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Chapter 1 - Biochemistry: An Evolving ScienceChapter 2 - Protein Composition And StructureChapter 3 - Exploring Proteins And ProteomesChapter 4 - Dna, Rna, And The Flow Of Genetic InformationChapter 5 - Exploring Genes And GenomesChapter 6 - Exploring Evolution And BioinformaticsChapter 7 - Hemoglobin: Portrait Of A Protein In ActionChapter 8 - Enzymes: Basic Concepts And KineticsChapter 9 - Catalytic StrategiesChapter 10 - Regulatory Strategies
Chapter 11 - CarbohydratesChapter 12 - Lipids And Cell MembranesChapter 13 - Membrane Channels And PumpsChapter 14 - Signal-transduction PathwaysChapter 15 - Metabolism: Basic Concepts And DesignChapter 16 - Glycolysis And GluconeogenesisChapter 17 - The Citric Acid CycleChapter 18 - Oxidative PhosphorylationChapter 19 - The Light Reactions Of PhotosynthesisChapter 20 - The Calvin Cycle And The Pentose Phosphate PathwayChapter 21 - Glycogen MetabolismChapter 22 - Fatty Acid MetabolismChapter 23 - Protein Turnover And Amino Acid CatabolismChapter 24 - The Biosynthesis Of Amino AcidsChapter 25 - Nucleotide BiosynthesisChapter 26 - The Biosynthesis Of Membrane Lipids And SteroidsChapter 27 - The Integration Of MetabolismChapter 28 - Drug DevelopmentChapter 29 - Dna Replication, Repair, And RecombinationChapter 30 - Dna Replication, Repair, And RecombinationChapter 31 - Protein SynthesisChapter 32 - The Control Of Gene Expression In ProkaryotesChapter 33 - The Control Of Gene Expression In EukaryotesChapter 34 - Sensory SystemsChapter 35 - The Immune SystemChapter 36 - Molecular Motors
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The hydrogen bonding between guanine (G) - cytosine (C), and adenine (A) − thymine (T) is shown...Rearrange equation (1) for [H+] , [H+]=10−pH ...... (4) The value of pH the solution is 7.4....The ratio of concentrations of H2PO4− and HPO42− is calculated by the following equation:...In the given condition there are two cases which is mentioned as below, Case I- Concentration of...The given structure of amino acids (A-D) are: The amino acid in structure A is proline. It is one of...The reagent used in the determination of the amino acid sequence of a small peptide is phenyl...Given: Precipitation of a protein with 1 M ( NH4)2SO4. 1 ml of the sample is dialyzing in 1000 ml of...The formula to calculate specific activity of the protein is as follows: Specific activity=total...Nucleoside consists of nitrogen base along with sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without phosphate....
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) possesses the high temperature due to which the natural or other...The given alignments of proteins are shown below. 1. WYLGKITRMDAEVLLKKPTVRDGGHFLVTQCESSPGEF2....It is given that the myoglobin protein is found in the sperm whale and its muscle is the rich source...The values of n=1.8 and P50=10 torr are substituted to the Hill equation and the partial pressure of...On the basis of the given data for oxygen-binding for lamprey hemoglobin, the graph of fractional...The two main properties of enzymes due to which they work as the catalysts are given as follows....The given reaction for the conversion of substrate (S) to product (P) is, S⇄10−6 s−110−4 s−1P. The...(a) The given value of Keq' is 1. The standard temperature is 25°C. The conversion of degrees...The given data is shown below. [Penicillinase] μM Amount hydrolyzed ( nmol) 1 0.11 3 0.25 5 0.34 10...The given concentration of enzyme is 100 μM. The given data is showing the different values of...Given: Chymotrypsin is an enzyme that is used for the cleavage of protein through hydrolysis...The enzyme, aspartate transcarbamoylase contains two polypeptides which are having different roles....Carbohydrates are also known as saccharides. These are the molecular compounds that are made of...When two sugars vary in their configuration around one carbon atom then those sugars are known as...Lipid bilayers are two-dimensional fluids which are a universal basis of the cell membrane. Membrane...Passive transport methods can be classified into two types via simple and facilitated diffusion. It...The expression to calculate the free-energy change is as follows: ΔG=RTln(c2c1)+ZFΔV ....... (1)...Given Information: Intracellular concentration of chloride ion, [Cl−]in = 4mM Extracellular...In order to activate the protein kinases, phosphorylation can be done either on serine or on...The entire set of biochemical reactions that occur inside the cells of a living organism and is...The given reversible reaction is given below. ATP+creatine⇌creatine phosphate+ADP. The standard...The given reversible reaction is, ATP+pyruvate⇌phosphoenolpyruvate+ADP. The standard Gibbs free...The reaction that is catalysis by the enzyme aldolase in the glycolytic pathway is given as follows....Given: Two molecules of NADH and two molecules of ATP. Two molecules of NAD+ and two molecules ATP....During glycolysis, two molecules of pyruvate are formed. The reaction is as follows:...Given information: 1 mM (0.001M) of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is incubated with aldolase under...Explanation/justification for the correct answer: Option (a) NAD+ , lipoic acid, thiamine...The eighth step of citric acid cycle includes the oxidation by NAD+. In this step, the oxidation of...The balanced reaction for the conversion of pyruvate to alpha-ketoglutaratealong with the cofactors...Reason for correct option: Option (b) is complex II. Respirasomes are the supramolecular compounds...Reason for the correct answer: Option (c) Cristae. It is a fold in the inner membrane of a...Photosynthesis consists of two main stages - light reaction and dark reaction. In light reaction,...A photon can be introduced as a piece of energy which has no mass. The speed of a photon is equal to...Thioredoxin is a class of small redox proteins known to be present in all organisms, including...Reason for correct option: Option (d) It is dependent on the light reactions: The Calvin cycle is...Photosynthesis happens via two main stages as light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction...6-phosphoglucono-⏹-lactone is an intramolecular ester formed by the reaction of C-1 carboxyl group...The breakdown of glycogen is divided into three steps-(i) release of glucose from glycogen (ii)...Triacylglycerols are found in almost all body cells, especially in the liver and the intestine...A protein has a 3-dimensional structure that is not accessible to the proteolytic enzymes. It...Reason for correct option: Option (a) is nitrogenase. Nitrogenase is the metalloenzyme that is...Reason for correct option: Option (c) is aspartate and carbamoyl phosphate. Only two precursors,...Reason for correct option: Option (d) Phosphatidate. Phosphatidate is formed during the initial step...During the phospholipid production, phosphatidate usually reacts with Cytidine triphosphate or CTP....Reason for correct option: Option (d) is adipose tissue. Adipose tissue stores large amounts of fats...The given rate of energy expenditure corresponding to a 70 kg person at resting position is 70 watt....The penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. He grew more penicillium mold as he...It is given that the enzymes, DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase and topoisomerase I help in catalyzing...If the left chain is the coding chain, one reads from the 5’ end above downwards. So, the code is...Reason for correct option: Option (c) is three nucleotides encode an amino acid. A codon is a set of...The function of lac repressor is to sense the lactose. It blocks the operon transcription in the...Given information: The histone octamer is at pH 7, and histidine neutralizes at this pH. Histone H2A...Given: The neuron AWA express receptors, to which the normal nematodes are attracted. Another neuron...The difference between the adaptive and innate immunity is given below: Adaptive immunity Innate...The formula for ΔG is, ΔG=RTlnKd ....... (1) Where, ΔG is the change in the Gibbs free energy. R is...The dissociation constant is defined as the breaking of larger molecules into its smaller units or...During the respiration, ATP molecules are formed in the eukaryotic cells. These ATP molecules stores...
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