APPLICATIONS & INVESTIGATIONS EARTH SC - 14th Edition - by Tarbuck - ISBN 9781269704052

14th Edition
Publisher: Pearson Custom Publishing
ISBN: 9781269704052


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Chapter 1.10 - Mineral GroupsChapter 2 - Rocks And The Rock CycleChapter 2.1 - Rock Groups And The Rock CycleChapter 2.2 - Igneous Rock TexturesChapter 2.3 - Composition Of Igneous RocksChapter 2.4 - Identifying Igneous RocksChapter 2.5 - Introduction To Sedimentary RocksChapter 2.6 - Identifying Sedimentary RocksChapter 2.7 - Sedimentary EnvironmentsChapter 3 - Aerial Photographs, Satellite Images, And Topographic MapsChapter 3.1 - Aerial PhotographsChapter 3.2 - Satellite ImagesChapter 3.3 - Topographic MapsChapter 3.4 - Map ScalesChapter 3.6 - Reading Contour LinesChapter 3.7 - Constructing A Contour MapChapter 3.8 - Drawing A Topographic ProfileChapter 3.9 - Analysis Of A Topogrraphic MapChapter 4 - Shaping Earth's Surface: Running Water And GroundwaterChapter 4.1 - Examining The Hydrologic CycleChapter 4.2 - Infiltration And RunoffChapter 4.3 - Infiltration And Runoff In Urban AreasChapter 4.4A - Running Water: Examining The Portage, Montana, Topographic MapChapter 4.4B - Running Water: Examining The Angelica, New York, Topographic MapChapter 4.4C - Running Water: Examining The Campti, Louisiana, Topographic MapChapter 4.5 - GroundwaterChapter 4.6 - Groundwater MovementChapter 4.7 - Ground SubsidenceChapter 4.8 - Karst TopographyChapter 5 - Shaping Earth's Surface: Arid And Glacial LandscapesChapter 5.1 - DesertsChapter 5.2 - Evolution Of A Mountainous Desert LandscapeChapter 5.3 - Glaciers And Ice SheetsChapter 5.4 - Depositional Features Of GlaciersChapter 5.5 - Features Of Continental Ice SheetsChapter 5.6A - Features Of Valley Or Alpine Glaciation: How Glaciation Affects Mountainous TopographyChapter 5.6B - Features Of Valley Or Alpine Glaciation: Alpine Glacial FeaturesChapter 5.6C - Features Of Valley Or Alpine Glaciation: Identifying Glacial Features On A Topographic MapChapter 6 - Earthquakes And Earth's InteriorChapter 6.1 - EarthquakesChapter 6.2A - Locating An Earthquake: Using A Travel-time GraphChapter 6.2B - Locating An Earthquake: Locating An EarthquakeChapter 6.3 - Global Distribution Of EarthquakesChapter 6.4 - The Earth Beyond Our ViewChapter 6.5 - Earth's Internal TemperatureChapter 6.6 - Melting Temperatures Of RocksChapter 7 - Plate TectonicsChapter 7.1 - From Continental Drift To Plate TectonicsChapter 7.2 - Plate BoundariesChapter 7.3A - Evidence: The Continental Jigsaw Puzzle: The Continental Jigsaw PuzzleChapter 7.3B - Evidence: The Continental Jigsaw Puzzle: Matching Rock TypesChapter 7.4 - Evidence: Deep-focus EarthquakesChapter 7.5 - Evidence: PaleomagnetismChapter 7.6A - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Paleomagnetism And Seafloor SpreadingChapter 7.6B - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Calculating The Rate Of Seafloor SpreadingChapter 7.6C - Paleomagnetism And Seafloor Spreading: Determining The Ages Of Ocean BasinsChapter 7.7 - Hot Spots And Plate VelocitiesChapter 8 - Geologic Maps, Block Diagrams, And Rock StructuresChapter 8.1 - DeformationChapter 8.2 - Describing The Orientation Of Geologic Structures: Strike And DipChapter 8.3 - Geologic Maps And Block DiagramsChapter 8.4A - Folds: Rock Structures Formed By Ductile Deformation: Examining FoldsChapter 8.4B - Folds: Rock Structures Formed By Ductile Deformation: Examining Domes And BasinsChapter 8.5 - Faults: Rock Structures Formed By Brittle DeformationChapter 8.6 - Examining Geologic MapsChapter 9 - Geologic TimeChapter 9.1 - Numerical And Relative DatesChapter 9.2 - Principle Of Original Horizontality And Principle Of SuperpositionChapter 9.3 - Principles Of Cross-cutting And Principle Of InclusionsChapter 9.4 - UnconformitiesChapter 9.5 - Applying Relative Dating TechniquesChapter 9.6 - FossilsChapter 9.7 - Fossils As Time IndicatorsChapter 9.8 - Radiometric DatingChapter 9.9 - Applying Multiple Dating TechniquesChapter 9.10 - The Magnitude Of Geologic TimeChapter 10 - Introduction To OceanographyChapter 10.1A - Extent Of The Oceans: Extent Of The OceansChapter 10.1B - Extent Of The Oceans: Distribution Of Land And WaterChapter 10.2 - Measuring Ocean DepthsChapter 10.3 - Ocean Basin TopographyChapter 10.4A - Salinity And Density Currents: Salinity-density ExperimentChapter 10.4B - Salinity And Density Currents: Comparing Water Salinity At Various LatitudesChapter 10.5A - Water Temperatures And Density Currents: Temperature-density ExperimentChapter 10.5B - Water Temperatures And Density Currents: Comparing The Temperature And Density Of SeawaterChapter 11 - Waves, Currents, And TidesChapter 11.1 - Waves CharacteristicsChapter 11.2 - Deep- Versus Shallow-water WavesChapter 11.3 - Wave RefractionChapter 11.4 - Longshore TransportChapter 11.5A - Shoreline Features: Identifying Shoreline FeaturesChapter 11.5B - Shoreline Features: Identifying Shoreline Features On A Topographic MapChapter 11.6 - Surface-ocean CurrentsChapter 11.7 - Deep-ocean CirculationChapter 11.8A - Tides: Spring And Neap TidesChapter 11.8B - Tides: Examining Basic Tidal PatternsChapter 11.8C - Tides: Examining Tidal Data For Long Beach, New YorkChapter 12 - Earth-sun RelationshipsChapter 12.1 - Solar Radiation And The SeasonsChapter 12.2 - Variations In Solar Energy Throughout The YearChapter 12.3 - Using An AnalemmaChapter 12.4 - Calculating The Noon Sun AngleChapter 12.5 - Using The Noon Sun Angle To Determine LatitudeChapter 12.6 - Solar Radiation At The Outer Edge Of The AtmosphereChapter 13 - Heating The AtmosphereChapter 13.1 - Radiation And The Electromagnetic SpectrumChapter 13.2 - What Happens To Incoming Solar Radiation?Chapter 13.3 - Heating Earth's Atmosphere: The Greenhouse EffectChapter 13.4A - Experiment: The Influence Of Color On AlbedoChapter 13.4B - Experiment: Differential Heating Of Land And WaterChapter 13.5 - Air Temperature DataChapter 13.6 - Global Temperature PatternsChapter 13.7 - WindchillChapter 14 - Atmospheric Moisture, Pressure, And WindChapter 14.1A - Changes Of State: Changes Of StateChapter 14.1B - Changes Of State: Latent Heat ExperimentChapter 14.2 - Humidity: Water Vapor In The AirChapter 14.3A - Relative Humidity: Calculating Relative HumidityChapter 14.3B - Relative Humidity: Relative Humidity Versus Water-vapor ContentChapter 14.4 - Dew-point TemperatureChapter 14.5 - Using A PsychrometerChapter 14.6 - Condensation And Dew-point TemperatureChapter 14.7 - Daily Temperature Changes And HumidityChapter 14.8 - Adiabatic Processes And Cloud FormationChapter 14.9 - Atmospheric PressureChapter 14.10 - The Driving Force Of Wind: The Pressure Gradient ForceChapter 14.11 - Factor Affecting Wind Direction: The Coriolis EffectChapter 14.12 - Global Patterns Of PrecipitationChapter 15 - Air Masses, Midlatitude Cyclones, And Weather MapsChapter 15.1 - Air MassesChapter 15.2 - FrontsChapter 15.3 - Midlatitude CyclonesChapter 15.4 - Weather Station Analysis And ForecastingChapter 15.5 - Preparing A Weather Map And ForecastChapter 16 - Global ClimatesChapter 16.1A - Controls Of Climate: Controls Of ClimateChapter 16.1B - Controls Of Climate: Global TemperaturesChapter 16.2 - Using A ClimographChapter 16.3 - The Nature Of ClassificationChapter 16.4 - Koppen System Of Climate ClassificationChapter 16.5 - Humid Tropical (a) ClimatesChapter 16.6 - Dry (b) ClimatesChapter 16.7 - Humid Middle-latitude (c) Climates (mild Winters)Chapter 16.8 - Humid Middle-latitude (d) Climates (severe Winters)Chapter 16.9 - Polar (e) ClimatesChapter 16.10 - Highland ClimatesChapter 16.11 - Climates Of North AmericaChapter 17 - Astronomical ObservationsChapter 17.1A - Measuring The Position Of The Sun: Sunset ObservationsChapter 17.1B - Measuring The Position Of The Sun: Measuring The Noon Sun AngleChapter 17.2 - Measuring The Position Of The MoonChapter 17.3 - Observing The StarsChapter 18 - Patterns In The Solar SystemChapter 18.1 - The Nebular TheoryChapter 18.2 - Comparing The Sizes Of The PlanetsChapter 18.3 - Inclinations Of Planetary OrbitsChapter 18.4A - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing Planetary MassesChapter 18.4B - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing The Number Of Moons To Planetary MassesChapter 18.4C - Mass And Density Of Planets: Comparing A Planet's Diameter To Its DensityChapter 18.5A - Rotation And Revolution Of The Planets: Rotation And Revolution Of The PlanetsChapter 18.5B - Rotation And Revolution Of The Planets: Kepler's Third Law Of Planetary MotionChapter 18.6 - Temperatures On Terrestrial PlanetsChapter 18.7 - Spacing Of The PlanetsChapter 19 - Locating The PlanetsChapter 19.1A - A Model Of The Inner Solar System: Locating A Planet Using The Reference CircleChapter 19.1B - A Model Of The Inner Solar System: Locating A Planet Among The ConstellationsChapter 19.2 - Comparing Rotational Periods Of The PlanetsChapter 19.3 - Retrograde MotionChapter 19.4 - Viewing A Planet From EarthChapter 20 - Examining The Terrestrial PlanetsChapter 20.1A - Geologic Processes: VolcanismChapter 20.1B - Geologic Processes: Tectonic ActivityChapter 20.1C - Geologic Processes: GradationChapter 20.1D - Geologic Processes: Impact CrateringChapter 20.2 - Landforms On The MoonChapter 20.3 - Landforms On MercuryChapter 20.4 - Landforms On VenusChapter 20.5 - Landforms On MarsChapter 20.6 - Determining The Relative Ages Of LandformsChapter 20.7 - Impact Cratering ExperimentChapter 21 - Motions Of The Earth-moon SystemChapter 21.1A - Phases Of The Moon: Phases Of The MoonChapter 21.1B - Phases Of The Moon: Observing The Phases Of The MoonChapter 21.2 - Synodic And Sideral MonthsChapter 21.3 - EclipsesChapter 22 - Location And Distance On EarthChapter 22.1 - Earth's Grid SystemChapter 22.2 - Determining LatitudeChapter 22.3 - Determining LongitudeChapter 22.4 - Using Earth's Grid SystemChapter 22.5A - Great Circles And Small Circles: Great CirclesChapter 22.5B - Great Circles And Small Circles: Small CirclesChapter 22.6A - Determining Distance Along A Great Circle: Determining Distance Along A Meridian Or The EquatorChapter 22.6B - Determining Distance Along A Great Circle: Globe And String Method For Determining DistanceChapter 22.7 - Determining Distance Along A ParallelChapter 22.8A - Longitude And Solar Time: Longitude And Solar TimeChapter 22.8B - Longitude And Solar Time: Using A Chronometer To Determine LongitudeChapter 22.9 - Latitude And The North StarChapter 23 - The Metric System, Measurements, And Scientific InquiryChapter 23.1 - The Metric SystemChapter 23.2 - Metric ConversionsChapter 23.3 - Metric-english ConversionsChapter 23.4 - Temperature ScalesChapter 23.5A - Other Units Of Measurement: Measuring Very Small ObjectsChapter 23.5B - Other Units Of Measurement: Measuring Very Great DistancesChapter 23.6 - Density And Specific GravityChapter 23.7 - Methods Of Scientific Inquiry

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