EBK BIOLOGY - 4th Edition - by BROOKER - ISBN 8220102797376

4th Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 8220102797376

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Chapter 3.5 - LipidsChapter 3.6 - ProteinsChapter 3.7 - Nucelic AcidsChapter 4 - General Features Of CellsChapter 4.1 - MicroscopyChapter 4.2 - Overview Of Cell StructureChapter 4.3 - The CytosolChapter 4.4 - The Nucleus And Endomembrane SystemChapter 4.5 - Semiautonomous OrganellesChapter 4.6 - Protein Sorting To OrganellesChapter 5 - Membrane Structure, Synthesis, And TransportChapter 5.1 - Membrane StructureChapter 5.2 - Fluidity Of MembranesChapter 5.3 - Synthesis Of Membrane Components In Eukaryotic CellsChapter 5.4 - Overview Of Membrane TransportChapter 5.5 - Transport ProteinsChapter 5.6 - Exocytosis And EndocytosisChapter 6 - An Introduction To Energy, Enzymes, And MetabolismChapter 6.1 - Energy And Chemical ReactionsChapter 6.2 - Enzymes And RibozymesChapter 6.3 - Overview Of MetabolismChapter 6.4 - Recycling Of Organic MoleculesChapter 7 - Cellular Respiration And FermentationChapter 7.2 - GlycolysisChapter 7.4 - Citric Acid CycleChapter 7.5 - Overview Of Oxidative PhosphorylationChapter 7.6 - A Closer Look At Atp SynthaseChapter 7.7 - Connections Among Carbohydrate, Protein, And Fat MetabolismChapter 8 - PhotosynthesisChapter 8.1 - Overview Of PhotosynthesisChapter 8.2 - Reactions That Harness Light EnergyChapter 8.3 - Molecular Features Of PhotosystemsChapter 8.4 - Synthesizing Carbohydrates Via The Calvin CycleChapter 8.5 - Variations In PhotosynthesisChapter 9 - Cell CommunicationChapter 9.1 - General Features Of Cell CommunicationChapter 9.2 - Cellular Receptors And Their ActivationChapter 9.3 - Signal Transduction And The Cellular ResponseChapter 9.5 - Apoptosis: Programmed Cell DeathChapter 10 - MulticellularityChapter 10.1 - Extracellular Matrix And Cell WallsChapter 10.2 - Cell JunctionsChapter 10.3 - TissuesChapter 11 - Nucleic Acid Structure, Dna Replication, And Chromosome StructureChapter 11.1 - Biochemical Identification Of The Genetic MaterialChapter 11.2 - Nucleic Acid StructureChapter 11.3 - Overview Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.4 - Molecular Mechanism Of Dna ReplicationChapter 11.5 - Molecular Structure Of Eukaryotic ChromosomesChapter 12 - Gene Expression At The Molecular LevelChapter 12.1 - Overview Of Gene ExpressionChapter 12.2 - TranscriptionChapter 12.3 - Rna Modification In EukaryotesChapter 12.4 - Translation And The Genetic CodeChapter 12.5 - The Machinery Of TranslationChapter 12.6 - The Stages Of TranslationChapter 13 - Gene RegulationChapter 13.1 - Overview Of Gene RegulationChapter 13.2 - Regulation Of Transcription In BacteriaChapter 13.4 - Regulation Of Transcription In Eukaryotes: Changes In Chromatin Structure And Dna MethylationChapter 13.6 - Regulation Of Rna Modification And Translation In EukaryotesChapter 14 - Mutation, Dna Repair, And CancerChapter 14.1 - Consequences Of MutationsChapter 14.2 - Causes Of MutationsChapter 14.3 - Dna RepairChapter 14.4 - CancerChapter 15 - The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Mitosis, And MeiosisChapter 15.1 - The Eukaryotic Cell CycleChapter 15.2 - Mitotic Cell DivisionChapter 15.3 - Meiosis And Sexual ReproductionChapter 15.4 - Variation In Chromosome Structure And NumberChapter 16 - Simple Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 16.1 - Mendel’s Laws Of InheritanceChapter 16.2 - The Chromosome Theory Of InheritanceChapter 16.3 - Pedigree Analysis Of Human TraitsChapter 16.4 - Sex Chromosomes And X-linked Inheritance PatternsChapter 16.5 - Variations In Inheritance Patterns And Their Molecular BasisChapter 17 - Complex Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 17.1 - Gene InteractionChapter 17.2 - Genes On The Same Chromosome: Linkage, Recombination, And MappingChapter 17.3 - Extranuclear Inheritance: Organelle GenomesChapter 17.4 - Epigenetic InheritanceChapter 18 - Genetics Of Viruses And BacteriaChapter 18.1 - Genetic Properties Of VirusesChapter 18.2 - Viral Reproductive CyclesChapter 18.4 - Genetic Properties Of BacteriaChapter 18.5 - Gene Transfer Between BacteriaChapter 19 - Developmental GeneticsChapter 19.1 - General Themes In DevelopmentChapter 19.2 - Development In AnimalsChapter 19.3 - Development In PlantsChapter 20 - Genetic TechnologyChapter 20.1 - Gene CloningChapter 20.2 - Genomics: Techniques For Studying GenomesChapter 20.3 - BiotechnologyChapter 21 - Genomes, Proteomes, And BioinformaticsChapter 21.1 - Bacterial And Archaeal GenomesChapter 21.2 - Eukaryotic GenomesChapter 21.3 - ProteomesChapter 21.4 - BioinformaticsChapter 22 - The Origin And History Of Life On EarthChapter 22.1 - Origin Of Life On EarthChapter 22.2 - The Fossil RecordChapter 22.3 - History Of Life On EarthChapter 23 - An Introduction To EvolutionChapter 23.1 - Overview Of EvolutionChapter 23.2 - Evidence Of Evolutionary ChangeChapter 23.3 - The Molecular Processes That Underlie EvolutionChapter 24 - Population GeneticsChapter 24.1 - Genes In PopulationsChapter 24.2 - Natural SelectionChapter 24.3 - Sexual SelectionChapter 24.4 - Genetic DriftChapter 24.5 - Migration And Nonrandom MatingChapter 25 - Origin Of Species And MacroevolutionChapter 25.1 - Identification Of SpeciesChapter 25.2 - Mechanisms Of SpeciationChapter 25.4 - Evo-devo: Evolutionary Developmental BiologyChapter 26 - Taxonomy And SystematicsChapter 26.1 - TaxonomyChapter 26.2 - Phylogenetic TreesChapter 26.3 - CladisticsChapter 26.4 - Molecular ClocksChapter 26.5 - Horizontal Gene TransferChapter 27 - Archaea And BacteriaChapter 27.1 - Diversity And EvolutionChapter 27.2 - Structure And MovementChapter 27.3 - ReproductionChapter 27.5 - Ecological Roles And Biotechnology ApplicationsChapter 28 - ProtistsChapter 28.1 - An Introduction To ProtistsChapter 28.2 - Evolution And RelationshipsChapter 28.3 - Nutritional And Defensive AdaptationsChapter 28.4 - Reproductive AdaptationsChapter 29 - Plants And The Conquest Of LandChapter 29.1 - Ancestry And Diversity Of Modern PlantsChapter 29.2 - An Evolutionary History Of Land PlantsChapter 29.3 - The Origin And Evolutionary Importance Of The Plant EmbryoChapter 29.4 - The Origin And Evolutionary Importance Of Leaves And SeedsChapter 30 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern Gymnosperms And AngiospermsChapter 30.1 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern GymnospermsChapter 30.2 - The Evolution And Diversity Of Modern AngiospermsChapter 30.3 - The Role Of Coevolution In Angiosperm DiversificationChapter 30.4 - Human Influences On Angiosperm DiversificationChapter 31 - FungiChapter 31.1 - Evolution And Distinctive Features Of FungiChapter 31.2 - Fungal Asexual And Sexual ReproductionChapter 31.4 - Fungal Ecology And BiotechnologyChapter 32 - An Introduction To Animal DiversityChapter 32.2 - Animal ClassificationChapter 32.3 - Molecular Views Of Animal DiversityChapter 33 - The InvertebratesChapter 33.1 - Parazoa: Sponges, The First Multicellular AnimalsChapter 33.2 - Radiata: Jellyfish And Other Radially Symmetrical AnimalsChapter 33.3 - Lophotrochozoa: The Flatworms, Rotifers, Bryozoans, Brachiopods, Mollusks, And AnnelidsChapter 33.4 - Ecdysozoa: The Nematodes And ArthropodsChapter 33.5 - Deuterostomia: The Echinoderms And ChordatesChapter 34 - The VertebratesChapter 34.1 - Vertebrates: Chordates With A BackboneChapter 34.2 - Gnathostomes: Jawed VertebratesChapter 34.3 - Tetrapods: Gnathostomes With Four LimbsChapter 34.4 - Amniotes: Tetrapods With A Desiccation-resistant EggChapter 34.5 - Mammals: Milk-producing AmniotesChapter 35 - An Introduction To Flowering Plant Form And FunctionChapter 35.2 - How Plants Grow And DevelopChapter 35.3 - The Shoot System: Stem And Leaf AdaptationsChapter 35.4 - Root System AdaptationsChapter 36 - Flowering Plants: BehaviorChapter 36.1 - Overview Of Plant Behavioral ResponsesChapter 36.2 - Plant HormonesChapter 36.3 - Plant Responses To Environmental StimuliChapter 37 - Flowering Plants: NutritionChapter 37.1 - Plant Nutritional RequirementsChapter 37.2 - The Role Of Soil In Plant NutritionChapter 37.3 - Biological Sources Of Plant NutrientsChapter 38 - Flowering Plants: TransportChapter 38.2 - Uptake And Movement Of Materials At The Cellular LevelChapter 38.3 - Tissue-level TransportChapter 38.4 - Long-distance TransportChapter 39 - Flowering Plants: ReproductionChapter 39.1 - An Overview Of Flowering Plant ReproductionChapter 39.2 - Flower Production, Structure, And DevelopmentChapter 39.3 - Male And Female Gametophytes And Double FertilizationChapter 39.4 - Embryo, Seed, Fruit, And Seedling DevelopmentChapter 40 - Animal Bodies And HomeostasisChapter 40.1 - Organization Of Animal BodiesChapter 40.2 - The Relationship Between Structure And FunctionChapter 40.3 - HomeostasisChapter 41 - Neuroscience I: Cells Of The Nervous SystemChapter 41.1 - Cellular Components Of Nervous SystemsChapter 41.2 - Electrical Properties Of Neurons And The Resting Membrane PotentialChapter 41.3 - Generation And Transmission Of Electrical Signals Along NeuronsChapter 41.4 - Neurons Communicate Electrically Or Chemically At SynapsesChapter 42 - Neuroscience Ii: Evolution, Structure, And Function Of The Nervous SystemChapter 42.1 - The Evolution And Development Of Nervous SystemsChapter 42.2 - Structure And Function Of The Nervous Systems Of Humans And Other VertebratesChapter 42.3 - Cellular Basis Of Learning And MemoryChapter 43 - Neuroscience Iii: Sensory SystemsChapter 43.1 - An Introduction To SensationChapter 43.2 - MechanoreceptionChapter 43.4 - Electromagnetic ReceptionChapter 43.5 - PhotoreceptionChapter 43.6 - ChemoreceptionChapter 44 - Muscular-skeletal Systems And LocomotionChapter 44.1 - Types Of Animal SkeletonsChapter 44.2 - Skeletal Muscle Structure And The Mechanism Of Force GenerationChapter 44.3 - Types Of Skeletal Muscle Fibers And Their FunctionsChapter 45 - Nutrition And Animal Digestive SystemsChapter 45.3 - Overview Of Vertebrate Digestive SystemsChapter 45.4 - Mechanisms Of Digestion And Absorption In VertebratesChapter 45.5 - Neural And Endocrine Control Of DigestionChapter 45.6 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 46 - Control Of Energy Balance, Metabolic Rate, And Body TemperatureChapter 46.2 - Regulation Of The Absorptive And Postabsorptive StatesChapter 46.3 - Energy Balance And Metabolic RateChapter 46.4 - Regulation Of Body TemperatureChapter 47 - Circulatory SystemsChapter 47.1 - Types Of Circulatory SystemsChapter 47.2 - The Composition Of BloodChapter 47.3 - The Vertebrate Heart And Its FunctionChapter 47.4 - Blood VesselsChapter 47.5 - Relationship Among Blood Pressure, Blood Flow, And ResistanceChapter 47.6 - Adaptive Functions Of Closed Circulatory SystemsChapter 48 - Respiratory SystemsChapter 48.1 - Physical Properties Of GasesChapter 48.2 - Types Of Respiratory SystemsChapter 48.3 - Structure And Function Of The Mammalian Respiratory SystemChapter 48.4 - Mechanisms Of Oxygen Transport In BloodChapter 48.5 - Control Of VentilationChapter 48.7 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 49 - Excretory Systems And The Homeostasis Of Internal FluidsChapter 49.1 - Principles Of Homeostasis Of Internal FluidsChapter 49.2 - Excretory Systems In Different Animal GroupsChapter 49.3 - Structure And Function Of The Mammalian KidneyChapter 49.4 - Impact On Public HealthChapter 50 - Endocrine SystemsChapter 50.2 - Links Between The Endocrine And Nervous SystemsChapter 50.3 - Hormonal Control Of Metabolism And Energy BalanceChapter 50.4 - Hormonal Control Of Mineral BalanceChapter 50.5 - Hormonal Control Of Growth And DevelopmentChapter 51 - Animal ReproductionChapter 51.1 - Overview Of Asexual And Sexual ReproductionChapter 51.2 - Gametogenesis And FertilizationChapter 51.3 - Mammalian Reproductive Structure And FunctionChapter 51.4 - Pregnancy And Birth In MammalsChapter 52 - Animal DevelopmentChapter 52.2 - General Events Of Embryonic DevelopmentChapter 53 - Immune SystemsChapter 53.2 - Innate ImmunityChapter 53.3 - Acquired ImmunityChapter 54 - An Introduction To Ecology And BiomesChapter 54.1 - The Scale Of EcologyChapter 54.2 - Ecological MethodsChapter 54.3 - The Environment’s Effect On The Distribution Of OrganismsChapter 54.4 - Climate And Its Relationship To Biological CommunitiesChapter 54.5 - Major BiomesChapter 55 - Behavioral EcologyChapter 55.1 - The Influence Of Genetics And Learning On BehaviorChapter 55.2 - Local Movement And Long-range MigrationChapter 55.5 - Living In GroupsChapter 55.6 - AltruismChapter 56 - EcologyChapter 56.1 - Understanding PopulationsChapter 56.2 - DemographyChapter 56.3 - How Populations GrowChapter 57 - Species InteractionsChapter 57.1 - CompetitionChapter 57.2 - Predation, Herbivory, And ParasitismChapter 57.3 - Mutualism And CommensalismChapter 57.4 - Bottom-up And Top-down ControlChapter 58 - Community EcologyChapter 58.1 - Differing Views Of CommunitiesChapter 58.2 - Patterns Of Species RichnessChapter 58.5 - Succession: Community ChangeChapter 58.6 - Island BiogeographyChapter 59 - Ecosystem EcologyChapter 59.1 - Food Webs And Energy FlowChapter 59.2 - Biomass Production In EcosystemsChapter 59.3 - Biogeochemical CyclesChapter 60 - Biodiversity And Conservation BiologyChapter 60.2 - Why Conserve Biodiversity?Chapter 60.3 - The Causes Of Extinction And Loss Of BiodiversityChapter 60.4 - Conservation Strategies

Book Details

The previous three editions of BIOLOGY written by Dr. Rob Brooker Dr. Eric Widmaier Dr. Linda Graham and Dr. Peter Stiling have reached thousands of students and provided them with an outstanding view of the biological world. Now the fourth edition has go

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We offer sample solutions for EBK BIOLOGY homework problems. See examples below:

Chapter 10, Problem 1TYChapter 11, Problem 1TYChapter 12, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Constitutive genes are also known as housekeeping genes and are required...Reason for correct answer: The addition and deletion of a single base pair in DNA results in...Reason for correct answer: Interphase of the eukaryotic cell cycle is composed of many phases. The...Reason for correct answer: According to Mendel’s experiment, when two heterozygous plants are...Reason for correct answer: The occurrence of the genes that are linked to each other takes place on...Reason for correct answer: Option c. is given as “capsid”. The capsid is the protein structure...Chapter 19, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: The vectors commonly used in the gene cloning experiments are derived...Reason for correct answer: Every cell has different proteome based on the type of function it...Reason for correct answer: In earth, organic molecules were formed slowly. Due to the absence of...Reason for the correct answer: Evolution refers to the changes in one or more characteristics of a...Chapter 24, Problem 1TYChapter 25, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: The concept of systematics is based on the categorization of the...Chapter 27, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: The Choanomonada belongs to a group of choanoflagellates, which represent...Reason for correct answer: Liverworts belong to the phylum bryophyte and these organisms have a...Chapter 30, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Fungal cells have a rigid layer external to the plasma membrane called...Reason for correct answer: Animals can be defined as multicellular heterotrophs with cells that lack...Chapter 33, Problem 1TYChapter 34, Problem 1TYChapter 35, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Some of the examples of plant hormones are auxins, cytokinins,...Chapter 37, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Aquaporins are a part of major intrinsic proteins that result in the pore...Chapter 39, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Nervous tissues are made up of nerve cells which are known as neurons....Reason for correct answer: The central nervous system is the nervous system that includes the brain...Chapter 42, Problem 1TYChapter 43, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Exoskeletons provide support for the body and protection from the...Reason for correct answer: Breaking down of food into smaller particles so that it can be absorbed...Reason for correct answer: The absorptive stage includes the ingestion of various nutrients into the...Reason for correct answer: The hemolymph enters the blood vessels in the Molluscs, while in...Reason for correct answer: All gases diffuse from the regions of high pressure to the regions of low...Reason for correct answer: The cell is said to be polarized at its resting state. The inside of the...Chapter 50, Problem 1TYReason for correct answer: Parthenogenesis is the property of lower plants and invertebrates, such...Reason for correct answer: Archenteron is also called the primitive gut and it develops from the...Chapter 53, Problem 1TYThere are almost 8.7 million species in the world. Out of these, 41,415 species are on the IUCN’s...Reason for correct answer: Proximate causes are the genetic and physiological factors that influence...Reason for correct answer: Total population size(N)=Number of marked individuals in first...Reason for correct answer: Commensalism is the type of species interaction in which one is...Reason for correct answer: The number of species in an ecological community is called species...The Shannon diversity index of Community 1 may be calculated as follows: The formula to be used is...Reason for correct answer: The energy is measured in terms of production and it is stored in the...Reason for correct answer: Endangered species are the species that are at the verge of extinction...

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