Solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis
Problem 2P:
Calculate the area in circular mils (CM) of wires having the following diameter: 30 mils 0.08 in....Problem 5P:
What is the area in circular mils of an aluminum conductor that is 80 ft long with a resistance of...Problem 6P:
A 2.2 resistor is to be made of nichrome wire. If the available wire is 1/32 in. in diameter, how...Problem 7P:
What is the diameter in inches of a copper wire that has a resistance of 3.3 and is as long as a...Problem 8P:
A wire 1000 ft long has a resistance of 0.5 and an area of 94 CM. Of what material is the wire made...Problem 9P:
A contractor is concerned about the length of copper hookup wire still on the reel of Fig.3.44. He...Problem 10P:
What is the cross-sectional area in circular mile of a rectangular copper bus bar if the dimensions...Problem 12P:
Determine the increase in resistance of a copper conductor if the area is reduced by a factor of 4...Problem 13P:
What is the new resistance level of a copper wire if the length is changed from 200 ft to 100 yd,...Problem 14P:
In construction the two most common wires employed in general house wiring are #12 and #14, although...Problem 15P:
Compare the area of a #12 wire with the area of a #9 wire. Did the change in area substantiate the...Problem 16P:
Compare the area of a #20 hookup wire to a #10 house romax wire. Did the change in area substantiate...Problem 17P:
For the system in Fig. 3.46, the resistance of each line cannot exceed 6m, and the maximum current...Problem 18P:
From Table 3.2, determine the maximum permissible current density (A/CM) for an AWG #0000 wire....Problem 19P:
The resistance of a copper wire is 2 at room temperature (20C). What is its resistance at the...Problem 21P:
The resistance of a copper wire is 1.2 at room temperature (68F). What is its resistance at a...Problem 22P:
The resistance of a copper wire is 25m at a temperature of 70F. What is the resistance if the...Problem 23P:
The resistance of a copper wire is 1 at 20C (room temperature). At what temperature (C) will it be...Problem 24P:
If the resistance of 1000 ft of wire is about 1 at room temperature (68F), at what temperature will...Problem 25P:
Verify the value of 20 for copper in Table 3.4 by substituting the inferred absolute temperature...Problem 28P:
A 22 wire-wound resistor is rated at +200PPM for a temperature range of 10C to +75C. Determine its...Problem 29P:
A 100 wire-wound resistor is rated at +100PPM for a temperature range of 0C to +100C. Determine its...Problem 30P:
What is the approximate increase in size from a 1 W to a 2 W carbon resistor? What is the...Problem 31P:
If the resistance between the outside terminals of a linear potentiometer is 10k what is its...Problem 32P:
If the wiper arm of a linear potentiometer is one-fourth the way around the contact surface, what is...Problem 33P:
Show the connections required to establish 4k between the wiper arm and one outside terminal of a...Problem 34P:
Find the range in which a resistor having the following color bands must exist to satisfy the...Problem 36P:
Is there an overlap in coverage between 20 resistors? That is, determine the tolerance range for a...Problem 37P:
Given a resistor coded yellow, violet, brown, silver that measures 492 is it within tolerance? What...Problem 38P:
How would Fig. 3.26(a) change if the resistors of 47,68, and 100 were changed to 4.7k,6.8k and 10k...Problem 40P:
Find the conductance of each of the following resistances: 120 4k 2.2M Compare the three results.Problem 42P:
Find the conductance of a 10,20 and 100 resistor in millisiemens. How do you compare the rate of...Problem 43P:
The conductance of a wire is 100 S. If the area of the wire is increased by two-thirds and the...Problem 48P:
Using metric units, determine the length of a copper wire that has a resistance of 0.2 and a...Problem 49P:
Repeat Problem 11 using metric units; that is, convert the given dimensions to metric units before...Problem 50P:
If the sheet resistance of a tin oxide sample is 100 what is the thickness of the oxide layer?Problem 51P:
Determine the width of a carbon resistor having a sheet resistance of 150 if the length is 1/2 in....Problem 52P:
Derive the conversion factor between (CM-/ft) and (-cm) by Solving for for the wire in Fig. 3.47 in...Problem 53P:
In your own words, review what you have learned about superconductors. Do you feel it is an option...Problem 54P:
Visit your local library and find a table listing the critical temperatures for a variety of...Problem 55P:
Find at least one article on the application of superconductivity in the commercial sector, and...Problem 56P:
Using the required 1MA/cm2 density level for integrated circuit manufacturing, determine what the...Problem 57P:
Research the SQUID magnetic field detector and review its basic mode of operation and an application...Problem 58P:
Find the resistance of the thermistor having the characteristics of Fig. 3.36 at 50C,50C, and 200C....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - Voltage And CurrentChapter 3 - ResistanceChapter 4 - Ohm’s Law, Power, And EnergyChapter 5 - Series Dc CircuitsChapter 6 - Parallel Dc CircuitsChapter 7 - Series-parallel CircuitsChapter 8 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (dc)Chapter 9 - Network TheoremsChapter 10 - Capacitors
Chapter 11 - InductorsChapter 12 - Magnetic CircuitsChapter 13 - Sinusoidal Alternating WaveformsChapter 14 - The Basic Elements And PhasorsChapter 15 - Series Ac CircuitsChapter 16 - Parallel Ac CircuitsChapter 17 - Series-parallel Ac NetworksChapter 18 - Methods Of Analysis And Selected Topics (ac)Chapter 19 - Network Theorems (ac)Chapter 20 - Power (ac)Chapter 21 - ResonanceChapter 22 - Decibels, Filters, And Bode PlotsChapter 23 - TransformersChapter 24 - Polyphase SystemsChapter 25 - Pulse Waveforms And The R-c ResponseChapter 26 - Nonsinusoidal Circuits
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Laboratory Manual for Introductory Circuit Analysis homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 3, Problem 1PChapter 4, Problem 1PChapter 5, Problem 1PChapter 6, Problem 1PChapter 7, Problem 1PChapter 8, Problem 1PChapter 9, Problem 1P
Chapter 10, Problem 1PChapter 11, Problem 1PChapter 12, Problem 1PChapter 13, Problem 1PChapter 14, Problem 1PChapter 15, Problem 1PChapter 16, Problem 1PChapter 17, Problem 1PChapter 18, Problem 1PChapter 19, Problem 1PChapter 20, Problem 1PChapter 21, Problem 1PChapter 22, Problem 1PChapter 23, Problem 1PChapter 24, Problem 1PChapter 25, Problem 1PChapter 26, Problem 1P
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Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
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Laboratory Manual For Introductory Circuit Analysis (pearson Custom Electronics Technology)
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