Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780073529592
Author: Giorgio Rizzoni Professor of Mechanical Engineering, James A. Kearns Dr.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
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Chapter 5, Problem 5.79HP
To determine

The time t at which value of v=7.5V .

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Answer to Problem 5.79HP

The value of t for which the voltage v is 7.5V is 0.873s .

Explanation of Solution


The given circuit is shown in Figure 1

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Chapter 5, Problem 5.79HP , additional homework tip  1

For time t<0, the circuit is in steady state and the capacitor terminals are open circuited, mark the value and redraw the circuit.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 2

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Chapter 5, Problem 5.79HP , additional homework tip  2

The value for the current through the resistance of 3Ω is calculated as,

  I1=( 5Ω 5Ω+3Ω)(20A)=12.5A

The value for the current through the resistance of 3Ω is calculated as,

  I2=( 3Ω 3Ω+5Ω)(20A)=7.5A

The expression for the initial voltage across the capacitor C1 is given by,


Substitute 12.5A for I1 in the above equation.


The expression for the initial voltage across the capacitor C2 is given by,


Substitute 7.5A for I1 in the above equation.


For time t>0, the circuit is source free, mark the values and redraw the circuit

The required diagram is shown in Figure 3

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Chapter 5, Problem 5.79HP , additional homework tip  3

Apply KCL to the node VC1 of the circuit.

  C1[d V C1dtVC1(0)]V C1V C23Ω=0( d V C1 dt)+C1[VC1(0)]V C1V C23Ω=0

Substitute 37.5V for VC1(0) and 16F for C1 in the above equation.

  (16F)( d V C1 dt)+(16F)[37.5V]V C1V C23Ω=016dV C1dt+V C1V C23Ω=6.25   .......... (1)

Apply KCL to the node VC2 .

  V C1V C23ΩC2[d V C2dtVC2(0)]V C22Ω=0V C1V C23ΩC2dV C2dt+C2[VC2(0)]V C22Ω=0

Substitute 15V for VC2(0) and 16F for C2 in the above equation.

  V C1V C23Ω(16F)dV C2dt+(16F)[15V]V C22Ω=0V C1316dV C2dt5V C26=2.5VC1=7.5+0.5dV C2dt+2.5VC2

Substitute 7.5+0.5dVC2dt+2.5VC2 for VC1 in the above equation.

  16ddt[7.5+0.5d V C2dt+2.5VC2]+7.5+0.5 d V C2 dt+2.5V C2V C23Ω=6.2516[0.5 d 2 V C2dt+2.5d V C2dt]+2.5+0.166dV C2dt+0.833VC2V C23=6.250.083d2V C2dt2+0.582dV C2dt+0.5VC2=3.750.166d2V C2dt+1.166dV C2dt+VC2=7.5   .......... (2)

The standard second order equation for the above equation is given by,


From above and from equation (2), the natural frequency of the circuit is calculated as,


The damping ratio of the circuit is calculated as,


Substitute 2.45rad/s for ωn in the above equation.


The general equation for the voltage across the capacitor is given by,

  VC2(t)=α1e(ςωn+ωn ς 2 1)t+α2e(ςωnωn ς 2 1)t+VC2()

Substitute 1.43 for ς and 2.45rad/s for ωn in the above equation.

  VC2(t)=α1e( ( 2.45 rad/s )+( 2.45 rad/s ) ( 1.43 ) 2 1 )t+α2e( ( 1.43 )( 2.45 rad/s )( 2.45 rad/s ) ( 1.43 ) 2 1 )t+VC2()=α1et+α2e6t+VC2()

Substitute 0 for VC2() in the above equation.

  VC2(t)=α1et+α2e6t   .......... (3)

Substitute 0 for t in the above equation.


Substitute 15V for VC2(0) in the above equation.

  15V=α1+α2α1=15Vα2   .......... (4)

Apply KCL to the node VC1 in the circuit shown in Figure 3

  V C1V C23ΩC2[d V C2( t)dt]V C22Ω=0C2( d V C2 ( t ) dt)=V C13V C23V C22

Substitute 16F for C2 in the above equation.

  (16F)( d V C2 ( t ) dt)=V C13V C23V C22(16F)( d V C2 ( t ) dt)=V C135V C26dV C2(t)dt=2VC15VC2

Substitute 0 for t, 37.5V for VC1(0) and 15V for VC2(0) in the above equation.

  dV C2(t)dt=2(37.5V)5(15V)=0

The differentiation of equation (3) with respect to t is given by,

  VC2(t)=α1et+α2e6tdV C2(t)dt=α1et6α2e6t

Substitute 0 for t in the above equation.

  dV C2(0)dt=α1e06α2e6(0)=α16α2

Substitute 0 for dVC2(0)dt in the above equation.


Substitute 15α2 for α1 in the above equation.


Substitute 3 for α2 in equation (4).


Substitute 18 for α1 and 3 for α2 in the above equation.


Substitute 7.5V for VC2(t) in the above equation.


Substitute 0.873 for t in the above equation.

  7.5V=18e0.8733e6( 0.873)7.5V=7.5V

Thus, the value of t for which the voltage v is 7.5V is 0.873s .


Therefore, the value of t for which the voltage v is 7.5V is 0.873s .

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