Solutions for College Physics: Explore And Apply, Volume 2 (2nd Edition)
Problem 1RQ:
Review Question 6.1 When you burn a log in a fire pit, the mass of wood clearly decreases. How can...Problem 2RQ:
Review Question 6.2 Ryan says, “Based on the experiments in Table 6.1, momentum of an isolated...Problem 3RQ:
Review Question 6.3 An apple is falling from a tree, Why does its momentum change? Specify the...Problem 4RQ:
Review Question 6.4 If in solving the problem in Example 6.3 we chose the system to be the ball and...Problem 5RQ:
Review Question 6.5 As the bullet enters the block in Example 6.4 , the block exerts a force on the...Problem 6RQ:
Review Question 6.6 The following equation is a solution for a problem. State a possible problem.
Problem 7RQ:
Review Question 6.7 Object A, moving in the positive x-direction, collides with object B, moving in...Problem 1MCQ:
The gravitational force that Earth exerts on an object causes an impulse of +10Ns in one experiment...Problem 2MCQ:
A bullet fired at a door makes a hole in the door but does not open it. Your finger does not make a...Problem 3MCQ:
How would you convince somebody that the momentum of an isolated system is constant? a. It is a law;...Problem 4MCQ:
4. A wagon full of medicine balls is rolling along a street. Suddenly one medicine ball (3 kg) falls...Problem 5MCQ:
5. When can you apply the idea that momentum is constant to solve a problem?
a. When the system is...Problem 6MCQ:
6. Choose an example in which the momentum of a system is not constant.
a. A frog on a floating...Problem 7MCQ:
Figure Q6.7 shows the velocity-versus-time graphs of two carts on a horizontal track before and...Problem 8MCQ:
Which is a safer car bumper in a collision: one that is flexible and retracts or one that is rigid?...Problem 9MCQ:
9. Why does an inflated balloon shoot across a room when air is released from it?
a. Because the...Problem 10MCQ:
In which situation does the momentum of a tennis ball change more? a. It hits the racket and stops....Problem 11MCQ:
11. A toy car with very low friction wheels and axles rests on a level track. In which situation...Problem 12MCQ:
You hold a clay ball above a scale and then drop it. After hitting the scale, the ball sticks to it....Problem 13MCQ:
13. You hold a rubber ball above a scale and then drop it. After hitting the scale, the ball bounces...Problem 14MCQ:
14 Two battery-powered fan carts are resting on a frictionless horizontal track. The mass of cart A...Problem 15CQ:
15. According to a report on traumatic brain injury, woodpeckers smack their heads against trees at...Problem 16CQ:
16. Jim says that momentum is not a conserved quantity because objects can gain and lose momentum....Problem 17CQ:
Say five important things about momentum (for example, momentum is a vector quantity). How does each...Problem 18CQ:
Three people are observing the same car. One person claims that the cars momentum is positive,...Problem 19CQ:
When would a ball hitting a wall have a greater change in momentum: when it hits the wall and...Problem 20CQ:
20. In the previous question, in which case does the wall exert a greater force on the ball?...Problem 21CQ:
21. Explain the difference between the concepts of constancy and conservation. Provide an example of...Problem 23CQ:
A heavy bar falls straight down onto the bed of a rolling truck. What happens to the momentum of the...Problem 24CQ:
Construct impulse-momentum bar charts to represent a falling ball in (a) a system whose momentum is...Problem 25CQ:
A person moving on Rollerblades throws a medicine ball in the direction opposite to her motion....Problem 26CQ:
A small ball of mass m rolls at a constant speed v along a horizontal surface, then rolls down an...Problem 1P:
1. You and a friend are playing tennis. (a) What is the magnitude of the momentum of the 0.057-kg...Problem 2P:
2. You are hitting a tennis ball against a wall. The 0.057-kg tennis ball traveling at 25 m/s...Problem 3P:
A ball of mass m and speed v travels horizontally, hits a wall, and rebounds. Another ball of the...Problem 4P:
Figure P6.4 shows the velocity-versus-time graph before and after the collision of two carts on a...Problem 5P:
5. A 1300-kg car is traveling at a speed of 10 m/s with respect to the ground when the driver...Problem 6P:
* The rules of tennis specify that the 0.057-kg ball must bounce to a height of between 53 and 58...Problem 7P:
* A cart of mass m moving right at speed v with respect to the track collides with a cart of mass...Problem 8P:
8. * A cart of mass m moving right collides with an identical cart moving right at half the speed....Problem 10P:
10. A 100-g apple is falling from a tree. What is the impulse that Earth exerts on it during the...Problem 11P:
* The same 100-g apple is falling from the tree. What is the impulse that Earth exerts on it during...Problem 12P:
12. Why does Earth exert the same impulse during the two time intervals in Problem 6.10 but...Problem 13P:
13. * Van hits concrete support In a crash test, a 2000-kg van collides with a concrete support. The...Problem 14P:
BIO Force exerted by heart on blood About 80 g of blood is pumped from a persons heart into the...Problem 15P:
15. The train tracks on which a train travels exert a friction force on the train, causing it to...Problem 16P:
16. ** EST Your friend is catching a falling basketball after it has passed through the basket. Her...Problem 17P:
17 BIO Traumatic brain injury According to a report on traumatic brain injury, the force that a...Problem 18P:
* A 65-kg astronaut pushes against the inside back wall of a 2000-kg spaceship and moves toward the...Problem 19P:
19. * You decide to use your garden hose to wash your garage door. Every second, 0.8 kg of water...Problem 20P:
20. * An egg rolls off a kitchen counter and breaks as it hits the floor. How large is the impulse...Problem 21P:
21. ** Proportional reasoning During a collision when an average stopping force F is exerted on a...Problem 22P:
(a) What force is required to stop a 1500-kg car in a distance of 0.20 m if it is initially moving...Problem 23P:
23. ** EST You drop a 78-g ball vertically onto a force sensor that is 0.4 m below the ball’s...Problem 24P:
* Air bag force on head The graph in Figure P6.24 shows the time variation of the force that an...Problem 27P:
* Two carts (100 g and 150 g) on an air track are separated by a compressed spring. The spring is...Problem 28P:
* A tennis ball of mass m hits a wall at speed v and rebounds at about the same speed. Represent the...Problem 29P:
29. * A tennis ball traveling at a speed of v stops after hitting a net. Represent the process with...Problem 32P:
* You hold a beach ball above your head and then throw it upward. Represent the motion of the ball...Problem 33P:
33. * A basketball player drops a 0.60-kg basketball vertically so that it is traveling at 6.0 m/s...Problem 34P:
* Bar chart Jeopardy Invent a problem for each of the bar charts shown in Figure P6.34.Problem 35P:
* A baseball bat contacts a 0.145-kg baseball for 1.3103s. The average force exerted by the bat on...Problem 36P:
A cannon mounted on the back of a ship fires a 50-kg cannonball in the horizontal direction at a...Problem 37P:
A 10-kg sled carrying a 30-kg child glides on a horizontal, frictionless surface at a speed of 6.0...Problem 38P:
38. A 10,000-kg coal car on the Great Northern Railroad coasts under a coal storage bin at a speed...Problem 39P:
* Avoiding chest injury A person in a car during a sudden stop can experience potentially serious...Problem 40P:
* Bruising apples An apple bruises if a force greater than 8.0 N is exerted on it. Would a 0.10-kg...Problem 41P:
* Fast tennis serve The fastest server in womens tennis is Sabine Lisicki, who recorded a server at...Problem 42P:
42. * You are in an elevator whose cable has just broken. The elevator is falling at 20 m/s when it...Problem 43P:
** You jump from the window of a burning hotel and land in a safety net that stops your fall in 1.0...Problem 44P:
* After a 70-kg person steps from a boat onto the shore, the boat moves away with a speed of 0.7 m/s...Problem 45P:
45. * BIO Leg injuries during car collisions During a car collision, the knee, thighbone, and hip...Problem 46P:
46. * BIO Bone fracture The zygomatic bone in the upper part of the cheek can be fractured by a...Problem 47P:
47. ** You are investigating a newly discovered particle X that has an unknown mass M and moves with...Problem 48P:
48. * An impulse of stops your head during a car collision. (a) A crash test dummy’s head stops in...Problem 49P:
A cart is moving on a horizontal track when a heavy bag falls vertically onto it. What happens to...Problem 50P:
50. * A cart is moving on a horizontal track. A heavy bag falls off the cart and moves straight down...Problem 51P:
51. Your friend shoots an 80-g arrow through a 100-g apple balanced on William Tell’s head. The...Problem 52P:
52. * BIO EST Cuttlefish use jet propulsion to move rapidly. To do this, a cuttlefish fills its...Problem 53P:
* BIO Potassium decay in body tissue Certain natural forms of potassium have nuclei that are...Problem 54P:
54. Drifting space mechanic An astronaut with a mass of 90 kg (including spacesuit and equipment) is...Problem 56P:
56. Rocket stages A 5000-kg rocket ejects a 10,000-kg package of fuel. Before ejection, the rocket...Problem 57P:
57. * A rocket has just ejected fuel. With the fuel and the rocket as the system, construct an...Problem 58P:
58. * Car collision A 1180-kg car traveling south at 24 m/s with respect to the ground collides with...Problem 59P:
59. * Ice skaters collide While ice skating, you unintentionally crash into a person. Your mass is...Problem 60P:
1015-kg meteorite traveling at about 10 km/s crashed into what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The impact...Problem 61P:
61. * Three friends play beach volleyball. The 280-g ball is flying east at speed 8.0 m/s with...Problem 62P:
62. ** Two forces exert impulses on a hockey puck, which can move with no friction on an icy...Problem 64GP:
64. * A cart of mass m traveling in the negative x-direction at speed v collides head-on with a cart...Problem 65GP:
65. ** Two cars of unequal mass moving at the same speed collide head-on. Explain why a passenger in...Problem 66GP:
66. ** Restraining force during collision A 1340-kg car traveling east at 13.6 m/s (30 mi / h) has a...Problem 67GP:
* EST A carpenter hammers a nail using a 0.80-kg hammerhead. He lifts the hammer and lets it fall...Problem 68GP:
68. ** A 0.020-kg bullet traveling at a speed of 300 m/s embeds in a 1.0-kg wooden block resting on...Problem 69GP:
69. * Two identical lightweight arms are mounted so that they can revolve in a horizontal plane...Problem 70GP:
* In a first experiment, a 30-g clay ball is shot at a speed of 1.3 m/s horizontally from the edge...Problem 71GP:
71. ** EST A record rainstorm produced 304.8 mm (approximately 1 ft) of rain in 42 min. Estimate the...Problem 72GP:
72. * While dangling a hairdryer by its cord, as shown in Figure P6.72 , you observe that the cord...Problem 73GP:
73. ** While dangling a hairdryer by its cord, as shown in Figure P6.72 , you observe that the cord...Problem 75GP:
75. * A 2045-kg sports utility vehicle hits the rear end of a 1220-kg car at rest at a stop sign....Problem 76GP:
76. ** A car of mass m1 traveling north at a speed of v1 collides with a car of mass m2 traveling...Problem 78GP:
** You have two carts, a force probe connected to a computer, a motion detector, and an assortment...Problem 79RPP:
BIO Heartbeat detector A prisoner tries to escape from a Nashville, Tennessee prison by hiding in...Problem 80RPP:
BIO Heartbeat detector A prisoner tries to escape from a Nashville, Tennessee prison by hiding in...Problem 81RPP:
BIO Heartbeat detector A prisoner tries to escape from a Nashville, Tennessee prison by hiding in...Problem 82RPP:
BIO Heartbeat detector A prisoner tries to escape from a Nashville, Tennessee prison by hiding in...Problem 83RPP:
BIO Heartbeat detector A prisoner tries to escape from a Nashville, Tennessee prison by hiding in...Problem 84RPP:
Space Shuttle launch The mass of the Space Shuttle at launch was about 2.1106kg. Much of this mass...Problem 85RPP:
Space Shuttle launch The mass of the Space Shuttle at launch was about 2.1106kg. Much of this mass...Problem 86RPP:
Space Shuttle launch The mass of the Space Shuttle at launch was about 2.1106kg. Much of this mass...Problem 87RPP:
Space Shuttle launch The mass of the Space Shuttle at launch was about . Much of this mass was the...Problem 88RPP:
Space Shuttle launch The mass of the Space Shuttle at launch was about 2.1106kg. Much of this mass...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 2 - Kinematics: Motion In One DimensionChapter 3 - Newtonian MechanicsChapter 4 - Applying Newton’s LawsChapter 5 - Circular MotionChapter 6 - Impulse And Linear MomentumChapter 7 - Work And EnergyChapter 8 - Extended Bodies At RestChapter 9 - Rotational MotionChapter 10 - Vibrational MotionChapter 11 - Mechanical Waves
Chapter 12 - GasesChapter 13 - Static FluidsChapter 14 - Fluids In MotionChapter 15 - First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 16 - Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 17 - Electric Charge, Force, And EnergyChapter 18 - The Electric FieldChapter 19 - Dc CircuitsChapter 20 - MagnetismChapter 21 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 22 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 23 - Mirrors And LensesChapter 24 - Wave OpticsChapter 25 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 26 - Special RelativityChapter 27 - Quantum OpticsChapter 28 - Atomic PhysicsChapter 29 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter 30 - Particle Physics
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for College Physics: Explore And Apply, Volume 2 (2nd Edition) homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 2, Problem 1RQChapter 3, Problem 1RQChapter 4, Problem 1RQChapter 5, Problem 1RQChapter 6, Problem 1RQChapter 7, Problem 1RQIntroduction: Center of mass is a point where the complete mass of any object is said to be...Chapter 9, Problem 1RQChapter 10, Problem 1RQ
Chapter 11, Problem 1RQIntroduction: The following mechanisms can be logically constructed to understand the reason behind...Chapter 13, Problem 1RQIntroduction: Bernoulli’s principle states that fluids moving at a faster velocity have lesser...Chapter 15, Problem 1RQIntroduction: Energy of an isolated system, such as the universe always remains constant, as stated...Chapter 17, Problem 1RQChapter 18, Problem 1RQChapter 19, Problem 1RQChapter 20, Problem 1RQChapter 21, Problem 1RQIntroduction: Experimentally, it has been observed that, the projection on the wall will be upside...Chapter 23, Problem 1RQChapter 24, Problem 1RQChapter 25, Problem 1RQChapter 26, Problem 1RQIntroduction: Planck’s hypothesis stated that an accelerated charged particle can radiate an...Introduction: The Rutherford atomic model is also known as the planetary or nuclear model of an...Introduction: Rutherford, in 1899, conducted an experiment in which he set up two parallel metal...Introduction: Beta decay is referred to as the transformation of protons into neutrons and...
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