EBK ESSENTIAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, VOLUM - 4th Edition - by Wolfson - ISBN 9780135272947

4th Edition
Publisher: VST
ISBN: 9780135272947


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Chapter 3.1 - VectorsChapter 3.2 - Velocity And Accelerations VectorsChapter 3.3 - Relative MotionChapter 3.4 - Constant AccelerationChapter 3.5 - Projectile MotionChapter 3.6 - Uniform Circular MotionChapter 4 - Force And MotionChapter 4.2 - Newton's First And Second LawsChapter 4.4 - The Force Of GravityChapter 4.5 - Using Newton's Second LawChapter 4.6 - Newton's Third LawChapter 5 - Using Newton's LawsChapter 5.1 - Using Newton's Second LawChapter 5.2 - Multiple ObjectsChapter 5.3 - Circular MotionChapter 5.4 - FrictionChapter 6 - Energy, Work, And PowerChapter 6.2 - WorkChapter 6.3 - Forces That VaryChapter 6.4 - Kinetic EnergyChapter 7 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 7.1 - Conservative And Nonconservative ForcesChapter 7.2 - Potential EnergyChapter 7.3 - Conservation Of Mechanical EnergyChapter 7.4 - Nonconservative ForcesChapter 7.5 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 7.6 - Potential-energy CurvesChapter 8 - GravityChapter 8.2 - Universal GravitationChapter 8.3 - Orbital MotionChapter 8.4 - Gravitational EnergyChapter 9 - Systems Of ParticlesChapter 9.1 - Center Of MassChapter 9.2 - MomentumChapter 9.3 - Kinetic Energy Of A SystemChapter 9.4 - CollisionsChapter 9.5 - Totally Inelastic CollisionsChapter 9.6 - Elastic CollisionsChapter 10 - Rotational MotionChapter 10.1 - Angular Velocity And AccelerationChapter 10.2 - TorqueChapter 10.3 - Rotational Inertia And The Analog Of Newton's LawChapter 10.4 - Rotational EnergyChapter 10.5 - Rolling MotionChapter 11 - Rotational Vectors And Angular MomentumChapter 11.1 - Angular Velocity And Acceleration VectorsChapter 11.2 - Torque And Vector Cross ProductChapter 11.3 - Angular MomentumChapter 11.4 - Conservation Of Angular MomentumChapter 11.5 - Gyroscopes And PrecessionChapter 12 - Static EquilibriumChapter 12.1 - Conditions For EquilibriumChapter 12.2 - Center Of GravityChapter 12.3 - Examples Of Static EquilibriumChapter 12.4 - StabilityChapter 13 - Oscillatory MotionChapter 13.1 - Describing Oscillatory MotionChapter 13.2 - Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 13.3 - Applications Of Simple Harmonic MotionsChapter 13.4 - Circular Motion And Harmonic MotionChapter 13.5 - Energy In Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 13.6 - Damped Harmonic MotionChapter 13.7 - Driven Oscillations And ResonanceChapter 14 - Wave MotionChapter 14.1 - Waves And Their PropertiesChapter 14.2 - Wave MathChapter 14.4 - Wave EnergyChapter 14.5 - Sound WavesChapter 14.6 - InterferenceChapter 14.7 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 14.8 - Standing WavesChapter 14.9 - The Doppler Effect And Shock WavesChapter 15 - Fluid MotionChapter 15.1 - Desnsity And PressureChapter 15.2 - Hydrostatic EquilibriumChapter 15.3 - Archimedes' Principle And BuoyancyChapter 15.4 - Fluid DynamicsChapter 15.5 - Applications Of Fluid DynamicsChapter 16 - Temperature And HeatChapter 16.1 - Heat, Temperature, And Thermodynamic EquilibriumChapter 16.2 - Heat Capacity And Specific HeatChapter 16.3 - Heat TransferChapter 16.4 - Themal-energy BalanceChapter 17 - The Thermal Behavior Of MatterChapter 17.1 - GasesChapter 17.2 - Phase ChangesChapter 17.3 - Thermal ExpansionChapter 18 - Heat, Work, And The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 18.2 - Thermodynamic ProcessesChapter 18.3 - Specific Heats Of An Ideal GasChapter 19 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 19.1 - Reversibility And IrreversibilityChapter 19.2 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 19.3 - Applications Of The Second LawChapter 19.4 - Entropy And Energy Quality

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