Lily Scott - Activity Plan (1)
Western Governors University *
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Apr 3, 2024
Uploaded by BaronRoseNightingale11
About your skin lesson plan A1. a. Effec’veness
When reviewing the About your skin lesson plan I no’ced that their was not a an’cipatory set within this lesson. The teacher explains that the skin plays an important part in the body in a very short sentence and then immediately begins presen’ng the ac’vity. Although the lesson itself is engaging the build up for engagement is not there. This loses its a effec’veness leaving too much room for students to be confused or lack understanding of the ac’vity and topic. The lack of an an’cipatory set leaves the students without an introduc’on in the topic of skin. I felt that the presenta’on of procedures and new informa’on was successful. The teacher clearly lays out the direc’ons for the ac’vity and makes it fun and engaging by including how fun it is to try to say words about the about the skin giving some examples. The instruc’ons to research and play a game to learn about the names of skin with a peer is clearly stated and I believe will be effec’ve in the students having understanding and staying engaged. A]er reading over the lesson plan I see that the guided prac’ce and independent student prac’ce are present. The guided prac’ce is the game the children will play with their peers about the different names and parts of the skin. This is a great way to keep children engaged, and have the research to come up with clues about each word creates understanding. The individual student prac’ce corresponds with the classes culmina’ng ac’vity of comple’ng a crossword puzzle. This is a great individual prac’ce and culmina’ng ac’vity as it gives the students a chance to review what they have just learned. b. Differen’a’on I felt that the accommoda’ons for students with below grade level readers and English language learners was not effec’ve. The accommoda’ons listed focused only on the crossword puzzle and not the guided prac’ce ac’vity that requires assistance with research and understanding. The students have adequate accommoda’ons for the crossword puzzle but do not have adequate accommoda’ons for the class game. For the class game I would be sure to pair the English language learners and below grade level with one of my gi]ed or talented students together in a group of four so they can play on teams so they can help the English language learners research, come up with clues, and answer the clues together. This allows for the students to understand and gain social experiences. C. Standard 1
Comprehend concepts related to health promo>on and disease preven>on to
enhance health. This standard is demonstrated as incomplete in this lesson. The lesson does not provide opportunity to understand health promo’on or disease preven’on when talking about the skin. The students are alloIed ’me to research the names of different parts
of the skin but does not adequately give guided ques’ons or discuss with the class what is healthy for your skin and how to prevent skin diseases. Standard 3
: Demonstrate the ability to access valid informa>on and products and services to enhance health. Part of this standard is demonstrated in the ac’vity. Students will research informa’on about different parts of the skin and what they do. This is a great way to introduce this standard and build off of it as the students use the informa’on they discovered in the game. Standard 4
: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communica>on skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. This standard is demonstrated well in the classroom through the use of the game, Super Skin Words, between the students. This game is interac>ve between students and has them prac>ce their communica>on skills about heath to give their clues about the skin name. D. This Lesson demonstrates having a posi’ve aftude towards the parts of the skin and health by crea’ng a fun and engaging game that keeps the students engaged. The teacher first makes it exci’ng by discussing how hard and fun it is to say the names of the parts of the skin. This makes it fun and engaging as the students try to say the names and starts the lesson off great promo’ng a posi’ve spin on learning about big scien’fic words. 2. One of the instruc’onal changes I would make would be to add an an’cipatory set to the lesson. This I believe would enhance the lesson by drawing my students into the new lesson. I would have the lesson start with ques’ons such as “what do you know about the different parts of the skin?” “Have you ever heard of the word epidermis? Do you know what it means?” This would be used to see where my students knowledge of skin is and guide me as the lesson goes on where to build off next. Then I would present a video about the different parts of the skin and their names. This would draw my students into the lesson by giving them a visual to see the terms we are going to be discussing and using that later on to build onto their research. The second instruc’onal change I would make would be to add a liIle more ’me to present informa’on with the class about what is healthy for your skin and how to prevent different skin diseases. This would allow me to meet Standard 1 which was missing from the lesson. I would discuss things like how washing your face and body with soaps help to keep your skin clean. I would discuss certain vitamins or things that help your skin stay tough and strong. I would also discuss how sunscreen helps prevent skin damage and can help us to keep healthy skin. These things would be added to help aid in teaching standard 1 to the class. The third instruc’onal change I would make is adding a liIle more ’me for independent prac’ce. I would add a second worksheet that they can label the different parts of the skin. I would have this be a ’me where they can label it and color it to help them visualize where these parts of the skin are. This is a great extra prac’ce to strengthen the understanding of the lesson.
Ac#vity Plan Template General Informa#on Lesson Title: Jump Rope For Heart Subject(s): Physical Educa#on Grade/Level/SeGng: 2nd grade
Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge: Basic Jump rope skills: how to hold the rope, and how to jump over it. The students will also need to know how to keep personal space. The students will need to know that movement increases heart rate, breathing, and that the heart grows stronger with physical activity. Standards and Objec#ves State/Na’onal Academic Standard(s): FPA.1.2 Iden’fies and par’cipates in physical ac’vi’es that increase heart rate. MS.20.2a Con’nuously jumps a self-turned rope with a mature paIern.* MS.20.2b Performs basic jump rope skills. TN State Physical Education Standards K- 12
Learning Objec#ve(s): Students will demonstrate the ability to jump rope continuously with their own self turned jump rope, and participate in activities such as running and jump roping to increase their heart rate. Students will identify what changes and how they feel when their heart rate increases with 100% accuracy. Materials
20 Jump ropes - Speakers - Computer -
8 Cones The teacher will use a computer connected to a speaker to play upbeat music while the students engage in the ac>vi>es. This helps to keep an upbeat and engaged environment as the students prac>ce exercise. Instruc#onal Strategies and Learning Tasks
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An#cipatory Set: Ac#vity Descrip#on/Teacher Student Ac#ons The teacher will have the students par’cipate in The students will par’cipate in the Warm ups around the gym. The teacher will guide warm ups presented by the teacher. Them in stretching exercises. The teacher will then Instruct the students to run from one to the next On the longer outside lines of the gym and then have them Walk from cone to the other on the two shorter outside Lines for 2 to 3 minutes while upbeat music plays throughout The gym. Presenta#on Procedures for New Informa#on and/or Modeling: Ac#vity Descrip#on/Teacher Student Ac#ons The teacher will present the students with guiding The students will answer the teachers Ques’ons about Heart rate. “What makes your heart guiding ques’ons about heart rate and Beat faster?” “What ac’vi’es can you do to get your heart. Jump rope. The students will place their Rate up?” A]er a quick discussion about heart rate, the jump ropes on the line in front of them and Teacher will present that Jump rope is a good way to par’cipate in the overview of jump ropes. Create healthy movement and increase your heart rate. The teacher will hand each student a jump rope, direct them to spread Out in the gym leaving enough space to jump between each of them, and To place their jump ropes laid out on the floor in front of them. Once the Teacher has made sure all students are ready to go she will begin to go Over the basic jump skills they have already learned in a previous Lesson. The teacher will have the students jump over the rope ten ’mes quickly And then ask the class to put their hand over their heart to feel how fast their heart is Going. She will ask for volunteers to describe it. Guided Prac#ce: Ac#vity Descrip#on/Teacher Student Ac#ons The teacher will explain to the class that they will be doing The Students will par’cipate in the ac’vity. The students will a series of jump rope exercises with the jump rope in front of them. Answer ques’ons when the teacher ask them, and ask for These exercises will include: jumping over the rope facing forward assistance when needed. The students will jump rope and back and forth, standing sideways and jumping back and forth follow the instruc’ons of the teacher. while moving forward, and jumping over the rope back and forth on one foot. The teacher will demonstrate each movement and explain to the students they will be doing each of these in a rota’on for 20 seconds each ’me for 2 minutes. The teacher will call out which move to do a]er every 20 seconds and walk around assis’ng students who need help and demonstra’ng when needed. The teacher will play fun music as the 2 minute ’mer goes. A]er the 2 minute jump rope exercise the teacher will ask the students if they can feel their heart beat going faster and what does that feel like when it beats faster? The teacher will then instruct the students to pick up their ropes and get ready to jump rope. They will do a few warm ups along with the teacher and then the teacher will play a 3 minute song and have them jump rope changing from hoping with both feet to one foot when the teacher calls out to change feet. The teacher will walk around, check in with students, and assist when needed. Independent Student Prac#ce: Ac#vity Descrip#on/Teacher The teacher will have an obstacle course set up with two lanes. Each with 4 cones set up in a zigzag with a jump rope at the end of each lane. The Teacher will split the children up into two groups of 10. The teacher will Explain the rules of the game. Student Ac#ons The students will complete the obstacle course by taking turns running in and out of the zigzag cones, then jumping rope 5 ’mes, and finally running back down the lane giving the next in line a high five to signal their turn. This will con’nue un’l everyone in the group has completed the obstacle course. Culmina#ng or Closing Procedure/Ac#vity: Ac#vity Descrip#on/Teacher Student Ac#ons The teacher will have the students each grab a jump rope and place it in the The students will follow instruc’ons and Designated jump rope clean up area. The teacher will have all the students then par’cipate in the cool down ac’vi’es. Complete a walk around the gym comple’ng two laps and then sifng and stretching The students will answer the ques’ons asked As the teacher demonstrates. While they are stretching the teacher will ask the by the teacher. Students to describe what jump roping can do for your heart and if it will help you grow strong?
c. presenta’on or modeling of new informa’on I chose to present jump rope as in correla’on to heart rate to promote more physical ac’vity in and outside of school. Students today are less likely to get the sufficient amount of physical ac’vity needed. In a recent study, more than 80% of children meet the recommended amount of physical ac’vity daily (Yang et al., 2020). Jump rope is proven to be a great resource to promote student physical ac’vity. Jump rope shoes a fun and easy way to play and to get the physical ac’vity they need. It can be affordable, easily accessible, and promotes whole body movement as well is a great example of how your heart rate increases when you move. (Yang et al., 2020) Differen#ated Instruc#on Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content specific accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs.
GiUed and Talented: The gi]ed and talented students will be given the chance to create their own jump rope rou’ne that they can share with the class. These students will be given the task to incorporate the side to side jumps and one foot jumps in there rou’ne. These students will also help demonstrate the jump rope techniques to a student in their class who is an English language learner. ELL: The English language learners will be given a partner to help guide them through the lesson if needed. The students will be given extra demonstra’ons of the task and how to follow the direc’ons by a peer or the teacher. Students with Other Special Needs: This modifica’on for a student with Au’sm who’s level of au’sm is moderate to high func’oning. The student will be given a buddy, and the student will be shown how to throw the rope over their head let it hit then ground, then jump, and repeat. The student will be given a break with a preferred toy a]er every 3 jumps. The teacher will provide extra assistance to this student to give him his break. The students buddy will run with him on his turn in the obstacle course. Assessment
Forma#ve The teacher will walk around and provide feedback as the students jump rope and perform the obstacle. The Teacher will observe the students as they jump rope, providing cri>que on how they are holding the jump rope and giving feedback to assist them in their jump rope technique. The teacher will observe if all students are par>cipa>ng, who is doing well and could use an extra step, and who need extra assistance. The teacher will collect data with a checklist checking off each >me a student par>cipates and making a note on where the student needs extra assistance or excels. Summa#ve Given a jump rope and space, the students will complete a jump roping exercise for 3 minutes switching between jumping on both feet to jumping on one foot while continuously self turning their rope to increase their heart rate with 100% accuracy. The teacher will observe the student participation in the jump rope activity to observe their performance and knowledge of jump roping. The teacher will use a checklist with basic jump rope skills listed and check off for each student as she observes.
differen’ated instruc’on (include jus’fica’on for EL, Gi]ed and Talented, student with other special needs) It is important to accommodate students in physical educa’on as to help students of all levels grow in their strength, and to create meaningful connec’ons to their unique need for physical ac’vity. In my lesson plan I men’on that for a student with au’sm is it is important to give them a buddy and a break. In Kathleen Ellis, Lauren Lieberman, and Dani LeRoux’s academic ar’cle “Using Differen’ated Instruc’on in Physical Educa’on,” they outline the importance of Assessing your students and learning what their individual learning need is. This is a con’nuous process and helps the teacher to assess what the learner needs in each step of the way. In my lesson plan I theorize that for a student with au’sm in my class, his need a peer buddy and high reinforcement to provide him with a break for comple’ng the task. (Ellis et al., 2023) • assessment (include jus’fica’on for forma’ve and summa’ve) In my lesson, I chose for the forma’ve assessment to be an observa’on as I walk around the gym to assess where my students are and where they need assistance. In an ar’cle wriIen by Eric Shea and Brent Heidorn, they state that a forma’ve assessment in physical educa’on is o]en used while learning is s’ll taking place. Forma’ve assessments can be observed by the par’cipa’on in fitness work. This is also another way in physical educa’on a summa’ve assessment can be observed. In my my lesson I chose to use a checklist to check off the appropriate level of skill and knowledge and jumping rope the students presented as they completed a three minute jump rope ac’vity. (Shea & Heidorn, 2022)
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Sources Shea, E., & Heidorn, B. (2022). Quality Assessment in physical education: Concepts, examples and recommendations. Strategies
, 35
(6), 46–48.
Ellis, K., Lieberman, L., & LeRoux, D. (2023). Using differentiated instruction in physical education
. APH.
Yang, X., Lee, J., Gu, X., Zhang, X., & Zhang, T. (2020). Physical Fitness promotion among adolescents: Effects of a jump rope-based Physical Activity Afterschool Program. Children
, 7
(8), 95.