Can you please help with 1c please
picture with 1 graph is for question 1a)
picture with 4 graphs is for question 1b)
1a) E. coli DNA and binturong DNA are both 50% G-C. If you randomly shear E. coli DNA into 1000 bp fragments and put it through density gradient equilibrium centrifugation, you will find that all the DNA bands at the same place in the gradient, and if you graph the distribution of DNA fragments in the gradient you will get a single peak (see below). If you perform the same experiment with binturong DNA, you will find that a small fraction of the DNA fragments band separately in the gradient (at a different density) and give rise to a small "satellite" peak on a graph of the distribution of DNA fragments in the gradient (see below). Why do these two DNA samples give different results, when they're both 50% G-C?
1b) If you denatured the random 1000 bp fragments of binturong DNA that you produced in question 1a by heating them to 95ºC, and then cooled them down to 60ºC and allowed them to reanneal, you would find that approximately 15% of the DNA fragments renatured very rapidly, another 20% of the DNA fragments renatured moderately rapidly, and the remaining DNA fragments renatured relatively slowly. Which of the graphs shown below is a C0t curve showing these results?
1c) What fraction of the binturong genomic DNA would be considered to be "highly repetitive" DNA, based on this data?

Deoxyribonucleic acidi an atom made out of two polynucleotide chains that curl around one another to frame a twofold helix conveying hereditary directions for the turn of events, working, development and multiplication of every single known creature and numerous infections. DNA and ribonucleic acid are nucleic acids.
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