Solutions for Modern Physics
Problem 2Q:
A spaceship in the shape of a sphere moves past an observer on Earth with a speed of 0.5c. What...Problem 3Q:
An astronaut moves away from Earth at a speed close to the speed of light. If an observer on Earth...Problem 4Q:
Two identically constructed clocks are synchronized. One is put in an eastward orbit around Earth...Problem 5Q:
Two lasers situated on a moving spacecraft are triggered simultaneously. An observer on the...Problem 7Q:
When we speak of time dilation, do we mean that time passes more slowly in moving systems or that it...Problem 10Q:
It is said that Einstein, in his teenage years, asked the question, What would I see in a mirror if...Problem 12Q:
What happens to the density of an object as its speed increases, as measured by an Earth observer?
Problem 1P:
In a lab frame of reference, an observer finds Newton’s second law is valid in the form. Show that...Problem 4P:
An airplane flying upwind, downwind, and crosswind shows the main principle of the MichelsonMorley...Problem 7P:
A clock on a moving spacecraft runs 1 s slower per day relative to an identical clock on Earth. What...Problem 8P:
A meter stick moving in a direction parallel to its length appears to be only 75 cm long to an...Problem 9P:
A spacecraft moves at a speed of 0.900c. If its length is L as measured by an observer on the...Problem 10P:
The average lifetime of a pi meson in its own frame of reference is 2.6 × 10−8 s. If the meson moves...Problem 11P:
An atomic clock is placed in a jet airplane. The clock measures a time interval of 3600 s when the...Problem 12P:
An astronaut at rest on Earth has a heartbeat rate of 70 beats/min. What will this rate be when she...Problem 13P:
The muon is an unstable particle that spontaneously decays into an electron and two neutrinos. If...Problem 14P:
A rod of length L0 moves with a speed v along the horizontal direction. The rod makes an angle of θ0...Problem 15P:
The classical Doppler shift for light. A light source recedes from an observer with a speed v that...Problem 16P:
Calculate, for the judge, how fast you were going in miles per hour when you ran the red light...Problem 19P:
Two spaceships approach each other, each moving with the same speed as measured by an observer on...Problem 21P:
An observer on Earth observes two spacecraft moving in the same direction toward the Earth....Problem 22P:
Speed of light in a moving medium. The motion of a medium such as water influences the speed of...Problem 23P:
An observer in frame S sees lightning simultaneously strike two points 100 m apart. The first strike...Problem 24P:
As seen from Earth, two spaceships A and B are approaching along perpendicular directions. If A is...Problem 26P:
The proper length of one spaceship is three times that of another. The two spaceships are traveling...Problem 29P:
A spaceship moves away from Earth at a speed v and fires a shuttle craft in the forward direction at...Problem 30P:
An observer in a rocket moves toward a mirror at speed v relative to the reference frame labeled by...Problem 31P:
A physics professor on Earth gives an exam to her students who are on a spaceship traveling at speed...Problem 32P:
A yet-to-be-built spacecraft starts from Earth moving at constant speed to the yet-to-be-discovered...Problem 33P:
Suppose our Sun is about to explode. In an effort to escape, we depart in a spaceship at v = 0.80c...Problem 34P:
Two powerless rockets are on a collision course. The rockets are moving with speeds of 0.800c and...Problem 36P:
Suzanne observes two light pulses to be emitted from the same location, but separated in time by...Problem 37P:
An observer in reference frame S sees two events as simultaneous. Event A occurs at the point (50.0...Problem 38P:
A spacecraft is launched from the surface of the Earth with a velocity of 0.600c at an angle of...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Relativity IChapter 1.2 - The Principle Of RelativityChapter 1.5 - Consequences Of Special RelativityChapter 1.6 - The Lorentz TransformationChapter 2 - Relativity IiChapter 3 - The Quantum Theroy Of LightChapter 3.2 - Blackbody RadiationChapter 4 - The Particle Nature Of MatterChapter 4.2 - The Composition Of AtomsChapter 4.3 - The Bohr Atom
Chapter 5 - Matter WavesChapter 5.1 - The Pilot Waves Of De BroglieChapter 5.5 - The Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 6 - Quantum Mechanics In One DimensionChapter 6.4 - The Particle In A BoxChapter 6.5 - The Finite Square Well (optional)Chapter 6.7 - Expectation ValuesChapter 6.8 - Observables And OperatorsChapter 7 - Tunneling PhenomenaChapter 7.1 - The Square BarrierChapter 8 - Quantum Mechanics In Three DimensionsChapter 8.1 - Particle In A Three-dimensional BoxChapter 8.3 - Space QuantizationChapter 8.5 - Atomic Hydrogen And Hydrogen-like IonsChapter 9 - Atomic StructureChapter 9.2 - The Spinning ElectronChapter 9.3 - The Spin–orbit Interaction And Other Magnetic EffectsChapter 10 - Statistical PhysicsChapter 11 - Molecular StructureChapter 11.2 - Molecular Rotation And VibrationChapter 12 - The Solid StateChapter 13 - Nuclear StructureChapter 13.4 - RadioactivityChapter 14 - Nuclear Physics ApplicationsChapter 15 - Elementary ParticlesChapter 15.6 - Strange Particles And StrangenessChapter 15.7 - How Are Elementary Particles Produced And Particle Properties Measured?Chapter 16 - Cosmology
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Modern Physics homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1QChapter 1, Problem 14PWrite the expression for the frequency as seen by the car. fc=fsourcec+vc−v Here, fc is the...Chapter 1, Problem 23PChapter 1, Problem 34PChapter 1, Problem 39PChapter 2, Problem 1QChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 4P
Write the expression for momentum in S frame, p=mu(1−v2/c2)1/2 (I) Here, p is the momentum, v is the...The formula to calculate energy of the first fragment is, E12=p12c2+(m1c2)2 (I) Here, m1 is the mass...Planck made two assumption the first one is the oscillator energy is quantized and the second one is...Write the given equation for the relation between electric field and magnetic flux. ∮E.ds=−dϕBdt (I)...Write the expression for the number of modes of vibration of waves which is confined by a cavity...Write the expression to calculate the change in wavelength. Δλ=hmec(1−cosθ) (I) Here, h is the...Write the equation for the final energy, E′=hcλ′ (I) Here, λ′ is the final wavelength, h is the...Write the formula for Compton shift, λ′−λ0=hmec(1−cosθ) (I) Here, me is the mass of the electron, c...The assumptions of Bohr’s model are given as follows: Electrons in an atom orbit around the nucleus...Chapter 4, Problem 5PWrite the expression for the radius of the oil drop in the Millikan’s experiment. a=9ηv2ρg (I) Here,...Write the relation between the number of α particles and the scattering angle using Equation 4.16....Write the expression for the conservation of angular momentum of the electron. mevr=nℏ Here, me is...Write the expression for the frequency of the revolution of the electron in the Bohr model of the...Experimental evidence shows that light can acts as both a wave and a particle that means dual nature...Write the expression for the diffraction condition for a crystal. nλ=dsinϕ (I) Here, n is the order...Write the relativistic expression for the kinetic energy. K=(γ−1)mc2 Here, K is the kinetic energy,...Write the expression for the spectral content of the rectangular pulse, g(ω)=12∫−∞∞V(t)e−iωtdt (I)...Write the expression for the matter wave pulse shape. f(x)=12π∫−∞+∞a(k)eikxdk (I) Here, f(x) is the...To represent the wave function of a particle the symbol ψ is used. The probability density at any...Write the expression for potential energy. U=kq1q2r (I) Here, q1 is charge1, q2 is charge2, r is the...The sketch of wave function is plotted below. The sketch of probability density is plotted below....Write the expression for normalization constant. 1=∫−∞∞|ψ(x)|2dx (I) Substitute C[ψ1(x)+ψ2(x)] for...Write the expression for average position. 〈x〉=∫−∞∞x|Ψ|2dx Substitute C{ψ1e−iE1t/ℏ+ψ2e−iE2t/ℏ} for ψ...Write the expression for relation between transmission probability and reflection probability....Write the expression for transmission probabality. ` 1T(E)=1+[U24E(U−E)]sinh2αL (I) Here, T(E) is...The location of electrons can be described using quantum number. Quantum numbers describes energy...Write the expression for momentum given by de Broglie relation. |p|=ℏ|k| (I) Here, p is the...Hydrogen atom is in the 2s state. Take r=a0 Write the expression for normalized wave function for 2s...To compute uncertainty in distance, first calculate average distance and average square distance...The orbital angular moment of an electron arises due to the motion of the electron about its...The existence of magnetic moment and orbital angular momentum leads to the spin obit coupling which...Consider an electron present in the 2p state revolves in a circular orbit or loop of radius r. The...The particle placed in a cubical box is a well-known model in the field of quantum mechanics which...Assumptions of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are given below. Physical properties of particles are...The molecule covers d distance in t time with the speed of v. Write the expression for angular...Write the expression for number of particles. ni=gifMB (I) Here, ni is the number of particles, fMB...The modes in which diatomic molecules store energy are – Translational kinetic energy, Rotational...Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from the atom and electron affinity is...Chapter 11, Problem 9PMetals can absorb visible light. Again, visible can be scattered by the free electron inside the...The total potential energy stored in the solid object is, UT=−kαe2r+Brm (I) Here, k is the coulomb’s...Write the expression for the current density, J=nevd (I) Here, J is the current density, n is the...Write the equation for the drift speed. vd=μE (I) Here, vd is the drift speed, μ is the electron...Write the ideal diode equation for the current through the diode. ID=Is(eeΔV/kBT−1) Here, ID is the...A heavier nucleus is formed by the fusion reactions, in which there is electrostatic repulsion...Write the equation for the nuclear radius. R=R0A1/3 (I) Here, R is the nuclear radius, R0 is...Write the expression for neutron to proton ratio. neutron to proton ratio=A−ZZ (I) Here, A is the...Write the expression for the binding energy of the nuclei. Eb=[ZM(H)+(A−Z)mn−M(ZAX)]Eb(in...Write the semiempirical binding energy formula. Eb=C1A−C2A23−C3Z(Z−1)A13−C4(A−Z)2A Here, Eb is the...According to the conservation of momentum for the masses of daughter nucleus and alpha particle,...Write the equation to find the disintegration energy. Q=(minitial−mfinal)(931.5 MeV/u) Here, Q the...Write the expression for the decays reaction, n→p+e−+ν¯ (I) Here, n is the neutron, p is the proton,...dN2(t)dt the time rate of change of daughter nuclei. It is equal to the difference of production...In a nuclear reactor moderators are used to control the speed of the neutrons produced as the end...Consider the CM frame. Draw the diagram showing direction of a and X. Write the equation for kinetic...Write the equation for the efficiency of the reactor. e=PdeliveredPout Here, e is the efficiency,...Write the equation to find the number of Pu nuclei in one kilogram. n=NA(1 kgMPu) Here, n the number...Write the first reaction in proton-proton cycle H1+H1→H2+e++ν (I) Here, H1 is the hydrogen, H2 is...Write the expression for the net power output, Pnet=Poutput−Pinput (I) Here, Pnet is the net power...The number of fissions in 1st, 2nd, 3rd …. nth number is according to the series given below....The fundamental interactions are also known as fundamental forces. They are the interactions that do...Consider table 15.2 and refer equation 15.1, The missing neutrinos in pion are Muon-neutrino....Consider the reaction, p+p→n+Σ++K0+π+ (I) Write the expression for the threshold for production of...Write the expression for ντ(t). ντ(t)=sinθν2e−iE2t/ℏ+cosθν3e−iE3t/ℏ (I) Here, ντ(t) the time...Write the given reaction of beta decay n→p+e−+v¯ (I) Here, n is the neutron, p is the proton, e− is...Write the expression for the momentum of Σ+ particle. pΣ+=eBrΣ+ (I) Here, pΣ+ the momentum of Σ+...Write the expression for the distance. R=vH=0.55cH (I) Here, R is the distance, H is the Hubble’s...Write the Hubble’s law equation. v=H0R (I) Here, v is the speed of galaxy, H0 is the Hubble’s...
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