Solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis
Problem 3P:
How much resistance is required to limit the current to 1.5 mA if the potential drop across the...Problem 4P:
At starting, what is the current drain on a 12 V car battery if the resistance of the starting motor...Problem 5P:
If the current through a 100k resistor is 3.6A what is the voltage drop across the resistor?Problem 6P:
If a voltmeter has an internal resistance of 50k find the current through the meter when it reads...Problem 8P:
If a clock has an internal resistance of 8k find the current through the clock if it is plugged into...Problem 11P:
The input current to a transistor is 20A If the applied (input) voltage is 24 mV, determine the...Problem 13P:
If an electric heater draws 9.5 A when connected to a 120 V supply, what is the internal resistance...Problem 14P:
In a TV camera, a current of 5.6 mA passes through a resistor of 3.3M. What is the voltage drop...Problem 15P:
Plot the curve of I (vertical axis) versus V(horizontal axis) for a 120 Q resistor. Use a horizontal...Problem 16P:
Plot the I-V curve for a 5 and a 20 resistor on the same graph. Use a horizontal scale of 0 to 40 V...Problem 18P:
Sketch the internal resistance characteristics of a device that has an internal resistance of 20...Problem 19P:
Plot the I-V characteristics of a 1k,10k, and a 1M resistor on the same graph. Use a horizontal axis...Problem 20P:
If 540 J of energy are absorbed by a resistor in 3.6 min, what is the power delivered to the...Problem 21P:
The power to a device is 40 joules per second (J/s). How long will it take to deliver 640 J?Problem 22P:
How many joules of energy does a 8 W nightlight dissipate in 8 h? How many kilowatthours does it...Problem 23P:
How long must a steady current of 1.4 A exist in a resistor that has 3 V across it to dissipate 12 J...Problem 25P:
The current through a 4k resistor is 7.2 mA. What is the power delivered to the resistor?Problem 26P:
The power consumed by a 2.2k resistor is 240 mW. What is the current level through the resistor?Problem 27P:
What is the maximum permissible current in a 82, resistor? What is the maximum voltage that can be...Problem 28P:
The voltage drop across a transistor network is 22 V. If the total resistance is 16.8k , what is the...Problem 29P:
If the power applied to a system is 10 kW, what is the voltage across the line if the current is 48...Problem 30P:
A 1 W resistor has a resistance of 4.7M . What is the maximum current level for the resistor? If the...Problem 31P:
A 2.2k resistor in a stereo system dissipates 42 mW of power. What is the voltage across the...Problem 33P:
What are the internal resistance and voltage rating of a 450 W automatic washer that draws 3.75 A?Problem 34P:
A calculator with an internal 3 V battery draws 0.4 mW when fully functional. What is the current...Problem 35P:
A 20k resistor has a rating of 100 W. What are the maximum current and the maximum voltage that can...Problem 36P:
What is the total horsepower rating of a series of commercial ceiling fans that draw 30 A at 240 V?Problem 37P:
A 10 resistor is connected across a 12 V battery. How many joules of energy will it dissipate in 1...Problem 38P:
How much energy in kilowatthours is required to keep a 230 W oil-burner motor running 12 h a week...Problem 40P:
A 60 W bulb is on for 10 h. a. What is the energy used in watt seconds? b. What is the energy...Problem 41P:
In 10 h an electrical system converts 1200 kWh of electrical energy into heat. What is the power...Problem 43P:
The electric bill for a family for a month is $120. Assuming 30 days in the month, what is the cost...Problem 45P:
The average plasma screen TV draws 339 W of power, whereas the average LCD TV draws 213 W. If each...Problem 46P:
The average PC draws 78 W. What is the cost of using the PC for 4 h/day for a month of 31 days if...Problem 47P:
If a house is supplied with 120 V, 100 A service, find the maximum power capability. Can the...Problem 48P:
What is the total cost of using the following at 12/kwh? 1600 W air conditioner for 8 h 1200 W hair...Problem 49P:
What is the total cost of using the following at 12/kWh? 200 W fan for 4 h Six 60 W bulbs for 6 h...Problem 51P:
The motor of a power saw is rated 72% efficient. If 1.8 hp are required to cut a particular piece of...Problem 52P:
What is the efficiency of a dryer motor that delivers 0.81 hp when the input current and voltage are...Problem 53P:
A stereo system draws 1.8 A at 120 V. The audio output power is 50 W. How much power is lost in the...Problem 56P:
An electric motor used in an elevator system has an efficiency of 84%. If the input voltage is 240...Problem 57P:
The motor used on a conveyor belt is 85% efficient. If the overall efficiency is 75%, what is the...Problem 59P:
The overall efficiency of two systems in cascade is 78%. If the efficiency of one is 0.9, what is...Problem 60P:
What is the total efficiency of three systems in cascade with respective efficiencies of 93,87, and...Problem 61P:
If the total input and output power of two systems in cascade are 400 W and 128 W, respectively,...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Voltage And CurrentChapter 3 - ResistanceChapter 4 - Ohm’s Law, Power, And EnergyChapter 5 - Series Dc CircuitsChapter 6 - Parallel Dc CircuitsChapter 7 - Series-parallel CircuitsChapter 8 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (dc)Chapter 9 - Network TheoremsChapter 10 - Capacitors
Chapter 11 - InductorsChapter 12 - Magnetic CircuitsChapter 13 - Sinusoidal Alternating WaveformsChapter 14 - The Basic Elements And PhasorsChapter 15 - Series Ac CircuitsChapter 16 - Parallel Ac CircuitsChapter 17 - Series-parallel Ac NetworksChapter 18 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (ac)Chapter 19 - Network Theorems (ac)Chapter 20 - Power (ac)Chapter 21 - ResonanceChapter 22 - Decibels, Filters, And Bode PlotsChapter 23 - TransformersChapter 24 - Polyphase SystemsChapter 25 - Pulse Waveforms And The R-c ResponseChapter 26 - Nonsinusoidal Circuits
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 3, Problem 1PChapter 4, Problem 1PChapter 5, Problem 1PChapter 6, Problem 1PChapter 7, Problem 1PChapter 8, Problem 1PChapter 9, Problem 1P
Chapter 10, Problem 1PChapter 11, Problem 1PChapter 12, Problem 1PChapter 13, Problem 1PChapter 14, Problem 1PChapter 15, Problem 1PChapter 16, Problem 1PChapter 17, Problem 1PChapter 18, Problem 1PChapter 19, Problem 1PChapter 20, Problem 1PChapter 21, Problem 1PChapter 22, Problem 1PChapter 23, Problem 1PChapter 24, Problem 1PChapter 25, Problem 1PChapter 26, Problem 1P
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Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
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Laboratory Manual For Introductory Circuit Analysis (pearson Custom Electronics Technology)
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