Glencoe Physics: Principles and Problems, Student Edition - 1st Edition - by Paul W. Zitzewitz - ISBN 9780078807213

Glencoe Physics: Principles and Problem...
1st Edition
Paul W. Zitzewitz
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780078807213

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 3 - Accelerated MotionChapter 3.1 - AccelerationChapter 3.2 - Motion With Constant AccelerationChapter 3.3 - Free FallChapter 4 - Forces In One DimensionChapter 4.1 - Force And MotionChapter 4.2 - Weight And Drag ForceChapter 4.3 - Newton's Third LawChapter 5 - Displacement And Force In Two DimensionsChapter 5.1 - VectorsChapter 5.2 - FrictionChapter 5.3 - Forces In Two DimensionsChapter 6 - Motion In Two DimensionsChapter 6.1 - Projectile MotionChapter 6.2 - Circular MotionChapter 6.3 - Relative VelocityChapter 7 - GravitationChapter 7.1 - Planetary Motion And GravitationChapter 7.2 - Using The Law Of Universal GravitationChapter 8 - Rotational MotionChapter 8.1 - Describing Rotational MotionChapter 8.2 - Rotational DynamicsChapter 8.3 - EquilibriumChapter 9 - Momentum And Its ConservationChapter 9.1 - Impulse And MomentumChapter 9.2 - Conservation Of MomentumChapter 10 - Work, Energy And MachinesChapter 10.1 - Work And EnergyChapter 10.2 - MachinesChapter 11 - Energy And Its ConservationChapter 11.1 - The Many Forms Of EnergyChapter 11.2 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 12 - Thermal EnergyChapter 12.1 - Temperature And Thermal EnergyChapter 12.2 - Changes Of State And The Laws Of ThermodynamicsChapter 13 - State Of MatterChapter 13.1 - Properties Of FluidsChapter 13.2 - Forces Within LiquidsChapter 13.3 - Fluids At Rest And In MotionChapter 13.4 - SolidsChapter 14 - Vibrations And WavesChapter 14.1 - Periodic MotionChapter 14.2 - Wave PropertiesChapter 14.3 - Wave BehaviorChapter 15 - SoundChapter 15.1 - Properties Of Detection Of SoundChapter 15.2 - The Physics Of MusicChapter 16 - Fundamentals Of LightChapter 16.1 - IlluminationChapter 16.2 - The Wave Nature Of LightChapter 17 - Reflections And MirrorsChapter 17.1 - Reflection From Plane MirrorsChapter 17.2 - Curved MirrorsChapter 18 - Refraction And LensesChapter 18.1 - Refraction Of LightChapter 18.2 - Convex And Concave LensesChapter 18.3 - Applications Of LensesChapter 19 - Interference And DiffractionChapter 19.1 - InterferenceChapter 19.2 - DiffractionChapter 20 - Static ElectricityChapter 20.1 - Electric ChargeChapter 20.2 - Electric ForceChapter 21 - Electric FieldsChapter 21.1 - Creating And Measuring Electric FieldsChapter 21.2 - Applications Of Electric FieldsChapter 22 - Electric CurrentChapter 22.1 - Current And CircuitsChapter 22.2 - Using Electric EnergyChapter 23 - Series And Parallel CircuitsChapter 23.1 - Simple CircuitsChapter 23.2 - Applications Of CircuitsChapter 24 - Magnetic FieldsChapter 24.1 - Magnets: Permanent And TemporaryChapter 24.2 - Forces Caused By Magnetic FieldsChapter 25 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 25.1 - Electric Current From Changing Magnetic FieldsChapter 25.2 - Changing Magnetic Fields Induce EmfChapter 26 - ElectromagnetismChapter 26.1 - Interactions Of Electric And Manetic Fields And MatterChapter 26.2 - Electric And Magnetic Fields In SpaceChapter 27 - Quantum TheoryChapter 27.1 - A Particle Model Of WavesChapter 27.2 - Matter WavesChapter 28 - The AtomChapter 28.1 - The Bohr Model Of The AtomChapter 28.2 - The Quantum Model Of The AtomChapter 29 - Solid-state ElectronicsChapter 29.1 - Conduction In SolidsChapter 29.2 - Electronic DevicesChapter 30 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter 30.1 - The NucleusChapter 30.2 - Nuclear Decay And ReactionsChapter 30.3 - The Building Blocks Of Matter

Book Details

Accelerate student learning with the perfect blend of content and problem-solving strategies! Physics: Principles and Problems offers integrated support, abundant opportunities for problem solving, and a variety of realistic applications. The program has a balance of good conceptual presentation with a strong problem-solving strand. The program resources are organized in a way that saves you preparation time and allows you to meet the needs of students in your diverse classroom. New for 2009 features include more problems - Supplemental Problems, Challenge Problems, Pre-AP/Critical Thinking Problems and practice for end-of-course exams - , better math support with unique Example Problems that offer "coaching notes" to aid comprehension, and Teacher-tested lab options!

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