Solutions for PHYSICS:F/SCI.+ENGRS.,V.1
Problem 5P:
You have been hired by the defense attorney as an expert witness in a lawsuit. The plaintiff is...Problem 6P:
A surveyor measures the distance across a straight river by the following method (Fig. P1.6)....Problem 7P:
A crystalline solid consists of atoms stacked up in a repeating lattice structure. Consider a...Problem 8P:
The position of a particle moving under uniform acceleration is some function of time and the...Problem 10P:
(a) Assume the equation x = At3 + Bt describes the motion of a particular object, with x having the...Problem 11P:
A solid piece of lead has a mass of 23.94 g and a volume of 2.10 cm3. From these data, calculate the...Problem 12P:
Why is the following situation impossible? A students dormitory room measures 3.8 m by 3.6 m, and...Problem 14P:
Let AI represent the density of aluminum and Fe that of iron. Kind the radius of a solid aluminum...Problem 15P:
One gallon of paint (volume = 3.78 103 m3) covers an area of 25.0 m2. What is the thickness of the...Problem 17P:
(a) Compute the order of magnitude of the mass of a bathtub half full of water. (b) Compute the...Problem 18P:
To an order of magnitude, how many piano tuners reside in New York City? The physicist Enrico Fermi...Problem 19P:
Your roommate is playing a video game from the latest Star Wars movie while you are studying...Problem 20P:
How many significant figures are in the following numbers? (a) 78.9 0.2 (b) 3.788 109 (c) 2.46 ...Problem 21P:
The tropical year, the time interval from one vernal equinox to the next vernal equinox, is the...Problem 23P:
Review. In a community college parking lot, the number of ordinary cars is larger than the number of...Problem 25P:
Review. The ratio of the number of sparrows visiting a bird feeder to the number of more interesting...Problem 30AP:
(a) What is the order of magnitude of the number of micro organisms in the human intestinal tract? A...Problem 31AP:
The distance from the Sun to the nearest star is about 4 1016 m. The Milky Way galaxy (Fig. P1.31)...Problem 32AP:
Why is the following situation impossible? In an effort to boost interest in a television game show,...Problem 33AP:
Bacteria and other prokaryotes are found deep underground, in water, and in the air. One micron (106...Problem 34AP:
A spherical shell has an outside radius of 2.60 cm and an inside radius of a. The shell wall has...Problem 35AP:
Air is blown into a spherical balloon so that, when its radius is 6.50 cm, its radius is increasing...Problem 36AP:
In physics, it is important to use mathematical approximations. (a) Demonstrate that for small...Problem 37AP:
The consumption of natural gas by a company satisfies the empirical equation V = 1.50t + 0.008 00t2,...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Physics And MeasurementChapter 1.1 - Standards Of Length, Mass, And TimeChapter 1.3 - Dimensional AnalysisChapter 1.4 - Conversion Of UnitsChapter 2 - Motion In One DimensionChapter 2.1 - Position, Velocity, And Speed Of A ParticleChapter 2.2 - Instantaneous Velocity And SpeedChapter 2.5 - AccelerationChapter 2.6 - Motion DiagramsChapter 2.7 - Analysis Model: Particle Under Constant Acceleration
Chapter 2.8 - Freely Falling ObjectsChapter 3 - VectorsChapter 3.2 - Vector And Scalar QuantitiesChapter 3.3 - Basic Vector ArithmeticChapter 3.4 - Components Of Vector And Unit VectorsChapter 4 - Motion In Two DimensionsChapter 4.1 - The Position, Velocity, And Acceleration VectorsChapter 4.3 - Projectile MotionChapter 4.4 - Analysis Model: Particle In Uniform Circular MotionChapter 4.5 - Tangential And Radial AccelerationChapter 5 - The Laws Of MotionChapter 5.2 - Newton's First Law And Inertial FramesChapter 5.4 - Newton's Second LawChapter 5.5 - The Gravitational Force And WeightChapter 5.6 - Newton's Third LawChapter 5.8 - Force Of FrictionChapter 6 - Circular Motion And Other Applications Of Newton's LawsChapter 6.1 - Extending The Particle In Uniform Circular Motion ModelChapter 6.2 - Nonuniform Circular MotionChapter 6.3 - Motion In Accelerated FramesChapter 6.4 - Motion In The Presence Of Resistive ForcesChapter 7 - Energy Of A SystemChapter 7.2 - Work Done By A Constant ForceChapter 7.3 - The Scalar Product Of Two VectorsChapter 7.4 - Work Done By A Varying ForceChapter 7.5 - Kinetic Energy And The Work-kinetic Energy TheoremChapter 7.6 - Potential Energy Of A SystemChapter 7.8 - Relationship Between Conservative Forces And Potential EnergyChapter 8 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 8.1 - Analysis Model: Nonisolated System(energy)Chapter 8.2 - Analysis Model: Isolated System(energy)Chapter 8.3 - Situations Involving Kinetic FrictionChapter 9 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 9.1 - Linear MomentumChapter 9.3 - Analsis Model: Nonisolated System(momentum)Chapter 9.4 - Collisions In One DimensionChapter 9.6 - The Center Of MassChapter 9.7 - Systems Of Many ParticlesChapter 10 - Rotation Of A Rigid Object About A Fixed AxisChapter 10.1 - Angular Position, Velocity, And AccelerationChapter 10.2 - Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under Constant Angular AccelerationChapter 10.3 - Angular And Translational QuantitiesChapter 10.4 - TorqueChapter 10.5 - Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under A Net TorqueChapter 10.7 - Rotational Kinetic EnergyChapter 10.9 - Rolling Motion Of A Right ObjectChapter 11 - Angular MomentumChapter 11.1 - The Vector Product And TorqueChapter 11.2 - Analysis Model: Nonisolated System(angular Momentum)Chapter 11.3 - Angular Momentum Of A Rotating Rigid ObjectChapter 11.4 - Analysis Model: Isolated System(angular Momentum)Chapter 12 - Static Equilibrium And ElasticityChapter 12.1 - Analysis Model: Rigid Objects In EquilibriumChapter 12.2 - More On The Center Of GravityChapter 12.4 - Elastic Properties Of SolidsChapter 13 - Universal GravitationChapter 13.1 - Newton's Law Of Universal GravitationChapter 13.2 - Free-fall Acceleration And The Gravitational ForceChapter 13.4 - Kepler's Laws And The Motion Of PlanetsChapter 13.6 - Energy Considerations In Planetary And Satellite MotionChapter 14 - Fluid MechanicsChapter 14.1 - PressureChapter 14.2 - Variation Of Pressure With DepthChapter 14.3 - Pressure MeasurementsChapter 14.4 - Buoyant Forces And Archimedes's PrincipleChapter 14.6 - Bernoulli's EquationChapter 15 - Oscillatory MotionChapter 15.1 - Motion Of An Object Attached To A SpringChapter 15.2 - Analysis Model: Particle In Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 15.4 - Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion With Uniform Circular MotionChapter 15.5 - The PendulumChapter 16 - Wave MotionChapter 16.1 - Propagation Of A DisturbanceChapter 16.2 - Analysis Model: Traveling WaveChapter 16.3 - The Speed Of Waves On StringChapter 16.4 - Rate Of Energy Transfer By Sinusoidal Waves On StringsChapter 16.6 - Sound WavesChapter 16.8 - Intensity Of Sound WavesChapter 16.9 - The Doppler EffectChapter 17 - Superposition And Standing WavesChapter 17.1 - Analysis Model: Waves In InterferenceChapter 17.2 - Standing WavesChapter 17.4 - Analysis Model: Waves Under Boundary ConditionsChapter 17.6 - Standing Waves In Air ColumnsChapter 18 - TemperatureChapter 18.1 - Temperature And The Zeroth Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 18.3 - The Constant-volume Gas Thermometer And The Absolute Temperature ScaleChapter 18.4 - Thermal Expansion Of Solids And LiquidsChapter 18.5 - Macroscopic Description Of An Ideal GasChapter 19 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 19.2 - Specific Heat And CalorimetryChapter 19.3 - Latent HeatChapter 19.5 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 19.6 - Energy Transfer Mechanisms In Thermal ProcessesChapter 20 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 20.1 - Molecular Model Of An Ideal GasChapter 20.2 - Molar Specific Heat Of An Ideal GasChapter 20.3 - The Equipartition Of EnergyChapter 21 - Heat Engines, Entropy, And The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 21.1 - Heat Engines, Entropy, And The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 21.2 - Heat Pumps And RefrigeratorsChapter 21.4 - The Carnot EngineChapter 21.6 - EntropyChapter 21.7 - Entropy In Thermodynamic SystemsChapter 22 - Electricity And MagnetismChapter 22.1 - Properties Of Electric ChargesChapter 22.2 - Charging Objects By InductionChapter 22.3 - Coulomb's LawChapter 22.4 - Analysis Model: Particle In A Field(electric)Chapter 22.5 - Electric Field LinesChapter 23 - Continuous Charge Distributions And Gauss's LawChapter 23.2 - Electric FluxChapter 23.3 - Gauss's LawChapter 24 - Electric PotentialChapter 24.1 - Electric Potential And Potential DifferenceChapter 24.2 - Potential Difference In A Uniform Electric FieldChapter 24.3 - Electric Potential And Potential Energy Due To Point ChargesChapter 24.4 - Obtaining The Value Of The Electric Field From The Electric PotentialChapter 25 - Capacitance And DielectricsChapter 25.1 - Definition Of CapacitanceChapter 25.2 - Calculating CapacitanceChapter 25.3 - Combinations Of CapacitorsChapter 25.4 - Energy Stored In A Charged CapacitorChapter 25.5 - Capacitors With DielectricsChapter 26 - Current And ResistanceChapter 26.1 - Electric CurrentChapter 26.2 - ResistanceChapter 26.4 - Resistance And TemperatureChapter 27 - Direct-current CircuitsChapter 27.1 - Electromotive ForceChapter 27.2 - Resistors In Series And ParallelChapter 27.4 - Rc CircuitsChapter 28 - Magnetic FieldsChapter 28.1 - Analysis Model: Particle In A Field(magnetic)Chapter 28.2 - Motion Of Charged Particle In A Uniform Magnetci FieldChapter 28.4 - Magnetci Force Acting On A Current-carrying ConductorChapter 28.5 - Torque On A Current Loop In A Uniform Magnetic FieldChapter 29 - Sources Of The Magnetic FieldChapter 29.1 - The Biot-savart LawChapter 29.2 - The Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel ConductorsChapter 29.3 - Ampere's LawChapter 29.4 - The Magnetic Field Of A SolenoidChapter 30 - Faraday's LawChapter 30.1 - Faraday's Law Of InductionChapter 30.2 - Motional EmfChapter 30.3 - Lenz's LawChapter 30.5 - Generators And MotorsChapter 31 - InductanceChapter 31.1 - Self-induction And InductanceChapter 31.2 - Rl CircuitsChapter 31.3 - Energy In A Magnetic FieldChapter 31.4 - Mutual InductanceChapter 31.5 - Oscillations In Lc CircuitChapter 32 - Alternating-current CircuitsChapter 32.2 - Resistors In An Ac CircuitChapter 32.3 - Inductors In An Ac CircuitChapter 32.4 - Capacitors In An Ac CircuitChapter 32.5 - The Rlc Series CircuitChapter 32.6 - Power In An Ac CircuitChapter 32.7 - Resonance In A Series Rlc CircuitChapter 33 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 33.1 - Displacement Current And The General Form Of Ampere's LawChapter 33.3 - Plane Electromagnetic WavesChapter 33.5 - Momentum And Radiation PressureChapter 33.6 - Production Of Electromagnetic Waves By An AntennaChapter 33.7 - The Spectrum Of Electromagnetic WavesChapter 34 - The Nature Of Light And The Principles Of Ray OpticsChapter 34.3 - Analysis Model: Wave Under ReflectionChapter 34.4 - Analysis Model: Wave Under RefractionChapter 34.6 - DispersionChapter 34.7 - Total Internal ReflectionChapter 35 - Image FonnationChapter 35.1 - Images Formed By Flat MirrorsChapter 35.2 - Images Formed By SphericalmirrorsChapter 35.3 - Images Formed By RefractionChapter 35.4 - Images Formed By Thin LensesChapter 35.6 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 36 - Wave OpticsChapter 36.2 - Analysis Model:waves In InterferenceChapter 36.3 - Intensity Distribution Of The Double-slit Interference PatternChapter 36.5 - Interference In Thin FilmsChapter 37 - Diffraction Patterns And PolarizationChapter 37.2 - Diffraction Patterns Firom Narrow SlitsChapter 37.3 - Resolution Of Single-slit And Circular AperturesChapter 37.4 - The Diffraction GratingChapter 37.6 - Polar Zation Of LightwavesChapter 38 - RelativityChapter 38.1 - The Princ Ple Of Ga Lilean RelativityChapter 38.4 - Consequences Of The Special Theory Of ReativityChapter 38.6 - The Lorentz Velocity Transformation EquationsChapter 38.8 - Relativistic Energy
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for PHYSICS:F/SCI.+ENGRS.,V.1 homework problems. See examples below:
The average mass of the Earth is 5.97×1024 kg and the mean radius of the Earth is 6.37×106 m. Write...Chapter 1, Problem 10PThe mass of one cubic meter aluminum is 2.70×103 kg and the mass of one cubic meter iron is 7.86×103...Chapter 1, Problem 34APChapter 2, Problem 1PChapter 2, Problem 9PChapter 2, Problem 10PChapter 2, Problem 23PChapter 2, Problem 43CP
Chapter 3, Problem 1PChapter 3, Problem 28PChapter 3, Problem 29PChapter 3, Problem 33PChapter 3, Problem 46CPChapter 4, Problem 1PChapter 4, Problem 4PChapter 4, Problem 13PChapter 4, Problem 37APChapter 4, Problem 43APChapter 4, Problem 44APChapter 5, Problem 1PChapter 5, Problem 31PChapter 5, Problem 39APChapter 5, Problem 40APChapter 5, Problem 51CPChapter 5, Problem 53CPChapter 6, Problem 1PChapter 6, Problem 6PChapter 6, Problem 12PChapter 6, Problem 19PChapter 6, Problem 47CPChapter 6, Problem 48CPChapter 7, Problem 1PChapter 7, Problem 8PChapter 7, Problem 27PChapter 7, Problem 32PThe mass of an object is 5.00 kg, the magnitude of the first force is 25.0 N at an angle of 35.0°...Chapter 7, Problem 50CPA ball of mass m falls from a height h to the floor. From the conservation of energy, the total...The mass of the child is m, the height of the slide is h and the height from where she launch into...The mass of the empty car is 250 kg , the height of the track is 110 m ,the total length of the...Chapter 8, Problem 26APChapter 8, Problem 44CPChapter 9, Problem 1PChapter 9, Problem 28PChapter 9, Problem 34PChapter 9, Problem 37APChapter 9, Problem 47APChapter 9, Problem 51APChapter 10, Problem 1PChapter 10, Problem 33PChapter 10, Problem 39APChapter 10, Problem 40APChapter 10, Problem 44CPThe vector M→ is 2i^−3j^+k^ and the vector N→ is 4i^+5j^−2k^. The cross product of the two vectors...Chapter 11, Problem 14PChapter 11, Problem 33APChapter 11, Problem 37APChapter 11, Problem 38APChapter 11, Problem 41APChapter 12, Problem 1PChapter 12, Problem 12PChapter 12, Problem 27APChapter 12, Problem 35APChapter 12, Problem 40APChapter 13, Problem 1PThe initial speed of the vehicle is vi, the escape speed of space vehicle is vesc and the height of...The maximum distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1.521×1011 m and the distance of closest approach...The mass of the satellite is 100 kg. The initial altitude of the satellite is 200 km and the final...A object of mass m is distance from the Earth’s center is 1.20×107 m. Figure I Formula to calculate...Chapter 14, Problem 1PChapter 14, Problem 12PChapter 14, Problem 24PThe mass of the balloon is 0.250 kg tied to a uniform length 2.00 m and mass 0.050 kg. The balloon...Chapter 14, Problem 36APChapter 14, Problem 46APChapter 15, Problem 1PChapter 15, Problem 5PChapter 15, Problem 14PThe formula to calculate amplitude is, A=Lθ Here, L is the length of pendulum and θ is the displaced...Chapter 15, Problem 47APChapter 15, Problem 48CPChapter 16, Problem 1PAny function is a solution of linear wave equation in general if it satisfies the equation...Chapter 16, Problem 41PThe wave function for string is given as, y(x,t)=(A0e−bx)sin(kx−ωt) Formula to calculate the...Chapter 16, Problem 53APChapter 16, Problem 54APChapter 16, Problem 60CPChapter 17, Problem 1PChapter 17, Problem 6PChapter 17, Problem 10PChapter 17, Problem 24PChapter 17, Problem 40APExplanation: Given info: The frequency of wave is f , the amplitude of wave is A . The period of...Given info: The normal human body temperature in degree Fahrenheit is 98.6 °F . In the new scale the...Chapter 18, Problem 13PChapter 18, Problem 31APChapter 18, Problem 35APChapter 18, Problem 44CPExplanation: Given information: Mass of the woman is 55.0 kg and energy in one doughnut is 540...Chapter 19, Problem 22PExplanation: Given info: The radius of copper disk is 28.0 m , thickness of copper disk is 1.20 m ,...Explanation: Given info: The mass of one bullet is 12.0 g , mass of second bullet is 8.00 g , speed...Chapter 19, Problem 46CPChapter 20, Problem 1PChapter 20, Problem 21PSpeed of molecule 1 is 3.00 km/s, Speed of molecule 2 is 4.00 km/s, Speed of molecule 3 is 5.80...Chapter 20, Problem 38APValue of average speed is vmp50.0. Write the expression for the Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution...Chapter 21, Problem 1PChapter 21, Problem 15PChapter 21, Problem 36APChapter 21, Problem 37APChapter 21, Problem 47CPChapter 22, Problem 1PChapter 22, Problem 12PChapter 22, Problem 26PChapter 22, Problem 35APChapter 22, Problem 38APChapter 23, Problem 1PChapter 23, Problem 5PChapter 23, Problem 8PChapter 23, Problem 9PChapter 23, Problem 26PChapter 23, Problem 33PChapter 24, Problem 1PChapter 24, Problem 6PChapter 24, Problem 12PChapter 24, Problem 18PChapter 24, Problem 44APChapter 24, Problem 48CPChapter 25, Problem 1PChapter 25, Problem 10PChapter 25, Problem 11PChapter 25, Problem 18PChapter 25, Problem 23PChapter 25, Problem 49CPGiven information: Length of the high voltage transmission line is 200 km , diameter of the...Chapter 26, Problem 6PChapter 26, Problem 34APChapter 26, Problem 38APChapter 26, Problem 41APExplanation: Given information: Th first symbol i.e. Euler’s number is e , the second symbol i.e....Chapter 27, Problem 1PChapter 27, Problem 10PChapter 27, Problem 15PChapter 27, Problem 17PChapter 27, Problem 22PChapter 27, Problem 45APChapter 28, Problem 1PChapter 28, Problem 8PChapter 28, Problem 18PChapter 28, Problem 28PChapter 28, Problem 34PChapter 28, Problem 51CPChapter 29, Problem 1PGiven Info: The current flowing through the conductor is 2.00 A , distance between corner of square...Chapter 29, Problem 8PChapter 29, Problem 21PChapter 29, Problem 42APExplanation: Given info: The given figure is shown below: Figure (1) Write the expression for the...Chapter 30, Problem 1PChapter 30, Problem 6PChapter 30, Problem 32APChapter 30, Problem 47APChapter 30, Problem 48CPChapter 30, Problem 51CPExplanation: Given Info: The inductance of the given inductor is 2.00 H , steady current is 0.500 A...Given info: value of resistance R is 4.00 Ω , inductance of the circuit is 1.00 H and emf of the...Chapter 31, Problem 16PChapter 31, Problem 46APChapter 31, Problem 47APExplanation: Given info: The battery emf is 18.0 V , inductance is 0.500 H , first resistance is...Chapter 32, Problem 1PChapter 32, Problem 16PChapter 32, Problem 39APExplanation: Given info: The value of resistance is 150 Ω , value of inductance is 0.250 H , value...Chapter 32, Problem 44APChapter 32, Problem 49CPExplanation: Given info: The current is 0.200 A , the radius of the circular plate is 10.0 cm and...Chapter 33, Problem 26PChapter 33, Problem 34APChapter 33, Problem 46APGiven info: The weight of the black cat is 5.50 kg , the weight of the kittens is 0.800 kg , the...Explanation: Given info: The frequency of the wave is 90.0 MHz and the peak value of the electric...Explanation: Given info: The distance between the light source and the mirror was 11.45 km , no of...Explanation: Given info: The wavelength of sound wave is 589 nm and angle of incidence is 13.0° ....Chapter 34, Problem 18PGiven Info: Explanation: Write the expression for snell’s law for prism to calculate angle of...Explanation: Given info: The condition for light ray travelling between air and a diamond is shown...Chapter 34, Problem 32APChapter 35, Problem 1PExplanation: Given info: The radius of curvature of the curved plastic is 2.25 m . The refractive...Chapter 35, Problem 26PChapter 35, Problem 30PExplanation: Given info: The initial position of the object is 0 cm , the focal length of the...Chapter 35, Problem 56CPChapter 36, Problem 1PChapter 36, Problem 10PChapter 36, Problem 14PChapter 36, Problem 18PChapter 36, Problem 22PChapter 36, Problem 49CPChapter 37, Problem 1PChapter 37, Problem 8PChapter 37, Problem 18PChapter 37, Problem 32PExplanation: Formula to calculate the angles of bright beams diffracted from the grafting is,...Explanation: Given info: The equation of the intensity of the light in the diffraction pattern is...Chapter 38, Problem 1PExplanation: Given info: The speed limit is 90.0 km/h and the fine for driving at 190 E is $80.0 ....Chapter 38, Problem 35PChapter 38, Problem 41PExplanation: Given info: The given equation is K=(11−u2/c2−1)mc2 . The equation for the kinetic...Chapter 38, Problem 54CP
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