Pharmacology and the Nursing Process - 7th Edition - by Linda Lane Lilley - ISBN 9780323087896

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
7th Edition
Linda Lane Lilley
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 9780323087896

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Chapter 12 - Central Nervous System Depressants And Muscle RelaxantsChapter 13 - Central Nervous System Stimulants And Related DrugsChapter 14 - Antiepileptic DrugsChapter 15 - Antiparkinson DrugsChapter 16 - Psychotherapeutic DrugsChapter 17 - Substance AbuseChapter 18 - Adrenergic DrugsChapter 19 - Adrenergic-blocking DrugsChapter 20 - Cholinergic DrugsChapter 21 - Cholinergic- Blocking DrugsChapter 22 - Antihypertensive DrugsChapter 23 - Antianginal DrugsChapter 24 - Heart Failure DrugsChapter 25 - Antidysrhythmic DrugsChapter 26 - Coagulation Modifier DrugsChapter 27 - Antilipemic DrugsChapter 28 - Diuretic DrugsChapter 29 - Fluids And ElectrolytesChapter 30 - Pituitary DrugsChapter 31 - Thyroid And Antithyroid DrugsChapter 32 - Antidiabetic DrugsChapter 33 - Adrenal DrugsChapter 34 - Women's Health DrugsChapter 35 - Men's Health DrugsChapter 36 - Antihistamines, Decongestants, Antitussives And ExpectorantsChapter 37 - Respiratory DrugsChapter 38 - Antibiotics Part 1Chapter 39 - Antibiotics Part 2Chapter 40 - Antiviral DrugsChapter 41 - Antitubercular DrugsChapter 42 - Antifungal DrugsChapter 43 - Antimalarial, Antiprotozoal And Anthelminthic DrugsChapter 44 - Antiinflammatory And Antigout DrugsChapter 45 - Antineoplastic Drugs Part 1: Cancer Overview And Cell Cycle-specific DrugsChapter 46 - Antineoplastic Drugs Part 2: Cell-cycle-nonspecific And Miscellaneous DrugsChapter 47 - Biologic Response - Modifying And Antirheumatic DrugsChapter 48 - Immunosuppressant DrugsChapter 49 - Immunizing Drugs And Biochemical TerrorismChapter 50 - Acid-controlling DrugsChapter 51 - Bowel Disorder DrugsChapter 52 - Antiemetic And Antinausea DrugsChapter 53 - Vitamins And MineralsChapter 54 - Anemia DrugsChapter 55 - Nutritional Supplements

Book Details

With its colorful, user-friendly format, Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 7th Edition, provides you with all the pharmacology information you need - and no more than you need - to administer drugs safely and effectively . Increased emphasis on the nursing process and prioritization helps you focus on the most essential assessments, nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluations related to drug therapy. Thoroughly updated drug information is clear and concise, highlighting the most commonly used drugs, and includes a unique focus on the safety-oriented QSEN competencies. Hundreds of full-color illustrations show how drugs work in the body and depict key steps in drug administration. Written by pharmacology experts Linda Lane Lilley, Shelly Rainforth Collins, and Julie S. Snyder, this bestselling textbook employs innovative, practical learning aids to help you prepare for success on the NCLEX � Examination and in nursing practice.

  • Focus on need-to-know information provides the most essential drug information for safe, effective clinical practice.
  • Focus on the nursing process and prioritization helps you apply the nursing process to all aspects of drug therapy, from assessment to nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluation/outcome criteria.
  • UNIQUE! Illustrated Study Skills Tips include practical advice on time management, note taking, study techniques, and test-taking strategies.
  • Special boxes and tables highlight evidence-based practice, dosages, pharmacokinetics, laboratory values related to drug therapy, preventing medication errors, cultural implications, lifespan considerations, herbal therapies, and legal and ethical principles.
  • Nearly 300 full-color illustrations and the Photo Atlas of Drug Administration show how drugs work in the body and depict key steps in dr

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The drugs which are used to eliminate or reduce pain by suppressing the nerve function in the...The function of the central nervous system: 1. It controls the body functions and the mind. 2. The...Pictorial representation: Anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system: Spinal cord and...Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting the central nervous system mainly the motor system...Both dopamine and acetylcholine are important neurotransmitters. Dopamine is an inhibitory...The most common types of mental illness are anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and...The substance abuse affects mostly all ages and sex, due to its psychological impact of feeling good...Functions of the sympathetic nervous system: Adrenergic compounds are involved in the therapeutic...Functions of the sympathetic nervous system: Adrenergic compounds are involved in the therapeutic...Functions of the autonomic nervous system: The autonomic nervous system consists of complex neurons...Functions of the sympathetic nervous system: The autonomic nervous system has two divisions, namely...The autonomic nervous system is classified into two divisions, namely the sympathetic nervous...The progression of acute coronary artery disease leads to myocardial infarction (MI) or heart...Inotropic drugs: The positive inotropic drugs help to increase myocardial contraction force, while...The heart is a unique organ that pumps oxygenated blood to organs and to bring back de-oxygenated...Impact of coagulation modifier: The coagulation modifier is the drug that takes action on the blood...Hyperlipidemia is further divided into subtypes, including primary and secondary hyperlipidemia. The...Pictorial representation: The normal anatomy and physiology of the renal system are described below:...Fluids in the body are distributed into two main compartments namely intracellular fluid (ICF) and...The anterior pituitary: The anterior lobe of the pituitary is derived from the invagination of the...The thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and calcitonin are produced in...The functions of the pancreas: Pancreas role as a dual function in the regulation of metabolism and...The adrenal gland is made up of two distinct parts, namely the adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex....The female reproductive system is comprised of internal (vagina, ovaries, uterus, and fallopian...Two structures are involved in the production of male hormones, namely, the testes and the...Antihistamines are a group of substances that are used to reduce the allergic reactions that occur...The important function of the respiratory system is to take care of the intake of oxygen and remove...The general principles of antibiotic therapy are given below: Diagnosis: Infectious agents that are...Important considerations when prescribing antibiotics for the treatment of particular infection...The immune system of the body is separated into non-specific and specific immunity. The non-specific...The antitubercular drugs fall into two categories like first-line drugs and second-line drugs. The...The major group of antifungal drugs (classification based on their chemical structure) are given...The infectious process associated with helminthic infections, protozoal infections, and malarial...Pictorial representation: Figure: Inflammatory pathways The first and foremost step in the...Carcinogenesis is also known as tumorigenesis, is the progression of cancer. Cancer is a group of...Carcinogenesis otherwise known as oncogenesis is the development of cancer, in which normal cells...Humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity are the two major components of the immune system....The immunosuppressive therapy is administered to suppress the immune system. The immunosuppressive...Though the body has the ability to adapt to various antigens and proteins of different pathogens,...Peptic ulcer disease: It is a chronic duodenal ulcer that is characterized by loss of tissue in the...The anatomy and physiology of the organs that are involved in the GI tract are: Mouth: The food...Vomiting center is responsible for the initiation of vomiting and nausea. Vomiting center is the...Vitamins are classified into two types. They are fat soluble (Vitamin A, D, E, and K) and water...The mechanisms of actions, dosages, recommended daily allowances, indications, drug interactions,...The red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow and are released into circulation in the...Nutritional supplement can be classified as enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition based on the...

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