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Jun 19, 2024





Uploaded by AdmiralFrog4177

X BIOD 121 EXAM 5.docx 14-Which of the following is NOT recognized as a primary eating disorder? Female Athlete Triad 14-Which of the following is a primary eating disorder? Binge-Eating Disorder 15-Match the following characteristics to the correct eating disorder: Bulimia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa. 1. Self-denial of food leads to feeling empowered Anorexia Nervosa 2. Food provides comfort Bulimia Nervosa ‘3. Difficulty controlling impulses Bulimia Nervosa 4. Very competitive and obsessive Anorexia Nervosa ‘5. Rituals involving food and calorie counting Anorexia Nervosa 6. Normal weight for height is typical Bulimia Nervosa 1-Anorexia nervosa 2- bulimia nervosa 3- bulimia nervosa 4-Anorexia nervosa 5- Anorexia nervosa 6- Bulimia Nervosa 16-ill had a stressful day. Once home, she prepared a boxed brownie mix and then devoured the entire pan. Then she finished off the box of cookies on the counter. What is this manner of food consumption called? Binge 16-A client who cycles between consuming large quantities of food in a short period and restricting food and purging would be diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa 17-List two types of Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified.
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