Using MIS (10th Edition)
Using MIS (10th Edition)
10th Edition
ISBN: 9780134606996
Author: David M. Kroenke, Randall J. Boyle
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter AE, Problem AE9.3

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Modify the Data analysis if Desert Gear Supply does not release 3-D designs:

If Desert Gear Supply decides not to release its 3-D design files at any price, one needs to remove the parts provided by it from consideration and repeat the data analysis,

The Orders and parts view without gear supply is represented as:

The screen shot of Orders and Parts View:

The customer summary without desert gear supply is represented as:

The screen shot of Customer Summary:

Explanation of Solution


Repeat the analysis with different criteria:

  • Large customers have ordered more than 900 parts.
  • Frequent purchases are occurred minimum 25 times per year.
  • Average order of 3 or less are qualified as small quantities.
  • The parts which cost less than $75 are inexpensive parts.
  • The shipping weight is less than 4 pounds.

The Big Customer table with new criteria of large customers who have ordered more than 900 parts are represented as:

The screen shot of Big Customers – Part 2:

Explanation of Solution


Mention how the second set of criteria changes the result:

The second set of criteria changes the result in the following ways:

  • The part number 200-211 is excluded from these assumptions and the revenue potential is reduced...

Explanation of Solution


Mention recommendations that one can make in light of analysis:

It can be concluded that the revenue potential i...

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