Midterm Exam
Theology 3930
Please answer 2 of the following three questions (only 2). Please answer each question in NO MORE than 500 words. Please submit your response as a single document in the ASSIGNMENTS
section of the course.
In the early days of psychology, a few important figures emerged. Please compare the thinking of William James, the early American psychologist, and Sigmund Freud, the Austrian pioneer of psychoanalysis. For full credit on this essay, you must describe the main points of their theories, their similarities and differences, and their contributions to the field of psychology and religion. You must give at least one specific reference to the readings from each topic and at least one reference to a contribution from a colleague.
Carl Jung and William James make connections between spirituality and psychology. Compare their theories. Describe the main points of their theories, explain how they are
similar and different, and explore the ways that they contribute to the field of religion and psychology. For full credit on this essay, you must give at least one specific reference to each of the assigned readings and at least one reference to a contribution from a colleague.
Anti-racism is a value for our university and for our lives. Based on the first reading of the semester, describe how the authors view anti-racism. Be sure to make specific connections with the reading. In addition, explain how an anti-racist perspective is critical for any student of psychology and religion.