1. Describe what could be in a Tactical Operations Center Standing Operating Procedure and why it is essential within Mission Command. A Tactical Operations Center Standing Operating Procedures (TACSOP) collects digital or analog processes and procedures. It’s
essentially outlined plan that units follow when
conducting tactical operations.
The TACSOP can include various areas such as; troop leading procedures, assembly area procedures, patrolling, how to conduct an ambush, PACE plans, and battle drills for the entire team to follow.
Management and unity of efforts during combat operations are vital for mission command. Commander and Senior Leaders must ensure both always occur. An Effective command allows subordinate leaders to exercise their initiative, take risks, and
seize opportunities during the mission and is why TACSOPs are so important!
2. What is the Department of Defense's role in Defense Support of Civil Authorities? The Department of Defense plays a critical role in Defense Support of Civil Authorities. The DOD’s mission is homeland security and national defense for our Country. The DOD consists of military forces and National Guard forces when coordination is made with the governor, DOD contractors, and civilians. In addition, support occurs in response to a request for assistance during national disasters or emergencies or local law enforcement requests.