Problem 1A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 2A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 3A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 4A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 5A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 6A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 7A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Problem 8A:
Carefully examine the common sedimentary rocks shown In Figure 2.13. Use these photos and the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Study Of MineralsChapter 1.1 - Minerals: Building Blocks Of RockChapter 1.2 - LusterChapter 1.3 - Color And StreakChapter 1.4 - Crystal Shape, Or HabitChapter 1.5 - HardnessChapter 1.6 - Cleavage And FractureChapter 1.7 - Specific GravityChapter 1.8 - Other Properties Of MineralsChapter 1.9 - Identification Of Minerals
Chapter 1.10 - Mineral GroupsChapter 2 - Rocks And The Rock CycleChapter 2.1 - Rock Groups And The Rock CycleChapter 2.2 - Igneous Rock TexturesChapter 2.3 - Composition Of Igneous RocksChapter 2.4 - Identifying Igneous RocksChapter 2.5 - Classifying Sedimentary RocksChapter 2.6 - Identifying Sedimentary RocksChapter 2.7 - Sedimentary EnvironmentsChapter 3 - Plate TectonicsChapter 3.1 - From Continental Drift To Plate TectonicsChapter 3.2 - Plate BoundariesChapter 3.3A - Evidence: The Continental Jigsaw Puzzle: The Continental Jigsaw PuzzleChapter 3.3B - Evidence: The Continental Jigsaw Puzzle: Matching Rock TypesChapter 3.5 - Evidence: Deep-focus EarthquakesChapter 3.6 - Evidence: PaleomagnetismChapter 3.7A - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Paleomagnetism And Seafloor SpreadingChapter 3.7B - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Calculating The Rate Of Seafloor SpreadingChapter 3.7C - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Determining The Ages Of Ocean BasinsChapter 3.8 - Hot Spots And Plate VelocitiesChapter 4 - Earthquakes And Earth's InteriorChapter 4.1 - EarthquakesChapter 4.2A - Locating An Earthquake: Using A Travel-time GraphChapter 4.2B - Locating An Earthquake: Locating An EarthquakeChapter 4.3 - Global Distribution Of EarthquakesChapter 4.4 - The Earth Beyond Our ViewChapter 4.5 - Earth's Internal TemperatureChapter 4.6 - Melting Temperatures Of RocksChapter 5 - Volcanism And Volcanic HazardsChapter 5.1 - The Nature Of Volcanic EruptionsChapter 5.2 - Shield VolcanoesChapter 5.3 - Cinder ConesChapter 5.4 - Composite VolcanoesChapter 5.5A - Volcanic Hazards: Mount RainierChapter 5.5B - Volcanic Hazards: Mount St. HelensChapter 6 - Geologic Maps, Block Diagrams, And Rock StructuresChapter 6.1 - DeformationChapter 6.2 - Describing The Orientation Of Geologic Structures: Strike And DipChapter 6.3 - Geologic Maps And Block DiagramsChapter 6.4A - Folds: Rock Structures Formed By Ductile Deformation: Examining FoldsChapter 6.4B - Folds: Rock Structures Formed By Ductile Deformation: Examining Domes And BasinsChapter 6.5 - Faults: Rock Structures Formed By Brittle DeformationChapter 6.6 - Examining Geologic MapsChapter 7 - Aerial Photographs, Satellite Images, And Topographic MapsChapter 7.1 - Aerial PhotographsChapter 7.2 - Satellite ImagesChapter 7.3 - Topographic MapsChapter 7.4 - Map ScalesChapter 7.6 - Reading Contour LinesChapter 7.7 - Constructing A Topographic MapChapter 7.8 - Drawing A Topographic ProfileChapter 7.9 - Analysis Of A Topographic MapChapter 8 - Shaping Earth's Surface: Running Water And GroundwaterChapter 8.1 - Examining The Hydrologic CycleChapter 8.2 - Infiltration And RunoffChapter 8.3 - Infiltration And Runoff In Urban AreasChapter 8.4A - Running Water: Examining The Portage, Montana, Topographic MapChapter 8.4B - Running Water: Examining The Angelica, New York, Topographic MapChapter 8.4C - Running Water: Examining The Campti, Louisiana, Topographic MapChapter 8.5 - GroundwaterChapter 8.6 - Groundwater MovementChapter 8.7 - Ground SubsidenceChapter 8.8 - Karst TopographyChapter 9 - Shaping Earth's Surface: Arid And Glacial LandscapesChapter 9.1 - DesertsChapter 9.2 - Evolution Of A Mountainous Desert LandscapeChapter 9.3 - Glaciers And Ice SheetsChapter 9.4 - Depositional Features Of GlaciersChapter 9.5 - Depositional Features Associated With Ice SheetsChapter 9.6A - Erosional Features Associated With Valley Glaciers: How Glaciation Affects Mountainous TopographyChapter 9.6B - Erosional Features Associated With Valley Glaciers: Identifying Glacial Features On A Topographic MapChapter 10 - Geologic TimeChapter 10.1 - Numerical And Relative DatesChapter 10.2 - Relative Dating Principles: Original Horizontality And SuperpositionChapter 10.3 - Relative Dating Principles: Cross-cutting And InclusionsChapter 10.4 - Relative Dating Principles: UnconformitiesChapter 10.5 - Applying Relative Dating PrinciplesChapter 10.6 - Types Of FossilsChapter 10.7 - Fossils As Time IndicatorsChapter 10.8 - Numerical Dating With RadioactivityChapter 10.9 - Applying Multiple Dating TechniquesChapter 10.10 - The Magnitude Of Geologic TimeChapter 11 - Introduction To OceanographyChapter 11.1A - Extent Of The Oceans: Extent Of The OceansChapter 11.1B - Extent Of The Oceans: Distribution Of Land And WaterChapter 11.2 - Measuring Ocean DepthsChapter 11.3 - Ocean Basin TopographyChapter 11.4A - Salinity And Density Currents: Salinity-density ExperimentChapter 11.4B - Salinity And Density Currents: Comparing Water Salinity At Various LatitudesChapter 11.5A - Water Temperatures Influence Density: Temperature-density ExperimentChapter 11.5B - Water Temperatures Influence Density: Comparing The Temperature And Density Of SeawaterChapter 12 - Waves, Currents, And TidesChapter 12.1 - Waves CharacteristicsChapter 12.2 - Deep- Versus Shallow-water WavesChapter 12.3 - Wave RefractionChapter 12.4 - Longshore TransportChapter 12.5A - Shoreline Features: Identifying Shoreline FeaturesChapter 12.5B - Shoreline Features: Identifying Shoreline Features On A Topographic MapChapter 12.6 - Surface-ocean CurrentsChapter 12.7 - Deep-ocean CirculationChapter 12.8A - Tides: Spring And Neap TidesChapter 12.8B - Tides: Examining Basic Tidal PatternsChapter 12.8C - Tides: Examining Tidal Data For Long Beach, New YorkChapter 13 - Earth-sun RelationshipsChapter 13.1 - Solar Radiation And The SeasonsChapter 13.2 - Variations In Solar Energy Throughout The YearChapter 13.3 - Using An AnalemmaChapter 13.4 - Calculating The Noon Sun AngleChapter 13.5 - Using The Noon Sun Angle To Determine LatitudeChapter 13.6 - Solar Radiation At The Outer Edge Of The AtmosphereChapter 14 - Heating The AtmosphereChapter 14.1 - Radiation And The Electromagnetic SpectrumChapter 14.2 - What Happens To Incoming Solar Radiation?Chapter 14.3 - Heating Earth's Atmosphere: The Greenhouse EffectChapter 14.4A - Factors Influencing The Heating Of Earth's Surface: Experiment: The Influence Of Color On AlbedoChapter 14.4B - Factors Influencing The Heating Of Earth's Surface: Experiment: Differential Heating Of Land And WaterChapter 14.5 - Air Temperature DataChapter 14.6 - Global Temperature PatternsChapter 14.7 - WindchillChapter 15 - Atmospheric Moisture, Pressure, And WindChapter 15.1A - Changes Of State: Changes Of StateChapter 15.1B - Changes Of State: Latent Heat ExperimentChapter 15.2 - Humidity: Water Vapor In The AirChapter 15.3A - Relative Humidity: Calculating Relative HumidityChapter 15.3B - Relative Humidity: Relative Humidity Versus Water-vapor ContentChapter 15.4 - Dew-point TemperatureChapter 15.5 - Using A PsychrometerChapter 15.6 - Condensation And Dew-point TemperatureChapter 15.7 - Daily Temperature Changes And HumidityChapter 15.8 - Adiabatic Processes And Cloud FormationChapter 15.9 - Atmospheric PressureChapter 15.10 - The Driving Force Of Wind: The Pressure Gradient ForceChapter 15.11 - Factor Affecting Wind Direction: The Coriolis EffectChapter 15.12 - Global Patterns Of PrecipitationChapter 16 - Air Masses, Midlatitude Cyclones, And Weather MapsChapter 16.1 - Air MassesChapter 16.2 - FrontsChapter 16.3 - Midlatitude CyclonesChapter 16.4 - Weather Station Analysis And ForecastingChapter 16.5 - Preparing A Weather Map And ForecastChapter 17 - Global ClimatesChapter 17.1A - Controls Of Climate: Controls Of ClimateChapter 17.1B - Controls Of Climate: Global TemperaturesChapter 17.2 - Using A ClimographChapter 17.3 - The Nature Of ClassificationChapter 17.4 - Koppen System Of Climate ClassificationChapter 17.5 - Humid Tropical (a) ClimatesChapter 17.6 - Dry (b) ClimatesChapter 17.7 - Humid Middle-latitude (c) Climates (mild Winters)Chapter 17.8 - Humid Middle-latitude (d) Climates (severe Winters)Chapter 17.9 - Polar (e) ClimatesChapter 17.10 - Highland ClimatesChapter 17.11 - Climates Of North AmericaChapter 18 - Astronomical ObservationsChapter 18.1A - Measuring The Position Of The Sun: Sunset ObservationsChapter 18.1B - Measuring The Position Of The Sun: Measuring The Noon Sun AngleChapter 18.2 - Measuring The Position Of The MoonChapter 18.3 - Observing The StarsChapter 19 - Patterns In The Solar SystemChapter 19.1 - The Nebular TheoryChapter 19.2 - Comparing The Sizes Of The PlanetsChapter 19.3 - Spacing Of The PlanetsChapter 19.4 - Inclinations Of Planetary OrbitsChapter 19.5A - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing Planetary MassesChapter 19.5B - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing The Number Of Moons To Planetary MassesChapter 19.5C - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing A Planet's Diameter To Its DensityChapter 19.6A - Rotation And Orbital Period: Rotation And Orbital PeriodChapter 19.6B - Rotation And Orbital Period: Kepler's Third Law Of Planetary MotionChapter 19.7 - Temperatures On Terrestrial PlanetsChapter 20 - Locating The PlanetsChapter 20.1A - A Model Of The Inner Solar System: Locating A Planet Using The Reference CircleChapter 20.1B - A Model Of The Inner Solar System: Locating A Planet Among The ConstellationsChapter 20.2 - Comparing Orbital Periods Of The PlanetsChapter 20.3 - Retrograde MotionChapter 20.4 - Viewing A Planet From EarthChapter 21 - Examining The Terrestrial PlanetsChapter 21.1A - Geologic Processes: VolcanismChapter 21.1B - Geologic Processes: Tectonic ActivityChapter 21.1C - Geologic Processes: GradationChapter 21.1D - Geologic Processes: Impact CrateringChapter 21.2 - Landforms On The MoonChapter 21.3 - Landforms On MercuryChapter 21.4 - Landforms On VenusChapter 21.5 - Landforms On MarsChapter 21.6 - Determining The Relative Ages Of LandformsChapter 21.7 - Impact Cratering ExperimentChapter 22 - Motions Of The Earth-moon SystemChapter 22.1A - Phases Of The Moon: Phases Of The MoonChapter 22.1B - Phases Of The Moon: Observing The Phases Of The MoonChapter 22.2 - Synodic And Sidereal MonthsChapter 22.3 - EclipsesChapter 23 - Location And Distance On EarthChapter 23.1 - Earth's Grid SystemChapter 23.2 - Determining LatitudeChapter 23.3 - Determining LongitudeChapter 23.4 - Using Earth's Grid SystemChapter 23.5A - Great Circles And Small Circles: Great CirclesChapter 23.5B - Great Circles And Small Circles: Small CirclesChapter 23.6A - Determining Distance Along A Great Circle: Determining Distance Along A Meridian Or The EquatorChapter 23.6B - Determining Distance Along A Great Circle: Globe And String Method For Determining DistanceChapter 23.7 - Determining Distance Along A ParallelChapter 23.8A - Longitude And Solar Time: Longitude And Solar TimeChapter 23.8B - Longitude And Solar Time: Using A Chronometer To Determine LongitudeChapter 23.9 - Latitude And The North StarChapter 24 - The Metric System, Measurements, And Scientific InquiryChapter 24.1 - The Metric SystemChapter 24.2 - Metric ConversionsChapter 24.3 - Metric-english ConversionsChapter 24.4 - Temperature ScalesChapter 24.5A - Other Units Of Measurement: Measuring Very Small ObjectsChapter 24.5B - Other Units Of Measurement: Measuring Very Great DistancesChapter 24.6 - Density And Specific GravityChapter 24.7 - Methods Of Scientific Inquiry
Book Details
Designed to accompany Tarbuck and Lutgens, Earth Science and Foundations of Earth Science, this manual can also be used for any Earth science lab course and in conjunction with any text. It minimizes the need for faculty instruction in the lab, freeing instructors to interact directly with students. Widely praised for its concise coverage and dynamic illustrations by Dennis Tasa, the text contains twenty-four step-by-step exercises that reinforce major topics in geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. For introductory Earth Science lab courses. Pearson eText allows educators to easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their reading and what they learn in class ― motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Portable access lets students study on the go, even offline. And, student usage analytics offer insight into how students use the eText, helping educators tailor their instruction.
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• Breaks along smooth planes: This physical property exhibited by minerals is known as cleavage. The...Chapter 2, Problem 1LRChapter 3, Problem 1LRChapter 4, Problem 1LRChapter 5, Problem 1LRChapter 6, Problem 1LRChapter 7, Problem 1LRChapter 8, Problem 1LRChapter 9, Problem 1LR
Chapter 10, Problem 1LRThe Arctic ocean and half of the Atlantic ocean and the pacific ocean are present in the Northern...Pictorial representation: Fig.1 represents the features of the waves and wave particles. Fig.1: The...The width of the incoming sun rays between 0° and 30°N latitude can be calculated as:...The sun produces 100% solar radiation. Out of this 100%, around 20 % of the solar radiation is...Pictorial representation: Fig.1 Depicts the terms for the changes of state. Fig.1 Changes of state....cP stands for continental polar air mass. The source region of cP air mass is high latitude areas....There are six major controls of the climate. These are as follows: • Latitude: Latitude is one of...Pictorial Representation: Fig 1 represents the observed positions of the setting Sun. Fig 1: The...Planetesimals are defined as the solid objects that are believed to be present inside the...Chapter 20, Problem 1LRChapter 21, Problem 1LRThe new moon takes place when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun. The three...Chapter 23, Problem 1LRThe basic metric unit for Length is “meter” and it is denoted by the symbol “m.” The basic metric...
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