Solutions for Principles of Economics, 7th Edition (MindTap Course List)
Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Ten Principles Of EconomicsChapter 1.1 - How People Make DecisionsChapter 1.2 - How People InteractChapter 1.3 - How The Economy As A Whole WorksChapter 2 - Thinking Like An EconomistChapter 2.1 - The Economist As ScientistChapter 2.2 - The Economist As Policy AdviserChapter 3 - Interdependence And The Gains From TradeChapter 3.1 - A Parable For The Modern EconomyChapter 3.2 - Comparative Advantage: The Driving Force Of Specilization
Chapter 3.3 - Applications Of Comparative AdvantageChapter 4 - The Market Forces Of Supply And DemandChapter 4.1 - Markets And CompetitionChapter 4.2 - DemandChapter 4.3 - SupplyChapter 4.4 - Supply And Demand TogetherChapter 5 - Elastic And Its ApplicationChapter 5.1 - The Elasticity Of DemandChapter 5.2 - The Elasticity Of SupplyChapter 5.3 - Three Applications Of Supply, Demand, And ElasticityChapter 6 - Supply, Demand And Government PoliciesChapter 6.1 - Controls On PricesChapter 6.2 - TaxesChapter 7 - Consumers, Producers, And The Efficiency Of MarketsChapter 7.1 - Consumer SurplusChapter 7.2 - Producer SurplusChapter 7.3 - Market EfficiencyChapter 8 - Application: The Cost Of TaxationChapter 8.1 - The Oeadweight Loss Of TaxationChapter 8.2 - The Oeterminants Of The Oeadweight LossChapter 8.3 - Deadweight Loss And Tax Revenue As Taxes VaryChapter 9 - Application: International TradeChapter 9.1 - The Determinants Of TradeChapter 9.2 - The Winners And Losers From TradeChapter 9.3 - The Arguments For Restricting TradeChapter 10 - ExternalitiesChapter 10.1 - Externalities And Market InefficiencyChapter 10.2 - Public Policies Toward ExternalitiesChapter 10.3 - Private Solutions To ExternalitiesChapter 11 - Public Goods And Common ResourcesChapter 11.1 - The Drtferentkinds Of GoodsChapter 11.2 - Public GoodsChapter 11.3 - Common ResourcesChapter 12 - The Design Of The Tax SystemChapter 12.1 - An Overview Of U.S. TaxationChapter 12.2 - Taxes And EfficiencyChapter 12.3 - Taxes And EquityChapter 13 - The Cost Of ProductionChapter 13.1 - What Are Costs?Chapter 13.2 - Production And CostsChapter 13.3 - The Various Measures Of CostChapter 13.4 - Costs In The Short Run And In The Long RunChapter 14 - Firms In Competitive MarketsChapter 14.1 - What Is A Competitive Market?Chapter 14.2 - Profit Maximization And The Competitive Firm's Supply CurveChapter 14.3 - The Supply Curve In A Competitive MarketChapter 15 - MonopolyChapter 15.1 - Why Monopolies AriseChapter 15.2 - How Monopolies Make Production And Pricing DecisionsChapter 15.3 - The Welfare Cost Of MonopoliesChapter 15.4 - Price DiscriminationChapter 15.5 - Public Policy Toward MonopoliesChapter 16 - Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 16.1 - Between Monopoly And Perfect CompetitionChapter 16.2 - Competition With Differentiated ProductsChapter 16.3 - AdvertisingChapter 17 - OligopolyChapter 17.1 - Markets With Only A Few SellersChapter 17.2 - The Economics Of CooperationChapter 17.3 - Public Policy Toward OligopoliesChapter 18 - The Markets For The Factor Of ProductionChapter 18.1 - The Demand For LaborChapter 18.2 - The Supply Of LaborChapter 18.3 - Equilibrium In The L Abor MarketChapter 18.4 - The Other Factors Of Production: Land And CapitalChapter 19 - Earnings And DiscriminationChapter 19.1 - Some Determinants Of Equilibrium WagesChapter 19.2 - The Economics Of DiscriminationChapter 20 - Income Inequality And PovertyChapter 20.1 - The Measurement Of InequalityChapter 20.2 - The Political Philosophy Of Redistributing IncomeChapter 20.3 - Policies To Reduce PovertyChapter 21 - The Theory Of Consumer ChoiceChapter 21.1 - The Budget Constraint: What The Consumer Can AffordChapter 21.2 - Preferences: What The Consumer WantsChapter 21.3 - Optimization: What The Consumer ChoosesChapter 21.4 - Three ApplicationsChapter 22 - Frontiers Of MicroeconomicsChapter 22.1 - Asymmetric InformationChapter 22.2 - Political EconomyChapter 22.3 - Behavioral EconomicsChapter 23 - Measuring A Nation's IncomeChapter 23.1 - The Economy's Income And ExpenditureChapter 23.2 - The Measurement Of GopChapter 23.3 - The Components Of GopChapter 23.4 - Real Versus Nominal GopChapter 23.5 - Is Gop A Good Measure Of Economic Weli·Beina?Chapter 24 - Measuring The Cost Of LivingChapter 24.1 - The Consumer Price IndexChapter 24.2 - Correcting Economic Variables For th-e Effects Of InflationChapter 25 - Production And GrowthChapter 25.1 - Economic Growth Around The WorldChapter 25.2 - Productivity: Its Role And DeterminantsChapter 25.3 - Economic: Growth And Public PolicyChapter 26 - Savings,Investment And The Financial SystemChapter 26.1 - Financial Institutions In The U.S. EconomyChapter 26.2 - Saving And Investment In The National Income AccountsChapter 26.3 - The Market For Loanable FundChapter 27 - The Basic Tools Of FinanceChapter 27.1 - Present Value: Measuring The Time Value Of MoneyChapter 27.2 - Managing RiskChapter 27.3 - Asset ValuationChapter 28 - UnemploymentChapter 28.1 - Ldentifyinr UnemploymentChapter 28.2 - Job SearchChapter 28.3 - Minimum-Wage LawsChapter 28.4 - Unions And Collective BargainingChapter 28.5 - The Theory Of Efficiency WagesChapter 29 - The Monetary SystemChapter 29.1 - The Meaning Of MoneyChapter 29.2 - The Federal Reserve SystemChapter 29.4 - The Fed's Tools Of Monetary ControlChapter 30 - Money Growth And IntlationChapter 30.1 - The Classical Theory Of InflationChapter 30.2 - The Costs Of InflationChapter 31 - Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic ConceptsChapter 31.1 - The Lntemational Flows Of Goods And CapitalChapter 31.2 - The Price For International transaction: Real And Nominal Exchange RateChapter 31.3 - A First Theory Of ExchanR:e-Rate Determination: Purchasing Power ParityChapter 32 - A Macroeconomic Theory Of The Open EconomyChapter 32.1 - Supply And Demand For Loanable Funds And For foreign· Currency ExchangerChapter 32.2 - Eouilibrium In The Ooen EconomyChapter 32.3 - How Policies And Events Affect An Open EconomyChapter 33 - Aggregate Demand And Aggregate SupplyChapter 33.1 - Three Kev Facts About Economic FluctuationsChapter 33.2 - Explaining Short·Run Economic FluctuationsChapter 33.3 - The Aggregate Demand CurveChapter 33.4 - The Aggtegate-Supply CurveChapter 33.5 - Two Causes Of Economic FluctuationsChapter 34 - The Influence Of Monetary And Fiscal Policy On Aggregate DemandChapter 34.1 - How Monetary Policy Influences Aggregate DemandChapter 34.2 - How Fiscal Policy Influences Aggregate DemandChapter 34.3 - Using Policy To Stabilize The EconomyChapter 35 - The Short-Run Trade-off Between Inflation And UnemploymentChapter 35.1 - The Phillips CurveChapter 35.2 - Shift In The Philips curve: The Role Of ExpectationsChapter 35.3 - Shifts In The Phillips Curve: The Role Of Supply ShocksChapter 35.4 - The Cost Of Reducing InflationChapter 36 - Six Debates Over Macroeconomic PolicyChapter 36.1 - Should Monetary And Fiscal Policymakers Try To Stabilize The Economy?Chapter 36.2 - Should The Government Fight Recessions With Spending Hikes Rather Than Tax Cuts?Chapter 36.3 - Should Monetary Policy 8e Made By Rule Rather Than By Discretion?Chapter 36.4 - Should The Central Bank Aim For Zero InflationChapter 36.5 - Should The Government Balance Its Budget?Chapter 36.6 - Should The Tax Laws Be Reformed To Encourage Saving?
Book Details
Principles Of Economics, Seventh Edition, continues to be the most popular and widely-used text in the economics classroom. A text by a superb writer and economist that stresses the most important concepts without overwhelming students with an excess of detail. A thorough update has been made to keep all chapters fresh and relevant with current Economic coverage.
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Principles of Economics, 7th Edition (MindTap Course List) homework problems. See examples below:
Explanation: A few of the important trade-offs faced in real life are given below: Trade-off between...Explanation: The subject economics is a science. This is because economics is based on scientific...Explanation: The production possibilities frontier will be linear, if the opportunity cost of...Explanation: Number of workers required to produce one unit of goods can be calculated using the...Explanation: Figure -1 illustrates production possibility frontier. Figure 1 shows the production...Explanation: A competitive market refers to a market where there are many buyers and many sellers of...Chapter 4, Problem 3PAExplanation: Price elasticity of demand which is computed as the percentage change in quantity...Chapter 5, Problem 6PA
Explanation: The price controls are the government-controlled price mechanisms. The maximum and the...Explanation: The consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum willing to pay price by the...Explanation: We have seen the demand schedule and the supply schedule of the consumer and the...Explanation: When the cost of producing computers falls, the supply of the computers in the economy...Explanation: The tax is the unilateral payment from the people to the government. Tax is the main...Explanation: The equilibrium price and the quantity are determined at the interaction of the demand...Explanation: The international trade is the exchange of goods and services between different nations...Explanation: Demand curve: The demand equation is QD=8−p indicates that the consumer maximum willing...Explanation: When the technological advancement in production reduces the world price of...Explanation: The classic example of an externality is pollution. The production of goods emits...Explanation: Excludable commodities are the commodities that can be excluded from people to consume...Explanation: In this given scenario, fisherman is the only variable factor. When other things remain...Explanation: The government tax revenue has increased more rapidly than the rest part of the economy...Explanation: State income tax amount can be calculated as follows: State income tax=Income×Tax...Explanation: In an economy, the relationship between a firms, profit, total revenue and total cost...Explanation: The three important characteristics of the competitive market is a large number of...Explanation: The table – 1 represents the value of the cost of the production. Table – 1 Quantity...Explanation: Table -1 shows the value of the average variable cost and the fixed cost is assumed as...Explanation: Government-created monopolyarises, when the government gives exclusive rights, that is,...Explanation: Table -1 shows the total quantity and respective price level. Table -1 Price Quantity...Explanation: Table – 1 shows the schedule of market demand for the CD. Table – 1 Price Quantity 24...Explanation: The three main characteristics of monopolistic competition are as follows: 1. Many...Explanation: The number of firms acting just like a union is referred to as cartel. When a cartel is...Explanation: The production function represents the relationship between the quantity of factors of...Explanation: Daily wage can be derived as follows. Wage=VMP×PriceApple=(100−2L)×2=200−4L Wage is...Explanation: Compensating differential exists in wages of coal miners. They are paid more than other...Explanation: Poverty line is the line that determines the minimum income required to meet the basic...Explanation: The budget constraint is the constraint which is due to the budget of the individual....Explanation: When the wants and needs of a human are unlimited and the budget of an individual is...Explanation: Moral hazard refers to the tendency of a person who is imperfectly monitored to engage...Explanation: The economy transacts the goods and services for getting the money in return. This...Explanation: The GDP is the summation of the monetary value of all the goods and services produced...Explanation: The GDP is the summation of the money value of all the goods and services produced...Explanation: A 10% increase in the price of chicken has a greater effect on the CPI because chicken...Explanation: The percentage change in price of the good is calculated by using the following...Explanation: Cost of market for the basket can be calculated by using the following formula. Cost of...Explanation: The level of a nation’s GDP measures both the total income earned by the nation and the...Explanation: The system that allows the exchange of funds between the different sectors of the...Explanation: The present value of $200 can be calculated as follows: Present value=Future...Explanation: The utility function is W12 . Since the power function is less than one, the marginal...Explanation: Measuring unemployment is done by BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), which is a part of...Explanation: Money is anything which is accepted as payment to the goods and services from a market....Explanation: The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US economy, and it is usually known as...Explanation: A rise in the price level lowers the real value of money. This is because people will...Explanation: Before the tax real interest rate is calculated using the formula: Real interest...Explanation: The net export is the difference between the value of a country’s export and the value...Explanation: The foreign exchange market is the place of market where the participants are able to...Explanation: During the period of a recession, the economy will face the leftward shift in the...Explanation: The supply depends upon the price level in the economy. When the price level is higher,...Explanation: The supply is dependent upon the price level in the economy. When the price level is...Explanation: Keynes in his classic book “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money”,...Explanation: Figure 1 shows the short-run Phillips curve. In Figure 1, the vertical axis measures...Explanation: Monetary policy affects aggregate demand primarily by changing interest rates. However,...
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