Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications - 3rd Edition - by James R. Brannan, William E. Boyce - ISBN 9781118531778

Differential Equations: An Introduction...
3rd Edition
James R. Brannan, William E. Boyce
Publisher: WILEY
ISBN: 9781118531778

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Chapter 2.P1 - Harvesting A Renewable ResourceChapter 2.P2 - A Mathematical Model Of A Groundwater Contaminant SourceChapter 2.P3 - Monte Carlo Option Pricing: Pricing Financial Options By Flipping A CoinChapter 3.1 - Systems Of Two Linear Algebraic EquationsChapter 3.2 - Systems Of Two First Order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 3.3 - Homogeneous Linear Systems With Constant CoefficientsChapter 3.4 - Complex EigenvaluesChapter 3.5 - Repeated EigenvaluesChapter 3.6 - A Brief Introduction To Nonlinear SystemsChapter 3.P1 - Estimating Rate Constants For An Open Two-compartment ModelChapter 3.P2 - A Blood–brain Pharmacokinetic ModelChapter 4.1 - Definitions And ExamplesChapter 4.2 - Theory Of Second Order Linear Homogeneous EquationsChapter 4.3 - Linear Homogeneous Equations With Constant CoefficientsChapter 4.4 - Mechanical And Electrical VibrationsChapter 4.5 - Nonhomogeneous Equations; Method Of Undetermined CoefficientsChapter 4.6 - Forced Vibrations, Frequency Response, And ResonanceChapter 4.7 - Variation Of ParametersChapter 4.P1 - A Vibration Insulation ProblemChapter 4.P2 - Linearization Of A Nonlinear Mechanical SystemChapter 4.P3 - A Spring-mass Event ProblemChapter 4.P4 - Euler–lagrange EquationsChapter 5.1 - Definition Of The Laplace TransformChapter 5.2 - Properties Of The Laplace TransformChapter 5.3 - The Inverse Laplace TransformChapter 5.4 - Solving Differential Equations With Laplace TransformsChapter 5.5 - Discontinuous Functions And Periodic FunctionsChapter 5.6 - Differential Equations With Discontinuous Forcing FunctionsChapter 5.7 - Impulse FunctionsChapter 5.8 - Convolution Integrals And Their ApplicationsChapter 5.9 - Linear Systems And Feedback ControlChapter 5.P1 - An Electric Circuit ProblemChapter 5.P2 - The Watt Governor, Feedback Control, And StabilityChapter 6.1 - Definitions And ExamplesChapter 6.2 - Basic Theory Of First Order Linear SystemsChapter 6.3 - Homogeneous Linear Systems With Constant CoefficientsChapter 6.4 - Nondefective Matrices With Complex EigenvaluesChapter 6.5 - Fundamental Matrices And The Exponential Of A MatrixChapter 6.6 - Nonhomogeneous Linear SystemsChapter 6.7 - Defective MatricesChapter 6.P1 - Earthquakes And Tall BuildingsChapter 6.P2 - Controlling A Spring-mass System To EquilibriumChapter 7.1 - Autonomous Systems And StabilityChapter 7.2 - Almost Linear SystemsChapter 7.3 - Competing SpeciesChapter 7.4 - Predator–prey EquationsChapter 7.5 - Periodic Solutions And Limit CyclesChapter 7.6 - Chaos And Strange Attractors: The Lorenz EquationsChapter 7.P1 - Modeling Of EpidemicsChapter 7.P2 - Harvesting In A Competitive EnvironmentChapter 7.P3 - The R ̈ossler SystemChapter 8.1 - Numerical Approximations: Euler’s MethodChapter 8.2 - Accuracy Of Numerical MethodsChapter 8.3 - Improved Euler And Runge–kutta MethodsChapter 8.4 - Numerical Methods For Systems Of First Order EquationsChapter 8.P1 - Designing A Drip Dispenser For A Hydrology ExperimentChapter 8.P2 - Monte Carlo Option Pricing: Pricing Financial Options By Flipping A CoinChapter A.1 - MatricesChapter A.2 - Systems Of Linear Algebraic Equations, Linear Independence, And RankChapter A.3 - Determinants And InversesChapter A.4 - The Eigenvalue Problem

Book Details

The modern landscape of technology and industry demands an equally modern approach to differential equations in the classroom. Designed for a first course in differential equations, the third edition of Brannan/Boyce’s Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications is consistent with the way engineers and scientists use mathematics in their daily work. The text emphasizes a systems approach to the subject and integrates the use of modern computing technology in the context of contemporary applications from engineering and science. The focus on fundamental skills, careful application of technology, and practice in modeling complex systems prepares students for the realities of the new millennium, providing the building blocks to be successful problem-solvers in today’s workplace. Section exercises throughout the text provide hands-on experience in modeling, analysis, and computer experimentation. Projects at the end of each chapter provide additional opportunities for students to explore the role played by differential equations in the sciences and engineering.

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