Program Plan:
- Include the required import statement.
- Define the main class.
- Define the main method using public static main.
- Allocate memory to the class “Test”.
- Define the “Test” class.
- Declare the object for the BST.
- Display the initial height of the tree.
- Get the input string from the user.
- Display the height of the tree.
- Call the “breathFirstTraversal” method.
- Create an object and set the string values to that object.
- Again call the “breathFirstTraversal” method.
- Create an integer object for class and set the integer values to that object.
- Display the results.
- Define the “BST” class.
- Declare the required variables.
- Create a default BST class.
- Create a binary tree from an array of objects.
- The “height” method will return the height of the tree.
- Define “breathFirstTraversal” method.
- Declare the linked list.
- Add the values to the list.
- If the list is not empty print the elements.
- If the left node is not null, add the value to the left subtree.
- If the right node is not null, add the value to the right subtree.
- Define the “search” method.
- Start the traverse from the root of the tree.
- If the search element is in the left subtree set that value in “current” variable otherwise set the “current” variable as right subtree value.
- Define the “insert” method.
- If the root is null create the tree otherwise insert the value into left or right subtree.
- Define the “createNewNode”
- Return the result of new node creations.
- Define the “inorder”
- Inorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “inorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the inorder traversal concept.
- Define the “postorder”
- Postorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “postorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the postorder traversal concept.
- Define the “preorder”
- Preorder traverse from the root.
- Define the protected “preorder” method
- Traverse the tree according to the preorder traversal concept.
- Define the “TreeNode” class
- Declare the required variables.
- Define the constructor.
- Define the “getSize” method.
- Return the size.
- Define the “getRoot” method
- Return the root.
- Define the “java.util.ArrayList” method.
- Create an object for the array list.
- If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
- If the “current” is less than 0, set the “current” as left subtree element otherwise set the “current” as right subtree element.
- Return the list.
- Define the “delete” method.
- If the “current” is not equal to null, add the value to the list.
- If the “current” is less than 0, delete the “current” as left subtree element otherwise delete the “current” as right subtree element.
- Return the list.
- Define the “iterator” method.
- Call the “inorderIterator” and return the value.
- Define the “inorderIterator”
- Create an object for that method and return the value
- Define the “inorderIterator” class.
- Declare the variables.
- Define the constructor.
- Call the “inorder” method.
- Define the “inorder” method.
- Call the inner “inorder” method with the argument.
- Define the TreeNode “inorder” method.
- If the root value is null return the value, otherwise add the value into the list.
- Define the “hasNext” method
- If the “current” value is less than size of the list return true otherwise return false.
- Define the “next” method
- Return the list.
- Define the “remove” method.
- Call the delete method.
- Clear the list then call the “inorder” method.
- Define the “clear” method
- Set the values to the variables
- Define the interface.
- Declare the required methods.
- Define the required methods.
- Define the main method using public static main.
The below program will add the “breathFirstTraversal” method in the given BST class as follows:
Explanation of Solution
//import statement
import java.util.*;
//class Test
public class Test
// main method
public static void main(String[] args)
//allocation of memory
new Test();
//definition of "Test"
public Test()
//declaration an object of BST
BST<String> tree = new BST<>();
//get the input from the user
System.out.print("The height of tree is " + tree.height());
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//print the statement
System.out.print("\nEnter strings: ");
//check the condition
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
//get the input from the user
String s =;
//insert the value
//get the input from the user
System.out.print("\nThe height of tree is " + tree.height());
//insert the value to the tree
//get the input from the user
System.out.print("\nThe height of tree is " + tree.height());
//print the new line
//call the "breadthFirstTraversal" method
//create the object for the BST
BST<String> tree1 = new BST<>(new String[]
{"Tom", "George", "Jean", "Jane", "Kevin", "Peter", "Susan",
"Jen", "Kim", "Michael", "Michelle"});
//print the statement
System.out.print("\nThe breadth-first traversal is ");
//call the "breadthFirstTraversal" method
//get the input from the user
System.out.print("\nThe height of tree1 is " + tree1.height());
//create the object for the BST
BST<Integer> tree2 =
new BST<>(new Integer[]{50, 45, 35, 48, 59, 51, 58});
//print the statement
System.out.print("\nThe breadth-first traversal for tree2 is ");
//call the "breadthFirstTraversal" method
//get the input from the user
System.out.print("\nThe height of tree2 is " + tree2.height());
//definition of "BST" class
public class BST<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Tree<E>
//declare the variables
protected TreeNode<E> root;
protected int size = 0;
//create a default binary tree
public BST()
//create a binary tree from an array of objects
public BST(E[] objects)
//check the condition
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
//insert the values
// definition of "height"
public int height()
//returns the height of this binary tree
return height(root);
// definition of "height"
private int height(TreeNode root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return the value
return -1;
//return the value
return 1 + Math.max(height(root.left), height(root.right));
// definition of "breadthFirstTraversal" method
public void breadthFirstTraversal()
//declaration of linked list
java.util.LinkedList <TreeNode<E>> queue =
new java.util.LinkedList<TreeNode<E>>();
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//add the value to the queue
//check the condition
while (!queue.isEmpty())
//declaration of variable
TreeNode<E> node = queue.removeFirst();
//print the statement
System.out.print (node.element + " ");
//check the condition
if (node.left != null)
//add the value to the queue
//check the condition
if (node.right != null)
//add the value to the queue
//definition of "search" method
public boolean search(E e)
//start from the root
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
current = current.right;
//return statement
return true;
//return statement
return false;
//definition of "insert" method
public boolean insert(E e)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//create a new root
root = createNewNode(e);
// locate the parent node
TreeNode<E> parent = null;
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo (current.element) > 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.right;
//return statement
return false;
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo (parent.element) < 0)
//create a new node
parent.left = createNewNode(e);
//create a new node
parent.right = createNewNode(e);
//increment the size
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "createNewNode"
protected TreeNode<E> createNewNode(E e)
//return the statement
return new TreeNode<E>(e);
//definition of "inorder"
public void inorder()
//inorder traverse from the root
//definition of inorder
protected void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
// inorder traversal from a subtree
//display the element
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
// inorder traversal from a subtree
// definition of "postoder"
public void postorder()
// postorder traversal from the root
// definition of "postorder"
protected void postorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//postorder traversal from a subtree
//display the element
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
//definition of "preorder"
public void preorder()
// preorder traversal from the root
//definition of "preorder"
protected void preorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//display the value
System.out.print(root.element + " ");
// preorder traversal from a subtree
//definition of "TreeNode" class
public class TreeNode<E extends Comparable<E>>
//declare the variables
E element;
TreeNode<E> left;
TreeNode<E> right;
//definition of constructor
public TreeNode(E e)
//set the value
element = e;
// definition of "getSize" method
public int getSize()
//return statement
return size;
// definition of "getRoot" method
public TreeNode getRoot()
//return statement
return root;
// definition of method
public java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path(E e)
//create an object
java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
// start from the root
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//add the node to the list
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
current = current.right;
//break statement
//return statement
return list;
//definition of "delete" method
public boolean delete(E e)
// declare the variables
TreeNode<E> parent = null;
TreeNode<E> current = root;
//check the condition
while (current != null)
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.left;
//check the condition
else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0)
//set the value
parent = current;
current = current.right;
//break statement
//check the condition
if (current == null)
return false;
//check the condition
if (current.left == null)
//check the condition
if (parent == null)
//set the value
root = current.right;
//check the condition
if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
//set the value
parent.left = current.right;
//set the value
parent.right = current.right;
//set the value
TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;
TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;
//check the condition
while (rightMost.right != null)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost = rightMost;
rightMost = rightMost.right;
//set the value
current.element = rightMost.element;
//check the condition
if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;
//set the value
parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;
//decrement the "size"
//return statement
return true;
//definition of "iterator"
public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator()
//return statement
return inorderIterator();
//definition of "inorderIterator"
public java.util.Iterator<E> inorderIterator()
//return statement
return new InorderIterator();
// definition of class "InorderIterator"
class InorderIterator implements java.util.Iterator
// store the elements in a list
private java.util.ArrayList<E> list = new java.util.ArrayList<E>();
//declare the variable
private int current = 0;
public InorderIterator()
//call the method
/*definition of inorder traversal from the root */
private void inorder()
//call the method
/*definition of inorder traversal from a subtree */
private void inorder(TreeNode<E> root)
//check the condition
if (root == null)
//return statement
//call the method
//add the value to the list
//call the method
//definition of "hasNext"
public boolean hasNext()
//check the condition
if (current < list.size())
//return statement
return true;
//return statement
return false;
//definition of "next" method
public Object next()
//return statement
return list.get(current++);
// definition of "remove" method
public void remove()
//delete the current element
// clear the list
// rebuild the list
// definition of "clear" method
public void clear()
//set the values
root = null;
size = 0;
//definition of interface
public interface Tree<E> extends java.util.Collection<E>
//declaration of methods
public boolean search(E e);
public boolean insert(E e);
public boolean delete(E e);
public int getSize();
// definition of default method
public default void inorder()
// definition of default method
public default void postorder()
// definition of default method
public default void preorder()
// definition of default method
public default boolean isEmpty()
//return statement
return size() == 0;
// definition of default method
public default boolean contains(Object e)
//return statement
return search((E)e);
// definition of default method
public default boolean add(E e)
//return statement
return insert(e);
// definition of default method
public default boolean remove(Object e)
//return statement
return delete((E)e);
// definition of default method
public default int size()
//return statement
return getSize();
// definition of default method
public default boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
//return statement
return false;
// definition of default method
public default boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
//return statement
return false;
// definition of default method
public default boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
//return statement
return false;
// definition of default method
public default boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
//return statement
return false;
// definition of default method
public default Object[] toArray()
//return statement
return null;
// definition of default method
public default <T> T[] toArray(T[] array)
//return statement
return null;
The height of tree is -1
Enter strings: aaa
The height of tree is 5
The height of tree is 5
aaa Green bbb ccc ddd eee fff
The breadth-first traversal is Tom George Jean Jane Kevin Jen Peter Kim Susan Michael Michelle
The height of tree1 is 7
The breadth-first traversal for tree2 is 50 45 59 35 48 51 58
The height of tree2 is 3
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