Solutions for Biological Science
Problem 1TYK:
Which of the following occurs when a covalent bond forms? a. Electrons in valence shells are...Problem 2TYK:
If a reaction is exothermic, then which of the following statements is always true? a. The products...Problem 8TYU:
Locate fluorine (F) on the partial periodic table provided in Figure 2.2. Predict its relative...Problem 6TYK:
6. What are the two models that have been proposed to explain the process component of chemical...Problem 14TYPSS:
From what you have learned about water, why do coastal regions tend to have milder climates with...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Biology And The Tree Of LifeChapter 2 - Water And Carbon: The Chemical Basis Of LifeChapter 3 - Protein Structure And FunctionChapter 4 - Nucleic Acids And The Rna WorldChapter 5 - An Introduction To CarbohydratesChapter 6 - Lipids, Membranes, And The First CellsChapter 7 - Inside The CellChapter 8 - Energy And Enzymes: An Introduction To MetabolismChapter 9 - Cellular Respiration And FermentationChapter 10 - Photosynthesis
Chapter 11 - Cell–Cell InteractionsChapter 12 - The Cell CycleChapter 13 - MeiosisChapter 14 - Mendel And The GeneChapter 15 - Dna And The Gene: Synthesis And RepairChapter 16 - How Genes WorkChapter 17 - Transcription, Rna Processing, And TranslationChapter 18 - Control Of Gene Expression In BacteriaChapter 19 - Control Of Gene Expression In EukaryotesChapter 20 - Analyzing And Engineering GenesChapter 21 - Genomics And BeyondChapter 22 - Principles Of DevelopmentChapter 23 - An Introduction To Animal DevelopmentChapter 24 - An Introduction To Plant DevelopmentChapter 25 - Evolution By Natural SelectionChapter 26 - Evolutionary ProcessesChapter 27 - SpeciationChapter 28 - Phylogenies And The History Of LifeChapter 29 - Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 30 - ProtistsChapter 31 - Green Algae And Land PlantsChapter 32 - FungiChapter 33 - An Introduction To AnimalsChapter 34 - Protostome AnimalsChapter 35 - Deuterostome AnimalsChapter 36 - VirusesChapter 37 - Plant Form And FunctionChapter 38 - Water And Sugar Transport In PlantsChapter 39 - Plant NutritionChapter 40 - Plant Sensory Systems, Signals, And ResponsesChapter 41 - Plant ReproductionChapter 42 - Animal Form And FunctionChapter 43 - Water And Electrolyte Balance In AnimalsChapter 44 - Animal NutritionChapter 45 - Gas Exchange And CirculationChapter 46 - Animal Nervous SystemsChapter 47 - Animal Sensory SystemsChapter 48 - Animal MovementChapter 49 - Chemical Signals In AnimalsChapter 50 - Animal ReproductionChapter 51 - The Immune System In AnimalsChapter 52 - An Introduction To EcologyChapter 53 - Behavioral EcologyChapter 54 - Population EcologyChapter 55 - Community EcologyChapter 56 - Ecosystems And Global EcologyChapter 57 - Biodiversity And Conservation Biology
Book Details
1. Biology and the Tree of Life.
The Cell Theory. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. The Tree of Life. Biological Science.
Box 1.1: Scientific Names and Terms.
Box 1.2: Medicine, Economics and the Tree of Life.
Essay: Where Do Humans Fit on the Tree of Life?
2. The Atoms and Molecules of Ancient Earth.
The Ancient Earth. The Building Blocks of Chemical Evolution. Chemical Reactions, Chemical Energy, and Chemical Evolution. The Composition of the Early Atmosphere: Redox Reactions and the importance of Carbon. The Early Oceans and the Properties of Water.
Box 2.1: Atomic Mass.
Box 2.2: Bond Types Form a Continuum.
Essay: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life.
3. Macromolecules and the RNA World.
The Start of Chemical Evolution: Experimental Simulations. The Building Blocks of Macromolecules. The First Macromolecules. The First Living Entity.
Box 3.1: How Do Biologists Define Life?
Box 3.2: Gel Electrophoresis and Autoradiography.
Box 3.3: How Proteins Catalyze Reactions.
Box 3.4: Models in Biology: The Double Helix.
Essay: Molecular Handedness and the Thalidomide Tragedy.
4. Membranes and the First Cells.
Lipid Chemistry. Phospholipid Bilayers. Why Molecules Move Across Lipid Bilayers: Diffusion and Osmosis. Membrane Proteins.
Box 4.1: The Transmission Electron Microscope.
Box 4.2: The Scanning Electron Microscope.
Box 4.3: The Fluid-Mosaic Model.
Essay: The Molecular Basis of Cystic Fibrosis.
5. Cell Structure and Function.
A Tour of theCell. The Nucleus of Nuclear Transport. The Endomembrane System: Synthesis and Distribution of Cellular Products. The Cytoskeleton.
Box 5.1: An Introduction to Centrifugation.
Essay: Organelles and Human Disease.
6. Respiration and Fermentation.
An Overview of Cellular Respiration. Glycolysis. The Krebs Cycle. Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis. Fermentation. How Does Cellular Respiration Interact with Other Metabolic Pathways.
Essay: ATP Production During Exercise.
7. Photosynthesis.
What Is Photosynthesis? How Does Chlorophyll Capture Light Energy? The Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. The Calvin Cycle.
Box 7.1: Types of Plastids.
Box 7.2: Why Was the Oxygen Revolution Important?
Essay: Are Rising CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere Affecting Plant Productivity.
8. Cell Division.
Mitosis and the Cell Cycle. How Does Mitosis Take Place? Control of the Cell Cycle. Cancer: Out-of-Control Cell Division.
Box 8.1: Cell-Culture Methods.
Box 8.2: Cell Division in Bacteria.
Essay: Cancer Chemotherapy.
9. Meiosis.
How Does Meiosis Occur? The Consequences of Meiosis? Why Does Meiosis Exist? Why Sex? Mistakes in Meiosis.
Box 9.1: Karyotyping Techniques.
Box 9.2: Experimental Evidence for Physical Exchange of Chromosome Segments During Crossing Over.
Box 9.3: Recombination in Bacteria.
Essay: Seedless Fruits.
10. Mendel and the Gene.
Mendel's Experiments with a Single Trait? Mendel's Experiments with Two Traits. The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance. Testing and Extending the Chromosome Theory. Extending Mendel's Rules.
Box 10.1: Combining Probabilities.
Box 10.2: Sample Size and Chance Fluctuations.
Essay: Does “Genetic Determinism”Exist?
11. How Do Genes Work?
DNA as the Hereditary Material. What Do Genes Do? The Genetic Code? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology.
Box 11.1: RNA Genomes: Exceptions to the Central Dogma.
Essay: How Do Viruses Work?
12. DNA Synthesis, Mutation, and Repair.
Testing Early Hypotheses About DNA Replication. A Comprehensive Model for DNA Synthesis. Analyzing DNA Sequences in the Laboratory. The Molecular Basis of Mutation. Repairing Damaged DNA.
Essay: The Genetic Basis of Cancer.
13. Transcription and Translation.
Transcription in Bacteria. Transcription in Eukaryotes. An Introduction to Translation. The of Transfer RNA. The Ribosome. Post-Transitional Events.
Box 13.1: An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography.
Box 13.2: Prions.
Essay: Transcription, Translation, and Toxins.
14. Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria.
Gene Regulation and Information Flow. Identifying the Genes Involved in Lactose Metabolism. The Discovery of the Repressor. Catabolite Repression and Positive Control. The Operator and the Repressor—An Introduction to DNA-Binding Proteins.
Box 14.1: Gene Transfer in Bacteria.
Box 14.2: Negative Control and Attentuation in the trp Operon.
Box 14.3: DNA Footprinting.
Essay: Controlling the Expression of Disease-Causing Genes.
15. Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes.
Mechanisms of Gene Regulation—An Overview. Eukaryotic DNA and the Regulation of Gene Expression. Regulatory Sequences in DNA. Regulatory Proteins. Post-Transcriptional Processing. Linking Cancer with Defects in Gene Regulation.
Box 15.1: Recombinant DNA Technology.
Box 15.2: Southern Blotting.
Essay: Gene Regulation and the Green Revolution.
16. Genomes.
An Introduction to Whole-Genome Sequencing. Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes. Eukaryotic Genomes. Future Prospects.
Box 16.1: Bioinformatics.
Essay: Genomics and Issues of Privacy.
17. Genetic Engineering and its Applications.
Using Recombinant DNA Techniques to Manufacture Proteins: The Effort to Cure Pituitary Dwarfism. Gene Hunting Based on Pedigree Analysis. Can Gene Therapy Cure Inherited Diseases in Humans? Biotechnology in Agriculture.
Box 17.1: Genome Sequencing and Gene Hunting.
Box 17.2: Genetic Testing.
Essay: Controversies over Genetically Modified Foods.
18. An Introduction to Development.
Developmental Stages and Patterns. Does the Genetic Makeup of Cells Changes as Development Proceeds? What Causes Differential Gene Expression?
Essay: Human Cloning.
19. Early Development.
Gametogenesis. Fertilization. Cleavage. Gastrulation.
Box 19.1: Visualizing mRNAs by Situ Hybridization.
Essay: Treating Human Infertility.
20. What Determines a Cell's Fate?
Pattern Formation in Drosophila. Pattern Formation in Arabidopsis. Differentiation: Becoming a Specialized Cell.
Box 20.1: Maternal Effect Inheritance.
Box 20.2: Programmed Cell Death.
Essay: Human Stem Cells.
21. Darwinism and the Evidence for Evolution.
The Evidence for Evolution. How Natural Selection Works. Evolution in Action: Recent Research on Natural Selection.
Box 21.1: The Evidence for Evolution.
Box 21.2: How Natural Selection Works.
Box 21.3: Evolutionary Theory Before Darwin.
Box 21.4: Problems in Estimating the Heritability of Traits.
Essay: The Debate over “Scientific Creationism” .
22. Evolutionary Processes.
Why is Genetic Diversity Important? Analyzing Allele Frequency Change: The Hardy-Weinberg Principle. Mutation. Migration. Inbreeding. Natural Selection. Sexual Selection.
Essay: Evolutionary Theory and Human Health.
23. Speciation.
Defining and Identifying Species. Isolation and Divergence in Sympatry. Isolation and Divergence in Allopatry. Secondary Contact.
Box 23.1: How Do Researchers Estimate Phylogenetic Trees?
Essay: Human Races.
24. The History of Life.
Tools for Studying History. The Cambrian Explosion. The Genetic Mechanisms of Change. Adaptive Radiations. Mass Extinctions.
Box 24.1: The Molecular Clock.
Essay: Is a Mass Extinction Event Under Way Now?
25. Bacteria and Archaea.
What Are the Bacteria and Archaea? Metabolic Diversity in Bacteria and Archaea? Bacteria, Archaea, and Global Change. Bacterial Diseases.
Box 25.1: Cultural Techniques as a Research Tool.
Essay: Antibiotics and the Evolution of Resistance.
26. Viruses.
What Are the Viruses? What Is HIV? How Does and HIV Infection Begin? How Does HIV Replicate Its Genome? How Are Viral Proteins Translated and Processed? How Are Viruses Transmitted to New Hosts?
Box 26.1: Where Did Viruses Come From?
Essay: Emerging Viruses.
27. Protists.
What Are the Protists? Themes in the Evolution of Protists? The Origin of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts. How Do Protists Affect Human Health and Welfare?
Box 27.1: How Should We Name the Tree of Life's Major Branches?
Essay: Revolutions in Science.
28. Land Plants.
Phylogenies and the Fossil Record: origins and Diversification. The Transition to Land: Key Innovations and Trends. Strategies for Photon Capture. Food, Fuel, and Fiber: Human Use of Pants.
Essay: Genetic Diversity in Crop Plants?
29. Fungi.
What Are the Fungi? Growth, Digestion, and Absorption. Mutualism. Parasitism.
Box 29.1: The Problem of Convergence.
Box 29.2: Fungi at Work.
Essay: Why Are Frogs Dying?
30. Animals.
Origins and Early Diversification. Feeding. Key Innovations in the Radiation of Arthropods. Key Innovations in the Radiation of Vertebrates. Human Evolution.
Essay: So Human An Animal.
31. Plant Form and Function.
The Diversity of Plant Form. Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems. The Anatomy of Plant Growth. Studying Adaptation.
Box 31.1: Nonvascular Plants.
Box 31.2: Monocots and Dicots.
Box 31.3: Tree-Ring Studies.
Essay: Wood as a Structural Material.
32. Water and Sugar Transport in Plants.
Water Potential and Cell-to-Cell Movement. Transpiration and Water Movement from Roots to Leaves. Translocation.
Essay: Irrigated Agriculture.
33. Plant Nutrition.
Nutritional Requirements. Soil. Nutrient Uptake. Nitrogen Fixation. Nutritional Adaptation of Plants.
Essay: Tropical Soils.
34. Sensory Systems in Plants.
Sensing Light. How Do Plants Perceive Gravity? How Do Plants Respond to Touch?
Essay: Can Plants Tell Time?
35. Communication: Chemical Signals.
Phototropism. Apical Dominance. Growth and Dormancy.
Box 35.1: Cytokinins.
Essay: Herbicides.
36. Plant Reproduction.
An Introduction to Plant Reproduction. Reproductive Structures. Pollination and Fertilization. The Seed.
Box 36.1: Pure and Applied Science.
Essay: Why Do Wasps Try to Copulate with Hammer Orchids?
37. Plant Defense Systems.
Barriers to Entry. Plant Poisons. The Cost of Defense. Responding to Pathogens. Responding to Herbivores.
Essay: Chemical Prospecting.
38. Animal Form and Function.
The Nature of Natural Selection. The Nature of Adaptation. Tissues, Organs, and Systems: How Does Structure Correlate with Function? Body Size and Scaling. Homeostasis.
Essay: Is Fever Adaptive?
39. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Animals.
Osmotic Stress and Osmoregulation. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Aquatic Environments. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Invertebrates. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Vertebrates.
Essay: Life in the Desert.
40. Animal Nutrition.
Nutritional Requirements. Obtaining Food: The Structure and Function of Beaks, Teeth, and Mouthparts. Digestion. Nutritional Homeostasis—Glucose as a Case Study.
Essay: Cholesterol, Heart Disease, and Diet.
41. Gas Exchange and Circulation.
Air and Water as Respiratory Media. Organs of Gas Exchange. Blood. The Circulatory System. Homeostasis in Blood Pressure and Blood Chemistry.
Box 41.1: Measuring Blood Pressure.
Essay: Smoking and Lung Function.
42. Electrical Signals in Animals.
Principles of Electrical Signaling. Dissecting the Action Potential. The Synapse. The Vertebrate Nervous System.
Box 42.1: The Nernst Equation and the Goldman Equation.
Essay: Can Brain Tissue Transplants Help People with Parkinson's Disease?
43. Animal Sensory Systems and Movement.
How Do Sensory Organs Convey Information to the Brain? Hearing? Vision? Taste and Smell. Movement.
Box 43.1: Senses that Humans Don't Have.
Box 43.2: Vertebrate Versus Cephalopod Eyes.
Essay: Sprinters and Marathoners—Born or Made?
44. Chemical Signals in Animals.
Cataloging Hormone Structure and Function. What Do Hormones Do? How Is the Production of Hormones Regulated? How Do Hormones Act on Target Cells?
Box 44.1: A Closer Look at Thyroxine and the Thyroid Gland.
Box 44.2: Oxytocin and ADH.
Essay: Do Humans Produce Pheromones?
45. Animal Reproduction.
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. Fertilization and Egg Development. Reproductive Structures and Their Functions. The Role of Sex Hormones in Mammalian Reproduction. Human Pregnancy and Birth.
Box 45.1: Unusual Aspects of Fertilization.
Box 45.2: Abuse of Synthetic Steroids.
Essay: Contraception.
46. The Immune System in Animals.
Innate Immunity. The Acquired Immune Response: Recognition. The Acquired Immune Response: Activation. The Acquired Immune Response: Culmination.
Box 46.1: Producing Monoclonal Antibodies.
Box 46.2: How Does the Immune System Distinguish Self from Non-Self?
Box 46.3: The ELISA Test.
Essay: Allergies.
47. Behavior.
The Role of Genes. How Animals Act: Neural and Hormonal Control. The Adaptive Consequences of Behavior. The Evolution of Behavior.
Box 47.1: Using Reverse Genetics to Study Behavior.
Box 47.2: Conditional Strategies and the Nature/Nurture Debate.
Box 47.3: The Importance of Observation in Behavioral Studies.
Box 47.4: Calculating the Coefficient of Relatedness.
Essay: Children at Risk.
48. Population Ecology.
Population Growth. How Do the Sizes of Populations Change over Time? Population Structure. Demography and Conservation.
Box 48.1: What's the Best Way to Clean Up an Oil Spill?
Box 48.2: Mark-Recapture Studies.
Essay: What Limits Human Population Growth?
49. Species Interactions.
Parasitism. Predation. Herbivory. Competition. Mutualism.
Essay: Predator Control.
50. Community Ecology.
Climate and the Distribution of Ecological Communities. How Predictable Are Community Assemblages? Species Diversity in Ecological Communities.
Box 50.1: Measuring Species Diversity.
Essay: Let-It-Burn Policies.
51. Ecosystems.
Energy Flow and Trophic Structure. Biogeochemical Cycles.
Essay: Global Warming.
52. Biodiversity and Conservation.
How Many Species Are Being Lost, and Why? Why Should We Care? Setting Conservation Priorities.
Box 52.1: Why Do Small Populations Become Inbred, and Why is Inbreeding Harmful?
Essay: Metaphors for the Future: Easter Island and Guanacaste.
Combined Volume
The Cell Theory. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. The Tree of Life. Biological Science.
Box 1.1: Scientific Names and Terms.
Box 1.2: Medicine, Economics and the Tree of Life.
Essay: Where Do Humans Fit on the Tree of Life?
2. The Atoms and Molecules of Ancient Earth.
The Ancient Earth. The Building Blocks of Chemical Evolution. Chemical Reactions, Chemical Energy, and Chemical Evolution. The Composition of the Early Atmosphere: Redox Reactions and the importance of Carbon. The Early Oceans and the Properties of Water.
Box 2.1: Atomic Mass.
Box 2.2: Bond Types Form a Continuum.
Essay: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life.
3. Macromolecules and the RNA World.
The Start of Chemical Evolution: Experimental Simulations. The Building Blocks of Macromolecules. The First Macromolecules. The First Living Entity.
Box 3.1: How Do Biologists Define Life?
Box 3.2: Gel Electrophoresis and Autoradiography.
Box 3.3: How Proteins Catalyze Reactions.
Box 3.4: Models in Biology: The Double Helix.
Essay: Molecular Handedness and the Thalidomide Tragedy.
4. Membranes and the First Cells.
Lipid Chemistry. Phospholipid Bilayers. Why Molecules Move Across Lipid Bilayers: Diffusion and Osmosis. Membrane Proteins.
Box 4.1: The Transmission Electron Microscope.
Box 4.2: The Scanning Electron Microscope.
Box 4.3: The Fluid-Mosaic Model.
Essay: The Molecular Basis of Cystic Fibrosis.
5. Cell Structure and Function.
A Tour of theCell. The Nucleus of Nuclear Transport. The Endomembrane System: Synthesis and Distribution of Cellular Products. The Cytoskeleton.
Box 5.1: An Introduction to Centrifugation.
Essay: Organelles and Human Disease.
6. Respiration and Fermentation.
An Overview of Cellular Respiration. Glycolysis. The Krebs Cycle. Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis. Fermentation. How Does Cellular Respiration Interact with Other Metabolic Pathways.
Essay: ATP Production During Exercise.
7. Photosynthesis.
What Is Photosynthesis? How Does Chlorophyll Capture Light Energy? The Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. The Calvin Cycle.
Box 7.1: Types of Plastids.
Box 7.2: Why Was the Oxygen Revolution Important?
Essay: Are Rising CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere Affecting Plant Productivity.
8. Cell Division.
Mitosis and the Cell Cycle. How Does Mitosis Take Place? Control of the Cell Cycle. Cancer: Out-of-Control Cell Division.
Box 8.1: Cell-Culture Methods.
Box 8.2: Cell Division in Bacteria.
Essay: Cancer Chemotherapy.
9. Meiosis.
How Does Meiosis Occur? The Consequences of Meiosis? Why Does Meiosis Exist? Why Sex? Mistakes in Meiosis.
Box 9.1: Karyotyping Techniques.
Box 9.2: Experimental Evidence for Physical Exchange of Chromosome Segments During Crossing Over.
Box 9.3: Recombination in Bacteria.
Essay: Seedless Fruits.
10. Mendel and the Gene.
Mendel's Experiments with a Single Trait? Mendel's Experiments with Two Traits. The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance. Testing and Extending the Chromosome Theory. Extending Mendel's Rules.
Box 10.1: Combining Probabilities.
Box 10.2: Sample Size and Chance Fluctuations.
Essay: Does “Genetic Determinism”Exist?
11. How Do Genes Work?
DNA as the Hereditary Material. What Do Genes Do? The Genetic Code? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology.
Box 11.1: RNA Genomes: Exceptions to the Central Dogma.
Essay: How Do Viruses Work?
12. DNA Synthesis, Mutation, and Repair.
Testing Early Hypotheses About DNA Replication. A Comprehensive Model for DNA Synthesis. Analyzing DNA Sequences in the Laboratory. The Molecular Basis of Mutation. Repairing Damaged DNA.
Essay: The Genetic Basis of Cancer.
13. Transcription and Translation.
Transcription in Bacteria. Transcription in Eukaryotes. An Introduction to Translation. The of Transfer RNA. The Ribosome. Post-Transitional Events.
Box 13.1: An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography.
Box 13.2: Prions.
Essay: Transcription, Translation, and Toxins.
14. Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria.
Gene Regulation and Information Flow. Identifying the Genes Involved in Lactose Metabolism. The Discovery of the Repressor. Catabolite Repression and Positive Control. The Operator and the Repressor—An Introduction to DNA-Binding Proteins.
Box 14.1: Gene Transfer in Bacteria.
Box 14.2: Negative Control and Attentuation in the trp Operon.
Box 14.3: DNA Footprinting.
Essay: Controlling the Expression of Disease-Causing Genes.
15. Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes.
Mechanisms of Gene Regulation—An Overview. Eukaryotic DNA and the Regulation of Gene Expression. Regulatory Sequences in DNA. Regulatory Proteins. Post-Transcriptional Processing. Linking Cancer with Defects in Gene Regulation.
Box 15.1: Recombinant DNA Technology.
Box 15.2: Southern Blotting.
Essay: Gene Regulation and the Green Revolution.
16. Genomes.
An Introduction to Whole-Genome Sequencing. Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes. Eukaryotic Genomes. Future Prospects.
Box 16.1: Bioinformatics.
Essay: Genomics and Issues of Privacy.
17. Genetic Engineering and its Applications.
Using Recombinant DNA Techniques to Manufacture Proteins: The Effort to Cure Pituitary Dwarfism. Gene Hunting Based on Pedigree Analysis. Can Gene Therapy Cure Inherited Diseases in Humans? Biotechnology in Agriculture.
Box 17.1: Genome Sequencing and Gene Hunting.
Box 17.2: Genetic Testing.
Essay: Controversies over Genetically Modified Foods.
18. An Introduction to Development.
Developmental Stages and Patterns. Does the Genetic Makeup of Cells Changes as Development Proceeds? What Causes Differential Gene Expression?
Essay: Human Cloning.
19. Early Development.
Gametogenesis. Fertilization. Cleavage. Gastrulation.
Box 19.1: Visualizing mRNAs by Situ Hybridization.
Essay: Treating Human Infertility.
20. What Determines a Cell's Fate?
Pattern Formation in Drosophila. Pattern Formation in Arabidopsis. Differentiation: Becoming a Specialized Cell.
Box 20.1: Maternal Effect Inheritance.
Box 20.2: Programmed Cell Death.
Essay: Human Stem Cells.
21. Darwinism and the Evidence for Evolution.
The Evidence for Evolution. How Natural Selection Works. Evolution in Action: Recent Research on Natural Selection.
Box 21.1: The Evidence for Evolution.
Box 21.2: How Natural Selection Works.
Box 21.3: Evolutionary Theory Before Darwin.
Box 21.4: Problems in Estimating the Heritability of Traits.
Essay: The Debate over “Scientific Creationism” .
22. Evolutionary Processes.
Why is Genetic Diversity Important? Analyzing Allele Frequency Change: The Hardy-Weinberg Principle. Mutation. Migration. Inbreeding. Natural Selection. Sexual Selection.
Essay: Evolutionary Theory and Human Health.
23. Speciation.
Defining and Identifying Species. Isolation and Divergence in Sympatry. Isolation and Divergence in Allopatry. Secondary Contact.
Box 23.1: How Do Researchers Estimate Phylogenetic Trees?
Essay: Human Races.
24. The History of Life.
Tools for Studying History. The Cambrian Explosion. The Genetic Mechanisms of Change. Adaptive Radiations. Mass Extinctions.
Box 24.1: The Molecular Clock.
Essay: Is a Mass Extinction Event Under Way Now?
25. Bacteria and Archaea.
What Are the Bacteria and Archaea? Metabolic Diversity in Bacteria and Archaea? Bacteria, Archaea, and Global Change. Bacterial Diseases.
Box 25.1: Cultural Techniques as a Research Tool.
Essay: Antibiotics and the Evolution of Resistance.
26. Viruses.
What Are the Viruses? What Is HIV? How Does and HIV Infection Begin? How Does HIV Replicate Its Genome? How Are Viral Proteins Translated and Processed? How Are Viruses Transmitted to New Hosts?
Box 26.1: Where Did Viruses Come From?
Essay: Emerging Viruses.
27. Protists.
What Are the Protists? Themes in the Evolution of Protists? The Origin of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts. How Do Protists Affect Human Health and Welfare?
Box 27.1: How Should We Name the Tree of Life's Major Branches?
Essay: Revolutions in Science.
28. Land Plants.
Phylogenies and the Fossil Record: origins and Diversification. The Transition to Land: Key Innovations and Trends. Strategies for Photon Capture. Food, Fuel, and Fiber: Human Use of Pants.
Essay: Genetic Diversity in Crop Plants?
29. Fungi.
What Are the Fungi? Growth, Digestion, and Absorption. Mutualism. Parasitism.
Box 29.1: The Problem of Convergence.
Box 29.2: Fungi at Work.
Essay: Why Are Frogs Dying?
30. Animals.
Origins and Early Diversification. Feeding. Key Innovations in the Radiation of Arthropods. Key Innovations in the Radiation of Vertebrates. Human Evolution.
Essay: So Human An Animal.
31. Plant Form and Function.
The Diversity of Plant Form. Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems. The Anatomy of Plant Growth. Studying Adaptation.
Box 31.1: Nonvascular Plants.
Box 31.2: Monocots and Dicots.
Box 31.3: Tree-Ring Studies.
Essay: Wood as a Structural Material.
32. Water and Sugar Transport in Plants.
Water Potential and Cell-to-Cell Movement. Transpiration and Water Movement from Roots to Leaves. Translocation.
Essay: Irrigated Agriculture.
33. Plant Nutrition.
Nutritional Requirements. Soil. Nutrient Uptake. Nitrogen Fixation. Nutritional Adaptation of Plants.
Essay: Tropical Soils.
34. Sensory Systems in Plants.
Sensing Light. How Do Plants Perceive Gravity? How Do Plants Respond to Touch?
Essay: Can Plants Tell Time?
35. Communication: Chemical Signals.
Phototropism. Apical Dominance. Growth and Dormancy.
Box 35.1: Cytokinins.
Essay: Herbicides.
36. Plant Reproduction.
An Introduction to Plant Reproduction. Reproductive Structures. Pollination and Fertilization. The Seed.
Box 36.1: Pure and Applied Science.
Essay: Why Do Wasps Try to Copulate with Hammer Orchids?
37. Plant Defense Systems.
Barriers to Entry. Plant Poisons. The Cost of Defense. Responding to Pathogens. Responding to Herbivores.
Essay: Chemical Prospecting.
38. Animal Form and Function.
The Nature of Natural Selection. The Nature of Adaptation. Tissues, Organs, and Systems: How Does Structure Correlate with Function? Body Size and Scaling. Homeostasis.
Essay: Is Fever Adaptive?
39. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Animals.
Osmotic Stress and Osmoregulation. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Aquatic Environments. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Invertebrates. Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Vertebrates.
Essay: Life in the Desert.
40. Animal Nutrition.
Nutritional Requirements. Obtaining Food: The Structure and Function of Beaks, Teeth, and Mouthparts. Digestion. Nutritional Homeostasis—Glucose as a Case Study.
Essay: Cholesterol, Heart Disease, and Diet.
41. Gas Exchange and Circulation.
Air and Water as Respiratory Media. Organs of Gas Exchange. Blood. The Circulatory System. Homeostasis in Blood Pressure and Blood Chemistry.
Box 41.1: Measuring Blood Pressure.
Essay: Smoking and Lung Function.
42. Electrical Signals in Animals.
Principles of Electrical Signaling. Dissecting the Action Potential. The Synapse. The Vertebrate Nervous System.
Box 42.1: The Nernst Equation and the Goldman Equation.
Essay: Can Brain Tissue Transplants Help People with Parkinson's Disease?
43. Animal Sensory Systems and Movement.
How Do Sensory Organs Convey Information to the Brain? Hearing? Vision? Taste and Smell. Movement.
Box 43.1: Senses that Humans Don't Have.
Box 43.2: Vertebrate Versus Cephalopod Eyes.
Essay: Sprinters and Marathoners—Born or Made?
44. Chemical Signals in Animals.
Cataloging Hormone Structure and Function. What Do Hormones Do? How Is the Production of Hormones Regulated? How Do Hormones Act on Target Cells?
Box 44.1: A Closer Look at Thyroxine and the Thyroid Gland.
Box 44.2: Oxytocin and ADH.
Essay: Do Humans Produce Pheromones?
45. Animal Reproduction.
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. Fertilization and Egg Development. Reproductive Structures and Their Functions. The Role of Sex Hormones in Mammalian Reproduction. Human Pregnancy and Birth.
Box 45.1: Unusual Aspects of Fertilization.
Box 45.2: Abuse of Synthetic Steroids.
Essay: Contraception.
46. The Immune System in Animals.
Innate Immunity. The Acquired Immune Response: Recognition. The Acquired Immune Response: Activation. The Acquired Immune Response: Culmination.
Box 46.1: Producing Monoclonal Antibodies.
Box 46.2: How Does the Immune System Distinguish Self from Non-Self?
Box 46.3: The ELISA Test.
Essay: Allergies.
47. Behavior.
The Role of Genes. How Animals Act: Neural and Hormonal Control. The Adaptive Consequences of Behavior. The Evolution of Behavior.
Box 47.1: Using Reverse Genetics to Study Behavior.
Box 47.2: Conditional Strategies and the Nature/Nurture Debate.
Box 47.3: The Importance of Observation in Behavioral Studies.
Box 47.4: Calculating the Coefficient of Relatedness.
Essay: Children at Risk.
48. Population Ecology.
Population Growth. How Do the Sizes of Populations Change over Time? Population Structure. Demography and Conservation.
Box 48.1: What's the Best Way to Clean Up an Oil Spill?
Box 48.2: Mark-Recapture Studies.
Essay: What Limits Human Population Growth?
49. Species Interactions.
Parasitism. Predation. Herbivory. Competition. Mutualism.
Essay: Predator Control.
50. Community Ecology.
Climate and the Distribution of Ecological Communities. How Predictable Are Community Assemblages? Species Diversity in Ecological Communities.
Box 50.1: Measuring Species Diversity.
Essay: Let-It-Burn Policies.
51. Ecosystems.
Energy Flow and Trophic Structure. Biogeochemical Cycles.
Essay: Global Warming.
52. Biodiversity and Conservation.
How Many Species Are Being Lost, and Why? Why Should We Care? Setting Conservation Priorities.
Box 52.1: Why Do Small Populations Become Inbred, and Why is Inbreeding Harmful?
Essay: Metaphors for the Future: Easter Island and Guanacaste.
Combined Volume
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Chapter 1, Problem 1TYKChapter 2, Problem 1TYKJustification/ Explanation for the correct answer: Option (d) is given that every amino acid...Chapter 4, Problem 1TYKChapter 5, Problem 2TYKChapter 6, Problem 1TYKChapter 7, Problem 2TYKChapter 8, Problem 2TYKChapter 9, Problem 2TYK
Chapter 10, Problem 1TYKChapter 11, Problem 1TYKChapter 12, Problem 1TYKChapter 13, Problem 2TYKChapter 14, Problem 5TYKChapter 15, Problem 2TYKChapter 16, Problem 1TYKChapter 17, Problem 4TYKExplanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (d) gives that the genes are all controlled...Chapter 19, Problem 1TYKExplanation: Restriction endonuclease enzymes recognize a particular sequence within the genome. The...Explanation/justification for the correct answer: Option (c) is given that the ORF is that section...Chapter 22, Problem 1TYKIn the case of aquatic animals, fertilization (fusion of egg and sperm) is external that is...The plants are sessile organisms that do not move or change their location. The leaves, roots, and...Chapter 25, Problem 2TYKChapter 26, Problem 1TYKChapter 27, Problem 1TYKChapter 28, Problem 1TYKChapter 29, Problem 2TYKChapter 30, Problem 1TYKChapter 31, Problem 1TYKExplanation/justification for the correct answer: Option (a) is given that the mycelial body has a...Explanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (a) is given as multicellularity....Explanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (a) is given as a filter-feeding...Chapter 35, Problem 1TYKExplanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (d) is given as all of the above. The...Chapter 37, Problem 2TYKChapter 38, Problem 1TYKJustification for the correct answer: Option (b) is given as if essential nutrient is missing, a...Explanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (d) is given that phytochrome is not...Chapter 41, Problem 2TYKExplanation: A short-term phenotypic change in the individual’s body in response to the...Explanation/justification for the correct answer: Option (c) is given that water enters epithelial...Explanation for the correct answer: Option (a) is given as secretion of bicarbonate from the...Explanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (d) is given that the function of the...Explanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (b) is given as potassium ion (K+) help to...Chapter 47, Problem 2TYKChapter 48, Problem 1TYKExplanation/Justification for the correct answer: Option (a) is given as steroid hormones being...Explanation/Justification for the correct statement: Option (a) is given as parthenogenesis. The...Chapter 51, Problem 1TYKChapter 52, Problem 1TYKJustification/Explanation for the correct answer: Option (c) is given that the proximate theory...Justification/Explanation for the correct answer: Option (b) is given that the growth rate remains...Chapter 55, Problem 2TYKChapter 56, Problem 1TYKExplanation/justification for the correct answer: Option (a) is given that the species richness...
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