There are many skills and factors that pour into what makes a great leader. As we discussed last week there are many skills and leadership theories that are complied together that different leaders adopt in order to thrive. What I've learned is that being a strategic leader by implementing strategic thinking and acting you are more likely to thrive. A true leader who applies strategic thinking does not making any hasty decisions. “Only after careful reflection and examination of a problem through many lenses do they take decisive action”(Shoemaker,Paul- strategic leadership: the essential skills 2013) From the readings I've gathered that strategic thinking and strategic acting go hand in hand. You have to think thoroughly and stay ahead of the changes in the industry in order to be able navigate through the ambiguous challenges that may be presented during business. To apply this to the IT industry- imagine the many challenges that were presented to company’s when Al was introduced. There were certain roles and companies that have been put in a bind because instead of working with Al they believed that Al was working against them. A strategic leader is ahead of the curve and sees the challenges coming before they arrive. The beautiful skill of seeing the problem coming is called Anticipating- or in my own words “stay ready so you won't have to get ready”. In Tegpa Allen’s article “3 unmistakable signs that you are a strategic thinker” she points out three very distinct attributes that perfectly align with a real leader. Firstly, Strategic Thinkers Make Better Decisions By Being More Reflective. They lead with logic not emotion. Secondly- Strategic Thinkers Advance Their Careers By Being Better Leaders. it's not who they know, it's how they continue to create success. Lastly- Strategic Thinkers Demonstrate Organizational Value By Creating More Strategic Thinkers. A true leader is going to develop their team in order to continue to build future leaders. You have to continuously implement and act from a place of strategic thinking and acting on the organizational and tactical level. | do still believe you can utilize the ten leadership theories as well to enhance yourself as a leader but to obtain the skill of being strategic is what separates a good leader from a great leader. | think often time many businesses fail when they fail to do their market research and inform themselves to the challenges that will arise at all levels. work cited (Allen, Tegina 2021) 3 unmistakable signs that you are a strategic thinker. a-strategic-thinker/?sh=304deba46921 (Shoemaker, Paul 2013 ) Strategic leadership the essential skills Leading effectively article (how to become a strategic leader) strategic- leader/#:~:text=But%20leaders%20who%20think%20and,work%20as%20those%20th at%20did.