Solutions for Anatomy & Physiology
Problem 1ILQ:
Visit this website ( to view the periodic table. In the periodic...Problem 2ILQ:
Visit this website ( to learn about electrical energy and...Problem 3ILQ:
Watch this video ( to observe the formation of a...Problem 4RQ:
Together, just four elements make up more than 95 percent of the body’s mass. These include...Problem 5RQ:
The smallest unit of an element that still retains the distinctive behavior of that element is an...Problem 6RQ:
The characteristic that gives an element its distinctive properties is its number of ________....Problem 7RQ:
On the periodic table of the elements, mercury (Hg) has an atomic number of 80 and a mass number of...Problem 8RQ:
Nitrogen has an atomic number of seven. How many electron shells does it likely have? one two three...Problem 10RQ:
A molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen. These are linked...Problem 11RQ:
When an atom donates an electron to another atom, it becomes an ion an anion nonpolar all of the...Problem 12RQ:
A substance formed of crystals of equal numbers of cations and anions held together by ionic bonds...Problem 13RQ:
Which of the following statements about chemical bonds is true? Covalent bonds are stronger than...Problem 14RQ:
The energy stored in a foot of snow on a steep roof is ________. potential energy kinetic energy...Problem 15RQ:
The bonding of calcium, phosphorus, and other elements produces mineral crystals that are found in...Problem 16RQ:
ABA+B is a general notation for a(n) ________ reaction. anabolic endergonic decomposition exchangeProblem 17RQ:
__________ reactions release energy. Catabolic Exergonic Decomposition Catabolic, exergonic, and...Problem 18RQ:
Which of the following combinations of atoms is most likely to result in a chemical reaction?...Problem 19RQ:
Chewing a bite of bread mixes it with saliva and facilitates its chemical breakdown. This is most...Problem 21RQ:
Which of the following is most likely to be found evenly distributed in water in a homogeneous...Problem 22RQ:
Jenny mixes up a batch of pancake batter, then stirs in some chocolate chips. As she is waiting for...Problem 23RQ:
A substance dissociates into K+ and Cl- in solution. The substance is a(n) ________. acid base salt...Problem 24RQ:
Ty is three years old and as a result of a stomach bug has been vomiting for about 24 hours. His...Problem 25RQ:
C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for a ________. polymer of carbohydrate pentose monosaccharide...Problem 26RQ:
What organic compound do brain cells primarily rely on for fuel? glucose glycogen galactose glycerolProblem 27RQ:
Which of the following is a functional group that is part of a building block of proteins? phosphate...Problem 28RQ:
A pentose sugar is a part of the monomer used to build which type of macromolecule? polysaccharides...Problem 29RQ:
A phospholipid ________. has both polar and nonpolar regions is made up of a triglyceride bonded to...Problem 30RQ:
In DNA, nucleotide bonding forms a compound with a characteristic shape known as a(n) ________. beta...Problem 32RQ:
The ability of an enzymes active sites to bind only substrates of compatible shape and charge is...Problem 33CTQ:
The most abundant elements In the foods and beverages you consume are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and...Problem 34CTQ:
Oxygen, whose atomic number is eight, has three stable isotopes: 16O, 17O, and 18O. Explain what...Problem 35CTQ:
Magnesium is an important element in the human body, especially in bones. Magnesiums atomic number...Problem 36CTQ:
Explain why CH4 is one of the most common molecules found in nature. Are the bonds between the atoms...Problem 37CTQ:
In a hurry one day, you merely rinse your lunch dishes with water. As you are drying your salad...Problem 40CTQ:
When you do a load of laundry, why do you not just drop a bar of soap Into the washing machine? In...Problem 41CTQ:
The pH of lemon juice is 2, and the pH of orange juice is 4. Which of these is more acidic, and by...Problem 42CTQ:
During a party, Eli loses a bet and is forced to drink a bottle of lemon juice. Not long thereafter,...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - An Introduction To The Human BodyChapter 2 - The Chemical Level Of OrganizationChapter 3 - The Cellular Level Of OrganizationChapter 4 - The Tissue Level Of OrganizationChapter 5 - The Integumentary SystemChapter 6 - Bone Tissue And The Skeletal SystemChapter 7 - Axial SkeletonChapter 8 - The Appendicular SkeletonChapter 9 - JointsChapter 10 - Muscle Tissue
Chapter 11 - The Muscular SystemChapter 12 - The Nervous System And Nervous TissueChapter 13 - Anatomy Of The Nervous SystemChapter 14 - The Somatic Nervous SystemChapter 15 - The Autonomic Nervous SystemChapter 16 - The Neurological ExamChapter 17 - The Endocrine SystemChapter 18 - The Cardiovascular System: BloodChapter 19 - The Cardiovascular System: The HeartChapter 20 - The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels And CirculationChapter 21 - The Lymphatic And Immune SystemChapter 22 - The Respiratory SystemChapter 23 - The Digestive SystemChapter 24 - Metabolism And NutritionChapter 25 - The Urinary SystemChapter 26 - Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-base BalanceChapter 27 - The Reproductive SystemChapter 28 - Development And Inheritance
Book Details
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the yearlong Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at most two- and four-year colleges and universities to students majoring in nursing and allied health. A&P is 29 chapters of pedagogically effective learning content, organized by body system, and written at an audience-appropriate level. The lucid text, strategically constructed art, inspiring career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. Color is used for pedagogical effect in A&P. Most art will consist of elegant black line, with the strongest line illustrating the most important structure(s) and shading used to show dimension and shape. Color (used only when needed) highlights and clarifies the primary anatomical or functional point of the illustration. Student focus is drawn to the most important learning point in each illustration, without distraction from excessive gradients, shadows, and loud highlights. The online book provides students with links to surgical videos, histology, interactive diagrams, and cadaver imagery at critical junctures. This book is available online for free at openstaxcollege dot org
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Anatomy & Physiology homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1ILQChapter 2, Problem 1ILQChapter 3, Problem 1ILQChapter 4, Problem 1ILQChapter 5, Problem 1ILQChapter 6, Problem 1RQChapter 7, Problem 1ILQChapter 8, Problem 1ILQChapter 9, Problem 1ILQ
Chapter 10, Problem 1ILQChapter 11, Problem 1RQChapter 12, Problem 1ILQChapter 13, Problem 1ILQChapter 14, Problem 1ILQChapter 15, Problem 1ILQChapter 16, Problem 1ILQChapter 17, Problem 1ILQChapter 18, Problem 1ILQChapter 19, Problem 1ILQChapter 20, Problem 1ILQChapter 21, Problem 1ILQChapter 22, Problem 1ILQChapter 23, Problem 1ILQChapter 24, Problem 1RQChapter 25, Problem 1RQChapter 26, Problem 1ILQChapter 27, Problem 1ILQChapter 28, Problem 1ILQ
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Anatomy and Physiology by OpenStax
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781506698021
13th Edition
ISBN: 2810017675928
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781630180928
Anatomy & Physiology
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781947172043
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