Signature Assignment



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Jun 19, 2024





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Running Head: SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: CHILD OBSERVATION-KENZIE 1 Signature Assignment: Child Observation-Kenzie Joseph Lovett Marriage & Family Therapy, Touro University Worldwide MFT 613: Child-Focused Family Therapy Dr. Melissa Lund June 25, 2023
SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: CHILD OBSERVATION 2 Abstract This assignment aims to present my comprehensive observations and analyses of a six- year-old child named Kenzie B. During my three-hour observation period, I gathered valuable information regarding Kenzie's conduct, habits, overall demeanor, and emotional state. Additionally, I made attempts to establish a rapport with the child, which is crucial in assessing their psychological state. In my evaluation, I will determine Kenzie's level of development and degree of attachment, encompassing attachment style, which can either be secure, insecure- avoidant, insecure-resistant, or disorganized/disoriented. This assessment will enable me to have a clear understanding of Kenzie's emotional and mental state, which is vital in determining the best course of tailored treatment. Furthermore, I will propose a course of treatment that will benefit Kenzie's psychological well-being. I will also address any legal or ethical concerns that can arise, ensuring that all actions taken are within the confines of ethical standards and the law. This experience and the findings presented in this report provide valuable insights into the clinical processes involved in assessing children. Family and “client” History
SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: CHILD OBSERVATION 3 Upon obtaining permission from Kenzie's parents, I was able to conduct observations of her during her daycare hours. I communicated the purpose of my assignment to them and assured them they would receive a copy of the final observational report. Kenzie is the eldest sibling in a family of five, with her younger sisters being four-year-old twins. Kenzie is a six-year-old who displays robust physical and cognitive health, as well as overall happiness. Her physical development is proportionate with her age. She has no current diagnoses of any sort. The child in question comes from a middle-class background of Caucasian descent, and her family adhere to Christian religious traditions. Her parents, Aaron and Chelsea, have been in a committed relationship for a decade and are the owners of a thriving daycare center, where Kenzie spends her days alongside her mother, who is the lead director. Aaron, Kenzie's father, is a case manager at a youth facility that aims to assist at-risk children in their community. Additionally, he is pursuing a counseling degree specializing in drug and alcohol-related issues. A strong sense of connectedness and mutual support characterizes Kenzie's family. Despite her father being an only child, he maintains a positive and active relationship with his father, who plays an integral role in his grandchildren's lives. Aaron, Kenzie's father, holds his father in high regard and frequently seeks his counsel on important matters. Despite the recent relocation of his mother out of state, he maintains a close relationship with her. Even though Aaron's parents have been separated for over two decades, he remains devoted to his family, often visits his mother, and mediates between his parents. Additionally, Aaron makes a weekly effort to share breakfast with his great-grandmother, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to family and tradition by caring for her. Kenzie's mother possesses excellent parenting skills and is adept at managing and strategizing the family business. Although Kenzie's father's immediate family information is
SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: CHILD OBSERVATION 4 available, limited communication has prevented the writer from obtaining in-depth information about the mother's parents. Although the writer faced some hesitation when it came to interviewing the mother due to her busy schedule and commitments to the daycare children, this writer was grateful that Kenzie's mother allowed for the opportunity to observe Kenzie during operating hours. The mother, Chelsea, holds the lead director position at a daycare facility, overseeing the staff and operations. All three of her children are enrolled in this facility. Despite her busy schedule, Chelsea has demonstrated commendable success in balancing both her work and family responsibilities. The familial support that Chelsea receives is abundant, as evidenced by the occasional visits from her relatives, who generously gift toys and clothing to Chelsea's children. Additionally, Chelsea's father is dependable, offers assistance as needed, and occasionally attends family gatherings. Observation-Day 1: 9 am-10:15 am Over the course of three days, I conducted a one-hour observation of Kenzie at her daycare center. On the first day of my visit, I observed that Kenzie was actively engaged in playtime activities with a group of children ranging in age from ten months to six years old. Of particular note, Kenzie's twin sisters were also present during this visit. Upon my arrival, Kenzie immediately recognized me by name, which may be attributed to my occasional attendance at various family functions and my employment at the same location as her father. This recognition suggests a level of familiarity and comfort with my presence, which may have influenced her behavior during my observation. In order to observe Kenzie's behavior, I refrained from initiating any direct contact with her initially. Instead, I monitored her interactions with others from a distance, taking note of her confident and playful demeanor and her apparent awareness of my presence. Despite the other
SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: CHILD OBSERVATION 5 children's curiosity concerning my presence, Kenzie remained unfazed by the commotion, which piqued my interest. Throughout my observation, Kenzie remained engaged in play with her friend, Princess Moon, a six-year-old girl. Kenzie exhibits highly developed social skills and an impressive vocabulary. Her imaginative abilities are notable for their vividness and descriptive detail. The writer observed an instance where Kenzie described a play scenario in great detail, showcasing her imaginative prowess. Kenzie displays remarkable maturity and responsibility, especially considering her age. Her capacity to temporarily halt her imaginative play and assist younger children who may have transgressed a rule or are near a restricted area is noteworthy. Once the situation has been addressed, Kenzie seamlessly resumes her playtime without disruption or delay. Her actions showcase her dedication to maintaining a safe and fair environment for everyone involved. Based on my observations, Kenzie is exhibiting behaviors and attitudes that resemble those of the staff in her environment and her mother. Kenzie demonstrates an understanding of authority figures by consciously seeking permission when necessary. During a play session, Kenzie observed a younger child experiencing difficulty while attempting to climb a slide. Recognizing the potential hazard, Kenzie promptly told her mother, "Mom, is it okay for the baby to climb up the slide." This thoughtful gesture reflects Kenzie's consideration for the age and functional abilities of the other children present. Kenzie displays considerable comfort in her environment and exhibits leadership qualities in her interactions with other children. She poses direct inquiries, such as "Why are you lying on the ground?" and may sometimes exhibit age-appropriate ornery behavior. She was seen riding a big wheel and bumping another child during observation. When asked by the child why she hit him, Kenzie responded, "You were in the way." It was evident that Kenzie's response was intended to be flippant. Kenzie was interested in the writer during the conclusion of the
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