Problem 1CQ:
Give an example of something think of as work in everyday circumstances that is not work in the...Problem 2CQ:
Give an example of a situation in which there is a force and a displacement, but the force does no...Problem 3CQ:
Describe a situation in which a force is exerted for a long time but does no work. Explain.Problem 4CQ:
The person in Figure 7.33 does work on the lawn mower. Under what conditions would the mower gain...Problem 5CQ:
Work done on a system puts energy into it Work done by a system removes energy from it Give an...Problem 7CQ:
In Example 7.7, we calculated the final speed of a roller coaster that descended 20m in height and...Problem 8CQ:
Does the work you do on a book when you lift it onto a shelf depend on the path taken? On the time...Problem 9CQ:
What is a conservative force?Problem 10CQ:
The force exerted by a diving board is conservative, provided the internal friction is negligible....Problem 11CQ:
Define mechanical energy. What is the relationship of mechanical energy to non-conservative forces?...Problem 13CQ:
Consider the following scenario. A car for which friction is not negligible accelerates from rest...Problem 14CQ:
Describe the energy transfers and transformations for a javelin, stating from the point at which an...Problem 15CQ:
Do devices with efficiencies of less than one violate the law of conservation of energy? Explain.Problem 16CQ:
List four different forms or types of energy. Give one example of a conversion from each of these...Problem 18CQ:
Most electrical appliances are rated in watts. Does this rating depend on how long the appliance is...Problem 19CQ:
Explain, in terms of the definition of power, why energy consumption is sometimes listed in...Problem 20CQ:
A spark of static electricity, such as that you might receive from a doorknob on a cold dry day, may...Problem 21CQ:
Explain why it is easier to climb a mountain on a zigzag path rather than one straight up the side....Problem 22CQ:
Do you do work on the outside world when you rub your hands together to warn) then)? What is the...Problem 23CQ:
Shivering is an involuntary response to lowered body temperature. What is the efficiency of the body...Problem 24CQ:
Discuss the relative effectiveness of dieting and exercise in losing weight, noting that most...Problem 25CQ:
What is the difference between energy conservation and the law of conservation of energy? Give some...Problem 26CQ:
If the efficiency of a coal-fired electrical generating plant is 35%, then what do we mean when we...Problem 1PE:
How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.600 m...Problem 2PE:
A 75.0-kg person climbs stairs, gaining 2.50 meters in height. Find the work done to accomplish this...Problem 3PE:
(a) Calculate the work done on a 1500-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.0 m at constant...Problem 4PE:
Suppose a car travels 108 km at a speed of 30.0 m/s, and uses 2.0 gal of gasoline. Only 30% of the...Problem 5PE:
Calculate the work done by an 85.0-kg man who pushes a crate 4.00 m up along a ramp that makes an...Problem 6PE:
How much work is done by the boy pulling his sister 30.0 m in a wagon as shown in Figure 7.36?...Problem 7PE:
A shopper pushes a grocery cart 20.0 m at constant speed on level ground, against a 35.0 N...Problem 8PE:
Suppose the ski patrol lowers a rescue sled and victim, having a total mass of 90.0 kg, down a 60.0°...Problem 9PE:
Compare the kinetic energy of a 20,000-kg truck moving at 110 km/h with that of an 80.0-kg astronaut...Problem 10PE:
(a) How fast must a 3000-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 65.0-kg sprinter...Problem 11PE:
Confirm the value given for the kinetic energy of an aircraft carrier in Table 7.1. You will need to...Problem 12PE:
(a) Calculate the force needed to bring a 950-kg car to rest from a speed of 90.0 km/h in a distance...Problem 13PE:
A car's bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object...Problem 14PE:
Boxing gloves are padded to lessen the force of a blow. (a) Calculate the force exerted by a boxing...Problem 15PE:
Using energy considerations, calculate the average force a 60.0-kg sprinter exerts backward on the...Problem 16PE:
A hydroelectric power facility (see Figure 7.38) converts the gravitational potential energy of...Problem 17PE:
(a) How much gravitational potential energy (relative to the ground on which it is built) is stored...Problem 18PE:
Suppose a 350-g kookaburra (a large kingfisher bird) picks up a 75-g snake and raises it 2.5 m from...Problem 19PE:
In Example 7.7, we found that the speed of a roller coaster that had descended 20.0 m was only...Problem 20PE:
A 100-g toy car is propelled by a compressed spring that starts it moving. The car follows the...Problem 21PE:
In a downhill ski race, surprisingly, little advantage is gained by getting a running start. (This...Problem 22PE:
A 5.00105 -kg subway train is brought to a stop from a speed of 0.500 m/s in 0.400 m by a large...Problem 23PE:
A pogo stick has a spring with a force constant of 2.50104 N/m, which can be compressed 12.0 cm. To...Problem 24PE:
A 60.0-kg skier with an initial speed of 12.0 m/s coasts up a 2.50-m-high rise as shown in Figure...Problem 25PE:
(a) How high a hill can a car coast up (engine disengaged) if work done by friction is negligible...Problem 26PE:
Using values from Table 7.1, how many DNA molecules could be broken by the energy carried by a...Problem 27PE:
Using energy considerations and assuming negligible air resistance, show that a rock thrown from a...Problem 28PE:
If the energy in fusion bombs were used to supply the energy needs of the world, how many of the...Problem 29PE:
(a) Use of hydrogen fusion to supply energy is a dream that may be realized in the next century....Problem 30PE:
The Crab Nebula (see Figure 7.41) pulsar is the remnant of a supernova that occurred in A.D. 1054....Problem 31PE:
Suppose a star 1000 times brighter than our Sun (that is, emitting 1000 times the power) suddenly...Problem 32PE:
A person in good physical condition can put out 100 W of useful power for several hours at a...Problem 33PE:
What is the cost of operating a 3.00-W electric clock for a year if the cost of electricity is...Problem 34PE:
A large household air conditioner may consume 15.0 kW of power. What is the cost of operating this...Problem 35PE:
(a) What is the average power consumption in watts of an appliance that uses 5.00 kW h of energy...Problem 36PE:
(a) What is the average useful power output of a person who does 6.00106 J of useful work in 8.00 h?...Problem 37PE:
A 500-kg dragster accelerates from rest to a final speed of 110 m/s in 400 m (about a quarter of a...Problem 38PE:
(a) How long will it take an 850-kg car with a useful power output of 40.0 hp (1hp=746W) to reach a...Problem 39PE:
(a) Find the useful power output of an elevator motor that lifts a 2500-kg load a height of 35.0 m...Problem 40PE:
(a) What is the available energy content, in joules, of a battery that operates a 2.00-W electric...Problem 41PE:
(a) How long would it takea 1.50105 -kg airplane with engines that produce 100 MW of power to reach...Problem 42PE:
Calculate the power output needed for a 950-kg car to climb a 2.00° slope at a constant 30.0 m/s...Problem 43PE:
(a) Calculate the power per square meter reaching Earth's upper atmosphere from the Sun. (Take the...Problem 44PE:
(a) How long can you rapidly climb stairs (116/min) on the 93.0 kcal of energy in a 10.0-g pat of...Problem 45PE:
(a) What is the power output in watts and horsepower of a 70.0-kg sprinter who accelerates from rest...Problem 46PE:
Calculate the power output in watts and horsepower of a shot-putter who takes 1.20 s to accelerate...Problem 47PE:
(a) What is the efficiency of an out-of-condition professor who does 2.10105J of useful work while...Problem 48PE:
Energy that is not utilized for work or heat transfer is converted to the chemical energy of body...Problem 49PE:
Using data from Table 7.5, calculate the daily energy needs of a person who sleeps for 7.00 h, walks...Problem 50PE:
What is the efficiency of a subject on a treadmill who puts out work at the rate of 100 W while...Problem 51PE:
Shoveling snow can be extremely taxing because the arms have such a low efficiency in this activity....Problem 52PE:
Very large forces are produced in joints when a person jumps from some height to the ground. (a)...Problem 53PE:
Jogging on hard surfaces with insufficiently padded shoes produces large forces in the feet and...Problem 54PE:
(a) Calculate the energy in kJ used by a 55.0-kg woman who does 50 deep knee bends in which her...Problem 55PE:
Kanellos Kanellopoulos flew 119 km from Crete to Santorini, Greece, on April 23, 1988, in the...Problem 56PE:
The swimmer shown in Figure 7.44 exerts an average horizontal backward force of 80.0 N with his arm...Problem 57PE:
Mountain climbers carry bottled oxygen when at very high altitudes. (a) Assuming that a mountain...Problem 58PE:
The awe-inspiring Great Pyramid of Cheops was built more than 4500 years ago. Its square base,...Problem 59PE:
(a) How long can you play tennis on the 800 kJ (about 200 kcal) of energy in a candy bar? (b) Does...Problem 60PE:
Integrated Concepts (a) Calculate the force the woman in Figure 7.46 exerts to do a push-up at...Problem 61PE:
Integrated Concepts A 75.0-kg cross-country skier is climbing a 3.0° slope at a constant speed of...Problem 62PE:
Integrated Concepts The 70.0-kg swimmer in Figure 7.44 starts a race with an initial velocity of...Problem 63PE:
Integrated Concepts A toy gun uses a spring with a force constant of 300 N/m to propel a 10.0-g...Problem 64PE:
Integrated Concepts (a) What force must be supplied by an elevator cable to produce an acceleration...Problem 65PE:
Unreasonable Results A car advertisement claims that its 900-kg car accelerated from rest to 30.0...Problem 66PE:
Unreasonable Results Body fat is metabolized, supplying 9.30 kcal/g, when dietary intake is less...Problem 67PE:
Construct Your Own Problem Consider a person climbing and descending stairs. Construct a problem in...Problem 68PE:
Construct Your Own Problem Consider humans generating electricity by pedaling a device similar to a...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction: The Nature Of Science And PhysicsChapter 2 - KinematicsChapter 3 - Two-dimensional KinematicsChapter 4 - Dynamics: Force And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 5 - Further Applications Of Newton's Laws: Friction, Drag, And ElasticityChapter 6 - Gravitation And Uniform Circular MotionChapter 7 - Work, Energy, And Energy ResourcesChapter 8 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 9 - Statics And TorqueChapter 10 - Rotational Motion And Angular Momentum
Chapter 11 - Fluid StaticsChapter 12 - Fluid Dynamics And Its Biological And Medical ApplicationsChapter 13 - Temperature, Kinetic Theory, And The Gas LawsChapter 14 - Heat And Heat Transfer MethodsChapter 15 - ThermodynamicsChapter 16 - Oscillatory Motion And WavesChapter 17 - Physics Of HearingChapter 18 - Electric Charge And Electric FieldChapter 19 - Electric Potential And Electric FieldChapter 20 - Electric Current, Resistance, And Ohm's LawChapter 21 - Circuits, Bioelectricity, And Dc InstrumentsChapter 22 - MagnetismChapter 23 - Electromagnetic Induction, Ac Circuits, And Electrical TechnologiesChapter 24 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 25 - Geometric OpticsChapter 26 - Vision And Optical InstrumentsChapter 27 - Wave OpticsChapter 28 - Special RelativityChapter 29 - Introduction To Quantum PhysicsChapter 30 - Atomic PhysicsChapter 31 - Radioactivity And Nuclear PhysicsChapter 32 - Medical Applications Of Nuclear PhysicsChapter 33 - Particle PhysicsChapter 34 - Frontiers Of Physics
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We offer sample solutions for COLLEGE PHYSICS homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1CQChapter 2, Problem 1CQGiven: The given figure is, Figure (1) Formula used: The velocity of particle is given as, v=ΔxΔt...Chapter 3, Problem 1CQGiven: The given table is, Height (m)Time...Chapter 4, Problem 1CQChapter 5, Problem 1CQChapter 6, Problem 1CQChapter 7, Problem 1CQ
Given: Distance traveled with rocket engine firing ( m)Payload final velocity (...Chapter 8, Problem 1CQGiven: The mass of the girl is m=40 kg. The mass of the platform is m=120 kg. The initial speed of...Introduction: An experiment can be performed in which the two carts will be placed on a straight...Given: The mass of puck A is mA=200 g. The mass of puck B is mB=800 g. Formula used: The initial...Given: Mass of A, ma=3m. Mass of B, mb=m. Velocity of mass A before collision, ua=12 m/s. Velocity...Given: Velocity of object A before collision, ua=4 m/s. Velocity of object B before collision, ub=−8...Given: The positions of two objects before and after collision are depicted in the following figure....Given: Mass of A is ma=1.0 kg. Mass of B is mb=3.0 kg. Initial velocity of mass A is ua=8 m/s....Given: Mass of A is ma=1.0 kg. Mass of B is mb=1.0 kg. Initial velocity of mass A is ua=4 m/s....Given: Let the mass of A be m1. The mass m2 of B is m2=2m1. The initial velocity of mass B is...Given: The mass A is moving in +x direction with an initial velocity, v1=15 m/s. The mass of B is,...Given: The mass of car A is, m1=2000 kg. The initial velocity of car A is, v1=38 m/s in the east...Chapter 9, Problem 1CQGiven: The mass of the bridge is, m=2500 kg. Formula used: The relation between the mass and weight...Given: The mass of the bridge is M=2500 kg. The mass of the car is m=900 kg. The distance of weight...Given: The mass of the woman is m1=50 kg. The acceleration due to gravity is g=9.8 m/s2. Formula...Given: Number of bricks in the wheel barrow is 20. Mass of each brick is 3 kg. Formula used: Write...Given: The weight of the dumbbell is w1=20 lb. Formula used: The relation between the mass and...Chapter 10, Problem 1CQChapter 11, Problem 1CQGiven info: The manometer along balloon and jar is shown below: Height of the liquid inside the...Given: Mass of brace, mb=150 kg Mass of load, ml=400 kg Formula used: The Force for the slave...Given info: The radius of volleyball increases by 10%. Formula used: Density is mass per unit volume...Given: Density of water, Volume of liquid, Formula Used: A polystyrene cube floating partially...Chapter 12, Problem 1CQGiven: Diameter of pipe =3.5cm Force= 320 N Rate of flowing water = 2.5m/s Pumped water level = 21m...Chapter 13, Problem 1CQChapter 14, Problem 1CQChapter 15, Problem 1CQChapter 16, Problem 1CQChapter 17, Problem 1CQGiven: The distance between bat and insect is 3.00 m. The temperatures at which echo times is to be...Given: Refer Table [17.8] The value of acoustic impedance of transducer material is, Zt=30.8×106...Given: The frequency of the car's horn is fhorn=200 Hz. Formula used: The expression for the...Given: The data length of an air column and a resonant frequency present when the column is struck...Chapter 18, Problem 1CQGiven: Point charges located at 1.00 cm, 5.00 cm, 8.00 cm and 14.0 cm along the x -axis. Formula...Given: Point charges located at 3.00, 8.00 and 11.0 cm along the x -axis. Formula used: Electric...Given: Four charges qa, qb, qc, qd placed at each corner of the square with side 5 cmhaving...Given: qb=+10.00μC qc=−5.00μC Side of an equilateral triangle 25.0 cm Formula used: E=Ebcosφ...Given: qa=+2.50 nC qb=−8.00 nC qc=+1.50 nC Point charges located at the corners of an equilateral...Formula used: The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two electrons isgiven by: FC=kq2r2...Introduction: The lines of forces are imaginary which signify amplitude and direction of an electric...Chapter 19, Problem 1CQGiven info: Charges q1=1 μCq2=−2 μCq3=3 μC Formula used: The potential energy is given by PE=−kq1q2d...Given: The charge of the particle is identical, that is, q=q. The impact of the second particle on...Chapter 20, Problem 1CQGiven: WireLengthDiameterWire 12m1cmWire 21m0.5 cmWire 31m1cm Formula used: Resistance in the wire...Given information: The given statement is a switch has a variable resistance that is nearly zero...Given information: The given figure is Introduction: Kirchhoff's junction rule states that the sum...Given information: The given figure is Formula used: Kirchhoff's second rule states that in a closed...Given information: The given figure is Introduction: Ammeter is connected in series in the circuit...Given information: The given figure is Introduction: Kirchhoff's second rule states that in a closed...Given information: The given figure is Concept Introduction: Kirchhoff's second rule states that in...Given information: The voltage of alkaline cell is 1.585 V. An internal resistance is 0.100Ω....Given information: Figure shows how a bleeder resistor is used to discharge a capacitor after an...Given: Parallel combination of two 20 Ω and one 10 Ω resistors is connected in series with a 4Ω...Chapter 22, Problem 1CQGiven: Current carrying wire is placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 10.0 cm=...Given: A pendulum is set up so that its bob swings between the poles of permanent magnet. Charge on...Chapter 23, Problem 1CQGiven information: An ideal step-up transformer with turn ratio 1:30 is supplied with an input power...Chapter 24, Problem 1CQChapter 25, Problem 1CQChapter 26, Problem 1CQChapter 27, Problem 1CQIntroduction: The resultant amplitude of two waves with equal amplitude is given by A2=2A12(1+cosδ)...Given: The nth -order diffraction angle for the longest wavelength is, θl1=53.13°. The longest...Chapter 28, Problem 1CQGiven: The Relativistic energy is E, Themomentum is p, The rest mass is m0 The speed of light is c....Chapter 29, Problem 1CQChapter 30, Problem 1CQGiven: The wavelength of first photon is λ1=121.6 nm. The wavelength of second photon is λ2=102.6...Given: The energy of the level 2 is E2=−3.4 eV. The energy of the level 3 is E3=−1.5 eV. Formula...Chapter 31, Problem 1CQChapter 32, Problem 1CQIntroduction: The formation of one or more different atomic nuclei and the subatomic particles by...Given: The reaction of nuclear fission is n01+U92235→U92236→B56141a +Ky92r + x n01 Formula Used: An...Chapter 33, Problem 1CQChapter 34, Problem 1CQ
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