Figure 6.3: Test Statistics Test Statistics a Monetary_compensation Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W 77320.500 125836.500 Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) a. Grouping Variable: MBA Elective studied -.136 .692 With the help of a data analyst, you employed IBM SPSS Statistics version 26 to analyse the data collected and the output of the statistical analysis is depicted in Figures 6.1 to 6.3. Figure 6.1: Group Statistics Group Statistics MBA Elective studied N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Monetary_compensation EM or PM 500 4.325 1.789 0.343 Other electives 311 4.125 1.927 0.534 Figure 6.2: Ranks Test Ranks MBA Elective studied N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Monetary compensation EM or PM 500 406.86 203429.50 Other electives 311 401.62 124903.82 Total 811 Figure 6.3: Test Statistics Test Statisticsa Monetary_compensation 77320.500 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) a. Grouping Variable: MBA Elective studied 125836.500 -.136 .692
Entrepreneurship Management (EM) and Project Management (PM) are among the most popular electives for MBA students. To understand why these electives are popular, a narrative interview was conducted with ten MBA graduates who had selected EM or PM. The findings suggested that MBA students consider these electives as key pathways for enhancing their monetary compensation (i.e., remuneration). As an HR specialist, you are keen to empirically determine whether the choice of electives has a lasting impact on the monetary compensation of MBA graduates. To investigate this, you distributed a questionnaire (same as the one below) to a sample of MBA graduates who obtained their qualification from a prestigious business school in, anonymized as XXX Business School.
1. Based on the background information provided above, specify the objectives of the investigation and
discuss the design employed to achieve them.
2. Using the standard reporting format, provide a comprehensive interpretation of the statistical output in
Figures 6.1 to 6.3. Begin your interpretation by identifying and justifying the chosen inferential test, specifying
whether it is parametric or non-parametric and evaluating its appropriateness for this investigation.
3. Given an estimated response rate of 10% for this study, calculate the total number of MBA graduates who
were initially emailed the e-survey. Critically discuss two potential factors contributing to the low response rate
and propose strategies to enhance response rates in future studies with similar objectives.

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