Solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis
Problem 1P:
Plot the following waveform versus time showing one clear. Complete cycle. Then determine the...Problem 2P:
Repeat Problem 1 for the following sinusoidal function, and compare results. In particular,...Problem 3P:
What is the derivative of each of the following sinusoidal expressions? a. 10sin377t b....Problem 4P:
The voltage across a 20 resistor is as indicated. Find the sinusoidal expression for the current....Problem 5P:
The current through a 6.8 k ) resistor is as indicated. Find the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 6P:
Determine the inductive reactance (in ohms) of a 2 mH coil for a. dc and for the following...Problem 8P:
Determine the frequency at which a 47 mH inductance has the following inductive reactances: a. 10 ...Problem 9P:
The current through a 20 inductive reactance is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 10P:
The current through a 0.1 H coil is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the voltage? a....Problem 11P:
The voltage across a 40 inductive reactance is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 12P:
The voltage across a 0.2 H coil is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the current? a....Problem 13P:
Determine the capacitive reactance (in ohms) of a 0.2 F capacitor for a. dc and for the following...Problem 14P:
Determine the closest standard value capacitance that has a reactance of a. 60atf=265Hz b....Problem 15P:
Determine the frequency at which a 3.9 F capacitor has the following capacitive reactances: a. 10 b....Problem 16P:
The voltage across a 2.5 capacitive reactance is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 17P:
The voltage across a 1 F capacitor is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the current? a....Problem 18P:
The current through a 2 k capacitive reactance is given. Write the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 19P:
The current through a 0.56 F capacitor is given. What is the sinusoidal expression for the voltage?...Problem 20P:
For the following pairs of voltages and currents, indicate whether the element involved is a...Problem 21P:
Repeat Problem 20 for the following pairs of voltages and currents with w=157 rad/s. a. v=200sinwt...Problem 22P:
Plot XL versus frequency for a 3 mH coil using a frequency range of zero to 100 kHz on a linear...Problem 23P:
Plot XC versus frequency for a 1 F capacitor using a frequency range of zero to 10 kHz on a linear...Problem 24P:
At what frequency will the reactance of a 1 F capacitor equal the resistance of a 2 k resistor?Problem 25P:
The reactance of a coil equals the resistance of a 10 k resistor at a frequency of 5 kHz. Determine...Problem 26P:
Determine the frequency at which a 1 F capacitor and a 10 mH inductor will have the same reactance.Problem 27P:
Determine the capacitance required to establish a capacitive reactance that will match that of a 2...Problem 28P:
Find the average power loss and power factor for each of the circuits whose input current and...Problem 29P:
If the current through and voltage across an element are i=8sin(wt+40)andv=48sin,(wt+40),...Problem 30P:
A circuit dissipates 100 W (average power) at 150 V (effective input voltage) and 2 A (effective...Problem 31P:
The power factor of a circuit is 0.5 lagging. The power delivered in watts is 500. If the input...Problem 32P:
In Fig.14.77, e=120sin(260t+20). a. What is the sinusoidal expression for the current? b. Find the...Problem 33P:
In Fig. 14.78, e=220sin(1000t+60). a. Find the sinusoidal expression for i. b. Find the average...Problem 34P:
In Fig. 14.79, i=30103sin(2500t20). a. Find the sinusoidal expression for e. b. Find the average...Problem 35P:
For the network in Fig. 14.80 and the applied signal: a. Determine the sinusoidal expressions for...Problem 36P:
For the network in Fig. 14.81 and the applied source: a. Determine the sinusoidal expression for the...Problem 37P:
Convert the following from rectangular to polar form: 4+j3 2+j2 4+j12 1000+j50 1000+j4000 0.4+j0.8Problem 38P:
Convert the following from rectangular to polar form: 8j16 +8j4 0.02j0.003 6103j6103 200+j0.02...Problem 39P:
Convert the following from polar to rectangular form: 640 12120_ 200090_ 0.0064+200_ 482_ 510420_Problem 43P:
Perform the following operations with polar numbers, and leave the answer in polar form: a. 620+880...Problem 46P:
Perform the following divisions in polar form: a.(4210)/(760)b.(0.006120)/(30+60)c.(436020)/(40210)Problem 50P:
Determine a solution for x and y if (x+j4)+3x+jy)j7=160 Determine x if (1020)(x60)=30.64j25.72Problem 52P:
Express the following in phasor from: a.2(160)sin(wt+30)b.2(25103)sin(157t40)c.100sin(wt90)Problem 54P:
Express the following phasor currents and voltages as sine waves if the frequency is 60 Hz: I=40A20...Problem 55P:
For the system in Fig. 14.82, find the sinusoidal expression for the unknown voltage Ua if...Problem 56P:
For the system in Fig. 14.83 find the sinusoidal expression for the unknown current i1 if...Problem 59P:
Plot icandUc versus time for the network in Fig. 14.74 for two cycles if the frequency is 0.2 kHz.Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Voltage And CurrentChapter 3 - ResistanceChapter 4 - Ohm’s Law, Power, And EnergyChapter 5 - Series Dc CircuitsChapter 6 - Parallel Dc CircuitsChapter 7 - Series-parallel CircuitsChapter 8 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (dc)Chapter 9 - Network TheoremsChapter 10 - Capacitors
Chapter 11 - InductorsChapter 12 - Magnetic CircuitsChapter 13 - Sinusoidal Alternating WaveformsChapter 14 - The Basic Elements And PhasorsChapter 15 - Series Ac CircuitsChapter 16 - Parallel Ac CircuitsChapter 17 - Series-parallel Ac NetworksChapter 18 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (ac)Chapter 19 - Network Theorems (ac)Chapter 20 - Power (ac)Chapter 21 - ResonanceChapter 22 - Decibels, Filters, And Bode PlotsChapter 23 - TransformersChapter 24 - Polyphase SystemsChapter 25 - Pulse Waveforms And The R-c ResponseChapter 26 - Nonsinusoidal Circuits
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 3, Problem 1PChapter 4, Problem 1PChapter 5, Problem 1PChapter 6, Problem 1PChapter 7, Problem 1PChapter 8, Problem 1PChapter 9, Problem 1P
Chapter 10, Problem 1PChapter 11, Problem 1PChapter 12, Problem 1PChapter 13, Problem 1PChapter 14, Problem 1PChapter 15, Problem 1PChapter 16, Problem 1PChapter 17, Problem 1PChapter 18, Problem 1PChapter 19, Problem 1PChapter 20, Problem 1PChapter 21, Problem 1PChapter 22, Problem 1PChapter 23, Problem 1PChapter 24, Problem 1PChapter 25, Problem 1PChapter 26, Problem 1P
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Laboratory Manual For Introductory Circuit Analysis (pearson Custom Electronics Technology)
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