 30 m Width of levee is 5 m Depth is 20 m Density is equal to...Given information: Three forms of Newton’s second law i.e. ∑F=ma ∑F=ddt(mv) ∑F=ddt( ∫ system vρ d ∘...Given: Diameter of the duct = 2 cm At section 1: Temperature = 345 K Pressure = 1.1 MPa At section...Given information: The diameter of nozzle at section 1 is 12 in, the diameter of nozzle at section 2...Given information: The force required to hold the plate steady is 70 N, diameter of the nozzle at...Given information: The diameter of the tube in which fluid is flowing is 3 in, the difference in the...Given information: The diameter of the tube at inlet and outlet in which the fluid is flowing is 10...Given information: The liquid in the tank is kerosene at 20 °C temperature. The air pressure inside...Given information: The diameter at section (1) is 12 cm . The diameter of the jet is 4 cm . The...Given information: The diameter of the tube is 0.001 m, the length of the siphon tube is 2 m The...Given information: The flow rate is 40 m3/h . The temperature of the water is 40°C . The height of...Given information: The temperature of the water flowing inside the nozzle is 35°C, The diameter at...Given information: The flow is uniform and hydrostatic. The height of the water level at section (1)...Given information: The diameter of the cylindrical tank is D . The initial height of the liquid is...Given information: The flow rate of the pump is 4000 gal/m . The temperature of the water is 20 °C ....Given information: The flow of water is steady and isothermal. The diameter at the section (1) is 9...Given information: The flow rate is 15000 gal/min . The friction head loss is 17 ft . The magnitude...Given information: The flow rate is Q . The flow is laminar. The head loss in the pipe is...Given information: The discharge from the pump is 57 m3/h . The discharge temperature of the water...Given information: There is linear variation between the head and the flow rate. The Figure-(1)...Given information: The tank is insulated. The initial temperature inside the tank is 20 °C and...Given information: The temperature of Kerosine is 20 °C . The flow rate of Kerosine is 2.3 ft3/s ....Given information: Write the expression for the idealized velocity field. V=4txi−2t2yj+4xzk Here,...Given information: The two dimensional velocity field is, V=(x2−y2+x)i−(2xy+y)j Here, the variables...Given information: The fluid velocity along the streamline AB is V=ui=U0(1+R3x3)i. Compare the...Given information: The velocity in x -direction is −2xy, the velocity in y direction is y2−x2. Write...Given information: Two dimensional converging nozzle velocity distribution in x direction, y...Given information: The volume flow rate of incompressible flow towards a drain is Q, the area of the...Given information: The Flow field V=Kxi+Kyj−2Kzk is a vector representing a three dimensional...Given information: The flow is incompressible in nature, the cylindrical coordinate are vr=0,...Given information: The velocity component of laminar flow between parallel plate in x direction, y...Given information: The two dimensional incompressible velocity potential is given as, ϕ=xy+x2−y2=0...Assume the flow to be parallel, u=w=0 Due to this, the momentum equation along x and z directions...Given: Diameter of the circular tube, d=9cm=0.09m Reynolds number Re=2300. Fluid: Kerosene State:...Given Information: ρu∂u∂x ρu∂u∂x {ρ}={ML−3} {u}={LT−1} {∂u∂x}={T−1} {ρu∂u∂x}={ρ}{u}{∂u∂x}...The period of oscillation T, density ρ, wavelength λ, depth h, gravity g, and surface tension Y the...Given information: Mass flow rate =m•Tank pressure = PoTemperature = ToGas constant =RSpecific heat...Given information: Heat loss Q•loss depends on temperature difference ΔT, surface area A and R value...Given information: Volume flow Q depends on, Pipe diameter D, pressure drop Δp, density ρ, viscosity...Given information: The time td takes to drain the liquid completely from a tank depends on: Hole...Given Information: Model chord length, L=0.27m Wing Area, A=0.63m2 Velocity of full-scale aircraft,...Given: Windmill parameter: Diameter = 50 cm Power developed = 2.7 kW Speed of rotation = 4800 rpm...Given Information: For long circular rough pipes in turbulent flow, wall shear τw is a function of...Given Information: For fluid exiting a nozzle which is a gas instead of water, upstream pressure...Given Information: w=fcn(x,ρ,μ,g,δ) Reference Prob 4.8: Oil of viscosity μ and of density ρ, drains...Given Information: The Taco Inc. model 4013 centrifugal pump has an impeller of diameter D = 12.95...Given Information: The diameter of pipe is, d=5 cm=0.005m The flow rate through pipe is, Q = 106 N/h...Given Information: Convective acceleration: dudt=∂∂x(u2)+∂∂y(uv)+∂∂z(uw) Concept Used: Equation...Given information: The fluid is water at 20°C The diameter of the pipe is 10 cm ΔPL=1000 Pa/m The...Given information: The room pressure is 10 Pa The pressure drop is defined as, ΔP=ρghf=ρgfLD V 2 2g...Given information: The pipe entrance is sharp edged. The energy equation can be written as below for...Given information: Both reservoirs are connected by cast iron pipes with sharp edged entrance and...Given information: The total flow rate is equal to 0.036 m3/s The loss of co-efficient is equal to...Given information: The length of the small duct is 100 ft and the cross-section of 6 in by 6 in The...Given information: All pipes are made of cast iron and the diameter is equal to 8 cm If the valve C...Given information: The pipes are made of asphalted cast iron. The diameter of all pipes is equal to...Given information: All pipes are concrete, and roughness is equal to 0.04 in The fluid is water at...Given information: The fluid is water at 20°C The total flow rate is 200 m3/h In parallel pipe...Given information: Diameter of all pipes are 28 cm and roughness ∈=1mm At three reservoir junction,...Given information: Diameter of all pipes are 15 cm and roughness ∈=1mm At three reservoir junction,...Given information: Diameter of all pipes are 28 cm and roughness ∈=1mm At three reservoir junction,...Given information: The fluid is water at 20°C At three reservoir junction, if all flows are...Given information: Pressures in each pipe is equal to, p1=200kPa p2=160kPap3=100kPa The fluid is...Given information: The fluid is water at 20°C The pipe 1 is fitted with a butterfly valve, since the...Given information: For all pipes, friction factor is equal to 0.025 The fluid is water at 20°C Inlet...Given information: All pipes are made of cast iron. The diameter of all pipes are 8 cm and the...Given information: For the ideal gas, Pressure p1 = 1 atm Temperature T1 = 20° C Velocity V1 = 12...Given information: Laminar to turbulent transition point is given as Reexit x=1.5 m Velocity of the...Given information: The readings of y in mm and h in mm as mention in question. For air at 20°C,1atm...Given information: Width b=4ft=1.22m, length L=8ft=2.44m, U=35mih=15.6ms, take density of air...Given Information: The value of constants k & B are 0.421 & 5.62 respectively. Concept Used:...Given Information: We have following figure: And at x=2 m, shear stress is 2.1 Pa. The given flow is...Given information: The diameter of the cylinder is equal to 1.5 m The length of the cylinder is 22 m...Given information: Joe pedals his bike at 10 m/s without the effect of wind The rolling resistance...Given information: Diameter of the sphere is D Density of the sphere ρs The density of the fluid is...Given information: The depth of the water tank is 2.5 m The velocity of water flow is 35 cm/s The...Given information: Diameter of balloon is equal to 4 m Balloon contains helium at 15°C The total...Given information: The balloon is filled with helium gas The diameter is equal to 50 cm The weight...Given information: The fluid is air at 20°C Air flows at a speed of 5 m/s Distance between the...Given information: The sign board is 5 ft and a height of 1.5 ft Velocity is equal to 40 mi/h The...Given information: Cup diameter is D Density of the air is equal to ρ To find the differential...Given information: The Blasius flat plate relation is defined as, f'''+12ff''=0 Boundary conditions...Given Information: The streamline function Ψ (r,θ) The potential line function φ (r,θ) Concept Used:...Given Information: A harmonic function F(x, y, z): F=2x2 +y3 -4xz+f(y) Concept Used: First, we must...Given: Γ=8500 m2/s The given circulation yields the circumferential velocity at r=40 m :...Given information: U∞=20m/s,ρ=998kgm3 , uniform water stream combines with a source at the origin to...Given information: Free stream velocity U∞=6 m/s The value of pressure outside the boundary layer...Given Information: Flettner rotor ship length, L=100ft Diameter of the rotor, D=9ft Height of the...Given: For fresh water, take ρ=998kg/m3, V=7m/s ,α=2.5° Calculation:...Given Information: SG = 7.85D = 2 cmT = 20o CCD = 0.47 Formula used: (m+mh)dVdt= Wnet−CDρ2V2A A =...Given: Golf ball diameter, D=1.7 in Inlet velocity, V0=250 ft/s Upward angle, θ0=20∘ For sea − level...Given Information: Formula used: a max = ( V dV dx ) max Calculation: We know the formula for the...Given Information: D = 22 cmSG = 2.7a = 12 m/s2T = 20o C Formula used: mh = 23ρwaterπa3 Calculation:...Given information: The strength of the flow = -m The height of the above the floor = a The location...Given information: At section 1, Pressure p1 = 140 kPa Temperature T1 = 260° C Velocity V1 = 75 m/s...Given Information: A1 = 20 cm2p1 = 300 kPaρ1 = 1.75 kg/m3V1 = 122.5 m/sρ2 = 0.266 kg/m3T2 = 281 K...Given information: At section 1, p1=250 kPaT1=125°CV1=200 m/s At section 2, A2=0.25 m2Ma2=2.0 Speed...Given information: At section 1, p1=35 lbf/in2T1=200°FV1=400 ft/s At section 2, p2=18 lbf/in2V2=1100...Given information: The nozzle exit velocity is equal to 235 m/s h=30 cm The stagnation temperature...Given information: At stagnation point inside the reservoir, p0=300 kPaT0=500 K At section 1, A1=0.2...Given information: At stagnation point inside the reservoir, p0=150 kPaT0=400 K At section 1, A1=0.1...Given information: At stagnation point, p0=169.12 kPaT0=30°C The absolute pressure is equal to...Given information: At section 1, A1=20 cm2p1=300 kpaρ1=1.75 kg/m3Ma1=0.25 At section 2, The area is...Given information: Throat diameter is 3 in k=1.4 Molecular weight is equal to M=26 pa=14.7 lbf/in2...Given information: The diameter at section 1 is D=5 cm The diameter at section 2 is d=3 cm The...Given information: Mach number at entrance is equal to, Ma=7 The altitude is 10000 m Inlet area is 1...Given information: Stagnation pressure is equal to 450 kPa Throat area is 12 cm2 Shock is at A1=20...Given Information: Section pressure, P1=101kPa Section temperature, T1=300k Velocity, V1=868m/s Area...Given: A1=24 cm2 =24×10−4 m2 A2=18 cm2 =18×10−4 m2 A3=32 cm2 =32×10−4 m2 T0=500 K. p1=40 kPa =40000...Given Information: The value of pressure at entrance, p1=102000 Pa The value of pressure at...Given information: First convert the pressure we get 1Ib/in2=6.8948×103×1Pa=6.8948×103Pa...Given Information: θ = 20o Formula used: tanθ = 2cotβ(Ma12sin2β−1)Ma12(k+cos2β)+2 Calculation: To...Given information: From the properties of air altitude of 10000m from the table Inlet pressure...Given Information: c2=gy(1+δyy)(1+12δyy) co2=gy Shallow water wave propagation speed is given by:...The concrete duct which is unfinished has a diameter of 1.5m that flows at 8.0m3/s Froude number is...Given: Velocity V1 = 5.5 m/s y1 = 90cm Concept Used: Point1 is at the flow before the bump.Ponit 2...The given figure is: The discharge for sluice gate is having a free outflow have dissipation when...Given: y1 = 0.25m y2 = 1 m Concept Used: V12=gy1η(η+1)2Where,η=y2y1From continuity...Given information: q = 25 ft3 /s-ft y1=1 ft Concept: Froude number ,Fr=VVcFrom continuity...Given information: Average velocity, V = 0.94m/s Depth of flat-water channel, y1=1cm Wedge half...Given: y1 = 1 m y3 = 0.4 m Concept Used: E1=y1+V122gFor uniform flow,q=y1V1=y2V2 Calculation:...Given: y3 = 0.3 m h = 0.1 m Concept Used: Fr=VVcE=constant=E1=y1+V122gFor uniform flow,q=y1V1=y2V2...Given: Q = 8 m3 /s Slope = 0.1° b = 4 m Local depth = 1m Concept Used: Q=αn*A*R2/3*Slope1/2yc=( q 2...Given: Q = 1.98 m3 /s Slope = 0.33° Local depth = 1m Concept Used:...Given information: The average flow rate is 900 ft3/s, upstream width is 150 ft, slope is 10 ft/mile...Given: S0=0.0025 Q = 600 ft3 / s b = 50 ft increase in water depth = 8 ft Concept: Q=αnARh2/3So1/2...Figure: Given: For unfinished concrete n≈0.014, y(0)=0.0462m, q=0.2m3/s, g=32.2ft/s2 So=sin5°...Figure: Given: For asphalt take n=0.016, b=1.5m, g=9.81m/s2 So=0.0036, Depth y=0.7m Concept Used:...Figure: Given: b=8ft, H=3ft, y1=12ft, g=32.2ft/s2. Concept Used: Annuity problem requires the use of...Concept: Human peristaltic PDP is Human Heart. Function of the heart is to pump the blood to...Given Information: Temperature (T) = 20o C Formula used: η = γQHP Calculation: To solve this...Given Information: Given data from problem 11.31. Temperature (T) = 20o C Np = 1200 r/min Formula...Given Information: BEP flow rate = 2000 gal/minDiameter (d) = 16 inSpeed (n) = 1200 r/min Formula...Given Information: Pump diameter, d = 32in Fig 11.7a From the figure, the best curve for 32-inch...Given information: Water temperature = 20° C The pump size = 35 inch = 88.9 cm The density of water...Given Information: Head, Hp=45ft Speed of turbine, np=360r/min Power, Pp=4000bhp =2200000ft.lbf/s...Given Information: The given table is given for water turbine having the performance data that...Given: Referencing the below diagram: The equation given below is also taking into consideration:...Given: Referencing the below diagram: We have: H=450mL=5 kmD =1.2 mDj=20 cmε = 1 mmimpulse wheel...Given Information: Wind speed, 12 min/h Diameter of cast iron pipe = 3 in. Height, 10 ft Diameter of...Given Information: The given figure, The system delivers 20-degree Celsius water from the sea level...Given Information: Diameter=1ft Coupling rate=2500r/min Density=56lbm/ft3 Concept Used: π1=ρaDbωpcT...
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