Chemistry 2012 Student Edition (hard Cover) Grade 11 - 12th Edition - by Prentice Hall - ISBN 9780132525763

Chemistry 2012 Student Edition (hard Co...
12th Edition
Prentice Hall
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780132525763

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 3 - Scientific MeasurementChapter 3.1 - Using And Expressing MeasurementsChapter 3.2 - Units Of MeasurementChapter 3.3 - Solving Conversion ProblemsChapter 4 - Atomic StructureChapter 4.1 - Defining The AtomChapter 4.2 - Structure Of The Nuclear AtomChapter 4.3 - Distinguishing Among AtomsChapter 5 - Electrons In AtomsChapter 5.1 - Revising The Atomic ModelChapter 5.2 - Electron Arrangement In AtomsChapter 5.3 - Atomic Emission Spectra And The Quantum Mechanical ModelChapter 6 - The Periodic TableChapter 6.1 - Organizing The ElementsChapter 6.2 - Classifying The ElementsChapter 6.3 - Periodic TrendsChapter 7 - Ionic And Metallic BondingChapter 7.1 - IonsChapter 7.2 - Ionic Bonds And Ionic CompoundsChapter 7.3 - Bonding In MetalsChapter 8 - Covalent BondingChapter 8.1 - Molecular CompoundsChapter 8.2 - The Nature Of Covalent BondingChapter 8.3 - Bonding TheoriesChapter 8.4 - Polar Bonds And MoleculesChapter 9 - Chemical Names And FormulasChapter 9.1 - Naming IonsChapter 9.2 - Naming And Writing Formulas For Ionic CompoundsChapter 9.3 - Naming And Writing Formulas For Molecular CompoundsChapter 9.4 - Naming And Writing Formulas For Acids And BasesChapter 9.5 - The Laws Governing How Compounds FormChapter 10 - Chemical QuantitiesChapter 10.1 - The Mole: A Measurement Of MatterChapter 10.2 - Mole-mass And Mole-volume RelationshipsChapter 10.3 - Percent Composition And Chemical FormulasChapter 11 - Chemical ReactionsChapter 11.1 - Describing Chemical ReactionsChapter 11.2 - Types Of Chemical ReactionsChapter 11.3 - Reaction In Aqueous SolutionChapter 12 - StoichiometryChapter 12.1 - The Arithmetic Of EquationsChapter 12.2 - Chemical CalculationsChapter 12.3 - Limiting Reagent And Percent YieldChapter 13 - States Of MatterChapter 13.1 - The Nature Of GasesChapter 13.2 - The Nature Of LiquidsChapter 13.3 - The Nature Of SolidsChapter 13.4 - Changes Of StateChapter 14 - The Behavior Of GasesChapter 14.1 - Properties Of GasesChapter 14.2 - The Gas LawsChapter 14.3 - Ideal GasesChapter 14.4 - Gases: Mixtures And MovementsChapter 15 - Water And Aqueous SystemsChapter 15.1 - Water And Its PropertiesChapter 15.2 - Homogeneous Aqueous SystemsChapter 15.3 - Heterogeneous Aqueous SystemsChapter 16 - SolutionsChapter 16.1 - Properties Of SolutionsChapter 16.2 - Concentrations Of SolutionsChapter 16.3 - Colligative Properties Of SolutionsChapter 16.4 - Calculations Involving Colligative Properties.Chapter 17 - ThermochemistryChapter 17.1 - The Flow Of EnergyChapter 17.2 - Measuring And Expressing Enthalpy ChangesChapter 17.3 - Heat In Changes Of StateChapter 17.4 - Calculating Heats Of ReactionChapter 18 - Reaction Rates And EquilibriumChapter 18.1 - Rates Of ReactionChapter 18.2 - The Progress Of Chemical ReactionsChapter 18.3 - Reversible Reactions And EquilibriumChapter 18.4 - Solubility EquilibriumChapter 18.5 - Free Energy And EntropyChapter 19 - Acids, Bases, And SaltsChapter 19.1 - Acid-base TheoriesChapter 19.2 - Hydrogen Ions And AcidityChapter 19.3 - Strengths Of Acids And BasesChapter 19.4 - Neutralization ReactionsChapter 19.5 - Salts In SolutionChapter 20 - Oxidation-reduction ReactionsChapter 20.1 - The Meaning Of Oxidation And ReductionChapter 20.2 - Oxidation NumbersChapter 20.3 - Describing Redox EquationsChapter 21 - ElectrochemistryChapter 21.1 - Electrochemical CellsChapter 21.2 - Half-cell And Cell PotentialsChapter 21.3 - Electrolytic CellsChapter 22 - Hydrocarbon CompoundsChapter 22.1 - HydrocarbonsChapter 22.2 - Unsaturated HydrocarbonChapter 22.3 - IsomersChapter 22.4 - Hydrocarbon RingsChapter 22.5 - Hydrocarbons From Earth's CrustChapter 23 - Functional GroupsChapter 23.1 - Introduction To Functional GroupsChapter 23.2 - Alcohols, Ethers, And AminesChapter 23.3 - Carbonyl CompoundsChapter 23.4 - PolymersChapter 24 - The Chemistry Of LifeChapter 24.1 - A Basis For LifeChapter 24.2 - CarbohydratesChapter 24.3 - Amino Acids And Their PolymersChapter 24.4 - LipidsChapter 24.5 - Nucleic AcidsChapter 24.6 - MetabolismChapter 25 - Nuclear ChemistryChapter 25.1 - Nuclear RadiationChapter 25.2 - Nuclear TransformationsChapter 25.3 - Fission And FusionChapter 25.4 - Radiation In Your Life

Book Details

The new Pearson Chemistry program combines our proven content with cutting-edge digital support to help students connect chemistry to their daily lives. With a fresh approach to problem-solving, a variety of hands-on learning opportunities, and more math support than ever before, Pearson Chemistry will ensure success in your chemistry classroom. Our program provides features and resources unique to Pearson-including the Understanding by Design Framework and powerful online resources to engage and motivate your students, while offering support for all types of learners in your classroom.

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