Solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis
Problem 1P:
For the electromagnet in Fig. 11.75: a. Find the flux density in Wb/m2. b. What is the flux density...Problem 3P:
a. Repeat Problem 2 with a ferromagnetic core with r=500. b. How is the new inductance related to...Problem 4P:
For the inductor in Fig. 11.77, find the approximate inductance L in henries. in Fig. 11.77Problem 5P:
An air-core inductor has a total inductance of 4.7 mH a. What is the inductance if the only change...Problem 6P:
What are the inductance and the range of expected values for an inductor with the following label?...Problem 7P:
If the flux linking a coil of 50 turns changes at a rate of 120 mWbls, what is the induced voltage...Problem 8P:
Determine the rate of change of flux linking a coil if 20 V are induced across a coil of 200 turns.Problem 9P:
How many turns does a coil have if 42 mV are induced across the coil by a change in flux of 3 mWb/s?Problem 10P:
Find the voltage induced across a coil of 22 mH if the rate of change of current through the coil...Problem 11P:
For the circuit of Fig. 11.78 composed of standard values: a. Determine the time constant. b. Write...Problem 12P:
For the circuit in Fig. 11.79 composed of standard values: a. Determine T b. Write the mathematical...Problem 13P:
For the network of Fig. 11.80. a. Write the expression for the voltage vL after the switch is...Problem 14P:
Give a supply of 18 V, use standard values to design a circuit to have the response of Fig. 11.81....Problem 15P:
For the circuit in Fig. 11.82: a. Write the mathematical expressions for the current iL and the...Problem 16P:
In this problem, the effect of reversing the initial current is investigated. The circuit in Fig....Problem 17P:
For the network of Fig. 11.84: a. Find the expression for the voltage across the resistor R2 after...Problem 21P:
For the network in Fig. 11.88: a. Determine the mathematical expressions for the current iL and the...Problem 22P:
For the network in Fig. 11.89: a. Write the mathematical expression for the current iL and the...Problem 24P:
For Fig. 11.91: a. Determine the mathematical expressions for iL and vL following the closing of the...Problem 25P:
For Fig. 11.92: a. Determine the mathematical expressions for iL and vL following the closing of the...Problem 26P:
For the network in Fig. 11.93, the switch is closed at t=0s. a. Determine vL at t=25ms. b. Find vL...Problem 27P:
The switch in Fig. 11.94 has been open for a long time. It is then closed at t=0s. a. Write the...Problem 29P:
The switch for the network in Fig. 11.96 has been closed for about 1 h. It is then opened at the...Problem 30P:
The switch in Fig. 11.97 has been closed for a long time. It is then opened at t=0s. a. Write the...Problem 31P:
Given iL=100mA(1e-t/20ms) a. Determine iLatt=1ms. b. Determine iLatt=100ms. c. Find the time t when...Problem 32P:
a. If the measured current for an inductor during the storage phase is 126.4 A at after a period of...Problem 33P:
The network in Fig. 11.98 employs a DMM with an internal resistance of 10 M in the voltmeter mode....Problem 34P:
Find the waveform for the voltage induced across a 200 mH coil if the current through the coil is as...Problem 35P:
Find the waveform for the voltage induced across a 5mH coil if the current through the coil is as...Problem 42P:
For the network in Fig. 11.107: a. Write the mathematical expressions for the voltages vL and vR and...Problem 43P:
For the network in Fig. 11.108: a. Write the mathematical expressions for the voltage vL and the...Problem 44P:
For the network in Fig. 11.109. a. Find the mathematical expressions for the voltage vL and the...Problem 46P:
Find the steady-state currents and voltages for the network in Fig. 11.111. in Fig. 11.111Problem 47P:
Find the steady-state currents and voltages for the network in Fig. 11.112 after the switch is...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Voltage And CurrentChapter 3 - ResistanceChapter 4 - Ohm’s Law, Power, And EnergyChapter 5 - Series Dc CircuitsChapter 6 - Parallel Dc CircuitsChapter 7 - Series-parallel CircuitsChapter 8 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (dc)Chapter 9 - Network TheoremsChapter 10 - Capacitors
Chapter 11 - InductorsChapter 12 - Magnetic CircuitsChapter 13 - Sinusoidal Alternating WaveformsChapter 14 - The Basic Elements And PhasorsChapter 15 - Series Ac CircuitsChapter 16 - Parallel Ac CircuitsChapter 17 - Series-parallel Ac NetworksChapter 18 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (ac)Chapter 19 - Network Theorems (ac)Chapter 20 - Power (ac)Chapter 21 - ResonanceChapter 22 - Decibels, Filters, And Bode PlotsChapter 23 - TransformersChapter 24 - Polyphase SystemsChapter 25 - Pulse Waveforms And The R-c ResponseChapter 26 - Nonsinusoidal Circuits
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 3, Problem 1PChapter 4, Problem 1PChapter 5, Problem 1PChapter 6, Problem 1PChapter 7, Problem 1PChapter 8, Problem 1PChapter 9, Problem 1P
Chapter 10, Problem 1PChapter 11, Problem 1PChapter 12, Problem 1PChapter 13, Problem 1PChapter 14, Problem 1PChapter 15, Problem 1PChapter 16, Problem 1PChapter 17, Problem 1PChapter 18, Problem 1PChapter 19, Problem 1PChapter 20, Problem 1PChapter 21, Problem 1PChapter 22, Problem 1PChapter 23, Problem 1PChapter 24, Problem 1PChapter 25, Problem 1PChapter 26, Problem 1P
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