English 002
RWDQ - Mark R. Levin
Professor Shireman
Emily Ferreira-Garcia
Where in the excerpt is Levin primarily presenting facts and where is he presenting opinions? Whose opinions?
Levin is mainly presenting facts in paragraph 3 and opinions in paragraph 5. The opinions are those of highly educated and experienced individuals.
The first four paragraphs are documented. That means Levin got his information from other sources, identified in the notes. What do you know about Breitbart, the source of three of those paragraphs? What type of bias might you expect from Breitbart?
Breitbart is more conservative, and you'll mostly hear right-wing views. Andrew Breitbart provides very far-right right commentary on news and commentary websites.
Since Breitbart is quoting Spencer himself, the ideas in paragraphs 2-4 are Spencer's. Do those opinions reflect what you have heard from other sources
about climate change? Explain.
In paragraph 4 I don't think that we don't know anything I think we all know enough to be able to take action and fight against climate change to make a difference in our environment.
How does Levin reveal his own bias in paragraph 5?
When he says “Period” at the end to like to confirm everything he had said in
paragraph 5.
Did you bring to your reading your own biases about climate change? Explain.
Not really because I wanted to enter the reading with a clear mind so that any outside perspective wouldn't affect what I thought about the article itself.