Problem Solving with C++ (9th Edition) - 9th Edition - by Walter Savitch - ISBN 9780133591743

Problem Solving with C++ (9th Edition)
9th Edition
Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780133591743

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Chapter 2.5 - Program StyleChapter 3 - More Flow Of ControlChapter 3.1 - Using Boolean ExpressionsChapter 3.2 - Multiway BranchesChapter 3.3 - More About C++ Loop StatementsChapter 3.4 - Designing LoopsChapter 4 - Procedural Abstraction And Functions That Return A ValueChapter 4.2 - Predefined FunctionsChapter 4.3 - Programmer-defined FunctionsChapter 4.4 - Procedural AbstractionChapter 4.5 - Scope And Local VariablesChapter 4.6 - Overloading Function NamesChapter 5 - Functions For All SubtasksChapter 5.1 - Void FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Call-by-reference ParametersChapter 5.3 - Using Procedural AbstractionChapter 5.4 - Testing And Debugging FunctionsChapter 5.5 - General Debugging TechniquesChapter 6 - I/o Streams As An Introduction To Objects And ClassesChapter 6.1 - Streams And Basic File I/oChapter 6.2 - Tools For Stream I/oChapter 6.3 - Character I/oChapter 7 - ArraysChapter 7.1 - Introduction To ArraysChapter 7.2 - Arrays In FunctionsChapter 7.3 - Programming With ArraysChapter 7.4 - Multidimensional ArraysChapter 8 - Strings And VectorsChapter 8.1 - An Array Type For StringsChapter 8.2 - The Standard String ClassChapter 8.3 - VectorsChapter 9 - Pointers And Dynamic ArraysChapter 9.1 - PointersChapter 9.2 - Dynamic ArraysChapter 10 - Defining ClassesChapter 10.1 - StructuresChapter 10.2 - ClassesChapter 10.3 - Abstract Data TypesChapter 10.4 - Introduction To InheritanceChapter 11 - Friends, Overloaded Operators, And Arrays In ClassesChapter 11.1 - Friend FunctionsChapter 11.2 - Overloading OperatorsChapter 11.3 - Arrays And ClassesChapter 11.4 - Classes And Dynamic ArraysChapter 12 - Separate Compilation And NamespacesChapter 12.1 - Separate CompilationChapter 12.2 - NamespacesChapter 13 - Pointers And Linked ListsChapter 13.1 - Nodes And Linked ListsChapter 13.2 - Stacks And QueuesChapter 14 - RecursionChapter 14.1 - Recursive Functions For TasksChapter 14.2 - Recursive Functions For ValuesChapter 14.3 - Thinking RecursivelyChapter 15 - InheritanceChapter 15.1 - Inheritance BasicsChapter 15.2 - InheritancedetailsChapter 15.3 - PolymorphismChapter 16 - Exception HandlingChapter 16.1 - Exception-handling BasicsChapter 16.2 - Programming Techniques For Exception HandlingChapter 17 - TemplatesChapter 17.1 - Templates For Algorithm AbstractionChapter 17.2 - Templates For Data AbstractionChapter 18 - Standard Template LibraryChapter 18.1 - IteratorsChapter 18.2 - ContainersChapter 18.3 - Generic Algorithms

Book Details

Problem Solving with C++ is intended for use in the C++ introductory programming course. Created for the beginner, it is also suitable for readers interested in learning the C++ programming language.

Problem Solving with C++ continues to be the most widely used textbook by students and instructors in the introduction to programming and C++ language course. Through each edition, hundreds and thousands of students have valued Walt Savitch's approach to programming, which emphasizes active reading through the use of well-placed examples and self-test examples. Created for the beginner, this book focuses on cultivating strong problem-solving and programming techniques while introducing students to the C++ programming language.

MyProgrammingLab for Problem Solving with C++ is a total learning package. MyProgrammingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students better prepare for class, quizzes, and exams-resulting in better performance in the course-and provides educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class progress.

Teaching and Learning Experience

This program presents a better teaching and learning experience--for you and your students.

  • Personalized Learning with MyProgrammingLab: Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming.
  • Keep Your Course Current: This edition features a new introduction to C++11 in the context of C++98.
  • Flexible Coverage that Fits your Course: Instructors ca

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Problem Solving with C++ (10th Edition)
10th Edition
ISBN: 9780134448282
Problem Solving with C++ (10th Edition)
10th Edition
ISBN: 9780134521176

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