WDUC 562 - Week 8 Discussion Reply 1



Liberty University *

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Jun 24, 2024





Uploaded by ColonelSealMaster887

Week 8 Discussion Reply 1 Hi Helfand (2013) did, in fact, spell out crucial points about present and future educational approaches. To start, Helfand (2013) rips at the current structure of higher education, calling it too hierarchical, rigid, and unresponsive to new challenges. The basic goal of a university, according to Helfand, should not be to prepare students for certain occupations but to foster their intellectual growth and curiosity. He lays forth three fundamental principles for establishing a forward-thinking school. To begin, he emphasizes the value of interdisciplinarity, or the removal of boundaries across disciplines, as a means to promote collaboration and the exchange of ideas. According to Helfand, academic fields that have boundaries built across them limit problem-solving and innovative thinking (Helfand, 2013). The importance of learning via projects is emphasized by Helfand, secondly. Instead of sitting through long lectures, he proposes that students solve real-world problems in small groups. The content is understood more thoroughly by the students. Participating in initiatives that test their analytical and problem-solving skills prepares them for the difficulties of today's world (Helfand, 2013). Last but not least, Helfand suggests making classes unique for each student. He proposes that universities allow students to choose their own courses of study so that they may major in what interests them while still meeting academic requirements. Students are motivated to develop their skills via this personalized approach (Helfand, 2013). Reference Helfand, D. (2013, June 8).  Designing a University for The New Millennium: David Helfand at TEDxWestVancouverEd . YouTube. TEDx Talks. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DZQe73IXZtU&t=2s 
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