Anatomy & Physiology - 1st Edition - by Kelly A. Young, James A. Wise, Peter DeSaix, Dean H. Kruse, Brandon Poe, Eddie Johnson, Jody E. Johnson, Oksana Korol, J. Gordon Betts, Mark Womble - ISBN 9781938168130

Anatomy & Physiology
1st Edition
Kelly A. Young, James A. Wise, Peter DeSaix, Dean H. Kruse, Brandon Poe, Eddie Johnson, Jody E. Johnson, Oksana Korol, J. Gordon Betts, Mark Womble
Publisher: OpenStax College
ISBN: 9781938168130

Solutions for Anatomy & Physiology

Book Details

Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the yearlong Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at most two- and four-year colleges and universities to students majoring in nursing and allied health. A&P is 29 chapters of pedagogically effective learning content, organized by body system, and written at an audience-appropriate level. The lucid text, strategically constructed art, inspiring career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. Color is used for pedagogical effect in A&P. Most art will consist of elegant black line, with the strongest line illustrating the most important structure(s) and shading used to show dimension and shape. Color (used only when needed) highlights and clarifies the primary anatomical or functional point of the illustration. Student focus is drawn to the most important learning point in each illustration, without distraction from excessive gradients, shadows, and loud highlights. The online book provides students with links to surgical videos, histology, interactive diagrams, and cadaver imagery at critical junctures. This book is available online for free at openstaxcollege dot org

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Anatomy and Physiology by OpenStax
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781506698021
17th Edition
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