Problem 1E:
Henry, Tom, and Fred are breaking up their partnership and dividing among themselves the...Problem 2E:
Alice, Bob, and Carlos are dividing among themselves the family farm equally owned by the three of...Problem 3E:
Angie, Bev, Ceci, and Dina are dividing among themselves a set of common assets equally owned by the...Problem 4E:
Mark, Tim, Maia, and Kelly are dividing among themselves a set of common assets equally owned by the...Problem 5E:
Allen, Brady, Cody, and Diane are sharing a cake. The cake had previously been divided into four...Problem 6E:
Carlos, Sonya, Tanner, and Wen are sharing a cake. The cake had previously been divided into four...Problem 7E:
Four partners Adams, Benson, Cagle, and Duncan jointly own a piece of land with a market value of...Problem 9E:
Suppose that Angelina values strawberry cake twice as much as she values chocolate cake. Find the...Problem 10E:
Suppose that Brad values chocolate cake thrice as much as he values strawberry cake. Find the dollar...Problem 11E:
Suppose that Brad values chocolate cake four as much as he values strawberry cake. Find the dollar...Problem 12E:
Suppose that Angelina values strawberry cake five as much as she values chocolate cake. Find the...Problem 13E:
Karla and five other friends jointly buy the chocolate-strawberry-vanilla cake shown in Fig.318(a)_...Problem 14E:
Marla and five other friends jointly buy the chocolate-strawberry-vanilla cake shown in Fig. 3-18a...Problem 15E:
Suppose that they flip a coin and Jackie ends up being the divider. a. Describe how Jackie should...Problem 16E:
Suppose they flip a coin and Karla ends up being the divider. a. Describe how Karla should cut the...Problem 17E:
Suppose that they flip a coin and Martha ends up being the divider. a. Describe how Martha would cut...Problem 18E:
Suppose that they flip a coin and Nick ends up being the divider. a. Describe how Nick would cut the...Problem 19E:
Suppose that David is the divider and Paula is the chooser. a. Is the cut shown in Fig.321(b)_ a...Problem 20E:
Suppose that Paula is the divider and David is the chooser. a. Is the cut shown in Fig.321(b)_ a...Problem 21E:
Three partners are dividing a plot of land among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the...Problem 22E:
Three partners are dividing a plot of land among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the...Problem 23E:
Four partners are dividing a plot of land among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the...Problem 24E:
Four partners are dividing a plot of land among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the...Problem 25E:
Mark, Tim, Maia, and Kelly are dividing a cake among themselves using the lone-divider method. The...Problem 26E:
Allen, Brady, Cody; and Diane are sharing a cake valued at 20 using the lone-divider method. The...Problem 28E:
Four partners are dividing a plot of land among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the...Problem 30E:
Five players are dividing a cake among themselves using the lone-divider method. After the divider D...Problem 31E:
Four partners Egan, Fine, Gong, and Hart jointly own a piece of land with a market value of 480,000....Problem 32E:
Four players Abe, Betty, Cory, and Dana are dividing a pizza worth 18.00 among themselves using the...Problem 33E:
Exercises 33 and 34 refer to the following situation: Jackie, Karla, and Lori are planning to divide...Problem 34E:
Exercises 33 and 34 refer to the following situation: Jackie, Karla, and Lori are planning to divide...Problem 35E:
Exercise 35 through 38 refer to the following situation: Angela, Boris, and Carlos are dividing the...Problem 36E:
Exercise 35 through 38 refer to the following situation: Angela, Boris, and Carlos are dividing the...Problem 39E:
Exercises 39 and 40 refer to the following: Arthur, Brian, and Carl are dividing the cake shown in...Problem 40E:
Exercises 39 and 40 refer to the following: Arthur, Brian, and Carl are dividing the cake shown in...Problem 41E:
Jackie, Karla, and Lori are dividing the foot-long half meatballhalf vegetarian sub shown in...Problem 42E:
Jackie, Karla, and Lori are dividing the foot-long half meatballhalf vegetarian sub shown in Fig....Problem 43E:
Ana, Belle, and Chloe are dividing four pieces of furniture using the method of sealed bids. Table...Problem 44E:
Andre, Bea, and Chad are dividing an estate consisting of a small farm, and a painting using the...Problem 45E:
Five heirs A,B,C,D, and E are dividing an estate consisting of six items using the method of sealed...Problem 46E:
Oscar, Bert, and Ernie are using the method of sealed bids to divide among themselves four items...Problem 47E:
Anne, Bette, and Chia jointly own a flower shop. They cant get along anymore and decide to break up...Problem 48E:
Al, Ben and Cal jointly own a fruit stand. They cant get along anymore and decide to break up the...Problem 49E:
Ali, Briana, and Caren are roommates planning to move out of their apartment. They identify four...Problem 50E:
Anne, Bess and Cindy are the roommates planning to move out of their apartment. They identify five...Problem 52E:
Three players (A,B and C) are dividing the array of 13 items shown in Fig. 332 using the method of...Problem 53E:
Three players (A,B,andC) are dividing the array of 12 items shown in Fig.333 using the method of...Problem 54E:
Three players (A,B,andC) are dividing the array of 12 items shown in Fig.334 using the method of...Problem 55E:
Five players (A,B,C,D,andE) are dividing the array of 20 items shown in Fig.335 using the method of...Problem 56E:
Four players (A,B,C,andD) are dividing the array of 15 items shown in Fig. Fig.336 using the method...Problem 58E:
Queenie, Roxy, and Sophie are dividing a set of 15 CDs 3 Beach Boys CDs, 6 Grateful Dead CDs, and 6...Problem 59E:
Ana, Belle, and Chloe are dividing 3 Choko bars, 3 Minto bars, and 3 Frooto bars among themselves...Problem 65E:
Three players A, B, and C are sharing the chocolate-strawberry-vanilla-cake shown in...Problem 66E:
Angeline and Brad are planning to divide the chocolate-strawberry cake shown in Fig 3-40a using the...Problem 68E:
Efficient and envy-free fair divisions. A fair division is called efficient if there is no other...Problem 71E:
Suppose that N players bid on M items using the method of sealed bids. Let T denote the table with M...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Mathematics Of Elections The Paradoxes Of DemocracyChapter 2 - The Mathematics Of Power Weighted VotingChapter 3 - The Mathematics Of Sharing Fair-division GamesChapter 4 - The Mathematics Of Apportionment Making The RoundsChapter 5 - The Mathematics Of Getting Around Euler Paths And CircuitsChapter 6 - The Mathematics Of Touring Traveling Salesman ProblemsChapter 7 - The Mathematics Of Networks The Cost Of Being ConnectedChapter 8 - The Mathematics Of Scheduling Chasing The Critical PathChapter 9 - Population Growth Models There Is Strength In NumbersChapter 10 - Financial Mathematics Money Matters
Chapter 11 - The Mathematics Of Symmetry Beyond ReflectionChapter 12 - Fractal Geometry The Kinky Nature Of NatureChapter 13 - Fibonacci Numbers And The Golden Ratio Tales Of Rabbits And GnomonsChapter 14 - Censuses, Surveys, Polls, And Studies The Joys Of Collecting DataChapter 15 - Graphs, Charts And Numbers The Data Show And TellChapter 16 - Probabilities, Odds, And Expectations Measuring Uncertainty And RiskChapter 17 - The Mathematics Of Normality The Call Of The Bell
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For courses in Liberal Arts Mathematics. Math: Applicable, Accessible, Modern Excursions in Modern Mathematics introduces readers to the power and beauty of math. By developing an appreciation for the aesthetics and applicability of mathematics, reader
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