Solutions for MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version
Problem 1.5.1CP:
Who invented Java? Which company owns Java now?Problem 1.5.2CP:
What is a Java applet?Problem 1.5.3CP:
What programming language does Android use?Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction To Computers, Programs, And JavaChapter 1.2 - What Is A Computer?Chapter 1.3 - Programming LanguagesChapter 1.4 - Operating SystemsChapter 1.5 - Java, The World Wide Web, And BeyondChapter 1.6 - The Java Language Specification, Api, Jdk, Jre, And IdeChapter 1.7 - A Simple Java ProgramChapter 1.8 - Creating, Compiling, And Executing A Java ProgramChapter 1.9 - Programming Style And DocumentationChapter 1.10 - Programming Errors
Chapter 2 - Elementary ProgrammingChapter 2.2 - Writing A Simple ProgramChapter 2.3 - Reading Input From The ConsoleChapter 2.4 - IdentifiersChapter 2.5 - VariablesChapter 2.6 - Assignment Statements And Assignment ExpressionsChapter 2.7 - Named ConstantsChapter 2.8 - Naming ConventionsChapter 2.9 - Numeric Data Types And OperationsChapter 2.10 - Numeric LiteralsChapter 2.11 - Evaluating Expressions And Operator PrecedenceChapter 2.12 - Case Study: Displaying The Current TimeChapter 2.13 - Augmented Assignment OperatorsChapter 2.14 - Increment And Decrement OperatorsChapter 2.15 - Numeric Type ConversionsChapter 2.16 - Software Development ProcessChapter 2.17 - Case Study: Counting Monetary UnitsChapter 2.18 - Common Errors And PitfallsChapter 3 - SelectionsChapter 3.2 - Boolean Data TypeChapter 3.3 - If StatementsChapter 3.4 - Two-way If-else StatementsChapter 3.5 - Nested Of And Multi-way If-else StatementsChapter 3.6 - Common Errors And PitfallsChapter 3.7 - Generating Random NumbersChapter 3.9 - Case Study: Computing TaxesChapter 3.10 - Logical OperatorsChapter 3.11 - Case Study: Determining Leap YearChapter 3.12 - Case Study: LotteryChapter 3.13 - Switch StatementsChapter 3.14 - Conditional OperatorsChapter 3.15 - Operator Precedence And AssociativityChapter 4 - Mathematical Functions, Characters, And StringsChapter 4.2 - Common Mathematical FunctionsChapter 4.3 - Character Data Type And OperationsChapter 4.4 - The String TypeChapter 4.5 - Case StudiesChapter 4.6 - Formatting Console OutputChapter 5 - LoopsChapter 5.2 - The While LoopChapter 5.3 - Case Study: Guessing NumbersChapter 5.4 - Loop Design StrategiesChapter 5.5 - Controlling A Loop With User Confirmation Or A Sentinel ValueChapter 5.6 - The Do-whileloopChapter 5.7 - The For LoopChapter 5.8 - Which Loop To Use?Chapter 5.9 - Nested LoopsChapter 5.11 - Case StudiesChapter 5.12 - Keywords Break And ContinueChapter 5.13 - Case Study: Checking PalindromesChapter 5.14 - Case Study: Displaying Prime NumbersChapter 6 - MethodsChapter 6.4 - Void Vs. Value-returning MethodsChapter 6.5 - Passing Parameters By ValuesChapter 6.6 - Modularizing CodeChapter 6.7 - Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals To DecimalsChapter 6.8 - Overloading MethodsChapter 6.9 - The Scope Of VariablesChapter 7 - Single-dimensional ArraysChapter 7.2 - Array BasicsChapter 7.4 - Case Study: Deck Of CardsChapter 7.5 - Copying ArraysChapter 7.7 - Returning An Array From A MethodChapter 7.8 - Case Study: Counting The Occurrences Of Each LetterChapter 7.9 - Variable-length Argument ListsChapter 7.10 - Searching ArraysChapter 7.11 - Sorting ArraysChapter 7.12 - The Arrays ClassChapter 7.13 - Command-line ArgumentsChapter 8 - Multidimensional ArraysChapter 8.2 - Two-dimensional Array BasicsChapter 8.3 - Processing Two-dimensional ArraysChapter 8.4 - Passing Two-dimensional Arrays To MethodsChapter 8.5 - Case Study: Grading A Multiple-choice TestChapter 8.6 - Case Study: Finding The Closest PairChapter 8.7 - Case Study: SudokuChapter 8.8 - Multidimensional ArraysChapter 9 - Objects And ClassesChapter 9.3 - Example: Defining Classes And Creating ObjectsChapter 9.4 - Constructing Objects Using ConstructorsChapter 9.5 - Accessing Objects Via Reference VariablesChapter 9.6 - Using Classes From The Java LibraryChapter 9.7 - Static Variables, Constants, And MethodsChapter 9.9 - Data Field EncapsulationChapter 9.10 - Passing Objects To MethodsChapter 9.11 - Array Of ObjectsChapter 9.12 - Immutable Objects And ClassesChapter 9.13 - The Scope Of VariablesChapter 9.14 - The This ReferenceChapter 10 - Object-oriented ThinkingChapter 10.2 - Class Abstraction And EncapsulationChapter 10.3 - Thinking In ObjectsChapter 10.4 - Class RelationshipsChapter 10.7 - Processing Primitive Data Type Values As ObjectsChapter 10.8 - Automatic Conversion Between Primitive Types And Wrapper Class TypesChapter 10.9 - The Biglnteger And Bigdecimal ClassesChapter 10.10 - The String ClassChapter 10.11 - The Stringbuilder And Stringbuffer ClassesChapter 11 - Inheritance And PolymorphismChapter 11.2 - Superclasses And SubclassesChapter 11.3 - Using The Super KeywordChapter 11.4 - Overriding MethodsChapter 11.5 - Overriding Vs. OverloadingChapter 11.7 - PolymorphismChapter 11.8 - Dynamic BindingChapter 11.9 - Casting Objects And The Instanceof OperatorChapter 11.10 - The Object's Equals MethodChapter 11.11 - The Arraylist ClassChapter 11.12 - Useful Methods For ListsChapter 11.13 - Case Study: A Custom Stack ClassChapter 11.14 - The Protected Data And MethodsChapter 11.15 - Preventing Extending And OverridingChapter 12 - Exception Handling And Text I/oChapter 12.2 - Exception-handling OverviewChapter 12.3 - Exception TypesChapter 12.4 - More On Exception HandlingChapter 12.5 - The Finally ClauseChapter 12.6 - When To Use ExceptionsChapter 12.7 - Rethrowing ExceptionsChapter 12.8 - Chained ExceptionsChapter 12.9 - Defining Custom Exception ClassesChapter 12.10 - The File ClassChapter 12.11 - File Input And OutputChapter 12.12 - Reading Data From The WebChapter 12.13 - Case Study: Web CrawlerChapter 13 - Abstract Classes And InterfacesChapter 13.2 - Abstract ClassesChapter 13.3 - Case Study: The Abstract Number ClassChapter 13.4 - Case Study: Calendar And GregoriancalendarChapter 13.5 - InterfacesChapter 13.6 - The Comparable InterfaceChapter 13.7 - The Cloneable InterfaceChapter 13.8 - Interfaces Vs. Abstract ClassesChapter 13.9 - Case Study: The Rational ClassChapter 13.10 - Class-design GuidelinesChapter 14 - Javafx BasicsChapter 14.2 - Javafx Vs. Swing And AwtChapter 14.3 - The Basic Structure Of A Javafx ProgramChapter 14.4 - Panes, Groups, Ul Controls, And ShapesChapter 14.5 - Property BindingChapter 14.6 - Common Properties And Methods For NodesChapter 14.7 - The Color ClassChapter 14.8 - The Font ClassChapter 14.9 - The Image And Imageview ClassesChapter 14.10 - Layout Panes And GroupsChapter 14.11 - ShapesChapter 14.12 - Case Study: The Clockpane ClassChapter 15 - Event-driven Programming And AnimationsChapter 15.2 - Events And Event SourcesChapter 15.3 - Registering Handlers And Handling EventsChapter 15.4 - Inner ClassesChapter 15.5 - Anonymous Inner-class HandlersChapter 15.6 - Simplifying Event Handling Using Lambda ExpressionsChapter 15.8 - Mouse EventsChapter 15.9 - Key EventsChapter 15.10 - Listeners For Observable ObjectsChapter 15.11 - AnimationChapter 15.12 - Case Study: Bouncing BallChapter 15.13 - Case Study: Us MapChapter 16 - Javafx Ul Controls And MultimediaChapter 16.2 - Labeled And LabelChapter 16.3 - ButtonChapter 16.4 - CheckboxChapter 16.5 - RadiobuttonChapter 16.6 - TextfieldChapter 16.7 - TextareaChapter 16.8 - Combo BoxChapter 16.9 - ListviewChapter 16.10 - Scroll BarChapter 16.11 - SliderChapter 16.12 - Case Study: Developing A Tic-tac-toe GameChapter 16.13 - Video And AudioChapter 16.14 - Case Study: National Flags And AnthemsChapter 17 - Binary I/oChapter 17.2 - How Is Text 1/0 Handled In Java?Chapter 17.3 - Text I/o Vs. Binary I/oChapter 17.4 - Binary I/o ClassesChapter 17.5 - Case Study: Copying FilesChapter 17.6 - Object I/oChapter 17.7 - Random-access FilesChapter 18 - RecursionChapter 18.2 - Case Study: Computing FactorialsChapter 18.3 - Case Study: Computing Fibonacci NumbersChapter 18.4 - Problem Solving Using RecursionChapter 18.5 - Recursive Helper MethodsChapter 18.6 - Case Study: Finding The Directory SizeChapter 18.7 - Case Study: Tower Of HanoiChapter 18.8 - Case Study: FractalsChapter 18.9 - Recursion Vs. IterationChapter 18.10 - Tail RecursionChapter 19 - GenericsChapter 19.2 - Motivations And BenefitsChapter 19.3 - Defining Generic Classes And InterfacesChapter 19.4 - Generic MethodsChapter 19.5 - Case Study: Sorting An Array Of ObjectsChapter 19.6 - Raw Types And Backward CompatibilityChapter 19.7 - Wildcard Generic TypesChapter 19.8 - Erasure And Restrictions On GenericsChapter 19.9 - Case Study: Generic Matrix ClassChapter 20 - Lists, Stacks, Queues, And Priority QueuesChapter 20.2 - CollectionsChapter 20.3 - LteratorsChapter 20.4 - Using The Foreach MethodChapter 20.5 - ListsChapter 20.6 - The Comparator InterfaceChapter 20.7 - Static Methods For Lists And CollectionsChapter 20.8 - Case Study: Bouncing BallsChapter 20.9 - Vector And Stack ClassesChapter 20.10 - Queues And Priority QueuesChapter 20.11 - Case Study: Evaluating ExpressionsChapter 21 - Sets And MapsChapter 21.2 - SetsChapter 21.3 - Comparing The Performance Of Sets And ListsChapter 21.4 - Case Study: Counting KeywordsChapter 21.5 - MapsChapter 21.6 - Case Study: Occurrences Of WordsChapter 21.7 - Singleton And Unmodifiable Collections And MapsChapter 22 - Developing Efficient AlgorithmsChapter 22.2 - Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O NotationChapter 22.3 - Examples: Determining Big OChapter 22.4 - Analyzing Algorithm Time ComplexityChapter 22.5 - Finding Fibonacci Numbers Using Dynamic ProgrammingChapter 22.6 - Finding Greatest Common Divisors Using Euclid's AlgorithmChapter 22.7 - Efficient Algorithms For Finding Prime NumbersChapter 22.8 - Finding The Closest Pair Of Points Using Divide-and-conquerChapter 22.9 - Solving The Eight Queens Problem Using BacktrackingChapter 22.10 - Computational Geometry: Finding A Convex HullChapter 23 - SortingChapter 23.2 - Insertion SortChapter 23.3 - Bubble SortChapter 23.4 - Merge SortChapter 23.5 - Quick SortChapter 23.6 - Heap SortChapter 23.7 - Bucket And Radix SortsChapter 23.8 - External SortChapter 24 - Lmplementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, And Priority QueuesChapter 24.2 - Common Operations For ListsChapter 24.3 - Array ListsChapter 24.4 - Linked ListsChapter 24.5 - Stacks And QueuesChapter 24.6 - Priority QueuesChapter 25 - Binary Search TreesChapter 25.2 - Binary Search TreesChapter 25.3 - Deleting Elements From A BstChapter 25.4 - Tree Visualization And MvcChapter 25.5 - LteratorsChapter 25.6 - Case Study: Data CompressionChapter 26 - Avl TreesChapter 26.2 - Rebalancing TreesChapter 26.3 - Designing Classes For Avl TreesChapter 26.4 - Overriding The Insert MethodChapter 26.5 - Implementing RotationsChapter 26.6 - Implementing The Delete MethodChapter 26.7 - The Avl Tree ClassChapter 26.8 - Testing The Avl Tree ClassChapter 26.9 - Avl Tree Time Complexity AnalysisChapter 27 - HashingChapter 27.2 - What Is Hashing?Chapter 27.3 - Hash Functions And Hash CodesChapter 27.4 - Handling Collisions Using Open AddressingChapter 27.5 - Handling Collisions Using Separate ChainingChapter 27.6 - Load Factor And RehashingChapter 27.7 - Implementing A Map Using HashingChapter 27.8 - Implementing Set Using HashingChapter 28 - Graphs And ApplicationsChapter 28.2 - Basic Graph TerminologiesChapter 28.3 - Representing GraphsChapter 28.4 - Modeling GraphsChapter 28.5 - Graph VisualizationChapter 28.6 - Graph TraversalsChapter 28.7 - Depth-first Search (dfs)Chapter 28.8 - Case Study: The Connected Circles ProblemChapter 28.9 - Breadth-first Search (bfs)Chapter 28.10 - Case Study: The Nine Tails ProblemChapter 29 - Weighted Graphs And ApplicationsChapter 29.2 - Representing Weighted GraphsChapter 29.3 - The Wei Ghtedgraph ClassChapter 29.4 - Minimum Spanning TreesChapter 29.5 - Finding Shortest PathsChapter 29.6 - Case Study: The Weighted Nine Tails ProblemChapter 30 - Aggregate Operations For Collection StreamsChapter 30.1 - IntroductionChapter 30.2 - Stream PipelinesChapter 30.3 - Intstream, Longstream, And DoublestreamChapter 30.4 - Parallel StreamsChapter 30.5 - Stream Reduction Using The Reduce MethodChapter 30.6 - Stream Reduction Using The Collect MethodChapter 30.7 - Grouping Elements Using The Groupingby CollectorChapter 30.8 - Case Studies
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We offer sample solutions for MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1.1PEChapter 2, Problem 2.1PEChapter 3, Problem 3.1PEChapter 4, Problem 4.1PEChapter 5, Problem 5.1PEChapter 6, Problem 6.1PEChapter 7, Problem 7.1PEChapter 8, Problem 8.1PEChapter 9, Problem 9.1PE
Chapter 10, Problem 10.1PEChapter 11, Problem 11.1PEProgram: Filename: //Class definition public class Exercise12_01 { //Main method...Chapter 13, Problem 13.1PEProgram: //Import required packages import javafx.application.Application; import...Program: //import the required headers import javafx.application.Application; import...Program: //import statement import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.geometry.Pos;...Chapter 17, Problem 17.1PEProgram: //Import required packages import java.math.*; import java.util.*; //Class name public...Chapter 19, Problem 19.1PEChapter 20, Problem 20.1PEProgram: //import java array class from util package import java.util.Arrays; //import java...Chapter 22, Problem 22.1PEProgram: //define the required packages import java.util.Comparator; //define the class sorting...Chapter 24, Problem 24.1PEProgram: //import statement import java.util.*; //class Test public class Test { // main method...Program: “” is referred in Listing 25.3 from chapter 25 (Page No.:958). // public class Sample { /** Main method */ public static void main(String[] args) {...Program: //import the required headers import java.util.*; //define the class...Chapter 29, Problem 29.4PEProgram: /*Include necessary packages*/ import java.util.Scanner; //Include Stream package import...
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Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (10th Edition)
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Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition)
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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version Plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson EText -- Access Card Package
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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures: Brief Version (11th Global Edition)
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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Student Value Edition Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText - Access Card Package (11th Edition)
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