Solutions for EBK CHEMISTRY
Problem 1RQ:
What are intermolecular forces? How do they differ from intramolecular forces? What are...Problem 2RQ:
Define the following terms and describe how each depends on the strength of the intermolecular...Problem 3RQ:
Compare and contrast solids, liquids, and gases.Problem 5RQ:
What is a lattice? What is a unit cell? Describe a simple cubic unit cell. How many net atoms are...Problem 6RQ:
What is closest packing? What is the difference between hexagonal closest packing and cubic closest...Problem 8RQ:
Describe, in general, the structures of ionic solids. Compare and contrast the structure of sodium...Problem 11RQ:
Compare and contrast the phase diagrams of water and carbon dioxide. Why doesn t CO2 have a normal...Problem 1ALQ:
It is possible to balance a paper clip on the surface of water in a beaker. lf you add a bit of soap...Problem 2ALQ:
Consider a sealed container half-filled with water. Which statement best describes what occurs in...Problem 3ALQ:
Explain the following: You add 100 mL water to a 500-mL round-bottom flask and heat the water until...Problem 6ALQ:
Why do liquids have a vapor pressure? Do all liquids have vapor pressures? Explain. Do solids...Problem 13Q:
In the diagram below, which lines represent the hydrogen bonding? a. the dotted lines between the...Problem 15Q:
Atoms are assumed to touch in closest packed structures, yet every closest packed unit cell contains...Problem 16Q:
Define critical temperature and critical pressure. In terms of the kinetic molecular theory, why is...Problem 17Q:
Use the kinetic molecular theory to explain why a liquid gets cooler as it evaporates from an...Problem 20Q:
Describe what is meant by a dynamic equilibrium in terms of the vapor pressure of a liquid.Problem 25Q:
When wet laundry is hung on a clothesline on a cold winter day, it will freeze but eventually dry....Problem 27Q:
You have three covalent compounds with three very different boiling points. All of the compounds...Problem 29Q:
Compare and contrast the structures of the following solids. a. CO2(s) versus H2O(s) b. NaCl(s)...Problem 30Q:
Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard substance that acts as an electrical insulator. Propose a...Problem 32Q:
A common prank on college campuses is to switch the salt and sugar on dining hall tables, which is...Problem 33Q:
A plot of In (Pvap) versus 1/T (K) is linear with a negative slope. Why is this the case?Problem 35E:
Identify the most important types of interparticle forces present in the solids of each of the...Problem 37E:
Predict which substance in each of the following pairs would have the greater intermolecular forces....Problem 38E:
Consider the compounds CI2, HCI. F2, NaF, and HF. Which compound has a boiling point closest to that...Problem 40E:
Consider the following electrostatic potential diagrams: Rank the compounds from lowest to highest...Problem 41E:
In each of the following groups of substances, pick the one that has the given property. Justify...Problem 43E:
The shape of the meniscus of water in a glass tube is different from that of mercury in a glass...Problem 45E:
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a syrupy liquid with a relatively low vapor pressure and a normal...Problem 46E:
Carbon diselenide (CSe2) is a liquid at room temperature. The normal boiling point is l25C, and the...Problem 47E:
X rays from a copper X-ray tube ( = 154 pm) were diffracted at an angle of 14.22 degrees by a...Problem 48E:
The second-order diffraction (n = 2) for a gold crystal is at an angle of22.20 for X rays of 154 pm....Problem 49E:
A topaz crystal has an interplanar spacing (d) of 1.36 (1 = 1 1010 m). Calculate the wavelength...Problem 50E:
X rays of wavelength 2.63 were used to analyze a crystal. The angle of first-order diffraction (n =...Problem 51E:
Calcium has a cubic closest packed structure as a solid. Assuming that calcium has an atomic radius...Problem 52E:
Nickel has a face-centered cubic unit cell. The density of nickel is 6.84 g/cm3. Calculate a value...Problem 53E:
A certain form of lead has a cubic closest packed structure with an edge length of 492 pm. Calculate...Problem 55E:
You are given a small bar of an unknown metal X. You find the density of the metal to be 10.5 g/cm3....Problem 56E:
A metallic solid with atoms in a face-centered cubic unit cell with an edge length of 392 pm has a...Problem 57E:
Titanium metal has a body-centered cubic unit cell. The density of titanium is 4.50 g/cm3. Calculate...Problem 58E:
Barium has a body-centered cubic structure. If the atomic radius of barium is 222 pm, calculate the...Problem 59E:
The radius of gold is 144 pm, and the density is 19.32 g/cm3. Does elemental gold have a...Problem 60E:
The radius of tungsten is 137 pm and the density is 19.3 g/cm3. Does elemental tungsten have a...Problem 61E:
What fraction of the total volume of a cubic closest packed structure is occupied by atoms? (Hint:...Problem 62E:
Iron has a density of 7.86 g/cm3 and crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice. Show that only...Problem 65E:
Selenium is a semiconductor used in photocopying machines. What type of semiconductor would be...Problem 69E:
The structures of some common crystalline substances are shown below. Show that the net composition...Problem 70E:
The unit cell for nickel arsenide is shown below. What is the formula of this compound?Problem 71E:
Cobalt fluoride crystallizes in a closest packed array of fluoride ions with the cobalt ions filling...Problem 72E:
The compounds Na2O, CdS, and ZrI4. all can be described as cubic closest packed anions with the...Problem 73E:
What is the formula for the compound that crystallizes with a cubic closest packed array of sulfur...Problem 75E:
A certain metal fluoride crystallizes in such a way that the fluoride ions occupy simple cubic...Problem 77E:
The unit cell of MgO is shown below l Does MgO have a structure like that of NaCl or ZnS? If the...Problem 78E:
In solid KCl the smallest distance between the centers of a. potassium ion and a chloride ion is 314...Problem 79E:
The CsCl structure is a simple cubic array of chloride ions with a cesium ion at the center of each...Problem 80E:
MnO has either the NaCI type structure or the CsCI type structure (see Exercise 69). The edge length...Problem 81E:
What type of solid will each of the following substances form? a. CO2 b. SiO2 c. Si d. CH4 e. Ru f....Problem 82E:
What type of solid will each of the following substances form? a. diamond b. PH3 c. H2 d. Mg e. KCl...Problem 83E:
The memory metal, nitinol, is an alloy of nickel and titanium. It is called a memory metal because...Problem 84E:
Superalloys have been made of nickel and aluminum. The alloy owes its strength to the formation of...Problem 85E:
Perovskite is a mineral containing calcium, titanium, and oxygen. Two different representations of...Problem 86E:
A mineral crystallizes in a cubic closest packed array of oxygen ions with aluminum ions in some of...Problem 87E:
Materials containing the elements Y, Ba, Cu, and O that are superconductors (electrical resistance...Problem 88E:
The structures of another class of ceramic, high-temperature superconductors are shown in figures...Problem 89E:
Plot the following data and determine Hvap for magnesium and lithium. In which metal is the bonding...Problem 90E:
From the following data for liquid nitric acid, deter mine its heat of vaporization and normal...Problem 91E:
In Breckenridge, Colorado, the typical atmospheric pressure is 520. torr. What is the boiling point...Problem 92E:
The temperature inside a pressure cooker is 115C. Calculate the vapor pressure of water inside the...Problem 93E:
Carbon tetrachloride, CCl4, has a vapor pressure of 213 torr at 40.C and 836 torr at 80.C. What is...Problem 94E:
Diethyl ether (CH3CH2OCH2CH3) was one of the first chemicals used as an anesthetic. At 34.6C,...Problem 95E:
A substance, X, has the following properties: Specific Heat Capacities Hvap 20.kj/mol C(s) 3.0j/gC...Problem 96E:
Use the heating-cooling curve below to answer the following questions. a. What is the freezing point...Problem 97E:
The molar heat of fusion of sodium metal is 2.60 kJ/mol, whereas its heat of vaporization is 97.0...Problem 99E:
What quantity of energy does it take to convert 0.500 kg ice at 20.C to steam at 250.C? Specific...Problem 100E:
Consider a 75.0-g sample of H2O(g) at 125C. What phase or phases are present when 215 kJ of energy...Problem 101E:
An ice cube tray contains enough water at 22.0C to make 18 ice cubes that each has a mass of 30.0 g....Problem 102E:
A 0.250-g chunk of sodium metal is cautiously dropped into a mixture of 50.0 g water and 50.0 g ice,...Problem 108E:
Consider the following data for xenon: Triple point: 121C, 280 torr Normal melting point: 112C...Problem 109AE:
Some of the physical properties of H2O and D2O are as follows: Property H2O D2O Density at 20C...Problem 110AE:
Rationalize the following boiling points:Problem 111AE:
Consider the following vapor pressure versus temperature plot for three different substances: A, B,...Problem 112AE:
Consider the following enthalpy changes:...Problem 114AE:
Boron nitride (BN) exists in two forms. The first is a slippery solid formed from the reaction of...Problem 116AE:
Argon has a cubic closest packed structure as a solid. Assuming that argon has a radius of 190. pm,...Problem 118AE:
A 20.0-g sample of ice at 10.0C is mixed with 100.0 g water at 80.0C. Calculate the final...Problem 119AE:
In regions with dry climates, evaporative coolers are used to cool air. A typical electric air...Problem 121CWP:
Which of the following compound(s) exhibit only London dispersion intermolecular forces? Which...Problem 122CWP:
Which of the following statements about intermolecular forces is( are) true? a. London dispersion...Problem 124CWP:
Aluminum has an atomic radius of 143 pm and forms a solid with a cubic closest packed structure....Problem 125CWP:
Pyrolusite is a mineral containing manganese ions and oxide ions. Its structure can best be...Problem 126CWP:
The structure of the compound K2O is best described as a cubic closest packed array of ox.ide ions...Problem 128CWP:
Some ice cubes at 0c with a total mass of 403 g are placed in a microwave oven and subjected to 750....Problem 129CWP:
The enthalpy of vaporization for acetone is 32.0 kJ/mol. The normal boiling point for acetone is...Problem 131CP:
When I mole of benzene is vaporized at a constant pressure of 1.00 atm and at its boiling point of...Problem 132CP:
You and a friend each synthesize a compound with the formula XeCI2F2. Your compound is a liquid and...Problem 135CP:
Consider two different organic compounds, each with the formula C2H6O. One of these compounds is a...Problem 136CP:
Rationalize the differences in physical properties in terms of intermolecular forces for the...Problem 138CP:
Some ionic compounds contain a mixture of different charged cations. For example, wstite is an oxide...Problem 139CP:
Some ionic compounds contain a mixture of different charged cations. For example, some titanium...Problem 140CP:
Spinel is a mineral that contains 37.9% aluminum, 17.1% magnesium, and 45.0% oxygen, by mass, and...Problem 141CP:
Mn crystallizes in the same type of cubic unit cell as Cu. Assuming that the radius of Mn is 5.6%...Problem 142CP:
You are asked to help set up a historical display in the park by stacking some cannonballs next to a...Problem 143CP:
Some water is placed in a sealed glass container connected to a vacuum pump (a device used to pump...Problem 144CP:
The molar enthalpy of vaporization of water at 373 K and 1.00 atm is 40.7 kJ/mol. What fraction of...Problem 146CP:
Rubidium chloride has the sodium chloride structure at normal pressures but assumes the cesium...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Chemical FoundationsChapter 2 - Atoms, Molecules, And IonsChapter 3 - StoichiometryChapter 4 - Types Of Chemical Reactions And Solution StoichiometryChapter 5 - GasesChapter 6 - ThermochemistryChapter 7 - Atomic Structure And PeriodicityChapter 8 - Bonding: General ConceptsChapter 9 - Covalent Bonding: OrbitalsChapter 10 - Liquids And Solids
Chapter 11 - Properties Of SolutionsChapter 12 - Chemical KineticsChapter 13 - Chemical EquilibriumChapter 14 - Acids And BasesChapter 15 - Acid-base EquilibriaChapter 16 - Solubility And Complex Ion EquilibriaChapter 17 - Spontaneity, Entropy, And Free EnergyChapter 18 - ElectrochemistryChapter 19 - The Nucleus: A Chemist's ViewChapter 20 - The Representative ElementsChapter 21 - Transition Metals And Coordination ChemistryChapter 22 - Organic And Biological Molecules
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for EBK CHEMISTRY homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1RQChapter 1, Problem 30EChapter 1, Problem 35EChapter 1, Problem 36EChapter 1, Problem 38EChapter 1, Problem 45EChapter 1, Problem 57EChapter 1, Problem 59EChapter 1, Problem 60E
Chapter 1, Problem 63EChapter 1, Problem 64EChapter 1, Problem 73EChapter 1, Problem 113CPChapter 2, Problem 1RQChapter 2, Problem 64EChapter 2, Problem 67EChapter 2, Problem 68EExplanation: Atomic number given is 13. From the periodic table we can identify that the element...Chapter 2, Problem 71EExplanation: To determine: The naming of CuI The name of CuI is copper(I) iodide. In naming of...Explanation: To determine: The naming of HC2H3O2 The naming of HC2H3O2 is acetic acid. Rules for...To determine: The formula of of sulfur difluoride The formula of sulfur difluoride is SF2 Sulfur...Explanation: To determine: The formula of sodium oxide. The formula of sodium oxide is Na2O The...Chapter 2, Problem 86EChapter 2, Problem 88EExplanation: To determine: The formula and the name of the binary compound formed from Ca and N. The...Explanation: To determine: The explanation for the term “counting by weighing”. The stated concept,...Chapter 3, Problem 59EChapter 3, Problem 60EChapter 3, Problem 61EExplanation: Given The mass of P4O6 is 1.00 g . The molar mass of P4O6 is 219.866 g/mol . Formula...Chapter 3, Problem 64EChapter 3, Problem 67EChapter 3, Problem 68EChapter 3, Problem 71EChapter 3, Problem 73EChapter 3, Problem 76EChapter 3, Problem 79EChapter 3, Problem 100EChapter 3, Problem 109EChapter 3, Problem 119EChapter 3, Problem 121EChapter 3, Problem 124EChapter 3, Problem 150AEChapter 3, Problem 152CWPChapter 3, Problem 180IPChapter 4, Problem 1RQChapter 4, Problem 7RQExplanation: NaBr(s)→Na(aq)++Braq- Figure 1 Let us consider the above molecular-level pictures of...Explanation: Record the given data Moles of Sodium phosphate= 0.200 moles Volume of the solution=...Chapter 4, Problem 66EChapter 4, Problem 79EChapter 4, Problem 82EChapter 4, Problem 93AEChapter 4, Problem 121CPChapter 4, Problem 122CPChapter 4, Problem 123CPExplanation Record the given data Mass of the sample mixture = 0.205 g Mass of the precipitate =...Explanation: Given: Record the given data Upstream at which the stream rate flows = 5.00×104 L/s...Chapter 4, Problem 144MPChapter 4, Problem 145MPA barometer consists of Mercury column that is tipped inverted and positioned in a dish containing...Chapter 5, Problem 41EExplanation: The relation between pressures measured in the manometers containing mercury and...Explanation According to ideal gas equation, PV=nRT By rearranging the above equation, PVnT=R Since...Chapter 5, Problem 88EExplanation: To find: the mole fractions of CH4 and O2 in the given mixture if the partial pressure...Explanation To find: the number of moles of dimethyl hydrazine from its given mass. The number of...Explanation To determine: The partial pressure of carbon monoxide Partial pressure of carbon...Explanation To determine: The mixing ratio of benzene Mixing ratio of benzene = 9.47 × 10-3ppmv For...Explanation: The mass percent from the given data is, 26.1% Carbon13.1% Hydrogen61.0% Nitrogen Mass...Chapter 5, Problem 135AEExplanation To find: the empirical formula of the compound Convert the mass percent to gram 58.51%...Chapter 5, Problem 139AEChapter 5, Problem 152CPChapter 5, Problem 153CPExplanation To determine: Mass of hot air when the average molar mass of air 29.0g/mol Mass of hot...Chapter 5, Problem 162IPChapter 6, Problem 1RQChapter 6, Problem 20QChapter 6, Problem 34EChapter 6, Problem 50EChapter 6, Problem 52EChapter 6, Problem 79EChapter 6, Problem 80EExplanation: The balanced equation is: a) N2(g)→N2(l) In (a) the volume of products is decreases...Chapter 6, Problem 108AEChapter 6, Problem 115AEChapter 6, Problem 130CPChapter 6, Problem 131CPChapter 6, Problem 134IPChapter 6, Problem 135IPChapter 6, Problem 137MPChapter 7, Problem 1RQChapter 7, Problem 24QChapter 7, Problem 43EChapter 7, Problem 57EChapter 7, Problem 58EChapter 7, Problem 61EChapter 7, Problem 62EChapter 7, Problem 63EChapter 7, Problem 74EChapter 7, Problem 79EChapter 7, Problem 81EChapter 7, Problem 82EChapter 7, Problem 86EChapter 7, Problem 87EChapter 7, Problem 94EChapter 7, Problem 95EChapter 7, Problem 97EChapter 7, Problem 142AEChapter 7, Problem 171CPChapter 8, Problem 1RQExplanation: Refer to figure 3-4. The electro negativity of carbon (C) , nitrogen (N) , and oxygen...Explanation: Refer to figure 3-4 The electro negativity of Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) and Rubidium...Chapter 8, Problem 46EChapter 8, Problem 47EChapter 8, Problem 49EExplanation: In a periodic table the size of ions depends on the nuclear attraction on the valence...Chapter 8, Problem 54EChapter 8, Problem 62EChapter 8, Problem 81EChapter 8, Problem 84EChapter 8, Problem 89EChapter 8, Problem 101EChapter 8, Problem 102EChapter 8, Problem 129AEChapter 8, Problem 154CPChapter 8, Problem 155CPChapter 9, Problem 1RQChapter 9, Problem 23EChapter 9, Problem 24EChapter 9, Problem 26EChapter 9, Problem 29EChapter 9, Problem 30EChapter 9, Problem 39EChapter 9, Problem 52EChapter 9, Problem 53EChapter 9, Problem 63AEChapter 9, Problem 89CPChapter 10, Problem 1RQChapter 10, Problem 41EExplanation: CCl4 , CBr4, CF4 Identify the compound which has highest boiling point and justify it....Chapter 10, Problem 53EChapter 10, Problem 55EChapter 10, Problem 56EChapter 10, Problem 57EChapter 10, Problem 58EChapter 10, Problem 59EChapter 10, Problem 60EChapter 10, Problem 62EChapter 10, Problem 80EChapter 10, Problem 88EChapter 10, Problem 131CPChapter 10, Problem 146CPChapter 10, Problem 148IPExplanation: To explain molarity Molarity can be defined as moles of solute to litres of solution....Chapter 11, Problem 16SRChapter 11, Problem 31EExplanation: Record the given data Gram equivalent of HCl = 0.25 Molarity of HCl = 0.25 M To...Explanation: KrF2 8+2(7)=22e- KrF2 is dissolves in CCl4 . KrF2 is non-polar molecule that makes it...Chapter 11, Problem 55EChapter 11, Problem 79EExplanation: Record the given data, Molality of MgCl2= 0.050 m Molality of FeCl3= 0.050 m To...Explanation: Record the given data, Molality of MgCl2= 0.050 m Molality of FeCl3= 0.050 m To...Explanation: To find the Acetone and water polarity CH3COCH3 and H2O The electrostatic possible...Explanation: Record the given data, Freezing point of an aqueous solution =- 2.79°C To calculate...Mass of Sodium = 285-315 mg Mass of Potassium = 14.1-17.3 mg Mass of Calcium = 4.9-6.0 mg Mass of...Chapter 11, Problem 109AEChapter 11, Problem 120CPChapter 11, Problem 132IPChapter 12, Problem 1RQChapter 12, Problem 30EChapter 12, Problem 33EChapter 12, Problem 35EChapter 12, Problem 36EChapter 12, Problem 58EChapter 12, Problem 84AEChapter 12, Problem 86AEChapter 12, Problem 87AEChapter 12, Problem 91AEChapter 12, Problem 93AEChapter 12, Problem 105CPChapter 12, Problem 112CPChapter 13, Problem 1RQChapter 13, Problem 5ALQChapter 13, Problem 23EChapter 13, Problem 39EChapter 13, Problem 42EChapter 13, Problem 54EChapter 13, Problem 56EChapter 13, Problem 57EChapter 13, Problem 72AEChapter 13, Problem 73AEChapter 13, Problem 78AEChapter 13, Problem 104CPChapter 13, Problem 106CPChapter 14, Problem 1RQChapter 14, Problem 49EChapter 14, Problem 50EChapter 14, Problem 51EChapter 14, Problem 52EChapter 14, Problem 63EChapter 14, Problem 64EChapter 14, Problem 68EChapter 14, Problem 73EChapter 14, Problem 74EExplanation: To determine: The pH, [H+] and [OH−] of (C2H5)3N . The equilibrium constant expression...Chapter 14, Problem 101EChapter 14, Problem 107EChapter 14, Problem 108EChapter 14, Problem 109EChapter 14, Problem 119EChapter 14, Problem 120EChapter 14, Problem 123EChapter 14, Problem 126EChapter 14, Problem 151AEChapter 15, Problem 1RQChapter 15, Problem 7RQChapter 15, Problem 43EChapter 15, Problem 57EChapter 15, Problem 58EChapter 15, Problem 59EChapter 15, Problem 60EChapter 15, Problem 61EChapter 15, Problem 62EChapter 15, Problem 63EChapter 15, Problem 64EChapter 15, Problem 65EExplanation The value of pH of solution when 0.0 mL NaOH has been added is. 1.0_ . Given: The...Chapter 15, Problem 107CWPChapter 16, Problem 1RQExplanation To determine: The solubility product of CaC2O4 . The concentration of Ca2+ is 4.8×10−5...Chapter 16, Problem 22EChapter 16, Problem 27EChapter 16, Problem 28EChapter 16, Problem 35EChapter 16, Problem 36EChapter 16, Problem 37EChapter 16, Problem 40EChapter 16, Problem 53EChapter 16, Problem 70EChapter 16, Problem 102CPChapter 17, Problem 1RQChapter 17, Problem 53EChapter 17, Problem 54EChapter 17, Problem 63EChapter 17, Problem 64EChapter 17, Problem 68EChapter 17, Problem 70EChapter 17, Problem 72EChapter 17, Problem 74EChapter 17, Problem 78EChapter 17, Problem 86AEChapter 17, Problem 90AEChapter 17, Problem 119MPChapter 18, Problem 1RQChapter 18, Problem 16RORRExplanation: Given: I- (aq) + ClO- (aq) →I3− (aq) + Cl-(aq) To write the equations for two...Explanation: Given: Cu (s) + NO3- (aq) →Cu2+ (aq) + NO(g) To write the equations for two...Chapter 18, Problem 47EChapter 18, Problem 75EChapter 18, Problem 76EChapter 18, Problem 85EChapter 18, Problem 86EChapter 18, Problem 95EChapter 18, Problem 115AEChapter 18, Problem 117AEExplanation: Given The given reaction is, Fe(s)+HCl(aq)→HFeCl4(aq)+H2(g) . In this equation, the...Chapter 18, Problem 144CPExplanation The half cell reactions are, Anode: Hg→Hg2++2e− Eanodeο=0.242 V Cathode: 2Ag++2e−→2Ag...Chapter 18, Problem 153CPChapter 18, Problem 159MPExplanation (a) To define: The term thermodynamic stability. The thermodynamic stability is related...Explanation: Alpha particle is emitted. The parent nuclide is 232Th and the nuclide after the...Explanation The most stable isotope is 81Kr and the hottest one is 73Kr The nuclides having longer...Explanation Given The atomic mass of 232Pu is 3.85285×10−22 g . The mass of a neutron is...Explanation The atomic mass of 11H=1.0078 amu The mass of a neutron is 1.0087 amu . Mass of...Explanation Given The value of half life of 87Rb is 4.5×109 years . The decay constant is calculated...Explanation The decay constant is calculated by the formula given below. λ=0.693t1/2 Where t1/2 is...Explanation: The zirconium metal is capable of reducing water to form hydrogen gas at standard...Explanation The number of α and β particles produced are 4_ and 2_ . The mass number of 92238U is...Explanation The nuclear reaction for the synthesis of cobalt- 60 is, 2658Fe+201n→ 2760Co+ −10e . The...Chapter 20, Problem 1RQExplanation The valence electron configuration for halogens is ns2np5 . The common halogen elements...Explanation The value of ΔH° for the given reaction is 180 kJ_ . The stated reaction is,...Explanation: The compound XeO4 and IO4− ion are isoelectronic. The molecule xenon tetroxide (XeO4)...Explanation: The Lewis structure, molecular structure, bond angle and hybridization of central atom...Explanation Given Dimension of room is 10.0 m×10.0 m×10.0 m . Temperature is 25 °C . Pressure is...Explanation: Hydrogen gas is produced by reacting graphite with water. C(s)+H2O(g)→CO(g)+H2(g) The...Explanation: The number of moles of hydrogen gas is 0.249 mol_. Given Mass of alkaline earth metal...Explanation: Mass of radon (Ra) is 25 g_ . Given Mass of pitch-blende is 1.75×108 g . The conversion...Explanation Given Temperature is 900 K . Pressure of In(CH3)3 is 2.00 atm . Volume of In(CH3)3 is...Chapter 20, Problem 108IPChapter 20, Problem 109IPChapter 21, Problem 1RQExplanation: (I) To determine: The geometry and associated bond angles when a metal ion has a...Explanation: Atomic number of Nickel is 28 . Accordingly the electronic configuration is –...Explanation: Atomic number of Nickel is 22 . Accordingly the electronic configuration is –...EXPLANATION (a) To write: The electron configuration of metal ion in (NH4)2[Fe(H2O)2Cl4] . The...Explanation The complex ion is [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+. This ion contains positive charge. Oxidation state of...Explanation The complex compound is [Co(NH3)6]Cl2 . Oxidation state of Chlorine ion (Cl−) is −1 ....Explanation The complex compound is [Cr(H2O)5Br]Br2 . Oxidation state of Bromine ion (Br−) is −1 ....Explanation The value of ΔH° for the given reaction is −11 kJ_ . For the reaction,...Explanation The reaction that takes place is, 3Fe2O3(s)+CO(g)→2Fe3O4(s)+CO2(g) Refer to Appendix 4....Explanation The given equations are, Co+3+e−→Co+2 Eο=1.82 V (1) Co2++3en→Co(en)32+ K=1.5×1012 (2)...Chapter 21, Problem 99IPChapter 22, Problem 1RQChapter 22, Problem 5RQExplanation: The type of isomerism that could be exhibited by C6H12 and an example that illustrates...Chapter 22, Problem 16EChapter 22, Problem 45EExplanation To determine: The monomer of the given polymer. The monomer is vinyl fluoride. It is an...Explanation The correct name of the compound is 2,3,5,6−Tetramethyl−octane whose structure is shown...Explanation The structure of the given compound 2,3,7,8−tetrachloro−dibenzo−p−dioxin is shown in...Chapter 22, Problem 130AEChapter 22, Problem 136AEExplanation The equilibrium constant for the given reaction is 6.88×10−13_ . The equilibrium...Chapter 22, Problem 148CPExplanation The structure of C5H12 is shown in Figure 1. The structure of C5H12 is, Figure 1 The...Explanation The structure of the polymer of ABS plastic is shown in figure 1. The reaction of Abs...Explanation Given Electronic configuration of M+2 is [Ar]3d10. So, atomic number of M is 30. In...Explanation The empirical formula of the given helicene is C5H3 . Helicene is an aromatic compound...The correct responses are urea and Ammonium cyanate. The first organic compound that is synthesized...Explanation Aldohexose is a six carbon aldehyde sugar with an aldehyde group on one end.
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