Problem 1E:
For the graph shown in Fig. 6-19, a.find three different Hamilton circuits. b.find a Hamilton path...Problem 2E:
For the graph shown in Fig. 6-20, a.find three different Hamilton circuits. b.find a Hamilton path...Problem 3E:
Find all possible Hamilton circuits in the graph in Fig.6-21 Write your answers using A as the...Problem 4E:
Find all possible Hamilton circuits in the graph Fig.6-22. Write your answers using A as the...Problem 5E:
For the graph shown in Fig.6-23, a. find a Hamilton path that starts at A and ends at E. b. find a...Problem 6E:
For the graph shown in Fig.6-24, a. find a Hamilton path that starts at A and ends at E. b. find a...Problem 7E:
Suppose D,G,E,A,H,C,B,F,D is a Hamilton circuit in a graph. a.Find the number of vertices in the...Problem 8E:
Suppose G,B,D,C,A,F,E,G is a Hamilton circuit in a graph. a.Find the number of vertices in the...Problem 9E:
Consider the graph in Fig. 6-25. a. Find the five Hamilton paths that can be obtained by breaking...Problem 10E:
Consider the graph in Fig.6-26. a. Find all the Hamilton circuits in the graph, using B as the...Problem 11E:
Consider the graph in Fig.6-27. a. Find all the Hamilton circuits in the graph, using A as the...Problem 13E:
For the graph in Fig.6-29 a. find a Hamilton path that starts at A and ends at F. b. find a Hamilton...Problem 14E:
For the graph in Fig.6-30 a. find a Hamilton path that starts at B. b. find a Hamilton path that...Problem 15E:
Explain why the graph shown in Fig.6-31 has neither Hamilton circuits nor Hamilton paths. Figure6-31Problem 16E:
Explain why the graph shown in Fig.6-32 has neither Hamilton circuits nor Hamilton paths. Figure6-32Problem 17E:
For the weighted shown in Fig 6-33, a.find the weight of edge BD. b.find a Hamilton circuit that...Problem 18E:
For the weighted graph shown in Fig6-34, a.find the weight of edge AD. b.find a Hamilton circuit...Problem 19E:
For the weighted graph shown in Fig6-35, a.find a Hamilton path that starts at A and ends at C, and...Problem 20E:
For the weighted graph shown in Fig6-36, a.find a Hamilton path that starts at B and ends at D, and...Problem 21E:
Suppose you have a supercomputer that can generate one billion (109) Hamilton circuits per second....Problem 22E:
Suppose you have a supercomputer that can generate one trillion (1012) Hamilton circuits per second....Problem 24E:
a. How many edges are there in K200? b. How many edges are there in K201? c. If the number of edges...Problem 25E:
In each case, find the value of N. a. KN has 120 distinct Hamilton circuits. b. KN has 45 edges. c....Problem 26E:
In each case, find the value of N. a. KN has 720 distinct Hamilton circuits. b. KN has 66 edges. c....Problem 29E:
A truck must deliver furniture to stores located in five different cities A, B, C, D, and E. The...Problem 30E:
A social worker starts from her home A, must visit clients at B, C, D, and Ein any order, and return...Problem 31E:
You are planning to visit four cities A, B, C, and D. Table66 shows the time in hours that it takes...Problem 32E:
An unmanned rover must be routed to visit four sites labeled A, B, C, and D on the surface of the...Problem 33E:
For the weighted graph shown in Fig.6-41, i find the indicated tour, and ii give its cost. Note:...Problem 34E:
A delivery service must deliver packages at Buckman (B), Chatfield (C), Dayton (D), and Evansville...Problem 36E:
A space mission is scheduled to visit the moons Callisto C, Ganymede G, lo Mimas M, and Titan T to...Problem 37E:
This exercise refers to the furniture truck TSP introduced in Exercise 29 see Fig. 6-39. a. Find the...Problem 38E:
This exercise refers to the social worker TSP introduced in Exercise 30 see Fig. 6-40. a. Find the...Problem 39E:
Darren is a sales rep whose territory consists of the six cities in the mileage chart shown in Fig....Problem 40E:
The Platonic Cowboys are a country and western band based in Nashville. The Cowboys are planning a...Problem 41E:
Find the repetitive nearest-neighbor tour and give its cost for the furniture truck TSP discussed in...Problem 43E:
This exercise is a continuation of Darrens sales trip problem Exercise 39. Find the repetitive...Problem 44E:
This exercise is a continuation of the Platonic Cowboys concert tour Exercise 40. Find the...Problem 47E:
Find the cheapest-link tour and give its cost for the furniture truck TSP discussed in...Problem 48E:
Find the cheapest-link tour for the social worker TSP discussed in Exercise30(seeFig.640).Problem 49E:
For the Brute-Force Bandits concert tour discussed in Exercise35, find the cheapest link tour, and...Problem 50E:
For the weighted graph shown in Fig.6-47, find the cheapest-link tour. Write the tour using B as the...Problem 51E:
For Darrens sales trip problem discussed in Exercise39, find the cheapest-link tour, and give the...Problem 52E:
For the Platonic Cowboys concert tour discussed in Exercise40, find the cheapest-link tour, and give...Problem 53E:
A rover on the planet Mercuria has to visit six sites labelled A through F, Figure 6-48 shows the...Problem 54E:
A robotic laser must drill holes on five sites A, B, C, D, and E in a microprocessor chip. At the...Problem 57E:
Suppose that in solving a TSP you find an approximate solution with the cost of 1614, and suppose...Problem 62E:
If the number of edges in K500 is x and the number of edges in K502 is y, what is the value of yx?Problem 63E:
Explain why the cheapest edge in any graph is always part of the Hamilton circuit obtained using the...Problem 64E:
a. Explain why the graph that has a bridge cannot have a Hamilton circuit. b. Give an example of a...Problem 65E:
Julie is the marketing manager for a small software company based in Boston. She is planning a sales...Problem 66E:
66. m by n grid graphs. An m by n grid graph represents a rectangular street grid that is m. blocks...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Mathematics Of Elections The Paradoxes Of DemocracyChapter 2 - The Mathematics Of Power Weighted VotingChapter 3 - The Mathematics Of Sharing Fair-division GamesChapter 4 - The Mathematics Of Apportionment Making The RoundsChapter 5 - The Mathematics Of Getting Around Euler Paths And CircuitsChapter 6 - The Mathematics Of Touring Traveling Salesman ProblemsChapter 7 - The Mathematics Of Networks The Cost Of Being ConnectedChapter 8 - The Mathematics Of Scheduling Chasing The Critical PathChapter 9 - Population Growth Models There Is Strength In NumbersChapter 10 - Financial Mathematics Money Matters
Chapter 11 - The Mathematics Of Symmetry Beyond ReflectionChapter 12 - Fractal Geometry The Kinky Nature Of NatureChapter 13 - Fibonacci Numbers And The Golden Ratio Tales Of Rabbits And GnomonsChapter 14 - Censuses, Surveys, Polls, And Studies The Joys Of Collecting DataChapter 15 - Graphs, Charts And Numbers The Data Show And TellChapter 16 - Probabilities, Odds, And Expectations Measuring Uncertainty And RiskChapter 17 - The Mathematics Of Normality The Call Of The Bell
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For courses in Liberal Arts Mathematics. Math: Applicable, Accessible, Modern Excursions in Modern Mathematics introduces readers to the power and beauty of math. By developing an appreciation for the aesthetics and applicability of mathematics, reader
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