Select an established organization operating within an industry of your preference, either a for-profit or non-profit entity. If necessary, you may use a fictional name to represent the organisation, ensuring that all information used is solely for assessment purposes and will not be disclosed to external parties. Whenever possible, opt for an organization with which you have familiarity and access to necessary information for your project requirements. It is essential to base your responses entirely on the chosen entity. While conducting the project, refrain from simply copying and pasting organisational data from the internet, as this may lead to penalties. Utilising the selected organization as the centrepiece of your project, address the following questions: Give a in depth background of the chosen organisation. This should include information such as:a) Company description (constituents and services offered) and brief historyb) Leadershipc) Parent company or subsidiary informationd) Branches/locationse) Operational highlights – number of employees, goals and accomplishments Correct citation is required.
Select an established organization operating within an industry of your preference, either a for-profit or non-profit entity. If necessary, you may use a fictional name to represent the organisation, ensuring that all information used is solely for assessment purposes and will not be disclosed to external parties. Whenever possible, opt for an organization with which you have familiarity and access to necessary information for your project requirements. It is essential to base your responses entirely on the chosen entity. While conducting the project, refrain from simply copying and pasting organisational data from the internet, as this may lead to penalties. Utilising the selected organization as the centrepiece of your project, address the following questions:
Give a in depth background of the chosen organisation. This should include information such as:
a) Company description (constituents and services offered) and brief history
b) Leadership
c) Parent company or subsidiary information
d) Branches/locations
e) Operational highlights – number of employees, goals and accomplishments
Correct citation is required.

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