Solutions for Mechanics of Materials
Problem 3.1FP:
Define a homogeneous material.Problem 3.2FP:
Indicate the points on the stress-strain diagram which represent the proportional limit and the...Problem 3.3FP:
Define the modulus of elasticity E.Problem 3.5FP:
Engineering stress and strain are calculated using the actual cross-sectional area and length of the...Problem 3.7FP:
A 100-mm-long rod has a diameter of 15 mm. If an axial tensile load of 100 kN is applied, determine...Problem 3.8FP:
A bar has a length of 8 in. and cross-sectional area of 12 in2. Determine the modulus of elasticity...Problem 3.9FP:
A 10-mm-diameter rod has a modulus of elasticity of E = 100 GPa. If it is 4 m long and subjected to...Problem 3.10FP:
The material for the 50-mm-long specimen has the stress-strain diagram shown. If P = 100 kN,...Problem 3.11FP:
The material for the 50-mm-long specimen has the stress-strain diagram shown. If P = 150 kN is...Problem 3.12FP:
If the elongation of wire BC is 0.2 mm after the force P is applied, determine the magnitude of P....Problem 3.1P:
A tension test was performed on a steel specimen having an original diameter of 0.503 in. and gage...Problem 3.2P:
Data taken from a stress-strain test for a ceramic are given in the table. The curve is linear...Problem 3.3P:
Data taken from a stress-strain test for a ceramic are given in the table. The curve is linear...Problem 3.4P:
The stress-strain diagram for a steel alloy having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and a gage length...Problem 3.5P:
The stress-strain diagram for a steel alloy having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and a gage length...Problem 3.6P:
The stress-strain diagram for a steel alloy having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and a gage length...Problem 3.7P:
The rigid beam is supported by a pin at C and an A-36 steel guy wire AB. If the wire has a diameter...Problem 3.8P:
The rigid beam is supported by a pin at C and an A-36 steel guy wire AB. If the wire has a diameter...Problem 3.9P:
Acetal plastic has a stress-strain diagram as shown. If a bar of this material has a length of 3 ft...Problem 3.10P:
The stress-strain diagram for an aluminum alloy specimen having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and...Problem 3.11P:
The stress-strain diagram for an aluminum alloy specimen having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and...Problem 3.12P:
The stress-strain diagram for an aluminum alloy specimen having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and...Problem 3.13P:
A bar having a length of 5 in. and cross-sectional area of 0.7 in.2 is subjected to an axial force...Problem 3.14P:
The rigid pipe is supported by a pin at A and an A-36 steel guy wire BD. If the wire has a diameter...Problem 3.15P:
The rigid pipe is supported by a pin at A and an A-36 guy wire BD. If the wire has a diameter of...Problem 3.16P:
Direct tension indicators are sometimes used instead of torque wrenches to ensure that a bolt has a...Problem 3.17P:
The rigid beam is supported by a pin at C and an A992 steel guy wire AB of length 6 ft. If the wire...Problem 3.18P:
The rigid beam is supported by a pin at C and an A992 steel guy wire AB of length 6 ft. If the wire...Problem 3.19P:
The stress-strain diagram for a bone is shown, and can be described by the equation = 0.45 (106) ...Problem 3.20P:
The stress-strain diagram for a bone is shown and can be described by the equation = 0.45 (106) +...Problem 3.21P:
The two bars are made of a material that has the stress-strain diagram shown. If the cross-sectional...Problem 3.22P:
The two bars are made of a material that has the stress-strain diagram shown. Determine the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - StressChapter 1.2 - Equilibrium Of A Deformable BodyChapter 1.5 - Average Shear StressChapter 1.7 - Limit State DesignChapter 2.2 - StrainChapter 3 - Mechanical Properties Of MaterialsChapter 3.4 - Strain EnergyChapter 3.7 - Failure Of Materials Due To Creep And FatigueChapter 4 - Axial LoadChapter 4.2 - Elastic Deformation Of An Axially Loaded Member
Chapter 4.5 - The Force Method Of Analysis For Axially Loaded MembersChapter 4.6 - Thermal StressChapter 4.9 - Residual StressChapter 5 - TorsionChapter 5.3 - Power TransmissionChapter 5.4 - Angle Of TwistChapter 5.5 - Statically Indeterminate Torque-Loaded MembersChapter 5.7 - Thin-Walled Tubes Having Closed Cross SectionsChapter 5.10 - Residual StressChapter 6 - BendingChapter 6.2 - Graphical Method For Constructing Shear And Moment DiagramsChapter 6.4 - The Flexure FormulaChapter 6.5 - Unsymmetric BendingChapter 6.9 - Stress ConcentrationsChapter 6.10 - Inelastic BendingChapter 7 - Transverse ShearChapter 7.2 - The Shear FormulaChapter 7.3 - Shear Flow In Built-up MemebersChapter 7.5 - Shear Center For Open Thin Walled MembersChapter 8 - Combined LoadingsChapter 8.1 - Thin-Walled Pressure VesselsChapter 8.2 - State Of Stress Caused By Combined LoadingsChapter 9 - Stress TransformationChapter 9.3 - Principal Stresses And Maximum in-Plane Shear StressChapter 9.4 - Mohr's Circle plane-stressChapter 9.5 - Absolute Maximum Shear StressChapter 10 - Strain TransformationChapter 10.3 - Mohr's Circle plane-strainChapter 10.5 - Strain RossettesChapter 10.6 - Material-Property RelationshipsChapter 10.7 - Theories Of FailureChapter 11 - Design Of Beams And ShaftsChapter 11.2 - Prismatic Beam DesignChapter 11.4 - Shaft DesignChapter 12 - Deflection Beams And ShaftsChapter 12.2 - Slope And Displacement By IntegrationChapter 12.3 - Discontinuity FunctionsChapter 12.4 - Slope And Displacement By Moment Area MethodChapter 12.5 - Method Of SuperpositionChapter 12.7 - Statically Indeterminate Beams And Shafts-Method Of IntegrationChapter 12.8 - Statically Indeterminate Beams And Shafts-Moment Area MethodChapter 12.9 - Statically Indeterminate Beams And Shafts-Method Of SuperpositionChapter 13 - Buckling Of ColumnsChapter 13.3 - Columns Having Various Types Of SupportsChapter 13.5 - Inelastic BucklingChapter 13.6 - Design Of Columns For Concentric LoadingChapter 13.7 - Design Of Columns For Eccentric LoadingChapter 14 - Energy MethodsChapter 14.2 - Elastic Strain Energy For Various Types Of LoadingChapter 14.3 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 14.4 - Impact LoadingChapter 14.6 - Method Of Virtual Forces Applied To TrussesChapter 14.7 - Method Of Virtual Forces Applied To BeamsChapter 14.9 - Castigliano's Theorem Applied To TrussesChapter 14.10 - Castigliano's Theorem Applied To Beams
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