Assessments and the Role of the RBT



South Dakota State University *

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Jun 24, 2024





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Assessments and the Role of the RBT Goal Learn about skills assessments, functional behavior assessments, preference assessments and the role of RBT in the assessment process Assessments assessments assess a student’s repertoire within a specific area or domain. An assessment may focus on specific skill area, such as reading or math. Other assessments may focus on multiple skill areas, such asacademic, social, and motor skills. The purpose of a skills assessment is to gain about a student’s The information gathered can help determine specific teaching for the student. , skill set. across intervals . Skills assessments are often conducted at intervals. Change in a would give a measure of the student’s over time. Types of Skills Assessed Some skills assessed are daily living, , academic, Using a microwave is an example of what type of skill? Using pronouns is an example of what type of skill? Writing is an example of what type of skill? Brushing teeth is an example of what type of skill? Greeting people is an example of what type of skill? Kicking a ball is an example of what type of skill? Many skill assessments also include a section to test levels of demonstrate. The three ways to conduct an assessment are: 1. Interview 2. Direct observation 3. Direct assessment , social and
An interview assessment involves asking the student’s example, the parent may need to answer a questionnaire on skills the student may or maynot ______________ A direct observation assessment involves the student during their normal routine. Examples include: ______________________________________ A direct assessment involves setting up for the student to demonstrate a specific skill, such as .The assessor does not assist the student during the assessment. behavior a student may questions about the student’s skills. For Assessments and the Role of the RBT (continued) Commonly Used Skills Assessments The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales is a assessment that is completed by the student’s teacher or . The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills Revised (ABLLS-R) is a and type of assessment. It covers 5 different skills domains. The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) primarily assesses skills. It is based of B.F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS) assesses daily skills across different , such as in the home, school, community, and vocational setting. Functional Assessment Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA): provides information about the circumstances under which the student demonstrates behavior. The assessors can then hypothesize the of the challenging behavior. The function of the behavior refers to the reinforcer that maintains the . Identifying the function of a challenging behavior is critical when developing an effective plan. The three types of FBA methods are assessment methods, assessment methods, and analysis. A combination of assessment types is used to hypothesize the of a challenging behavior. Indirect Assessments Methods
Indirect assessments do not involve direct of the student or the target challenging behavior. An assessment obtains information from people who are familiar with the client or student and who have observed the challenging behavior. This may include , or . Indirect assessments generally take the form of interviews, and Descriptive Assessment Methods A assessment obtains information from direct observation of the student and the during a normal routine. Descriptive assessments typically take place over a number of so that the assessor can obtain enough information. The observer writes down circumstances under which behavior . information about the challenging behavior and Assessments and the Role of the RBT (continued) Based on the gathered information, are identified and Direct observations give accurate information then indirect but are more conduct. Two Types of Descriptive Assessments ABC recording: the observer writes down what happened ANTECEDENT, and what happened the target challenging behavior occurs, CONSEQUENCE. Scatter plot analysis: the in which the student is observed is broken into smaller and each segment is given a symbol to signify the extent to which the behavior occurred. This gives a visual representation of times and days when the behaviors is more likely to occur. Based the results of an assessment, the will look for patterns to determine if schedule, tasks, or is hypothesized. intensive to the target behavior occurs,
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