MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version - 11th Edition - by Liang - ISBN 9780134672816

MyLab Programming with Pearson eText --...
11th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134672816

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Chapter 2 - Elementary ProgrammingChapter 2.2 - Writing A Simple ProgramChapter 2.3 - Reading Input From The ConsoleChapter 2.4 - IdentifiersChapter 2.5 - VariablesChapter 2.6 - Assignment Statements And Assignment ExpressionsChapter 2.7 - Named ConstantsChapter 2.8 - Naming ConventionsChapter 2.9 - Numeric Data Types And OperationsChapter 2.10 - Numeric LiteralsChapter 2.11 - Evaluating Expressions And Operator PrecedenceChapter 2.12 - Case Study: Displaying The Current TimeChapter 2.13 - Augmented Assignment OperatorsChapter 2.14 - Increment And Decrement OperatorsChapter 2.15 - Numeric Type ConversionsChapter 2.16 - Software Development ProcessChapter 2.17 - Case Study: Counting Monetary UnitsChapter 2.18 - Common Errors And PitfallsChapter 3 - SelectionsChapter 3.2 - Boolean Data TypeChapter 3.3 - If StatementsChapter 3.4 - Two-way If-else StatementsChapter 3.5 - Nested Of And Multi-way If-else StatementsChapter 3.6 - Common Errors And PitfallsChapter 3.7 - Generating Random NumbersChapter 3.9 - Case Study: Computing TaxesChapter 3.10 - Logical OperatorsChapter 3.11 - Case Study: Determining Leap YearChapter 3.12 - Case Study: LotteryChapter 3.13 - Switch StatementsChapter 3.14 - Conditional OperatorsChapter 3.15 - Operator Precedence And AssociativityChapter 4 - Mathematical Functions, Characters, And StringsChapter 4.2 - Common Mathematical FunctionsChapter 4.3 - Character Data Type And OperationsChapter 4.4 - The String TypeChapter 4.5 - Case StudiesChapter 4.6 - Formatting Console OutputChapter 5 - LoopsChapter 5.2 - The While LoopChapter 5.3 - Case Study: Guessing NumbersChapter 5.4 - Loop Design StrategiesChapter 5.5 - Controlling A Loop With User Confirmation Or A Sentinel ValueChapter 5.6 - The Do-whileloopChapter 5.7 - The For LoopChapter 5.8 - Which Loop To Use?Chapter 5.9 - Nested LoopsChapter 5.11 - Case StudiesChapter 5.12 - Keywords Break And ContinueChapter 5.13 - Case Study: Checking PalindromesChapter 5.14 - Case Study: Displaying Prime NumbersChapter 6 - MethodsChapter 6.4 - Void Vs. Value-returning MethodsChapter 6.5 - Passing Parameters By ValuesChapter 6.6 - Modularizing CodeChapter 6.7 - Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals To DecimalsChapter 6.8 - Overloading MethodsChapter 6.9 - The Scope Of VariablesChapter 7 - Single-dimensional ArraysChapter 7.2 - Array BasicsChapter 7.4 - Case Study: Deck Of CardsChapter 7.5 - Copying ArraysChapter 7.7 - Returning An Array From A MethodChapter 7.8 - Case Study: Counting The Occurrences Of Each LetterChapter 7.9 - Variable-length Argument ListsChapter 7.10 - Searching ArraysChapter 7.11 - Sorting ArraysChapter 7.12 - The Arrays ClassChapter 7.13 - Command-line ArgumentsChapter 8 - Multidimensional ArraysChapter 8.2 - Two-dimensional Array BasicsChapter 8.3 - Processing Two-dimensional ArraysChapter 8.4 - Passing Two-dimensional Arrays To MethodsChapter 8.5 - Case Study: Grading A Multiple-choice TestChapter 8.6 - Case Study: Finding The Closest PairChapter 8.7 - Case Study: SudokuChapter 8.8 - Multidimensional ArraysChapter 9 - Objects And ClassesChapter 9.3 - Example: Defining Classes And Creating ObjectsChapter 9.4 - Constructing Objects Using ConstructorsChapter 9.5 - Accessing Objects Via Reference VariablesChapter 9.6 - Using Classes From The Java LibraryChapter 9.7 - Static Variables, Constants, And MethodsChapter 9.9 - Data Field EncapsulationChapter 9.10 - Passing Objects To MethodsChapter 9.11 - Array Of ObjectsChapter 9.12 - Immutable Objects And ClassesChapter 9.13 - The Scope Of VariablesChapter 9.14 - The This ReferenceChapter 10 - Object-oriented ThinkingChapter 10.2 - Class Abstraction And EncapsulationChapter 10.3 - Thinking In ObjectsChapter 10.4 - Class RelationshipsChapter 10.7 - Processing Primitive Data Type Values As ObjectsChapter 10.8 - Automatic Conversion Between Primitive Types And Wrapper Class TypesChapter 10.9 - The Biglnteger And Bigdecimal ClassesChapter 10.10 - The String ClassChapter 10.11 - The Stringbuilder And Stringbuffer ClassesChapter 11 - Inheritance And PolymorphismChapter 11.2 - Superclasses And SubclassesChapter 11.3 - Using The Super KeywordChapter 11.4 - Overriding MethodsChapter 11.5 - Overriding Vs. OverloadingChapter 11.7 - PolymorphismChapter 11.8 - Dynamic BindingChapter 11.9 - Casting Objects And The Instanceof OperatorChapter 11.10 - The Object's Equals MethodChapter 11.11 - The Arraylist ClassChapter 11.12 - Useful Methods For ListsChapter 11.13 - Case Study: A Custom Stack ClassChapter 11.14 - The Protected Data And MethodsChapter 11.15 - Preventing Extending And OverridingChapter 12 - Exception Handling And Text I/oChapter 12.2 - Exception-handling OverviewChapter 12.3 - Exception TypesChapter 12.4 - More On Exception HandlingChapter 12.5 - The Finally ClauseChapter 12.6 - When To Use ExceptionsChapter 12.7 - Rethrowing ExceptionsChapter 12.8 - Chained ExceptionsChapter 12.9 - Defining Custom Exception ClassesChapter 12.10 - The File ClassChapter 12.11 - File Input And OutputChapter 12.12 - Reading Data From The WebChapter 12.13 - Case Study: Web CrawlerChapter 13 - Abstract Classes And InterfacesChapter 13.2 - Abstract ClassesChapter 13.3 - Case Study: The Abstract Number ClassChapter 13.4 - Case Study: Calendar And GregoriancalendarChapter 13.5 - InterfacesChapter 13.6 - The Comparable InterfaceChapter 13.7 - The Cloneable InterfaceChapter 13.8 - Interfaces Vs. Abstract ClassesChapter 13.9 - Case Study: The Rational ClassChapter 13.10 - Class-design GuidelinesChapter 14 - Javafx BasicsChapter 14.2 - Javafx Vs. Swing And AwtChapter 14.3 - The Basic Structure Of A Javafx ProgramChapter 14.4 - Panes, Groups, Ul Controls, And ShapesChapter 14.5 - Property BindingChapter 14.6 - Common Properties And Methods For NodesChapter 14.7 - The Color ClassChapter 14.8 - The Font ClassChapter 14.9 - The Image And Imageview ClassesChapter 14.10 - Layout Panes And GroupsChapter 14.11 - ShapesChapter 14.12 - Case Study: The Clockpane ClassChapter 15 - Event-driven Programming And AnimationsChapter 15.2 - Events And Event SourcesChapter 15.3 - Registering Handlers And Handling EventsChapter 15.4 - Inner ClassesChapter 15.5 - Anonymous Inner-class HandlersChapter 15.6 - Simplifying Event Handling Using Lambda ExpressionsChapter 15.8 - Mouse EventsChapter 15.9 - Key EventsChapter 15.10 - Listeners For Observable ObjectsChapter 15.11 - AnimationChapter 15.12 - Case Study: Bouncing BallChapter 15.13 - Case Study: Us MapChapter 16 - Javafx Ul Controls And MultimediaChapter 16.2 - Labeled And LabelChapter 16.3 - ButtonChapter 16.4 - CheckboxChapter 16.5 - RadiobuttonChapter 16.6 - TextfieldChapter 16.7 - TextareaChapter 16.8 - Combo BoxChapter 16.9 - ListviewChapter 16.10 - Scroll BarChapter 16.11 - SliderChapter 16.12 - Case Study: Developing A Tic-tac-toe GameChapter 16.13 - Video And AudioChapter 16.14 - Case Study: National Flags And AnthemsChapter 17 - Binary I/oChapter 17.2 - How Is Text 1/0 Handled In Java?Chapter 17.3 - Text I/o Vs. Binary I/oChapter 17.4 - Binary I/o ClassesChapter 17.5 - Case Study: Copying FilesChapter 17.6 - Object I/oChapter 17.7 - Random-access FilesChapter 18 - RecursionChapter 18.2 - Case Study: Computing FactorialsChapter 18.3 - Case Study: Computing Fibonacci NumbersChapter 18.4 - Problem Solving Using RecursionChapter 18.5 - Recursive Helper MethodsChapter 18.6 - Case Study: Finding The Directory SizeChapter 18.7 - Case Study: Tower Of HanoiChapter 18.8 - Case Study: FractalsChapter 18.9 - Recursion Vs. IterationChapter 18.10 - Tail RecursionChapter 19 - GenericsChapter 19.2 - Motivations And BenefitsChapter 19.3 - Defining Generic Classes And InterfacesChapter 19.4 - Generic MethodsChapter 19.5 - Case Study: Sorting An Array Of ObjectsChapter 19.6 - Raw Types And Backward CompatibilityChapter 19.7 - Wildcard Generic TypesChapter 19.8 - Erasure And Restrictions On GenericsChapter 19.9 - Case Study: Generic Matrix ClassChapter 20 - Lists, Stacks, Queues, And Priority QueuesChapter 20.2 - CollectionsChapter 20.3 - LteratorsChapter 20.4 - Using The Foreach MethodChapter 20.5 - ListsChapter 20.6 - The Comparator InterfaceChapter 20.7 - Static Methods For Lists And CollectionsChapter 20.8 - Case Study: Bouncing BallsChapter 20.9 - Vector And Stack ClassesChapter 20.10 - Queues And Priority QueuesChapter 20.11 - Case Study: Evaluating ExpressionsChapter 21 - Sets And MapsChapter 21.2 - SetsChapter 21.3 - Comparing The Performance Of Sets And ListsChapter 21.4 - Case Study: Counting KeywordsChapter 21.5 - MapsChapter 21.6 - Case Study: Occurrences Of WordsChapter 21.7 - Singleton And Unmodifiable Collections And MapsChapter 22 - Developing Efficient AlgorithmsChapter 22.2 - Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O NotationChapter 22.3 - Examples: Determining Big OChapter 22.4 - Analyzing Algorithm Time ComplexityChapter 22.5 - Finding Fibonacci Numbers Using Dynamic ProgrammingChapter 22.6 - Finding Greatest Common Divisors Using Euclid's AlgorithmChapter 22.7 - Efficient Algorithms For Finding Prime NumbersChapter 22.8 - Finding The Closest Pair Of Points Using Divide-and-conquerChapter 22.9 - Solving The Eight Queens Problem Using BacktrackingChapter 22.10 - Computational Geometry: Finding A Convex HullChapter 23 - SortingChapter 23.2 - Insertion SortChapter 23.3 - Bubble SortChapter 23.4 - Merge SortChapter 23.5 - Quick SortChapter 23.6 - Heap SortChapter 23.7 - Bucket And Radix SortsChapter 23.8 - External SortChapter 24 - Lmplementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, And Priority QueuesChapter 24.2 - Common Operations For ListsChapter 24.3 - Array ListsChapter 24.4 - Linked ListsChapter 24.5 - Stacks And QueuesChapter 24.6 - Priority QueuesChapter 25 - Binary Search TreesChapter 25.2 - Binary Search TreesChapter 25.3 - Deleting Elements From A BstChapter 25.4 - Tree Visualization And MvcChapter 25.5 - LteratorsChapter 25.6 - Case Study: Data CompressionChapter 26 - Avl TreesChapter 26.2 - Rebalancing TreesChapter 26.3 - Designing Classes For Avl TreesChapter 26.4 - Overriding The Insert MethodChapter 26.5 - Implementing RotationsChapter 26.6 - Implementing The Delete MethodChapter 26.7 - The Avl Tree ClassChapter 26.8 - Testing The Avl Tree ClassChapter 26.9 - Avl Tree Time Complexity AnalysisChapter 27 - HashingChapter 27.2 - What Is Hashing?Chapter 27.3 - Hash Functions And Hash CodesChapter 27.4 - Handling Collisions Using Open AddressingChapter 27.5 - Handling Collisions Using Separate ChainingChapter 27.6 - Load Factor And RehashingChapter 27.7 - Implementing A Map Using HashingChapter 27.8 - Implementing Set Using HashingChapter 28 - Graphs And ApplicationsChapter 28.2 - Basic Graph TerminologiesChapter 28.3 - Representing GraphsChapter 28.4 - Modeling GraphsChapter 28.5 - Graph VisualizationChapter 28.6 - Graph TraversalsChapter 28.7 - Depth-first Search (dfs)Chapter 28.8 - Case Study: The Connected Circles ProblemChapter 28.9 - Breadth-first Search (bfs)Chapter 28.10 - Case Study: The Nine Tails ProblemChapter 29 - Weighted Graphs And ApplicationsChapter 29.2 - Representing Weighted GraphsChapter 29.3 - The Wei Ghtedgraph ClassChapter 29.4 - Minimum Spanning TreesChapter 29.5 - Finding Shortest PathsChapter 29.6 - Case Study: The Weighted Nine Tails ProblemChapter 30 - Aggregate Operations For Collection StreamsChapter 30.1 - IntroductionChapter 30.2 - Stream PipelinesChapter 30.3 - Intstream, Longstream, And DoublestreamChapter 30.4 - Parallel StreamsChapter 30.5 - Stream Reduction Using The Reduce MethodChapter 30.6 - Stream Reduction Using The Collect MethodChapter 30.7 - Grouping Elements Using The Groupingby CollectorChapter 30.8 - Case Studies

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