Week Two Forum Information



Southeastern Oklahoma State University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 27, 2024





Uploaded by herm2260

Hello Class, For those of you who have not received the textbook yet, chapter 4 discusses the different types of leadership style, such as autocratic, democratic, transformational, and others. If your textbook still has not arrived, search the internet to learn more about each. With that information and the seven decision making steps model listed below (you can also search the internet to learn more about each), you will be able to successfully complete the week two forum. Decision-making steps/process Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. ... Step 2: Gather relevant information. ... Step 3: Identify the alternatives. ... Step 4: Weigh the evidence. ... Step 5: Choose among alternatives. ... Step 6: Take action. ... Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences. --Dr. Nardone The year after next, the NCAA Women’s Final Four will be held in your city. Using the information about management decision making model and leadership presented in chapter 4, outline the steps that you would take to prepare for this event (be sure and address the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion). Indicate which steps require management skills and which require leadership skills. As a servant leader, I want to make sure I have built a strong team around me as the director of sports commission. Leaning on my team, I want to make sure that we gather all relevant information when it comes to hosting a Women’s Final Four. I can be a servant leader and give my employees the opportunity to do this on their own and trust they will gather all the information. We will divvy up our staff to make sure we understand what it takes to host a Women’s Final Four. We need to compare previous Final Four’s for both men and women to understand the proper steps to make sure it is equitable for what we are offering all teams that will be coming. As well we need to understand how many people would possibly be coming to our event, what they expect, and how people have previously felt about their visits to a Final Four. We need to make sure we have the venue to support everyone coming and give the teams coming to the proper venue, support, and accommodations to make sure they have the best time and give themselves the best chance to succeed. We need to continue to get these details by looking at previous sites that worked well and didn’t work well for them. Once all of this information is gathered, we can manage, discuss, and weigh the evidence of what we will do in order to provide the best hosting site, accommodations, hotels, food, practice venues, and hospitality possible to the players and fans. Overall,
we want to make sure everyone feels included from all diverse backgrounds and everyone enjoys themselves. As a team, we can take action to book everything we possibly need well in advance. As a leader, I can trust my team so everyone can take different aspects and be in charge of certain areas to make sure everything is booked, maintained, and works according to plan. In the end, we must do a self-reflection and see how it worked. We should try to give some kind of survey to those who attended (players, coaches, staff, media, and fans) to see how they viewed the event. We will have a staff reflection on how we felt everything went for us, so we can learn from any mistakes we made in order to improve for anything like this next time. Overall, I feel like we need to make sure that we are always trying to get ourselves better to improve for anything that comes our way.
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